"[Salmonella sp adalah bakteri patogen yang sering menginfeksi manusia melalui makanan dan menyebabkan gastroenteritis. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa hubungan Salmonella sp dalam makanan jajanan dengan kejadian gastroenteritis pada anak-anak SD di Kelurahan Beji Timur Kota Depok. Merupakan studi cross sectional pada 120 anak SD, 21 orang penjamah makanan dan 46 jenis makanan. Uji chi-square menunjukkan Salmonella sp dalam makanan jajanan mempunyai hubungan yang signifikant (P=0,005) dan berisiko
menyebabkan gastroenteritis pada anak-anak SD dengan OR: 7,857 (95% CI: 2,067–29,862). Variabel personel higiene penjamah makanan dan fasilitas sumber air bersih merupakan variabel yang ikut berpengaruh. Disarankan untuk dilakukan peningkatan personel higiene anak-anak, penjamah makanan dan penyediaan fasilitas santasi yang memenuhi syarat;Salmonella sp is a bacterial pathogen that frequently affects humans throughout food, and causes gastroenteritis. This study aimed to analyze the relationship of Salmonella sp in snacks food with the incidence of gastroenteritis in children in the village primary school East Beji Depok City. This study a cross-sectional
study on 120 primary school children, 21 food handlers and 46 kinds of food. Chisquare test showed Salmonella sp in snacks food has signifikant relationship (P = 0.005) and the risk of causing gastroenteritis in primary school children with OR: 7.857 (95% CI: 2.067 to 29.862). Variable personnel hygiene of food handlers and facilities clean water source is a variable that take effect. Personel hygiene and
source clean water facilities It was advised to improvie children’s personel hygiene, food handlers and provision of eligible sanitation facilities;Salmonella sp is a bacterial pathogen that frequently affects humans throughout
food, and causes gastroenteritis. This study aimed to analyze the relationship of
Salmonella sp in snacks food with the incidence of gastroenteritis in children in
the village primary school East Beji Depok City. This study a cross-sectional
study on 120 primary school children, 21 food handlers and 46 kinds of food. Chisquare
test showed Salmonella sp in snacks food has signifikant relationship (P =
0.005) and the risk of causing gastroenteritis in primary school children with OR:
7.857 (95% CI: 2.067 to 29.862). Variable personnel hygiene of food handlers and
facilities clean water source is a variable that take effect. Personel hygiene and
source clean water facilities It was advised to improvie children’s personel
hygiene, food handlers and provision of eligible sanitation facilities, Salmonella sp is a bacterial pathogen that frequently affects humans throughout
food, and causes gastroenteritis. This study aimed to analyze the relationship of
Salmonella sp in snacks food with the incidence of gastroenteritis in children in
the village primary school East Beji Depok City. This study a cross-sectional
study on 120 primary school children, 21 food handlers and 46 kinds of food. Chisquare
test showed Salmonella sp in snacks food has signifikant relationship (P =
0.005) and the risk of causing gastroenteritis in primary school children with OR:
7.857 (95% CI: 2.067 to 29.862). Variable personnel hygiene of food handlers and
facilities clean water source is a variable that take effect. Personel hygiene and
source clean water facilities It was advised to improvie children’s personel
hygiene, food handlers and provision of eligible sanitation facilities]"