ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektivitas latihan Nordic hamstring sebagai
latihan tambahan dalam upaya perbaikan faktor risiko cedera otot hamstring pemain futsal.
Total pemain futsal (usia 18-21 tahun) berpartisipasi pada penelitian ini, 15 pemain pada
kelompok kontrol dan 16 pemain pada kelompok perlakuan. Kelompok perlakuan melakukan
latihan rutin ditambahkan latihan Nordic hamstring selama 4 minggu (protokol 4 minggu)
dan kelompok kontrol melakukan latihan rutin. Pengukuran kekuatan otot hamstring dan
quadriseps dilakukan sebelum dan setelah perlakuan pada kedua kelompok dengan memakai
alat isotonik dinamometer. Perubahan hasil pengukuran dalam setiap kelompok sebelum dan
setelah perlakuan diolah menggunakan uji-t berpasangan (p < 0,05).
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pada kelompok perlakuan mengalami peningkatan kekuatan
otot hamstring (p = 0,029 pada tungkai kanan dan p = 0,007 pada tungkai kiri), terdapat
perbaikan keseimbangan kekuatan otot hamstring kanan dan kiri (p = 0,016), namun tidak
ada perbaikan rasio kekuatan otot hamstring terhadap quadriseps . Pada kelompok kontrol,
tidak terdapat peningkatan kekuatan otot hamstring, tidak ada perbaikan keseimbangan dan
tidak ada perbaikan rasio kekuatan otot hamstring terhadap quadriseps. Hasil penelitian ini
menunjukkan bahwa latihan Nordic hamstring protokol 4 minggu adalah sebuah program
latihan yang efektif untuk memperbaiki faktor risiko cedera yang berperan dalam upaya
pencegahan cedera otot hamstring.
ABSTRACTThis research is to establish to know the Nordic hamstring exercise effectiveness as adjuvant
exercise to improve injury risk factor on futsal players hamstring muscle. College student
futsal players (age ranges 18 ? 21 year old) as participant in this research consist of 15
players as control group and 16 players as treated one. Treated one conducts routine exercise
and Nordic hamstring exercise for 4 weeks (4 weeks protocol) and control group conducts
routine exercise. Measurement of hamstring and quadriceps muscles strength are measured
before and after treatment on both group by using isotonic dynamometer device. The
difference of the results in both group before and after treatment are managed by using
paired-t test (p < 0,05).
The results shows that treated group improve their hamstring muscle strength (p = 0,029 on
right legs and p = 0,007 on the left ones), improve the balance of their left and right
hamstring strength (p = 0,016), but there is no improvement on hamstring and quadriceps
muscles strength ratio. On control group, theres is no hamstring muscle strength
improvement, no balance improvement, and no improvement on hamstring and quadriceps
muscles strength ratio. The result shows that 4 weeks protocol Nordic hamstring exercise is a
effective programme to improve injury risk factor that has a role in preventing hamstring
muscle injury., This research is to establish to know the Nordic hamstring exercise effectiveness as adjuvant
exercise to improve injury risk factor on futsal players’ hamstring muscle. College student
futsal players (age ranges 18 – 21 year old) as participant in this research consist of 15
players as control group and 16 players as treated one. Treated one conducts routine exercise
and Nordic hamstring exercise for 4 weeks (4 weeks protocol) and control group conducts
routine exercise. Measurement of hamstring and quadriceps muscles strength are measured
before and after treatment on both group by using isotonic dynamometer device. The
difference of the results in both group before and after treatment are managed by using
paired-t test (p < 0,05).
The results shows that treated group improve their hamstring muscle strength (p = 0,029 on
right legs and p = 0,007 on the left ones), improve the balance of their left and right
hamstring strength (p = 0,016), but there is no improvement on hamstring and quadriceps
muscles strength ratio. On control group, theres is no hamstring muscle strength
improvement, no balance improvement, and no improvement on hamstring and quadriceps
muscles strength ratio. The result shows that 4 weeks protocol Nordic hamstring exercise is a
effective programme to improve injury risk factor that has a role in preventing hamstring
muscle injury.]"