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Fitri Anekawati
"Masyarakat agraris perkebunan masih memegang erat adat tradisi perkebunan yang dipercaya membawa hasil panen yang melimpah. Selain itu, masyarakat juga memiliki kehidupan yang damai dan tentram.Di lingkungan perkebunan teh, para petani selalu mengadakan perayaan pasca penen sebagai wujud syukur terhadap hasil panen yang melimpah. Selain sesajen sebagai simbol hantaran untuk para Dewa, mantra Dewi Sri juga memiliki peranan penting dan menjadi bagian dari prosesi adat tersebut. Mantra Dewi Sri pada sajian Tari Bedhoyo Pucuk Putri memiliki pengaruh yang besar untuk mempersatukan masyarakat dengan nilai gotong-royong. Penelitian tentang mantra Dewi Sri pada sajian Tari Bedhoyo Pucuk Putri dianalisis dengan menggunakan pendekatan sosiolinguistik sehingga peneliti menemukan fenomena bahasa sehingga mampu memberikan dampak wujud pelestarian alam di bidang perkebunan teh di Kemuning. Ditemukan 4 (empat) jenis ragam bahasa antara lain frozen, formal, intimate, consultive dan intimate dan 4 (empat) fungsi ragam register yaitu emotif, konatif, puitik dan metalingual dari hasil kajian mantra Dewi Sri pada sajian Tari Bedhoyo Pucuk Putri di lingkungan perkebunan teh Kemuning, Karanganyar"
Yogyakarta: Balai Pelestarian Nilai Budaya D.I. Yogyakarta, 2022
900 JSB 17:1 (2022)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
L. Budi Triadi
Drainage construction for plantations development on peatlands often caused controversy. Drainage construction will be followed by subsidence of peatland . To be able to extend the chance to get profit in the plantation business subsidence prevention efforts are needed. Setting water level and the prevention of excessive drainage is one of the efforts to reduce the rate of subsidence of the peat.This study is based on literature review by collecting information from various sources and then comparing and analyzing it so that information is obtained on a comprehensive subject matter. Literature review include: monitoring parameters, types of equipment for monitoring, pattern placement monitoring equipment, the range and the frequency of monitoring. From the study concluded that the water level necessary to measure on land and channels using dipwell and staff gauges. Observations were made with a combination of automated recording device and manual recording. Both are quite accurate, but the use of automatic registers in remote locations saves time, and if an automatic device is installed in an area that has the potential to have large water level fluctuations and runs quickly, it will provide more accurate data. Observations on dams for water level control are installed at every 20 cm drop in hidraulic head."
Bandung : Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat, 2018
627 JTHID 9:1 (2018)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Puri Listiyani
A number of studies have examined the relationship between the oil palm plantation area and the poverty alleviation. Most of this study are conducted based on local research and, mainly, do not involve econometrics analysis to find the relationship. Palm oil is one of commoditiesthat is widely produced in Indonesia that makes this country the world leader of palm oil producers. With the large amount of oil palm plantation area in Indonesia, then it may have an effect on economic growth,which may relieve the poverty. Using panel data set of 33 province in Indonesia between 2006 and 2012, this paper tries to examine the effect of oil palm plantation on poverty alleviation in Indonesia.Moreover, this paper also aims to examine factors that may affect the expansion of oil palm plantation. In order to answer this objective, descriptive analysis is employed to discuss the determinant of oil palm expansion. Whereas, pooled OLS, fixed effect panel data model and random effect panel data model are employed in this paper, to asnwer the main objective.
The results shows that govenment intervention is more likely to influence the expansion of oil palm plantation. Meanwhile, demand for palm oil product may have impact on the expansion in Indonesia. Empirical findings show that oil palm plantation has negatively significant effect on the number of poor people. This means that increasing oil palm plantation area may reduce the poverty level in Indonesia. In addition, regional per capita income, education, access on electriciy and population size also have negative relationship with the poverty. Mostly, the result supports the empirical evidence that an increase of the variables may reduce the poverty level.;A number of studies have examined the relationship between the oil palm plantation area and the poverty alleviation. Most of this study are conducted based on local research and, mainly, do not involve econometrics analysis to find the relationship. Palm oil is one of commoditiesthat is widely produced in Indonesia that makes this country the world leader of palm oil producers. With the large amount of oil palm plantation area in Indonesia, then it may have an effect on economic growth,which may relieve the poverty. Using panel data set of 33 province in Indonesia between 2006 and 2012, this paper tries to examine the effect of oil palm plantation on poverty alleviation in Indonesia.Moreover, this paper also aims to examine factors that may affect the expansion of oil palm plantation. In order to answer this objective, descriptive analysis is employed to discuss the determinant of oil palm expansion. Whereas, pooled OLS, fixed effect panel data model and random effect panel data model are employed in this paper, to asnwer the main objective.
The results shows that govenment intervention is more likely to influence the expansion of oil palm plantation. Meanwhile, demand for palm oil product may have impact on the expansion in Indonesia. Empirical findings show that oil palm plantation has negatively significant effect on the number of poor people. This means that increasing oil palm plantation area may reduce the poverty level in Indonesia. In addition, regional per capita income, education, access on electriciy and population size also have negative relationship with the poverty. Mostly, the result supports the empirical evidence that an increase of the variables may reduce the poverty level.;A number of studies have examined the relationship between the oil palm plantation area and the poverty alleviation. Most of this study are conducted based on local research and, mainly, do not involve econometrics analysis to find the relationship. Palm oil is one of commoditiesthat is widely produced in Indonesia that makes this country the world leader of palm oil producers. With the large amount of oil palm plantation area in Indonesia, then it may have an effect on economic growth,which may relieve the poverty. Using panel data set of 33 province in Indonesia between 2006 and 2012, this paper tries to examine the effect of oil palm plantation on poverty alleviation in Indonesia.Moreover, this paper also aims to examine factors that may affect the expansion of oil palm plantation. In order to answer this objective, descriptive analysis is employed to discuss the determinant of oil palm expansion. Whereas, pooled OLS, fixed effect panel data model and random effect panel data model are employed in this paper, to asnwer the main objective.
The results shows that govenment intervention is more likely to influence the expansion of oil palm plantation. Meanwhile, demand for palm oil product may have impact on the expansion in Indonesia. Empirical findings show that oil palm plantation has negatively significant effect on the number of poor people. This means that increasing oil palm plantation area may reduce the poverty level in Indonesia. In addition, regional per capita income, education, access on electriciy and population size also have negative relationship with the poverty. Mostly, the result supports the empirical evidence that an increase of the variables may reduce the poverty level.;A number of studies have examined the relationship between the oil palm plantation area and the poverty alleviation. Most of this study are conducted based on local research and, mainly, do not involve econometrics analysis to find the relationship. Palm oil is one of commoditiesthat is widely produced in Indonesia that makes this country the world leader of palm oil producers. With the large amount of oil palm plantation area in Indonesia, then it may have an effect on economic growth,which may relieve the poverty. Using panel data set of 33 province in Indonesia between 2006 and 2012, this paper tries to examine the effect of oil palm plantation on poverty alleviation in Indonesia.Moreover, this paper also aims to examine factors that may affect the expansion of oil palm plantation. In order to answer this objective, descriptive analysis is employed to discuss the determinant of oil palm expansion. Whereas, pooled OLS, fixed effect panel data model and random effect panel data model are employed in this paper, to asnwer the main objective.
The results shows that govenment intervention is more likely to influence the expansion of oil palm plantation. Meanwhile, demand for palm oil product may have impact on the expansion in Indonesia. Empirical findings show that oil palm plantation has negatively significant effect on the number of poor people. This means that increasing oil palm plantation area may reduce the poverty level in Indonesia. In addition, regional per capita income, education, access on electriciy and population size also have negative relationship with the poverty. Mostly, the result supports the empirical evidence that an increase of the variables may reduce the poverty level.;A number of studies have examined the relationship between the oil palm plantation area and the poverty alleviation. Most of this study are conducted based on local research and, mainly, do not involve econometrics analysis to find the relationship. Palm oil is one of commoditiesthat is widely produced in Indonesia that makes this country the world leader of palm oil producers. With the large amount of oil palm plantation area in Indonesia, then it may have an effect on economic growth,which may relieve the poverty. Using panel data set of 33 province in Indonesia between 2006 and 2012, this paper tries to examine the effect of oil palm plantation on poverty alleviation in Indonesia.Moreover, this paper also aims to examine factors that may affect the expansion of oil palm plantation. In order to answer this objective, descriptive analysis is employed to discuss the determinant of oil palm expansion. Whereas, pooled OLS, fixed effect panel data model and random effect panel data model are employed in this paper, to asnwer the main objective.
The results shows that govenment intervention is more likely to influence the expansion of oil palm plantation. Meanwhile, demand for palm oil product may have impact on the expansion in Indonesia. Empirical findings show that oil palm plantation has negatively significant effect on the number of poor people. This means that increasing oil palm plantation area may reduce the poverty level in Indonesia. In addition, regional per capita income, education, access on electriciy and population size also have negative relationship with the poverty. Mostly, the result supports the empirical evidence that an increase of the variables may reduce the poverty level., A number of studies have examined the relationship between the oil palm plantation area and the poverty alleviation. Most of this study are conducted based on local research and, mainly, do not involve econometrics analysis to find the relationship. Palm oil is one of commoditiesthat is widely produced in Indonesia that makes this country the world leader of palm oil producers. With the large amount of oil palm plantation area in Indonesia, then it may have an effect on economic growth,which may relieve the poverty. Using panel data set of 33 province in Indonesia between 2006 and 2012, this paper tries to examine the effect of oil palm plantation on poverty alleviation in Indonesia.Moreover, this paper also aims to examine factors that may affect the expansion of oil palm plantation. In order to answer this objective, descriptive analysis is employed to discuss the determinant of oil palm expansion. Whereas, pooled OLS, fixed effect panel data model and random effect panel data model are employed in this paper, to asnwer the main objective.
The results shows that govenment intervention is more likely to influence the expansion of oil palm plantation. Meanwhile, demand for palm oil product may have impact on the expansion in Indonesia. Empirical findings show that oil palm plantation has negatively significant effect on the number of poor people. This means that increasing oil palm plantation area may reduce the poverty level in Indonesia. In addition, regional per capita income, education, access on electriciy and population size also have negative relationship with the poverty. Mostly, the result supports the empirical evidence that an increase of the variables may reduce the poverty level.]"
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Putri Permata Sari
Produktivitas pemetik teh di Perkebunan teh Cibuni mengalami penurunan disebabkan oleh berkurangnyajumlah tenaga kerja pemetik teh. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui produktivitas pemetik dan faktorfaktoryang mempengaruhi produktivitas pemetik di Perkebunan teh Cibuni. Penelitian ini dilakukan diPerkebunan Teh Cibuni, Kecamatan Rancabali, Kabupaten Bandung. Desain penelitian yang digunakan yaitudesain kuantitatif dengan teknik penelitian survei. Pengambilan sampel menggunakan metode acak sederhanadengan sampel 40 orang pemetik. Analisis data menggunakan regresi linier berganda dengan alat bantu SPSS IBMStatistics, pengujian asumsi klasik dan pegujian hipotesis menggunakan uji , uji F dan uji t. Variabel yangdigunakan yaitu motivasi, kedisiplinan, jenis kelamin, usia, pengalaman kerja, keterampilan, dan kapasitas petik.Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa nilai determinasi sebesar 0.845 = 84.5% yang artinya pengaruh semuavariabel bebas terhadap variabel terikat adalah 84.5%, sedangkan 15.5% lainnya dipengaruhi oleh variabel lainyang tidak diteliti. Nilai R atau nilai korelasi sebesar 0.934 menunjukan kekuatan hubungan yang sangat kuatantara motivasi, kedisiplinan, jenis kelamin, usia, pengalaman kerja, keterampilan dan kapasitas petik denganproduktivitas kerja pemetik. Hasil uji t menunjukan variabel yang berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadapproduktivitas pemetik teh yaitu motivasi, usia, pengalaman kerja, keterampilan dan kapasitas petik, sedangkanvariabel yang tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap produktivitas pemetik teh yaitu kedisiplinan dan jeniskelamin."
Universitas Jenderal Soedirman. Fakultas Pertanian, 2018
630 AGRIN 22:1 (2018)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
JIP 41(2013)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tri Chandra Aprianto
"Tesis ini menjelaskan sejarah (history explanation) bagaimana dinamika masyarakat perkebunan sepanjang periode 1930an-1960an di wilayah Jember. Jember merupakan salah satu kota tujuan dari penetrasi kapitalisme perkebunan pada era kolonial. Selama rentang waktu tersebut masyarakat perkebunan melintasi dalam tiga zaman kekuasaan, yang didalamnya diwarnai perebutan klaim kuasa atas lahan perkebunan. Perkembangan masyarakat dan hadirnya perkebunan partikelir telah mendorong lahirnya masyarakat baru yakni masyarakat perkebunan. Tesis ini memanfaatkan sumber tulisan dan lisan untuk melihat dinamika sosial masyarakat perkebunan sepanjang periode 1930an- 1960an. Sejarah masyarakat perkebunan menjadi fokus uraian tesis ini.

This thesis describes the history (history explanation) how the dynamics of plantation society throughout the 1930s-1960s period in the Jember area. Jember is one of the destinations of the capitalism penetration the colonial plantation era. During the period the plantation society across the three of order which colored the seizure of land claim power over the estate. Convergence between the society and private plantation estates have raised a new society that is plantation society. This thesis mainly using the written and oral sources to find out the social dynamics of plantation society throughout the period 1930s-1960s.History of the plantation society became the focus of this thesis description."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2011
T 28645
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
"One of the genera that can be found in Bogor Botanical Gardens plant collection is Ficus (Moraceae). This genus has several habitus, one of which is hemiepiphyte. There are several stages of hemiepiphyte Ficus spp. growth process. It starts from the epiphytic phase to the last phase as a strangler that can kill the host tree. Hemiepiphyte Ficus spp. has a very important role in terms of improving gardens ecological function. However, hemiepiphyte Ficus spp. need to be properly managed in order not to destroy the host plant especially when it is a plant collection with particular value."
Bogor: Balai Konservasi Tumbuhan Kebun Raya Cibodas, 2017
580 WKR 15:1 (2017)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Efendi
Ten species of wild begonias, from java and sumatera were cultivated in cibodas botanic garden. The begonias, with an attractive leaves and flowers were potentianally for ornamental plant. morphological description, their distribution and other information were described in this paper."
Bogor: Balai Konservasi Tumbuhan Kebun Raya Cibodas, 2017
580 WKR 15:1 (2017)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sapto Nugroho Hadi
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengisolasi bakteri lokal dari tanah marjinal dari KabupatenBanyumas dan untuk melihat tingkat pertumbuhannya pada media yang mengandung buprofezin 0 ppm, 5 ppm,10 ppm dan 15 ppm. Bakteri diisolasi dari empat sampel tanah dari tanah marginal Desa Srowot, Desa Karangrao,Desa Tanggeran, dan Desa Pagaralang di Kabupaten Banyumas. Populasi bakteri dan koloni makromorfologidiamati untuk menentukan koloni bakteri dominan. Bakteri dominan ditanam pada media NB selama 26 jam untukmelihat kurva pertumbuhan. Bakteri dengan kurva pertumbuhan terbaik kemudian diinkubasi pada media NB yangmengandung buprofezin 0 ppm, 5 ppm, 10 ppm, dan 15 ppm untuk melihat laju pertumbuhan selanjutnya. Variabelyang diamati adalah populasi bakteri tanah, karakter makromorfologi bakteri, laju pertumbuhan bakteri pada mediatanpa pestisida, dan laju pertumbuhan bakteri pada media mengandung buprofezin. Dalam penelitian ini, empatkoloni bakteri dominan, yaitu, SR2, KR1, TG4, dan PA11 diisolasi dari 26 koloni yang tumbuh pada media NAyang mengandung buprofezin 2 ppm. Pengamatan laju pertumbuhan pada media NB tanpa pestisida menunjukkankoloni SR2 memiliki laju pertumbuhan terbaik. Koloni SR2 yang ditumbuhkan pada media NB yang mengandungbuprofezin menunjukkan bahwa koloni dapat beradaptasi dan tumbuh pada konsentrasi buprofezin 5 ppm.Kata kunci: bakteri lahan marginal, Banyumas, buprofezin"
Universitas Jenderal Soedirman. Fakultas Pertanian, 2018
630 AGRIN 22:2 (2018)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
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