"Kepuasan kerja adalah variabel sikap yang merefleksikan bagaimana perasaan evaluatif individu mengenai pekerjaannya. Kepuasan kerja merupakan salah satu variabel pekerjaan yang penting karena berkontribusi besar terhadap efektifitas perusahaan dan pada pekerja itu sendiri. Kepuasan kerja dipengaruhi faktor lingkungan pekerjaan dan faktor karakteristik pribadi. Karakteristik pribadi yang mempengaruhi kepuasan kerja adalah Locus Of Control (LOC), yakni keyakinan umum individu pada kemampuannya untuk mengontrol penguatan (reinforcement) positif serta negatif dalam hidupnya. Individu dengan LOC eksternal merasa hidupnya dikontrol oleh nasib dan keberuntungan. Sedangkan individu dengan LOC internal merasa dirinya mengontrol setiap peristiwa.
Penelitian sebelumnya memperlihatkan individu dengan LOC internal merasa lebih puas dengan pekerjaannya dibanding yang eksternal. Diantaranya penelitian tersebut dilakukan pada subyek mahasiswa dan karyawan teknis. Untuk melihat lebih jauh hubungan LOC dengan kepuasan kerja pada subyek berbeda, yakni karyawan pabrik, maka dilakukan penelitian ini. Subyek penelitian adalah karyawan pabrik berjumlah 125 orang, dengan metode pengambilan sampel nonprobability-incidental sampling.
Tipe penelitian berbentuk ex-post facto field study dengan correlational design. Alat ukur penelitiannya adalah skala adaptasi Work Locus Of Control Scale dan skala adaptasi The Job Satisfaction Survey. Untuk memperoleh gambaran LOC dan kepuasan kerja digunakan mean average, dan untuk melihat korelasi keduanya digunakan teknik Pearson's product-moment.
Hasil penelitian adalah koefisien korelasi LOC dengan kepuasan kerja yakni sebesar -0.512 yang signifikan pada LOS 0.05 dan 0.01. Sehingga kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah semakin internal LOC, subyek semakin puas terhadap pekerjaannya, dan sebaliknya, semakin eksternal LOC, subyek semakin tidak puas terhadap pekerjaannya.
Job satisfaction is an attitude variable that represent an individual's evaluative feelings toward his or her job. Job satisfaction is on of a job variable that is important because it contribute a lot to the company effectiveness and the individual itself. Job satisfaction is influenced by work environmental and personal characteristic factors. Personal characteristic that influence job satisfaction is locus of control (LOC). LOC is an individual's generalized belief in his or her ability to control positive and negative reinforcement in life. Individual with external LOC feel that his or her life is controlled by fate and luck. On the other hand, individual with internal LOC feel that he or she can control their life. Others research that has been done before shows that individual with internal LOC feels more satisfied with his or her job compared to the external LOC. Some of the research used college students and technical employees as the subject. To see more about the correlation between LOC and job satisfaction on different subject, with factory workers as the subject, so this research is held. Research was held among 125 factory workers using nonprobabilityincidental sampling method. The type of this research was ex-post facto field study with correlational design. The measurement that was used are Work Locus of Control and The Job Satisfaction Survey adaptation scale. Mean average was used to get description of LOC and job satisfaction, and pearson-product moment was used to see correlation between them. The result showed that coefficient of correlation between LOC and job satisfaction is - 0.512 which is significant at LOS 0.05 and 0.01. The conclusion of this research is the more internal subject's LOC, the more satisfied they feel about their job. On the other hand, the more external subject's LOC, the more dissatisfied they feel about their job."