"[Dalam era knowledge-intensive economy, knowledge dipandang sebagai sumber dari competitive advantage 4W Asuransi Astra untuk mengembangkan layananlayanan agar unggul dari kompetitornya. Faktor kunci pengelolaan knowledge adalah knowledge sharing. 4W Asuransi Astra mengadopsi knowledge sharing strategy person to person; perilaku yang diharapkan muncul disebut knowledge
personalization. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode gabungan kuantitatif dan kualitatif, dimana respodennya adalah analis 4W Asuransi Astra. Dilakukan pengumpulan data melalui kuesioner dan wawancara yang disusun berdasarkan theory of planned behavior dari Ajzen (1991). Ditemukan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi munculnya perilaku knowledge personalization pada analis, yaitu attitude, subjective norms, dan perceived behavioral control, selain itu ditemukan juga faktor lain yaitu trust. Berdasarkan hasil tersebut dirancang intervensi technostructural yaitu perubahan work design berdasarkan konsep hypertext organization, intervensi human process dengan cara komunikasi top down kepada middle management, dan intervensi human resource management berupa trust building pada analis 4W Asuransi Astra.;In the knowledge-intensive economy era, knowledge is seen as a source of competitive advantage for 4W Asuransi Astra to develop its services to be superior to its competitor. The key factor of knowledge management is knowledge sharing. 4W Asuransi Astra adopted knowledge sharing strategy person to person
for its employees, the expected behavior to appear is called knowledge
personalization. This research combines the quantitative and qualitative method; analysts of 4W Asuransi Astra are the respondents of this research. Data were collected through questionnaire and interviews based on Theory of Planned Behavior (Ajzen, 1991). The research found that the factors influencing knowledge personalization behavior on analysts are attitude, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control, other factor that was also found was trust. Based on these findings, technostructural (work design based on hypertext
organization), human process (top down communication to middle management), and human resource management (trust building among analyst) intervention were designed., In the knowledge-intensive economy era, knowledge is seen as a source of
competitive advantage for 4W Asuransi Astra to develop its services to be
superior to its competitor. The key factor of knowledge management is knowledge
sharing. 4W Asuransi Astra adopted knowledge sharing strategy person to person
for its employees, the expected behavior to appear is called knowledge
personalization. This research combines the quantitative and qualitative method;
analysts of 4W Asuransi Astra are the respondents of this research. Data were
collected through questionnaire and interviews based on Theory of Planned
Behavior (Ajzen, 1991). The research found that the factors influencing
knowledge personalization behavior on analysts are attitude, subjective norms,
and perceived behavioral control, other factor that was also found was trust.
Based on these findings, technostructural (work design based on hypertext
organization), human process (top down communication to middle management),
and human resource management (trust building among analyst) intervention
were designed.]"