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En Wang, Asutin Horng
"This article explores the change and continuity of how Taiwanese voters consume political information in the past 20 years. The analysis exploits five waves of Taiwan’s Election and Democratization Study (TEDS) face-to-face post-presidentialelection survey between 2004 and 2020 and reveals three major results. First, more than 80% of voters rely on television to consume political information, but the number relying on newspapers and radio is declining; meanwhile, Internet usage surpassed the newspaper as the second most common consumption method. Second, voters with different national identities and unification-independence preferences tend to select different newspapers and news channels. Meanwhile, the news channels in which the audience has a stronger political preference are much likely to be chosen by the voters as the main source of information. Nevertheless, the overall level of media polarization does not increase across time. Third, social media surpassed the radio as one of the important channels for political information, but the variety of the users’ age distribution exists across platforms, foretelling the future political impacts of the social media sites. In the end, this article briefly discusses the methodological challenges in studying political information consumption in this new information era."
Taipei: Taiwan Foundation for Democracy, 2021
059 TDQ 18:4 (2021)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
McCarthy, Stephen
New York: Routledge, 2006
321.9 MCC p
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Unggul Wirawan
"Pada era digital, industri media cetak mengalami banyak perubahan. Media arus utama seperti surat kabar akhirnya harus beradaptasi dengan media baru. Dengan menyikapi persaingan yang kian ketat, surat kabar memilih strategi beradaptasi.
Selain dengan pemasaran yang intens, strategi harian umum Suara Pembaruan bertahan bukan hanya dengan engandalkan berita-berita yang hangat dan lengkap. Akibat permintaan pasar yang kompleks, manajemen pun melakukan spesialisasi segmen pembaca. Penyusunan isi (content) pun dibuat terspesialisasi, sehingga khalayak pun semakin terkategori dan terfragmentasi.
Sebagai upaya merespons pasar dan persaingan yang makin sengit, Suara Pembaruan juga merumuskan orientasi produksi pada pengemasan isi. Content Strategy Suara Pembaruan dikemas dalam rubrik rumor yang menjadi keunikan dalam persaingan surat kabar di industri media cetak.

In the digital era, the print media industry has experienced many changes. Mainstream media such as newspapers eventually have to adapt to new media. By addressing fiercer competition, the newspaper chose it’s the adaptive strategies.
In addition to the intense marketing, daily newspaper Suara Pembaruan survived not only by relying on the current dan updated news that is warm and full. Due to complex market demand, the management created specific segment of readers by setting up the content, so that audiences are increasingly categorized
and fragmented.
In an effort to respond to the market and the increasingly fierce competition, Suara Pembaruan also formulate production orientation on the packaging contents. Content Strategy of Suara Pembaruan is packaged within the political rumors column and that is what becomes SP’s uniqueness in the
newspaper competition in the print media industry.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
hsing Wang, Ching
"Party identification has a crucial influence on individual political attitudes and behavior. Although many past studies have identified the factors affecting individual party identification, little scholarly attention has been paid to the relationships between dispositional factors and party identification. Therefore, this study aims to examine how personality traits influence individual partisanship, that is, whether the traits of extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, emotional stability, and openness to experience would make individuals become partisans or independents. By using two original survey datasets, this study finds that the Big Five personality traits have no direct effects on Taiwanese people’s partisanship, but they could exert indirect effects on partisanship through political interest and strength of individual position on the independence-unification issue. Specifically, agreeableness and conscientiousness could respectively have a negative or positive indirect effect on partisanship via political interest. Besides, agreeableness and openness to experience could respectively have a negative or positive indirect effect on partisanship via individual position on the independence-unification issue. Consequently, although this study reveals no direct relationships between personality traits and partisanship, it does not necessarily mean that personality traits have nothing to do with partisanship. In fact, personality traits could indirectly influence Taiwanese people’s partisanship through the mediation of political attitudes. To sum up, this study confirms that dispositional factors could have a certain influence on Taiwanese people’s partisanship and provides a new theoretical perspective to explain Taiwanese people’s party identification. However, due to data limitations, this study only provides an exploratory analysis, and calls for future research to identify more complete relationships between personality traits and Taiwanese people’s party identification."
Taipei: Taiwan Foundation for Democracy, 2021
059 TDQ 18:4 (2021)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rosario, Teresita Cruz-Del
"This book investigates the theme of global transitions with a cross-regional comparative study of two areas experiencing change over the past three decades: Southeast Asia and the Middle East and North Africa (MENA). Political transitions in Asia have been the subject of interest in academic and policy-making communities recently as there are encouraging signs of democratization in countries that exhibit elements of authoritarianism. In those countries with relatively open political systems, transitions to democracy have been complete - albeit messy, flawed, and highly contested. In contrast, countries of the MENA region that have been gripped by revolts in recent years find themselves in the midst of chaotic and uncontrollable transitions. Why are there such differences between these regions? What, if anything, can be learned and applied from the transitions in Southeast Asia? These questions are answered here as Asia's experience is contrasted with the Arab revolts and the struggle of the different countries in the MENA region to fashion a new social contract between states and citizens."
New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2016
320.91 ROS c
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Heriyandi Roni
"Perubahan politik nasional di Indonesia pada tahun 1998 adalah runtuhnya rejim Orde Baru. Perubahan tersebut membawa implikasi kepada Golkar. Implikasi positif adalah terjadinya perubahan dalam pengambilan keputusan partai. Pengambilan keputusan dalam penentuan calon presiden dan ketua umum partai tidak lagi didasarkan kepada kekuasaan seseorang sebagaimana terjadi selama Orde Baru tetapi menggunakan mekanisme bottom up, melalui pemilihan dan kewenangan suara untuk menentukan pilihan melibatkan unit-unit organisasi di Partai Golkar. Studi ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan demokratisasi dalam proses pengambilan keputusan untuk menentukan caIon presiden dan ketua umum partai, khususnya di Munaslub 1993, Munas VII 2004 dan di Konvensi Partai Golkar.
Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam studi ini adalah metode penelitian kualitatif dengan jenis studi kasus. Paradigma yang digunakan adalah paradigma kontruktivisme, dengan pengumpulan data digunakan melalui wawancara dan didasarkan kepada sumber-sumber lain. Teknik analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis kualititatif.
Dalam menjelaskan proses demokratisasi yang berlangsung digunakan beberapa teori antara lain teori Demokrasi dan Demokratisasi, teori Partai Politik, dan Teori Elit. Temuan - temuan dalam studi ini dikemukakan sebagai berikut :
Pertama, penentuan ketua umum dalam masa transisi di Munaslub 1998, Munas VII 2004 dan penentuan calon presiden melalui model konvensi menggambarkan adanya proses demokratisasi internal di Pattai Golkar. Kedua, kasus pemilihan tersebut memberikan gambaran yang cukup kompleks tentang power strugle antar faksi di tingkat elit partai golkar. Peta faksi-faksi tersebut di setiap kasus berubah-ubah. Dalam studi ini, di kasus pemilihan ketua umum terlihat kelompok kepentingan pragmatis kekuasaan yang memenangkan power strugle tersebut. Ketiga, Dalam kasus Konvensi Partai Golkar, implementasi demokratisasi dalam proses pengambilan keputusan dengan cara pemilihan, dipercepat adanya kasus hukum Akbar Tanjung. Untuk menghindari perpecahan internal maka konvensi disepakati sebagai model untuk menentukan calon presiden dari Partai Golkar. Keempat, studi ini juga menemukan bahwa proses pelaksanaan konvensi partai meningkatkan citra (image building) Partai Golkar. Pada pemilihan umum legislatif 2004 di tengah kemorosotan perolehan suara partai-panai lain dilihat dari hasil pemilihan umum 1999, Partai Golkar berhasil mempertahankan perolehan suara.
Secara teoritis, studi ini menunjukan relevansi terhadap beberapa teori yang digunakan yaitu teori Larry Diamond, Juan Linz, Seymour M Lipset dan Jose Abueva tentang nilai-nilai demokrasi prosedural, teori Maswadi Rauf dan Anders Uhlin tentang adopsi nilai-nilai demokrasi sebagai proses dernokratisasi. Alan Ware tentang model keputusan organisasl, dan Gaetano Mosca tentang sirkulasi clit. Tetapi tcori Robert Michel tentang Oligarki dalam tingkat organisasi seeara luas bersifat terbatas dan perlu direvisi. Dalam sistem pengambilan keputusan yang semakin otonom di unit-unit organisasi, DPD I, DPD II dan Ormas-Ormas semakin berdaya menentukan pilihan sesuai dengan kepentingannya. Dengan demikian mekanisme demokrasi dalam proses pengambilan kepurusan dapat membatasi pengaruh dan intervensi pimpinan pusat partai."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Denny J.A.
Jakarta: Pustaka Sinar Harapan, 2006
321.8 DEN d
Buku Teks SO  Universitas Indonesia Library
Arianti Anggrahini
Tesis ini menganalisis mengenai bagaimana calon Presiden dapat mempengaruhi
proses intention to vote melalui pembentukan candidate image evaluation,
information recall, political system effects, dan political system efficacy pada
segmen young voters. Penelitian ini mengangkat mengenai efektifitas dari iklan
politik yang saat ini gencar dilakukan oleh partai ataupun tokoh politik sebagai
bagian dari media kampanye mereka. Model dalam penelitian ini diolah dari
jurnal “The Effects of Political Advertising on Young Voters” yang diterbitkan
oleh American Behavioral Scientist tahun 2008 yang membahas mengenai iklan
politik George W. Bush dan John Kerry sebagai kandidat Presiden Amerika tahun
2004. Terdapat 8 hipotesis yang diuji. Berdasarkan 150 responden dengan
populasi umur 17 sampai 30 tahun, peneliti menemukan bahwa information recall
dan political system effects efektif mempengaruhi intention to vote, sedangkan
candidate image evaluation dan political system efficacy tidak mempengaruhi
intention to vote.

This thesis studied on how the President candidate advertisement affect the
audience’s intention to vote toward the candidate through a process of candidate
image evaluation, information recall, political system effects, and political system
efficacy in young voters segment. This research is brought up by questening of
the political advertisement effectiveness that are currently intensively conducted
by the parties or political figure as the part of their media campaign. Models in
this study processed from the journal of "The Effects of Political Advertising on
Young Voters" from American Behavioral Scientist in 2008 that discussed the
political advertisement George W. Bush and John Kerry as a candidate for U.S.
President in 2004. There are 8 hypotheses were tested. Based on 150 respondents
from aged 17 to 30 years, researcher found that the recall information and
political system effects are influencing intention to vote, while the candidate
image evaluation and political system efficacy does not affect the intention to
Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nasution, Puteri Shafira
Melesatnya peran teknologi informasi, terutama Internet sebagai sarana pemenuhan kebutuhan informasi masyarakat menyebabkan media cetak menghadapi tantangan berat, termasuk surat kabar. Salah satu indikasi tertekannya kehadiran media cetak di tengah gegap teknologi selama dua dekade terakhir adalah merosotnya penetrasi surat kabar. Sebaliknya, jumlah pengguna Internet yang mengakses laman berita terus melesat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kecenderungan mahasiswa Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia (FISIP UI) angkatan 2014 sebagai pembaca media cetak, khususnya surat kabar, di era teknologi informasi. Jenis penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan kuantitatif yang dilakukan dengan metode studi kasus. Hasil penelitian mendapati bahwa media yang paling banyak diakses responden adalah media online berupa mesin pencari, yang diikuti dengan kedua terbanyak yang masih merupakan media online juga, yaitu situs situs berita online. Hasil olah data penelitian juga mendapati mayoritas responden (45%) setuju untuk mengkonsumsi media online dan koran. Sebesar 35,2% responden mungkin ingin media online hanya sebagai tambahan dan mayoritas responden (34,3%) tidak setuju jika harus beralih sepenuhnya ke media online.

The fast growing role of information technology, especially the Internet as a means of fulfilling the people's needs of information, has made print media, including newspaper, undergo serious challenges. The pressure on print media amid this fast developing information technology is partly observed from the decreasing penetration of printed newspapers into its readership. On the contrary, the number of Internet users, who get accessed to online-media, tend to keep increasing significantly. This research project is aimed at examining the trend of newspaper readers among the University of Indonesia's 2014 Batch of students of the Social and Political Sciences Faculty (FISIP UI) in information technology era. It is a case study by applying a descriptive research with quantitative approach. The outcomes of this study reveal that search engines are the most widely accessed by respondents while news websites are the second Internet-based media that the respondents most freqently accessed. The results of this research project also show that majority of respondents (45%) agree to consume online-media and printed newspapers. A total of 35.2% of respondents tend to use online-media as their additional news sources, and 34.3% of respondents disagree to totally use online-media as their only news sources."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Desmond, Robert W
Iowa City: University of Iowa Press, 1978
070 DES i
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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