This research is based on a large number of Jakarta Capital Special Region’s Department of Manpower, Transmigration and Energy (DTKTE) employees who will retire in the near future, the assignment of tasks for employees who are not in their fields during the Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB), and the limitation of communication between employees due to the implementation of work from home (WFH). Knowledge Management (KM) can help gather knowledge that will be lost due to the large number of employees who will retire in the near future. KM can be a solution in giving direction to employees on how to carry out their work during the PSBB period. KM can also help collaboration when implementing WFH. The purpose of this research is to design a model and knowledge management system (KMS) to be implemented at DTKTE. Data was collected by distributing questionnaires to employees in the DTKTE environment. Apart from the questionnaire, the determination of system requirements is also based on the needs of information technology features that support remote work systems. Semi-structured interview with the Head of Department was also conducted to support the data obtained from the questionnaire and document analysis. The KMS is designed using the theory of contingency views according to Becerra-Fernandez, the architecture of the KMS according to Tiwana, and the model of the KMS according to Le Dinh. From the results of the analysis conducted, DTKTE's KMS to support remote work systems is designed using system prototyping by integrating open-source applications using single sign-on, which consists of the document management system, document search tools/knowledge articles, experience management, forum discussion, chatting/video conference, and team collaboration tools. The results of the KMS design are then tested by DTKTE employees using the black box testing method so that the tested KMS design is obtained to support remote work systems to be implemented at DTKTE.
Kekeringan merupakan keadaan dimana kurangnya pasok air yang cukup lama. Bencana alam kekeringan juga ditimbulkan akibat dari keragaman curah hujan dibeberapa wilayah, dan faktor alam lain. Kekeringan merupakan bencana yang sering melanda di beberapa wilayah Indonesia termasuk Kabupaten Serang sehingga dapat mengancam wilayah pertanian khususnya sawah. Masalah dari penelitian ini adalah bagaimana Pola sebaran kekeringan dan luasan kekeringan lahan pertanian Kabupaten Serang beserta dengan hubungan kondisi fisik. Penelitian ini menggunakan data citra Landsat 8 OLI periode lima tahun pada bulan kering yang menggunakan aplikasi penginderaan jauh dengan analisis algoritma Normalized Difference Drought Index (NDDI). Normalized Difference Drought Index (NDDI) yang mana merupakan hasil rasio antara Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) dan Normalized Difference Water Index (NDWI) yang menggabungkan nilai indeks kehijauan vegetasi dan kelembaban lahan. Pola sebaran kekeringan kekeringan lahan pertanian lebih dominan menyebar di Kecamatan Bandung, Binuang, Carenang, Cikande, Cikeusal, Jawilan, Kopo, Pamarayan dan Tunjung Teja dengan luas wilayah kekeringan lebih dari 500 ha. Hubungan kondisi fisik yang amat berpengaruh terhadap kekeringan lahan pertanian Kabupaten Serang ialah curah hujan dengan rata-rata curah hujan 145-148 mm per bulan selama lima tahun, diikuti dengan ketinggian wilayah yang landai, pada jenis tanah sedimen dan dengan jarak buffer sungai rerata lebih dari 1000 meter.
Drought is a condition where there is a lack of sufficient supply of water. Natural drought disasters are also caused by a variety of rainfall in several regions, and other natural factors. Drought is a disaster that often strikes in several regions of Indonesia, including Serang Regency, so that it can threaten agricultural areas, especially rice fields. The problem of this research is how the pattern of distribution and extent of drought in agricultural land of Serang Regency along with the relationship of physical conditions. This study uses five-year period Landsat 8 OLI image data in the dry month using remote sensing applications by analyzing the Normalized Difference Drought Index (NDDI) algorithm. Normalized Difference Drought Index (NDDI) which is the result of the ratio between the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and the Normalized Difference Water Index (NDWI) that combines the vegetation density index value and soil moisture. The pattern of distribution of drought in agricultural lands is more prevalent in Bandung, Binuang, Carenang, Cikande, Cikeusal, Jawilan, Kopo, Pamarayan and Tunjung Teja Subdistricts with a drought area of more than 500 hectares. The relationship of physical conditions that greatly affect the dryness of Serang Regency's agricultural land is rainfall with an average rainfall of 145-148 mm per month for five years, followed by a sloping area height, on sedimentary soil types and with an average river buffer distance of more than 1000 meters.