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Hasil Pencarian

Ditemukan 70115 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Mitha Gustina
"Pembahasan dalam penelitian ini terkait dengan kendala dalam Undang-Undang Yayasan khususnya terhadap pengaturan itikad baik dalam kewenangan organ yayasan dan perbandingan ketentuan hukum yang terdapat dalam kasus Yayasan Teungku Fakinah. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisa kendala dalam Undang-Undang Yayasan yang dapat menyebabkan adanya pelanggaran itikad baik oleh organ yayasan . Metode dari penelitian ini adalah Doktrinal (yuridis-normatif) dengan pendekatan perundang-undangan (statute approach) dan pendekatan kasus (case approach). Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah Undang-Undang Yayasan masih memiliki kendala khususnya yang berkaitan dengan ketentuan mengenai itikad baik dibuktikan dengan adanya kasus Yayasan Teungku Fakinah yang menyebabkan adanya perbedaan pendapat hakim dalam memutus perkara dikarekan tidak adanya pemahaman yang utuh mengenai makna itikad baik.

The discussion in this study is related to the obstacles in the Foundation Law; especially, regards to the regulation of good faith within the authority of foundation organs and a comparison of the legal provisions contained in the case of the Teungku Fakinah Foundation. Furthermore, the aim of this study is that to analyze the obstacles in the Foundation Law which can cause violations of good faith by foundation organs. The method of this study was doctrinal (juridical-normative) with a statute and case approach. The conclusion is that the Foundation Law still has obstacles; especially, those relating to provisions regarding good faith. It was proved by the Teungku Fakinah Foundation case which caused differences of opinion among judges in deciding cases due to the lack of a complete understanding of the meaning of good faith."
Jakarta: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Miftah Husabri Asbar
"Tesis ini membahas kewenangan Majelis Pengawas Notaris dalam melakukan pemeriksaan terhadap Notaris yang berkedudukan sebagai PPAT terkait adanya dugaan pelanggaran kode etik. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian yuridis Normatif dan deskriptif analistis. Hasil Penelitian yang di dapatkan ialah bahwa Majelis Pengawas Notaris berwenang melakukan pemeriksaan terhadap dugaan pelanggaran kode etik yang dilakukan oleh Notaris yang sedang menjalankan tugas dan jabatannya sebagai PPAT pada saat pelanggaran tersebut terjadi. Hal ini disebabkan karena dalam ketentuan Pasal 15 ayat (2) huruf f UUJN memberikan kewenangan terhadap Notaris untuk membuat akta yang terkait dengan pertanahan, sehingga melekatkan jabatan PPAT kepada jabatan Notaris. Sehingga Majelis Pengawas Notaris berwenang melakukan pemeriksaan terhadap Notaris yang berkedudukan sebagai PPAT.

This thesis discusses the authority of the Notary Supervisory Council in conducting examinations of Notary who also serves as PPAT in relation with alleged violations of the ethical core. This thesis uses a juridical normative and descriptive analysis method. The analysis shows that the Notary Supervisory Council is authorized to conduct examination of alleged violations of the ethical code committed by a Notary on duty as PPAT. This is due to the provisions in Article 15 point (2) UUJN which grants an authority to the Notary to make land-related deeds, and therefore attaching the PPAT title with Notary title. Thereafter, the Notary Supervisory Council is authorized to conduct examinations of Notary who also serves as PPAT."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dahliana Indah Yustikarini
Tesis ini meneliti dan mengkaji pembatalan perjanjian secara sepihak yang dilakukan dengan tidak berdasarkan pada itikad baik. Itikad baik adalah salah satu asas klasik dalam hukum perjanjian yang terkandung pula dalam Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Perdata. Asas itikad baik harus diterapkan sejak tahap prakontraktual sampai dengan pascakontraktual. Di dalam tahap prakontraktual, kedua belah pihak memiliki kewajiban untuk menjelaskan dan meneliti fakta material yang terkait dengan pembuatan perjanjian. Dalam hal suatu ketiadaan itikad baik pada tahap pembuatan perjanjian telah membawa para pihaknya dalam suatu hubungan kontraktual yang diikat dengan perjanjian, maka jelas bahwa dikemudian hari perjanjian tersebut senantiasa dapat dibatalkan. Kecakapan bertindak seseorang dalam suatu perjanjian adalah hal yang harus diteliti sebelum ditandatanganinya suatu perjanjian. Tipe penelitian yang digunakan adalah yuridis normatif yaitu penelitian hukum yang mengacu kepada kaidah-kaidah atau norma-norma hukum yang terdapat dalam peraturan perundang-undangan. Pelanggaran asas itikad baik dalam tahap pembuatan perjanjian menjadi suatu hal yang sulit untuk dibuktikan, oleh karena itu dibutuhkan suatu peraturan yang tegas untuk mewajibkan pihak-pihak dalam perjanjian untuk menjelaskan dan meneliti fakta material yang terkait dengan perjanjian. Hal ini dimaksudkan agar terpenuhinya syarat sah perjanjian sebagaimana diatur dalam pasal 1320 KUHPerdata. Pemutusan perjanjian secara sepihak yang memenuhi unsur perbuatan melawan hukum diharapkan dapat menciptakan kekonsistenan hakim dalam menerapkan hukum. Hal ini agar tercipta kejelasan dan kepastian hukum bagi para pihak yang terlibat dalam suatu perjanjian agar selalu beritikad baik dalam menjalankan suatu perjanjian baik dalam tahap prakontrak, pelaksanaan kontrak maupun pascakontrak.

This thesis examines and assesses unilateral termination of the agreement which is not based on good faith. Good faith is one of the classic principles of contract law also contained in Indonesian Civil Code. The principle of good faith should be applied since pre-contractual phase until post-contractual. In the pre-contractual phase, both parties have an obligation to explain and examine the material facts related to the making of the agreement. In the case of an absence of good faith in the pre-contractual phase has brought the party in an contractual relationship which bound to the agreement, then obviously that the agreement in the future can always be canceled. The ability of a person in an agreement is something that should be examined before signing of the agreement. This type of research is normative juridical, which refers to the rules or norms of law contained in regulations. Violation of the principle of good faith in the process of making the agreement becomes a difficult thing to prove, and therefore required a strict regulation to require the parties to the agreement to explain and examine the material facts relating to the agreement. This meant that the conditions are met the legitimate agreement as provided for in article 1320 of the Indonesian Civil Code. Unilateral termination of the agreement which meets the elements of the tort is expected to create the consistency of judges in applying the law. It is to create the clarity and legal certainty for the parties involved in an agreement to always have a good faith in carrying out an agreement in the pre- contract phase, contractual phase and post-contract phase.;This thesis examines and assesses unilateral termination of the agreement which is not based on good faith. Good faith is one of the classic principles of contract law also contained in Indonesian Civil Code. The principle of good faith should be applied since pre-contractual phase until post-contractual. In the pre-contractual phase, both parties have an obligation to explain and examine the material facts related to the making of the agreement. In the case of an absence of good faith in the pre-contractual phase has brought the party in an contractual relationship which bound to the agreement, then obviously that the agreement in the future can always be canceled. The ability of a person in an agreement is something that should be examined before signing of the agreement. This type of research is normative juridical, which refers to the rules or norms of law contained in regulations. Violation of the principle of good faith in the process of making the agreement becomes a difficult thing to prove, and therefore required a strict regulation to require the parties to the agreement to explain and examine the material facts relating to the agreement. This meant that the conditions are met the legitimate agreement as provided for in article 1320 of the Indonesian Civil Code. Unilateral termination of the agreement which meets the elements of the tort is expected to create the consistency of judges in applying the law. It is to create the clarity and legal certainty for the parties involved in an agreement to always have a good faith in carrying out an agreement in the pre- contract phase, contractual phase and post-contract phase.;This thesis examines and assesses unilateral termination of the agreement which is not based on good faith. Good faith is one of the classic principles of contract law also contained in Indonesian Civil Code. The principle of good faith should be applied since pre-contractual phase until post-contractual. In the pre-contractual phase, both parties have an obligation to explain and examine the material facts related to the making of the agreement. In the case of an absence of good faith in the pre-contractual phase has brought the party in an contractual relationship which bound to the agreement, then obviously that the agreement in the future can always be canceled. The ability of a person in an agreement is something that should be examined before signing of the agreement. This type of research is normative juridical, which refers to the rules or norms of law contained in regulations. Violation of the principle of good faith in the process of making the agreement becomes a difficult thing to prove, and therefore required a strict regulation to require the parties to the agreement to explain and examine the material facts relating to the agreement. This meant that the conditions are met the legitimate agreement as provided for in article 1320 of the Indonesian Civil Code. Unilateral termination of the agreement which meets the elements of the tort is expected to create the consistency of judges in applying the law. It is to create the clarity and legal certainty for the parties involved in an agreement to always have a good faith in carrying out an agreement in the pre- contract phase, contractual phase and post-contract phase.;This thesis examines and assesses unilateral termination of the agreement which is not based on good faith. Good faith is one of the classic principles of contract law also contained in Indonesian Civil Code. The principle of good faith should be applied since pre-contractual phase until post-contractual. In the pre-contractual phase, both parties have an obligation to explain and examine the material facts related to the making of the agreement. In the case of an absence of good faith in the pre-contractual phase has brought the party in an contractual relationship which bound to the agreement, then obviously that the agreement in the future can always be canceled. The ability of a person in an agreement is something that should be examined before signing of the agreement. This type of research is normative juridical, which refers to the rules or norms of law contained in regulations. Violation of the principle of good faith in the process of making the agreement becomes a difficult thing to prove, and therefore required a strict regulation to require the parties to the agreement to explain and examine the material facts relating to the agreement. This meant that the conditions are met the legitimate agreement as provided for in article 1320 of the Indonesian Civil Code. Unilateral termination of the agreement which meets the elements of the tort is expected to create the consistency of judges in applying the law. It is to create the clarity and legal certainty for the parties involved in an agreement to always have a good faith in carrying out an agreement in the pre- contract phase, contractual phase and post-contract phase., This thesis examines and assesses unilateral termination of the agreement which is not based on good faith. Good faith is one of the classic principles of contract law also contained in Indonesian Civil Code. The principle of good faith should be applied since pre-contractual phase until post-contractual. In the pre-contractual phase, both parties have an obligation to explain and examine the material facts related to the making of the agreement. In the case of an absence of good faith in the pre-contractual phase has brought the party in an contractual relationship which bound to the agreement, then obviously that the agreement in the future can always be canceled. The ability of a person in an agreement is something that should be examined before signing of the agreement. This type of research is normative juridical, which refers to the rules or norms of law contained in regulations. Violation of the principle of good faith in the process of making the agreement becomes a difficult thing to prove, and therefore required a strict regulation to require the parties to the agreement to explain and examine the material facts relating to the agreement. This meant that the conditions are met the legitimate agreement as provided for in article 1320 of the Indonesian Civil Code. Unilateral termination of the agreement which meets the elements of the tort is expected to create the consistency of judges in applying the law. It is to create the clarity and legal certainty for the parties involved in an agreement to always have a good faith in carrying out an agreement in the pre- contract phase, contractual phase and post-contract phase.]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Limbong, Raissa Aprilita
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis mengenai penerapan asas itikad baik bagi para pihak dalam melaksanakan kesepakatan yang telah dituangkan dalam Perjanjian Pengikatan Jual Beli (“PPJB”) dan juga kewenangan Notaris yang tidak menerapkan asas kehati-hatian dalam menjalankan wewenangnya. Bahwa dalam kasus penelitian ini dalam jual beli tanah baik pihak penjual dan juga pembeli tidak menjalankan asas itikad baik, yang dapat dilihat dari tindakan konkret para pihak yaitu penjual telah menjual kembali tanah yang telah disepakati dan pembeli yang masih memegang PPJB tidak lunas pun menjual kepada pihak lain. Di sisi lain, Notaris yang bersangkutan dengan sadar membuat PPJB Lunas bagi pihak pembeli atas tanah yang masih berstatus PPJB tidak lunas. Pokok Permasalahan dalam penelitian ini adalah mengenai itikad baik dalam pelaksanaan PPJB serta pertanggungjawaban Notaris terhadap pembuatan PPJB lunas terhadap tanah yang belum memiliki status kepemilikan secara sah. Bentuk Penelitian yang digunakan untuk menjawab permasalahan tersebut adalah dengan penelitian yuridis normatif yang bertujuan untuk meneliti dan menganalisis permasalahan hukum yang timbul dengan tipe penelitian Deskriptif dan juga Preskriptif. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pentingnya pengaturan asas itikad baik dalam pelaksanaan PPJB dan juga aturan yang detail megnenai PPJB Hat Atas Tanah agar terciptanya keseimbangan hukum antar penjual maupun pembeli. Notaris yang menangani kasus dalam penelitian ini berdasarkan tindakan pembuatan PPJB Lunas terhadap tanah yang belum memiliki status kepemilikan yang sah telah melanggar Pasal 16 ayat (1) huruf a Undang-Undang Jabatan Notaris (“UUJN”), dalam frasa saksama yaitu kehati-hatian, maka dari itu Notaris bersangkutan dapat dikenakan sanksi administrasi, perdata maupun pidana.

This study aims to analyze the application of the principle of good faith for the parties in carrying out the agreement as outlined in the Sale and Purchase Agreement ("PPJB") and also the authority of a Notary who does not apply the precautionary principle in exercising his authority. That in the case of this study in buying and selling land, both the seller and the buyer did not carry out the principle of good faith, which can be seen from the concrete actions of the parties, namely the seller has resold the agreed land and the buyer who still holds the unpaid PPJB also sells it to the third party. other. On the other hand, the Notary concerned consciously makes the Settled Buy and Sale Binding Agreement for the buyer of land that still has the status of PPJB not paid off. The main problem in this study is regarding good faith in the implementation of the PPJB and the notary's responsibility for making the PPJB paid off for land that does not yet have legal ownership status. The form of research used to answer these problems is normative juridical research which aims to examine and analyze legal issues that arise with descriptive and prescriptive types of research. This research shows that it is important to regulate the principle of good faith in the implementation of PPJB and also the detailed rules regarding PPJB HAT on Land in order to create a legal balance between sellers and buyers. The notary who handled the case in this study based on the act of making Settled Buy and Sale Binding Agreement for land that did not yet have legal ownership status had violated Article 16 paragraph (1) letter a of the Notary Office Law ("UUJN"), in precise phrases namely caution, therefore the Notary concerned may be subject to administration,civil or criminal sanctions."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Adiguna Purnama
"Di dalam dunia usaha, merupakan suatu hal yang wajar jika semua pengusaha saling berkompetisi untuk menjual produk-produknya yang berupa barang dan/atau jasa. Pada produk-produk mereka yang dijual di pasaran itu, mereka menggunakan merek dagang sebagai alat untuk mengidentifikasi produk mereka dan membedakannya dengan produk yang dihasilkan oleh pengusaha-pengusaha lainnya. Namun merek dagang yang memiliki fungsi untuk mengidentifikasi dan membedakan suatu produk itu, sering menjadi sasaran penyalahgunaan oleh pihak lain secara melawan hukum. Bahkan merek dagang milik pengusaha lain sering ditiru atau digunakan oleh pihak atau pengusaha yang sebenarnya bukan pemilik yang sah atas merek dagang tersebut, kemudian didaftarkan ke Kantor Merek sebagai usaha mengklaimnya. Untuk melindungi merek-merek yang dimiliki dan digunakan oleh para pengusaha, serta untuk menghindari pelanggaran hukum seperti itu, pemerintah Indonesia membentuk suatu ketentuan dalam Undang-Undang Nomor 15 Tahun 2001 tentang Merek, yang mengatur sahnya pendaftaran suatu merek dagang, yaitu kewajiban beritikad baik dalam mendaftarkan suatu merek dagang. Penelitian ini akan meninjau asas pendaftaran dengan itikad baik dalam merek di Indonesia, kemudian membandingkannya dengan di Inggris yang sama-sama mengacu kepada ketentuan-ketentuan Internasional yang berhubungan dengan Hak Kekayaan Intelektual, khususnya merek dagang.

In the business world, it is a natural thing that all entrepreneurs compete to sell their products in the form of goods and/or services. On their products sold in the market, they use trademarks as a tool to identify and to distinguish their products with other products produced by other entrepreneurs. However, a trademark which has a function to identify and to distinguish a product, often became a target for abuse by other party or entrepreneur unlawfully. Even a trademark of another entrepreneur often imitated or used by the other party who is not the legal owner of such trademark, and then register it to the Trademark Office in an effort to claim it. In order to protect the trademarks that are owned and used by entrepreneurs, as well as to avoid violation of such laws, the Indonesian government established a provision in the Law No. 15 Year 2001 concerning on Marks which regulating the validity of the registration of trademark, namely the obligation of acting in good faith in registering a trademark. This study will review the principle of good faith in the registration of a trademark in Indonesia, and then compare it to the United Kingdom, which equally refer to the International provisions relating to the intellectual property, particularly a trademark."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mafriyani K Hamid
Tesis ini membahas mengenai Pengangkatan dan Pemberhentian Anggota Pembina
Yayasan dengan mencoba meneliti Undang-Undang Yayasan dan Standard Akta
Yayasan sebagai pedoman teknis pembuatan atau pengesahan Akta Pendirian
Yayasan. Pengangkatan anggota Pembina yayasan diatur dalam Pasal 28 Ayat (3)
Undang-Undang Yayasan walaupun tidak secara explisit termasuk dalam wewenang
pembina dalam Pasal 28 Ayat (2) huruf b Undang-Undang Yayasan. Terkait dengan
pemberhentian anggota Pembina Yayasan baru diatur di dalam Standar Akta Yayasan
Pasal 8 Ayat (2) huruf d yang mana perumusan kewenangan Pembina nampak kurang
jelas. Hal ini bisa menjadi celah hukum bagi pihak-pihak yang tidak bertanggung
jawab dan beritikad buruk untuk memanfaatkan kesempatan tersebut. Oleh karena itu,
sebaiknya Undang-Undang Yayasan direvisi kembali menjadi undang-undang yang
betul-betul mengikat, tegas, dan jelas guna mengakomodir kepastian hukum serta
menghindari permasalahan hukum yang secara lazim sering terjadi pada yayasan dan
secara khusus terjadi pada organ yayasan yaitu Pembina, mengingat Pembina
merupakan organ tertinggi di dalam suatu Yayasan. Selanjutnya mengenai syarat,
mekanisme dan prosedur pengangkatan dan pemberhentian anggota Pembina diatur
dalam Standar Akta Yayasan Pasal 10 dan 11. Terakhir mengenai efektifitas
keberlakuan pengangkatan dan pemberhentian anggota Pembina diatur dala Pasal 19
Ayat (2) Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 2 Tahun 2013. Metode penelitian yang
digunakan adalah yuridis normatif.

This thesis discusses about the appointment and dismissal of foundation?s trustees
through examining the Foundation Law and Foundation document standard. the
foundation's trustee appointment is arranged in paragraph 28 Verse (3) Law of
foundation eventhough it is not explicitly included to the trustees authorities in
paragraph 28 verse 2 in Law of Foundation. Regarding the dismissal of the new
trustee members Associated with the dismissal of members of the Foundation
Trustees set new standards in the Foundation Deed of Paragraph 8 verse (2) letter b
that the formulation of Trustees authority seems not clearly explaind in the
Foundation document standard. This could be a legal loophole for those who are not
responsible and act in bad faith to take advantage of the opportunity. Therefore, the
law of Foundation is advised to be revised and re -evaluated in terms of validity and
clarity in order to accommodate the legal certainty, and also avoiding the common
legal issues or problems occur in foundation, particularly in the foundation's organ,
which is trustee, the highest organ in foundation structure.
Furthermore, the
requirements, mechanisms and procedures for the appointment and dismissal of
Trustees Deed of Foundation Standards set in Paragraph 10 and 11. Newsletter
regarding the effectiveness of the enforceability of the appointment and dismissal of
Trustees are set out in Paragraph 19 Verse (2) of Government Regulation No. 2 of
2013. The method applied in this research is normative juridical."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Talitha Mumtaz
"Prinsip itikad paling baik atau utmost good faith pada intinya mengatur tentang itikad baik antara tertanggung dan penanggung atau perusahaan asuransi saat perjanjian asuransi sedang berlangsung. Prinsip ini diatur dalam Pasal 251 KUHD yang menjadi dasar hukum pembatalan pertanggungan asuransi jika tertanggung menutup-nutupi informasi yang diketahuinya. Sehingga, tertanggung dalam perjanjian asuransi harus menyampaikan informasi dan fakta-fakta materiil terkait dirinya atau objek yang diasuransikan dengan jujur dan apa adanya untuk mengindari pembatalan polis dan/atau penolakan klaim asuransi. Namun, dalam praktiknya, tidak hanya tertanggung yang lalai dalam menjalankan prinsip utmost good faith dan melakukan misrepresentasi, melainkan penanggung juga dapat melakukan pelanggaran terhadap prinsip tersebut. Oleh karena itu, penanggung dan juga agen asuransi yang mewakili penanggung dalam penyelenggaraan perjanjian asuransi diwajibkan untuk menggali fakta-fakta materiil dari pihak penanggung, baik sebelum, saat, dan setelah perjanjian asuransi diadakan. Skripsi ini akan membahas tentang bagaimana pelanggaran prinsip utmost good faith atau itikad paling baik sebagai dasar pembatalan polis asuransi jiwa dan penolakan pencairan klaim asuransi tertanggung dalam sengketa asurasi jiwa antara PT. Asuransi Allianz Life Indonesia dengan Nurmian Sibarani tidak diimplementasikan dengan baik oleh pihak asuransi jika mengacu kepada hukum asuransi, kemudian juga menjelaskan mengenai dampak dari perusahaan asuransi yang tidak memberikan informasi dengan sebenar-benarnya mengenai Surat Permintaan Asuransi Jiwa (SPAJ) dan berbohong kepada tertanggung. Dalam menulis skripsi ini, penulis menggunakan metode penelitian yuridis-normatif dan pendekatan kualitatif. Skripsi ini juga akan menggunakan bahan hukum primer dan sekunder. Setelah melakukan penelitan, penulis berkesimpulan bahwa pihak penanggung dan pertanggung harus berperan aktif dalam mengadakan perjanjian asuransi; tertanggung menyampaikan fakta materiil dan penanggung menjelaskan ke tertanggung apa saja informasi yang harus disampaikan ke tertanggung dan hal persyaratan apa saja yang harus dipenuhi oleh tertanggung. Hal ini bertujuan untuk mengurangi miskomunikasi dan permasalahan antara pihak penanggung dan tertanggung.

The principle of utmost good faith essentially regulates the good faith between the insured and the insurer or insurance company in the insurance agreement. This principle is regulated in Article 251 of the Commercial Code which is the legal basis for canceling insurance coverage when the insured conceals information he knows. Thus, the insured in the insurance agreement must convey information and material facts related to himself or the insured object honestly and as it is to avoid policy cancellation and / or rejection of insurance claims. However, in practice, it is not only the insured who is negligent in carrying out the principle of utmost good faith and misrepresentation, but the insurer can also violate this principle. Therefore, the insurer and also the insurance agent representing the insurer in the implementation of the insurance agreement are required to explore the material facts from the insurer, both before, during, and after the insurance agreement is held. This thesis will discuss how the violation of the principle of utmost good faith as the basis for canceling the life insurance policy and refusing to disburse the insured's insurance claim in the life insurance dispute between PT Asuransi Allianz Life Indonesia and Nurmian Sibarani is not implemented properly by the insurance company when referring to insurance law, then also explains the impact of insurance companies that do not provide true information about Life Insurance Request Letter (SPAJ) and lie to the insured. In writing this thesis, the author uses a juridical-normative research method and a qualitative approach. This thesis will also use primary and secondary legal materials. After conducting the research, the author concludes that the insurer and the insured must play an active role in entering into an insurance agreement; the insured should convey material facts and the insurer must explain to the insured what information must be conveyed to the insured and what requirements must be met by the insured. This aims to reduce miscommunication and problems between the insurer and the insured."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Siti Kanina Ramadhina
"Seiring dengan terjadinya perkembangan teknologi, kini marak terdapat Pengguna platform media sosial TikTok yang mengunggah secara tidak sah berbagai film Indonesia dalam akun miliknya yang diambil dari film suatu platform Over The Top. Pengguna mengunggah film-film tersebut dengan dibagi ke dalam beberapa bagian sehingga dapat disaksikan secara gratis oleh masyarakat. Sehingga dalam Penelitian ini, Penulis akan menganalisis 2 (dua) pokok permasalahan yaitu bentuk pelanggaran Hak Cipta atas unggahan konten film yang dilakukan oleh Pengguna platform media sosial TikTok menurut Undang-Undang Nomor 28 Tahun 2014 tentang Hak Cipta (“UU 28/2014”) dan perlindungan hukum bagi Pemegang Hak Cipta terhadap konten unggahan film tersebut. Penulis akan mengkaji permasalahan yang ada dengan memfokuskan pada penerapan UU 28/2014 dan beberapa peraturan perundang-undangan terkait lainnya. Dalam penelitian ini, Penulis mengunakan sumber informasi yang diperoleh dari studi kepustakaan, pusat dokumentasi, penelusuran melalui media elektronik dan wawancara. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kegiatan yang dilakukan oleh Pengguna platform media sosial TikTok tersebut merupakan kegiatan pelanggaran Hak Cipta dengan bentuk pembajakan film. Kemudian pengaturan hukum mengenai Hak Cipta di Indonesia pada dasarnya telah cukup memberikan perlindungan bagi Pemegang Hak Cipta terhadap unggahan konten film saat ini, dimana telah terdapat perlindungan hukum secara preventif dan represif. Namun perlindungan tersebut bersifat pasif dimana diperlukan peran aktif dari Pemegang Hak Cipta. Oleh karena itu diperlukannya kesadaran dari Pemegang Hak Cipta atau penyelenggara platform Over The Top, penyelenggara platform media sosial TikTok, dan Pemerintah bahwa diperlukannya upaya pencegahan yang lebih baik lagi dengan memanfaatkan teknologi yang dapat mendorong penghapusan pembajakan film.

Along with the development of technology, there are now many Users of the TikTok social media platform who upload various Indonesian films on their accounts that taken from the content of an Over The Top. Users upload the films by dividing them into several parts so that they can be watched for free by the public. So in this thesis, the Author willanalyze 2 (two) main problems, namely the form of copyright infringement on film content committed by Users of the TikTok social media platform according to Law No. 28 of 2014 concerning Copyright ("Law 28/2014") and legalprotection for Copyright Holders of the film's content. The Author will examine the existing problems by focusing on the application of Law 28/2014 and several other related laws and regulations. In addition, the Author also uses sources ofinformation obtained from literature studies, documentation centers, searches through electronic media, and interviews.Then the legal arrangements regarding Copyright in Indonesia basically provide sufficient protection for Copyright Holders against uploading film content at this time, where there has been preventive and repressive legal protection. However, this protection is passive which requires an active role from the Copyright Holder. Therefore, awareness is needed from Copyright Holders or Over The Top platform organizers, TikTok social media platform organizers, and theGovernment that better prevention efforts are needed by utilizing technology that can encourage the elimination of film piracy.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Naufaldi Tri Pambudi
Skripsi ini bertujuan untuk Mengetahui pelaksanaan Hukum Perlindungan Konsumen dalam kaitannya untuk menyeimbangkan kedudukan pelaku usaha dengan konsumen atas itikad baik dan sikap jujur pelaku usaha dalam menjalankan tanggung jawab usahanya, mengetahui bagaimana bentuk upaya tanggung jawab pelaku usaha yang dapat dilaksanakan kepada konsumen yang mengalami kerugian terhadap produk yang memiliki cacat tersembunyi dan mencari solusi terhadap bentuk tanggung jawab pelaku usaha yang seharusnya dalam penegakan asas keseimbangan pelaku usaha dan konsumen dikaitkan dengan Putusan Mahkamah Agung yang telah keluar dan berkekuatan hukum tetap. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah penilitan yang bersifat yuridis normatif dengan menggunakan data primer berupa wawancara dengan narasumber dan penggunaan data-data sekunder, antara lain peraturan perundang-undangan dan buku-buku. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa putusan Mahkamah Agung yang menguatkan putusan BPSK tersebut terdapat berbagai ketidak cermatan dalam pengambilan putusannya dimana banyak hak-hak pelaku usaha yang disimpangi.

, This Mini Thesis aims for understanding the implementation of Consumer Protection Law in relation with Balancing the position of Entrepreneur and Consumer on principle of good faith and the honesty to do its liability, to know how the form of entrepreneur liability on the consumer loss which caused by product that has a hidden defect and to find the best solution on entrepreneur liability to enforce the principle of balanced position in associated with Supreme Court which has come out and legally binding. Research method has been used for this mini-thesis is normative juridicial by using primary data which is informant interview and secondary data, such as legislations and books. The conclusion based on the research that the Supreme Court verdict which reinforce the BPSK verdict has lack of thorough in the decision making which result of many entrepreneur right ignored. On this matter should the entrepreneur and consumer aware against the right and duty which has been asigned by the agreement beetween them and the law.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Davida Ruston Khusen
"Penelitian ini membahas tentang penerapan asas itikad baik (utmost good faith) yang ada dalam asuransi jiwa syariah. Prinsip utmost good faith di satu sisi memberikan manfaat sebagai alternatif keterbukaan fakta material dalam kontrak asuransi jiwa. Namun penerapan utmost good faith di Indonesia tercantum dalam Pasal 251 KUHD memiliki kelemahan seperti penanggung tidak memiliki kewajiban memberikan informasi yang seharusnya diketahui oleh tertanggung. Prinsip kejujuran dalam Islam menghendaki tanggung jawab yang seimbang antara tertanggung dan penanggung. Untuk mencapai keadilan dalam perjanjian. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengkaji dan menganalisis sejauh mana penerapan prinsip utmosh good faith dalam asuransi jiwa syariah. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian yuridis normatif dan metode kualitatif. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa penerapan utmost good faith kurang melindungi hak-hak informasi calon tertanggung. KUHD pasal 251 dan Undang-Undang Nomor 40 tahun 2014 tentang Perasuransian belum cukup untuk menjadi landasan terhadap penerapan utmost good faith, karena tidak mengatur secara jelas keterbukaan informasi harus disampaikan oleh penanggung. Oleh karena itu, aturan mengenai prinsip utmost good faith yang berlaku dan mengikat seperti yang tercantum di Pasal 251 Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Dagang (KUHD) perlu direvisi dan diperkuat kembali dengan memasukkan unsur kewajiban penanggung dalam memberikan informasi selengkap-lengkapnya kepada tertanggung. Serta Dewan Syariah Nasional (DSN) MUI perlu mengeluarkan fatwa yang spesifik dan implementatif mengatur prinsip utmost good faith atau prinsip kejujuran sempurna yang berlaku sebagai dasar akad perjanjian asuransi jiwa syariah demi menjamin keadilan dalam bertransaksi.

This research discusses the application of utmost good faith in sharia life insurance. The principle of utmost good faith provides benefits as an alternative to the disclosure of material facts in life insurance contracts. However, the application of utmost good faith in Indonesia listed in Article 251 of KUHD has weaknesses that can harm the prospective insured, such as the insurer has no obligation to provide information that should be known by the prospective insured. Yet to achieve justice in the agreement both are charged the same responsibility. The purpose of this research is to examine and analyze the extent the application of the principles of good faith in Islamic life insurance. This research uses normative juridical research methods and qualitative methods. This research found that the application of utmost good faith does not protect the information rights of prospective insured. KUHD article 251 and Law Number 40 of 2014 concerning Insurance is not sufficient to be the basis for the application of utmost good faith, because it does not clearly regulate the disclosure of information that must be submitted by the insurer. This causes information imbalance, because it tends to favor the insurer. Therefore, the rules regarding the principle of utmost good faith that apply and are binding as stated in Article 251 of the Law on Trade Law (KUHD) need to be revised and strengthened again by including elements of the insurer's obligation in providing complete information to the insured. And the National Sharia Council (DSN) MUI needs to issue a specific and implementative fatwa regulating the principle of utmost good faith or the principle of perfect honesty that applies as the basis for the sharia life insurance agreement agreement to ensure fairness in transactions."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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