ABSTRAKNyeri pada anak kanker berdampak jangka panjang dan jangka pendek. Sebagian
besar orang tua tidak mengetahui cara mengkaji nyeri pada anak dan belum
menggunakan skala nyeri yang sesuai dengan usia anak untuk mengukur nyeri.
Pendidikan kesehatan tentang manajemen nyeri yang diberikan kepada pasien
belum terstruktur sehingga informasi yang diberikan tidak optimal. Penelitian ini
bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi dampak intervensi edukasi terhadap
pengetahuan, sikap dan keterampilan orang tua dalam mengelola nyeri pada anak
dengan kanker. Desain penelitian ini menggunakan kuasi eksperimen dengan one
grup pre test post test. Sampel berjumlah 29 orang di RSAB Harapan kita dan
RSPAD Gatot Soebroto yang diambil secara consecutive sampling. Analisis data
menggunakan McNemar dan Uji Chi Square. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan
adanya perbedaan yang signifikan dalam aspek pengetahuan, sikap dan
keterampilan orang tua dalam mengelola nyeri pada anak sebelum dan sesudah
pendidikan kesehatan (pengetahuan, p=0,001; Sikap, p=0,001 dan keterampilan,
p<0,001). Karakteristik orang tua yang berhubungan dengan pengetahuan dan
sikap adalah pengalaman manajemen nyeri. Rekomendasi dari penelitian ini
adalah pendidikan kesehatan tentang mengelola nyeri pada anak sebaiknya
dilakukan secara intensif.
ABSTRACTPain in children suffers from cancer gives effect in short term and long term. Most
parents do not know how to assess pain in children. They have not used a pain
scale based on children age to measure pain. Health education pain management
has not been structured for patients so the given information is not optimal. This
study aims to identify the impact of education intervention to the parent?s
knowledge, attitudes, and skills in managing pain of children suffers from
cancer.This study used a quasi-experimental with one group pretest-posttest. The
sample was 29 people in RSAB Harapan Kita and Gatot Subroto Army Hospital,
taken by consecutive sampling. The data was analyzed by McNemar and Chi
Square. The results showed a significant difference in the aspect of knowledge,
attitudes and skills of parent in the pain management of children before and after
health education (knowledge, p = 0.001; Attitudes, p = 0.001 and skill, p < 0.001).
Characteristics of parents associated with the knowledge and attitudes who have
children suffers from cancer is pain management experience. Recommendation
for this study is the health education about pain management should be carried out
intensively.;Pain in children suffers from cancer gives effect in short term and long term. Most
parents do not know how to assess pain in children. They have not used a pain
scale based on children age to measure pain. Health education pain management
has not been structured for patients so the given information is not optimal. This
study aims to identify the impact of education intervention to the parent?s
knowledge, attitudes, and skills in managing pain of children suffers from
cancer.This study used a quasi-experimental with one group pretest-posttest. The
sample was 29 people in RSAB Harapan Kita and Gatot Subroto Army Hospital,
taken by consecutive sampling. The data was analyzed by McNemar and Chi
Square. The results showed a significant difference in the aspect of knowledge,
attitudes and skills of parent in the pain management of children before and after
health education (knowledge, p = 0.001; Attitudes, p = 0.001 and skill, p < 0.001).
Characteristics of parents associated with the knowledge and attitudes who have
children suffers from cancer is pain management experience. Recommendation
for this study is the health education about pain management should be carried out
intensively.;Pain in children suffers from cancer gives effect in short term and long term. Most
parents do not know how to assess pain in children. They have not used a pain
scale based on children age to measure pain. Health education pain management
has not been structured for patients so the given information is not optimal. This
study aims to identify the impact of education intervention to the parent?s
knowledge, attitudes, and skills in managing pain of children suffers from
cancer.This study used a quasi-experimental with one group pretest-posttest. The
sample was 29 people in RSAB Harapan Kita and Gatot Subroto Army Hospital,
taken by consecutive sampling. The data was analyzed by McNemar and Chi
Square. The results showed a significant difference in the aspect of knowledge,
attitudes and skills of parent in the pain management of children before and after
health education (knowledge, p = 0.001; Attitudes, p = 0.001 and skill, p < 0.001).
Characteristics of parents associated with the knowledge and attitudes who have
children suffers from cancer is pain management experience. Recommendation
for this study is the health education about pain management should be carried out
intensively.;Pain in children suffers from cancer gives effect in short term and long term. Most
parents do not know how to assess pain in children. They have not used a pain
scale based on children age to measure pain. Health education pain management
has not been structured for patients so the given information is not optimal. This
study aims to identify the impact of education intervention to the parent?s
knowledge, attitudes, and skills in managing pain of children suffers from
cancer.This study used a quasi-experimental with one group pretest-posttest. The
sample was 29 people in RSAB Harapan Kita and Gatot Subroto Army Hospital,
taken by consecutive sampling. The data was analyzed by McNemar and Chi
Square. The results showed a significant difference in the aspect of knowledge,
attitudes and skills of parent in the pain management of children before and after
health education (knowledge, p = 0.001; Attitudes, p = 0.001 and skill, p < 0.001).
Characteristics of parents associated with the knowledge and attitudes who have
children suffers from cancer is pain management experience. Recommendation
for this study is the health education about pain management should be carried out
intensively., Pain in children suffers from cancer gives effect in short term and long term. Most
parents do not know how to assess pain in children. They have not used a pain
scale based on children age to measure pain. Health education pain management
has not been structured for patients so the given information is not optimal. This
study aims to identify the impact of education intervention to the parent’s
knowledge, attitudes, and skills in managing pain of children suffers from
cancer.This study used a quasi-experimental with one group pretest-posttest. The
sample was 29 people in RSAB Harapan Kita and Gatot Subroto Army Hospital,
taken by consecutive sampling. The data was analyzed by McNemar and Chi
Square. The results showed a significant difference in the aspect of knowledge,
attitudes and skills of parent in the pain management of children before and after
health education (knowledge, p = 0.001; Attitudes, p = 0.001 and skill, p < 0.001).
Characteristics of parents associated with the knowledge and attitudes who have
children suffers from cancer is pain management experience. Recommendation
for this study is the health education about pain management should be carried out