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Primayanti, Luh Putu Ika
"The development of the strategic environment has an impact on the rapid development of asymmetrical threats. The Southeast Asian region is one that faces this threat. Indonesia, as one of the countries in the Southeast Asian Region, has conducted a Trilateral Cooperation Arrangement to prevent the asymmetrical threat, especially in the Sulu Sea. This study aims to analyze the Trilateral Cooperation Arrangement strategy as Indonesia's defense strategy in overcoming asymmetrical threats in the Southeast Asian Region. The research method used is a qualitative research method with a phenomenological approach. This study uses the theory of defense science, the concept of strategy, counter terrorism, asymmetric warfare, defense cooperation, cooperative security, and deterrence theory. The results of this study can be divided into three namely, first, the asymmetrical threat that occurs in Southeast Asia, especially the Sulu Sea continues to grow and specifically divided into terrorism; transnational crime namely armed piracy and kidnapping for ransom; and illegal migration. Second, in its implementation, the Trilateral Cooperation Arrangement (TCA) in the Sulu Sea consists of Coordinated Sea Patrol, Air Patrol, Information and Intelligent Sharing and Land Exercise. The four patrols are strategic cooperation which constitutes a unity so that they cannot be separated in parts or functions. However, in its implementation, there are opportunities and challenges that need to be a concern of both policy makers or operational parties. Third, the Trilateral Cooperation Arrangement is a strategy that can overcome the asymmetrical threats that have occurred in Southeast Asia, especially in the Sulu Sea since 2016-2018, but in 2019 the asymmetrical threats in the Sulu Sea have increased. The strategy used is to use defense cooperation as well as using soft power and hard power which provide deterrence effects for asymmetric threat actors. In addition, it strengthens the collaboration of Ministries and Institutions as policy makers, as well as the military army and local governments as operational implementers and supporting rules such as operational procedure rules."
Bogor: Universitas Pertahanan, 2020
355 JDSD 10:1 (2020)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Soroy Lardo
"The endurance of the nation means the concept and strength of maintaining national resilience that covers its existence in the midst of civilization and strategic environmental changes, towards the dynamic conditions of national resilience for maintaining order, stability and the potential for change (the stability idea of changes). The challenges and problems of national resilience are dynamic variants that require comprehensive thinking on systems, policies and the strategy on national behavior (behavior science), which supported by patriotism and the energy of national health security towards the role of the TNI to fill the zones and accumulation of health development that illustrate the performance of national self-sufficiency and national. The struggle of the nation’s health in the perspective of structural and participatory strength starts with the ability to drive leadership, metabolic health community and agent of change that meets the reliability value of High Reliability Organization (HRO). The reliability that is formed will trigger the innovation and out of the box spirit to assemble a network (networking) for change, so that it is manifested as a performance of professional reliability that heightens the potential of the nation’s health and national resilience. Synergy of the National Health System (SKN) and the Defense Health System (Siskeshan) is a web of links to support the effort on the empowerment of the strategic value of national health.This strategy strengthens the national health network (one health) against the global health threats complexity that threaten the national resilience. The existence of Public Health Emergency global challenges in a form of outbreaks which spreads rapidly with unpredictable problematic, that triggers every nation to strengthen the nation struggle for synergizing the health development under the basis of national defense system."
Bogor: Universitas Pertahanan, 2020
355 JDSD 10:1 (2020)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Primayanti, Luh Putu Ika
"Perkembangan lingkungan strategis berdampak pada pesatnya perkembangan ancaman asimetris. Kawasan Asia Tenggara merupakan salah satu yang menghadapi ancaman ini. Indonesia sebagai salah satu negara di Kawasan Asia Tenggara melakukan kerjasama Trilateral Cooperation Arrangement untuk menangkal ancaman asimetris khususnya di Laut Sulu. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis strategi Trilateral Cooperation Arrangement sebagai strategi pertahanan Indonesia dalam penanggulangan ancaman asimetris di Kawasan Asia Tenggara. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus. Penelitian ini menggunakan teori ilmu pertahanan, konsep strategi, counter terrorism, asymmetric warfare, kerjasama pertahanan, cooperative security, dan deterrence theory. Hasil dari penelitian ini dapat dibagi menjadi tiga yaitu pertama, ancaman asimetris yang terjadi di Asia Tenggara khususnya Laut Sulu terus berkembang dan secara khusus dibagi menjadi terorisme; kejahatan transnasional yaitu perompakan bersenjata dan penculikan untuk tebusan; serta migrasi ilegal. Kedua, dalam pelaksanaannya, Trilateral Cooperation Arrangement (TCA) di Laut Sulu terdiri dari Patroli Laut Terkoordinasi (Coordinated Sea Patrol), Patroli Udara (Air Patrol), Pertukaran Informasi dan Intelijen (Information and Intelligent Sharing) dan Latihan Darat Bersama (Land Exercise). Keempat patroli tersebut merupakan kerjasama strategis yang merupakan suatu kesatuan sehingga tidak dapat dipisahkan perbagian atau fungsinya. Namun dalam pelaksanaannya, terdapat peluang dan tantangan yang perlu menjadi perhatian baik pengempu kebijakan atau pihak operasional. Ketiga, Trilateral Cooperation Arrangement merupakan strategi yang dapat menanggulangi ancaman asimetris yang terjadi di Kawasan Asia Tenggara khususnya di Laut Sulu sejak tahun 2016-2018, namun ditahun 2019 ancaman asimetris di Laut Sulu mengalami peningkatan. Adapun strategi yang digunakan adalah menggunakan kerjasama pertahanan serta menggunakan softpower maupun hardpower yang memberikan efek deterrence kepada pelaku ancaman asimetris. Selain itu, memperkuat kerjasama Kementerian dan Lembaga sebagai pembuat kebijakan, serta TNI dan pemerintah daerah sebagai pelaksana operasional serta aturan pendukung seperti aturan prosedure operasional."
Bogor: University of Indonesia, Faculty of Humanities, 2020
355 JDSD 10:1 (2020)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Essential National Health Research
Geneva: UNDP, 1991
613 UNI
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sachs, Jeffrey D.
Geneva: World Health Organization, 2001
339.5 SAC m
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Frans Ericson
Rasio elektrifikasi merupakan salah satu indikator tingkat kemajuan suatu negara. Saat ini persentase rasio elektrifikasi Indonesia masih 92 persen, dimana sebagian besar wilayah Indonesia Timur masih menjadi daerah yang memiliki rasio elektrifikasi di bawah 80 persen termasuk Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur sebesar 59,2 persen dan Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Barat sebesar 78,45 persen. Dengan segala potensi yang dimiliki wilayahnya maka tingkat penjualan tenaga listrik menjadi tinggi dan diperkirakan akan terjadi kekurangan daya di masa mendatang. Untuk menanggulangi kondisi tersebut, berdasarkan RUPTL PLN tahun 2017 ndash; 2026 direncanakan untuk mengembangkan 7 tujuh pembangkit listrik berbahan bakar gas PLTMG dan MPP yang tersebar di wilayah Nusa Tenggara dengan memanfaatkan LNG/ Mini LNG dengan total kapasitas sebesar 260 MW dan diharapkan dapat terealisasi pada tahun 2020. LNG akan didistribusikan dengan menggunakan kapal pengangkut LNG menuju terminal penerima yang melayani pembangkit listrik di wilayah Nusa Tenggara. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan perancangan distribusi LNG dari Kilang LNG dengan kapal pengangkut LNG menuju terminal penerima yang melayani pembangkit listrik di wilayah Nusa Tenggara. Untuk itu, optimasi penting dilakukan untuk mendapatkan biaya distribusi LNG yang minimum. Metode penelitian menggunakan model optimasi perangkat lunak solver Microsoft Excel dengan fungsi tujuan meminimalkan biaya transportasi. Hasil optimasi berdasarkan lima skenario transportasi dari Kilang Bontang dan Tangguh dalam periode satu tahun didapatkan bahwa model transportasi LNG yang menghasilkan biaya transportasi minimum adalah menggunakan skenario Milk Run dengan jumlah kapal yang digunakan adalah satu buah kapal pengangkut LNG kapasitas 19.500 m3 dan rata-rata biaya transportasi diperoleh sebesar 1,53 USD/MMBTU.ABSTRACT
Electrification ratio is one indicator of the progress level of a country. Currently, the percentage of electrification ratio in Indonesia is still 92 percent, whereas most of Eastern Indonesia is still a region with electrification ratio below 80 percent including East Nusa Tenggara Province of 59.2 percent and West Nusa Tenggara Province of 78.45 percent. With all the potential of its territory, the level of electricity sales to be high and is expected to occur shortage of power in the future. To overcome this condition, based on RUPTL PLN in 2017 2026 it is planned to develop 7 seven gas fired power plants PLTMG and MPP scattered in Nusa Tenggara region by utilizing LNG Mini LNG with total capacity of 260 MW and expected to be realized in 2020. LNG will be distributed by LNG carrier ship to the receiving terminal serving the power plant in the Nusa Tenggara region. In this research, the design of LNG distribution network from LNG Plant with LNG carrier to the receiving terminal serving the power plant in Nusa Tenggara region. The research method uses the optimization model of Microsoft Excel solver software with objective function to minimize transportation cost. The optimization result based on five transportation scenarios from Bontang and Tangguh Refinery in one year period found that LNG transportation model that produces minimum transportation cost is using Milk Run scenario with the number of vessels used is one LNG carrier vessel capacity 19,500 m3 and average transportation cost is obtained at 1.53 US MMBTU."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mochamad Ilham Irmantyo
"Dengan disahkannya Undang-Undang Nomor 19 Tahun 2019 tentang Perubahan Kedua atas Undang-Undang Nomor 30 Tahun 2002 tentang Komisi Pemberantasan Tindak Pidana Korupsi (UU Perubahan Kedua atas UU KPK), Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Republik Indonesia (DPR) dan Pemerintah mendapatkan kritik keras dari masyarakat. Publik berpikir, bahwa apa yang dilakukan oleh DPR dan Pemerintah ini bertujuan untuk melemahkan Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK) sebagai institusi pemberantas korupsi. Disebut demikian, lantaran UU ini dianggap memuat aturan-aturan yang dapat melemahkan KPK. Hal yang paling dipermasalahkan oleh publik adalah pembentukan Dewan Pengawas KPK sebagai badan pengawas internal KPK yang memiliki wewenang pemberian izin penyadapan, penggeledahan, dan penyitaan. Skripsi ini membahas, apakah wewenang seperti itu merupakan hal yang normal dan lazim diberikan dengan membandingkan wewenang badan pengawas pada lembaga negara lain di Indonesia serta badan pengawas lembaga anti korupsi di negara-negara lain. Metode penelitian yang digunakan untuk skripsi ini adalah metode penelitian yuridis normatif dan studi komparatif. Dari riset yang dilakukan, penulis melihat, bahwa dengan mendirikan Dewan Pengawas KPK, pembentuk undang-undang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan akuntabilitas dari KPK. Namun, walaupun pendiriannya memang diperlukan, penulis menilai, bahwa wewenang Dewan Pengawas KPK dalam hal memberi izin penyadapan, penggeledahan, dan penyitaan merupakan hal yang tidak lazim dan aneh karena pada praktik ketatanegaraan, baik di Indonesia maupun di negara lain, tidak ditemukan sistem atau pengaturan yang demikian.

By the entry into force of the Law Number 19 of 2019 on the Second Amendment to Law Number 30 of 2002 on the Corruption Eradication Commission, the Indonesia's House of Representatives (DPR) and Government were harshly criticized by the public. The public thought that what the DPR and the Government did aimed to weaken the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) as the state's institution eradicating corruption. This is because the new law was presumed to contains rules that could weaken the power of KPK. The most problematic thing according to the public is the establishment of the Supervisory Board of the KPK as the commission's internal supervisory body having the authority to grant the approval on the action of wiretapping, searching and confiscation. The thesis discusses whether such authority is normal and a common thing adopted in other countries by learning the authority of the supervisory body in other Indonesia's state institutions as well as the supervisory body of the anti-corruption institutions in other countries. The research method used for the thesis is normative juridical research as well as comparative study. From the research, the author see that by establishing the KPK's Supervisory Board, the legislators aim to increase the accountability of the KPK. However, although its establishment is indeed necessary, the author has an opinion that the above mentioned Supervisory Board authority is unusual and peculiar, as the practice has not been found, both in Indonesia's and other countries' constitutional system.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Galbraith, John Kenneth, 1908-2006
Cambridge, UK: Harvard University Press, 1962
338.9 GAL e
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Anak Agung Banyu Perwita
"Nowadays Sulu Sea is becoming the core of geopolitics issues between Indonesia, Malaisya and the Philippines. The three countries are looking at Sulu Sea as the strategic environment which has the substance of their national security interest, but the maritime security condition at Sulu Sea has no longer stable after the existence of Abu Sayyaf Group.
In this thesis will explain about the agreement of maritime security cooperation which is called as the Trilateral Cooperation Arrangement in preserving Indonesia, Malaisya and the Philippines national security interests at Sulu Sea. The agreement has been initiated by the minister of foreign affairs of those three countries in order to their common concern about the threat that has been conducted by the Abu Sayyaf Group.
Indonesia, Malaysia, and the Philipinnes as the three countries who agreed in the Trilateral Cooperation Arrangement at Sulu Sea recognize the threat in the maritime areas is maritime piracy such as ship hijacking and kidnapping for ransom that could threatened their national security interest as well as their sovereignty at sea. Therefore in order to overcome the maritime piracy at Sulu Sea, the three countries implement the initiatives that have been agreed."
Jakarta: The Ary Suta Center, 2018
330 ASCSM 42 (2018)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
I Wayan Agus Apriana
Pertahanan merupakan salah satu gatra dinamis dari konsep Ketahanan Nasional yang sangat strategis karena menyangkut keutuhan dan kelangsungan hidup bangsa. Sistem pertahanan negara terdiri dari komponen utama, cadangan, dan pendukung. Komponen pendukung terdiri atas sumber daya manusia, sumber daya alam/buatan, dan sarana prasarana nasional. SDM Aparatur Kemhan sebagai sumber daya manusia pertahanan memiliki peran yang penting karena menjadi pengawak institusi pemerintah yang mengurusi masalah pertahanan negara sehingga diperlukan pembinaan SDM yang baik. Pengawak Kemhan terdiri dari PNS dan prajurit TNI. Namun Kemhan yang notabene merupakan institusi sipil, pengembangan karier militernya lebih cemerlang dibandingkan personel sipil. Hal ini berdampak pada pola hubungan sipil militer di Kemhan. Penelitian ini berupaya menganalisis pembinaan karier sipil dan militer Kemhan dengan menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif seperti studi literatur dan wawancara mendalam dengan sejumlah narasumber di Kemhan maupun narasumber ahli. Hasil penelitian menemukan bahwa dominasi militer terhadap sipil pada karier jabatan di Kemhan tidak mengganggu supremasi sipil karena kompetensi dan keahlian pertahanan lebih banyak dikuasai oleh militer. Selain itu, pembinaan kariernya masih bersifat status quo karena Kemhan pernah didominasi militer pada era Orde Baru dan pengaruhnya masih cukup kuat walaupun tidak sesignifikan dulu. Kemudian masih terdapatnya faktor kepentingan sehingga perlu peningkatan pembinaan karier aparatur Kemhan yang dilaksanakan berdasarkan sistem merit dengan barometer kualifikasi, kompetensi, dan kinerja yang adil dan wajar. Dengan demikian maka akan tercapai pola hubungan sipil militer yang wajar dan prinsip good governance yang akan menguatkan kualitas pemerintahan sebagai salah satu faktor kekuatan negara untuk memperkuat ketahanan nasional bangsa.

Defence is one of dinamic components of National Resilience concept and very strategic as related with existence and continuity of the nation. State defence consists of main, backup, and supporting components. Supporting one consist of human resource, natural resource, and national infrastructures. Defence Ministry Kemhan rsquo s human resource as defence human resource have crucial role as apparatus of government that handles state defence matters and therefore a good human resource management is needed. Kemhan rsquo s apparatus consist of civil servant PNS and military TNI . However, Kemhan as civil institution have brighter career development for personnel of TNI rather than PNS. This makes impact for the pattern of civil military relations at Kemhan. This research attempt to analysis carreer management of civil and military by descriptive qualitative method such as literature review and deep interview with numbers of Kemhan rsquo s managers and other related informen. The research rsquo s results show that military domination to civil on carreer position at Kemhan do not interrupt civil supremacy because competency and defence skill are still on military occupation. Besides that, carreer management is still on quo status because Kemhan was ever been dominated by military at New Era and the influence was still quite strong although not quitely significant. In addition, it is still factor of interest, hence the improvement of aparatus carreer development is needed to be increased which implemented based on merit system with barometers of qualification, competency, and performance that fair and normal. Therefore, the good civil military relations and the princip of good governance will be achieved and strengthen the government quality as one factor of state power that strengthening national resilience. "
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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