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Harsya Dwindaru Gunardi
"Setidaknya 1 dari 200 pasien COVID-19 akan mengalami DVT, dan sekitar 20% kasus VTE berhubungan dengan COVID-19. Risikonya meningkat empat kali lipat pada pasien COVID-19. Munculnya berbagai faktor patofisiologis yang berkontribusi terhadap terjadinya DVT pada pasien COVID-19 menimbulkan pertanyaan menarik mengenai perbedaan dalam karakteristik luaran pasien DVT sebelum dan selama pandemi, serta variasi dalam perawatan dan hasil pasien. Desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah studi kohort retrospektif untuk melihat perbandingan karakteristik dan manajemen pasien DVT (Deep Vein Thrombosis) sebelum dan selama pandemi COVID-19. Didapatkan data 489 subyek yang diikutsertakan dalam penelitian ini dengan nilai rata-rata usianya adalah 50.72 ± 18.00. Berdasarkan waktu terkenanya DVT, dari 489 subyek tersebut, sebagian besar sampel yaitu sebanyak 344 orang (72.9%) merupakan pasien yang mengalami DVT selama pandemi COVID. Berdasarkan status mortalitas, terdapat 336 orang (71.8%) yang masih hidup setelah mengalami DVT. Berdasarkan keberadaan perdarahan hebat, sebagian besar subyek yaitu 402 orang (82.2%) tidak mengalami perdarahan hebat. Berdasarkan status rekurensi, terdapat 321 orang (65.7%) yang mengalami rekurensi yaitu kembali dirawat dengan diagnosa yang sama dalam 1 tahun pertama setelah pertama kali dirawat. Sebanyak 479 orang (97.9%) tidak mengalami emboli paru. Didapatkan nilai rata-rata durasi rawat inap selama 13.41 ± 9.89 hari. Berdasarkan hasil pemeriksaan D-Dimer, didapatkan nilai rata-rata 3008.21 ± 1494.59 ng/mL. Sedangkan hasil pemeriksaan fibrinogen, didapatkan nilai rata-rata 301.06 ± 58.63 mg/dL. Dalam melihat komparasi data DVT sebelum dan selama pandemic COVID-19, dari 4 variabel yang dilihat, hanya D-Dimer yang memiliki perbedaan yang signifikan berupa peningkatan nilai rata-rata apabila dibandingkan antara sebelum pandemic COVID (2052.34 ± 568.30 ng/mL) dan selama COVID (3363.89 ± 1573.79 ng/mL) dengan nilai p < 0.001. Hasil berbeda terjadi pada fibrinogen yang tidak memiliki perbedaan yang signifikan antara sebelum pandemic COVID (295.66 ± 57.28 mg/dL) dibandingkan dengan selama COVID (303.06 ± 59.08 mg/dL) dengan nilai p 0.223. Ditemukan bahwa pada pasien COVID-19 didapati nilai D-Dimer yang lebih tinggi (nilai p <0.001) serta fibrinogen yang lebih tinggi secara signifikan (p=0.032).

At least 1 in 200 COVID-19 patients will experience DVT, and approximately 20% of VTE cases are related to COVID-19. The risk increases fourfold in COVID-19 patients. The emergence of various pathophysiological factors that contribute to the occurrence of DVT in COVID-19 patients raises interesting questions regarding differences in the outcome characteristics of DVT patients before and during the pandemic, as well as variations in patient care and outcomes. The research design used was a retrospective cohort study to compare the characteristics and management of DVT (Deep Vein Thrombosis) patients before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. Data were obtained for 489 subjects who were included in this study with an average age value of 50.72 ± 18.00. Based on the time of DVT, of the 489 subjects, the majority of the sample, namely 344 people (72.9%) were patients who experienced DVT during the COVID pandemic. Based on mortality status, there were 336 people (71.8%) who were still alive after experiencing DVT. Based on the presence of severe bleeding, the majority of subjects, namely 402 people (82.2%) did not experience severe bleeding. Based on recurrence status, there were 321 people (65.7%) who experienced recurrence, namely being treated again with the same diagnosis within the first year after first being treated. A total of 479 people (97.9%) did not experience pulmonary embolism. The average duration of hospitalization was 13.41 ± 9.89 days. Based on the results of the D-Dimer examination, an average value of 3008.21 ± 1494.59 ng/mL was obtained. Meanwhile, the results of the fibrinogen examination showed an average value of 301.06 ± 58.63 mg/dL. In looking at the comparison of DVT data before and during the COVID-19 pandemic, of the 4 variables looked at, only D-Dimer had a significant difference in the form of an increase in the average value when compared between before the COVID pandemic (2052.34 ± 568.30 ng/mL) and during COVID (3363.89 ± 1573.79 ng/mL) with p value < 0.001. Different results occurred in fibrinogen which did not have a significant difference between before the COVID pandemic (295.66 ± 57.28 mg/dL) compared to during COVID (303.06 ± 59.08 mg/dL) with a p value of 0.223. It was found that COVID-19 patients had higher D-Dimer values (p value <0.001) and significantly higher fibrinogen (p=0.032)."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Januar Rizky Adriani
"Pendahuluan: Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) memiliki kecenderungan terus meningkat dengan koinsidensi mortalitas jangka pendek dan morbiditas jangka panjang. COVID-19 dapat menyebabkan hypercoagulable state dan menjadi predisposisi terjadinya DVT. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis hubungan kadar fibrinogen, D-Dimer, dan dosis heparin teraupetik berdasarkan kadar APTT dengan adanya COVID-19 pada pasien DVT. Metode: Desain penelitian komparatif dan kohort prospektif digunakan untuk membandingkan kadar fibrinogen, D-Dimer, dan dosis heparin terapeutik antara pasien COVID-19 dan non COVID-19 yang menderita DVT di RSPN Cipto Mangunkusumo pada bulan Maret 2020 – Maret 2022. Penegakan diagnosis DVT dilakukan dengan pemeriksaan ultrasonografi dan/atau computed tomography angiography (CTA) fase vena. Data variabel utama dan lainnya diperoleh dari rekam medis pasien. Uji T independen atau Mann-Whitney digunakan untuk menganalisis perbedaan nilai variabel antara kedua kelompok. Hasil: Dari total 253 sampel, tidak terdapat perbedaan karakterisitik awal antara kelompok DVT COVID-19 (n=44) dan DVT non COVID-19 (n=209), kecuali pada parameter Wells Score. Kelompok DVT COVID-19 memiliki kadar Fibrinogen, D-Dimer, dan aPTT yang lebih tinggi daripada kelompok DVT non COVID-19, baik sebelum terapi maupun sesudah terapi heparanisasi (semua nilai p =0,000). Pada akhir pengamatan, didapatkan dosis heparin terapeutik pada kelompok DVT COVID-19 lebih tinggi dibanding pada kelompok DVT non COVID-19 (30,00 (20,00-40,00)x103 U vs. 25,00 (20,00-35,00)x103 U, p=0,000). Kesimpulan: Kadar fibriongen, D-Dimer, dan dosis heparin terapeutik pada pasien DVT yang menderita COVID-19 lebih tinggi dibandingkan pada pasien DVT yang tidak menderita COVID-19. Inisiasi pemberian dosis heparin terapeutik dosis tinggi dapat dipertimbangkan pada pasien DVT dengan komorbid COVID-19 dan dipandu oleh hasil pemeriksaan biomarker koagulasi darah.

Introduction: Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) has an increasing trend with a coincidence of short-term mortality and long-term morbidity. COVID-19 can cause a hypercoagulable state and predispose to DVT. This study aims to analyze the relationship between fibrinogen levels, D-Dimer, and therapeutic heparin doses based on APTT levels in the presence of COVID-19 in DVT patients. Methods: A comparative study design and a prospective cohort were used to compare levels of fibrinogen, D-Dimer, and therapeutic heparin doses between COVID-19 and non-COVID-19 patients suffering from DVT at Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital in March 2020 – March 2022. Diagnosis of DVT was performed by ultrasound examination and/or computed tomography angiography (CTA) venous phase. The primary variable data and others were obtained from the patient's medical record. An Independent T-test or Mann-Whitney was used to analyze the differences in variable values between the two groups. Results: Of 253 samples, there was no difference in initial characteristics between the DVT COVID-19 (n=44) and non-COVID-19 DVT groups (n=209), except for the Wells Score parameter. The COVID-19 DVT group had higher levels of fibrinogen, D-Dimer, and aPTT than the non-COVID-19 DVT group, both before and after heparinization therapy (all p-values = 0.000). At the end of the follow-up period, the therapeutic dose of heparin in the COVID-19 DVT group was higher than in the non-COVID-19 DVT group (30.00 (20.00-40.00)x103 U vs. 25.00 (20.00-35.00)x103 U, p-value=0.000). Conclusion: The levels of fibrinogen, D-Dimer, and therapeutic doses of heparin in DVT patients who have COVID-19 are higher than in DVT patients who do not have COVID-19. Initiation of a higher therapeutic dose of heparin can be considered in DVT patients with comorbid COVID-19 and guided by the results of blood coagulation biomarkers."
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Eka Arya Limianto
"Latar belakang: Mortalitas pascaoperasi dan komplikasi respiratorik berat telah didokumentasikan pada pasien COVID-19 pada berbagai studi. Namun, belum terdapat penelitian yang secara khusus mengevaluasi luaran dari laparatomi gawat darurat dengan perforasi gastrointestinal selama pandemi COVID-19 tahun 2020.
Metode: Studi dilakukan dengan desain observasional retrospektif sejak bulan Desember 2020-Februari 2021. Pasien perforasi gastrointestinal berusia lebih dari 15 tahun yang menjalani laparotomi gawat darurat diinklusi dalam penelitian. Luaran yang dievaluasi adalah mortalitas dan morbiditas, yang meliputi sindrom distres pernapasan akut (ARDS), reoperasi, durasi perawatan di rumah sakit, sepsis, admisi ke ruang perawatan intensif (ICU), dan infeksi daerah operasi (IDO).
Hasil: Terdapat 117 pasien pascalaparotomi yang direkrut dalam penelitian ini, dengan 95 (81,2%) pasien tidak terinfeksi SARS-CoV-2. Median usia untuk kelompok non-COVID dan kelompok COVID secara berturut-turut sebesar 41 (14¬92) tahun dan 39 (15¬77) tahun. Mortalitas umum tercatat pada angka 23,9%. Pasien perforasi COVID-19 yang menjalani tindakan laparotomi memiliki risiko yang lebih tinggi untuk mengalami kematian, ARDS, dan sepsis, serta mendapatkan tindakan reoperasi dibandingkan pasien non-COVID, dengan risiko odds masing-masing sebesar 2,769 (95% IK; 1,032–7,434), 8,50 (95% IK; 2,939–24,583), 3,36 (95% IK; 1,292–8,735), dan 3,69 (95% IK; 1,049–13,030). Tidak terdapat perbedaan antara pasien perforasi gastrointestinal yang terkonfirmasi COVID-19 dan pasien non-COVID dalam hal risiko IDO, lama durasi perawatan, dan admisi ke ICU. Usia, sepsis, dan ARDS merupakan faktor prognostik bermakna untuk mortalitas COVID-19.
Simpulan: Pasien perforasi gastrointestinal pascalaparotomi yang terkonfirmasi COVID-19 memiliki risiko mortalitas, ARDS, sepsis, dan menjalani tindakan reoperasi yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan pasien non-COVID.

Background: Postoperative mortality and severe respiratory complications have been documented in COVID-19 patients in various studies. However, no studies specifically evaluate the outcome of emergency laparotomy with gastrointestinal perforation during the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic.
Methods: The study was conducted with a retrospective observational design from December 2020-February 2021. Patients with gastrointestinal perforations aged more than 15 years who underwent emergency laparotomy were included in the study. The outcomes evaluated were mortality and morbidity, which included acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), reoperation, duration of hospital stay, sepsis, admission to the intensive care room (ICU), and surgical site infections (SSI).
Results: There were 117 post-laparotomy patients recruited, with 95 (81.2%) COVID-19 negative patients. The median ages for the non-COVID group and the COVID group were 41 (14¬92) years and 39 (15¬77) years. General mortality was recorded at 23.9%. Patients with perforated COVID-19 who underwent laparotomy had a higher risk of dying, ARDS, and sepsis, as well as receiving re-surgery than non-COVID-19 patients, with an odds risk of 2.769 each (95% CI; 1,032–7,434), 8,50 (95% CI; 2,939–24,583), 3.36 (95% CI; 1,292–8,735), and 3.69 (95% CI; 1,049¬ – 13,030). There was no difference between gastrointestinal perforated patients with confirmed COVID-19 and non-COVID-19 patients in terms of risk of SSI, length of stay, and admission to the ICU. Age, sepsis, and ARDS are significant prognostic factors for COVID-19 mortality.
Conclusion: Post-laparotomy confirmed gastrointestinal perforation patients with COVID-19 have a higher risk of mortality, ARDS, sepsis, and undergoing reoperation than non-COVID-19 patients."
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tomu Juliani
"Latar belakang: Kondisi badai sitokin atau hiperinflamasi pada COVID-19 dapat berakibat fatal pada pasien. Inflamasi juga dapat menyebabkan gangguan koagulasi. Rasio netrofil limfosit (RNL) dan rasio platelet limfosit (RPL) telah diketahui dapat menjadi penanda inflamasi pada beberapa penyakit. Status koagulasi pasien dapat dilihat dari parameter nilai D-dimer. Peran penanda hayati yang dapat menggambarkan keadaan tromboinflamasi pada pasien COVID-19 tersebut perlu ditelaah lebih lanjut.
Tujuan penelitian: Mengetahui hubungan nilai RNL, RPL dan D-dimer terhadap luaran tatalaksana pasien COVID-19 terkonfirmasi di RSUP Persahabatan.
Metode penelitian: Analisis observasional kohort retrospektif terhadap pasien COVID-19 terkonfirmasi yang dirawat di RSUP Persahabatan secara total sampling diperoleh dari bulan Maret sampai dengan Juli 2020. Kami meninjau 214 rekam medis pasien COVID-19 terkonfirmasi yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi.
Hasil penelitian: Rerata usia pasien pada penelitian ini adalah 54,35 tahun, didominasi oleh laki-laki sebanyak 60,7%. Status gizi pasien paling banyak adalah normal sebesar 54,7%. Proporsi pasien yang memiliki komorbid sebanyak 65,4%. Komorbid yang paling banyak adalah hipertensi, kedua adalah diabetes melitus. Derajat penyakit paling banyak adalah berat-kritis sebanyak 76,1%, diikuti sedang 20,1%, ringan 3,7%. Median lama rawat adalah 12 hari. Pasien meninggal sebanyak 60 orang (28%). Nilai median RNL, RPL dan D-dimer awal pasien adalah 5,75 (0,68-81,5), 243,5 (44,7-1607) dan 1140 (190-141300), secara berurutan. Terdapat hubungan antara nilai RNL (p=0,000), RPL (0,013) dan D-dimer (0,032) terhadap luaran pasien.
Kesimpulan: Nilai RNL, RPL dan D-dimer awal perawatan pasien COVID-19 terkonfirmasi di RSUP Persahabatan berhubungan dengan luaran tatalaksana pasien.

Backgrounds: Cytokine storm or hyperinflammation in COVID-19 can cause fatal outcome for patients. Imflammation also can cause hypercoagulation. Neutrophil lymphocyte ratio (NLR) and platelet lymphocyte ratio (PLR) have already known as inflammation marker in several diseases. Coagulation status in patients could be measured by D-dimer value. The role of biomarkers for that thromboinflammation in COVID-19 should be explored.
Aims: to know the association between NLR, PLR and D-dimer value with confirmed COVID-19 patients’ outcome in Persahabatan hospital, Jakarta
Methods: We performed observational retrospective cohort analysis of confirmed COVID-19 patients hospitalized in Persahataban hospital. Subjects by means of total sampling were confirmed COVID-19 patients between March till July 2020. We reviewed the medical record of 214 patients whom met the inclusion criteria.
Results: Mean age of patients in this study were 54,35 years old, dominated by males (60,7%). Most of the patients were with normal nutritional status (54,7%) and presented with comorbidity (65,4%). Diabetes melitus was the most frequent comorbidity, second was hypertension. Disease severity was severe to critical in 76,1% patients, 20,1% in moderate cases and 3,7% in mild case. Length of hospital stay was 12 days. Death patients were 60 (28%). The median of initial NLR, PLR and D-dimer value were 5,75 (0,68-81,5), 243,5 (44,7-1607) dan 1140 (190-141300), respectively. There were an association between NLR (p=0,000), PLR (0,013) and D-dimer value (p=0,032) with patients’ outcome.
Conclusions: There were association between NLR, PLR and D-dimer value on admission with confirmed COVID-19 patients’ outcome in Persahabatan hospital.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sekarpramita Darmaputri
"Latar belakang. Coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19) memiliki spektrum penyakit yang sangat luas dari gejala ringan sampai berat, hingga kematian. Reaksi inflamasi berat akibat dari COVID-19 ini menimbulkan gangguan hemostasis yang disebut dengan COVID-19 associated coagulopathy. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menilai profil koagulasi pada pasien dalam pemantauan (PDP) ataupun terkonfirmasi COVID-19 serta hubungannya terhadap mortalitas 30-hari pasien.
Metode. Studi ini merupakan studi kohort retrospektif di RS Cipto Mangunkusumo (RSCM) selama Maret 2020 hingga Juni 2020. Sebanyak 106 subjek yang sesuai kriteria inklusi dianalisis dari data rekam medis. Dilakukan pengambilan data berupa data demografik, klinis atau hemodinamik pasien, profil koagulasi saat subjek ditentukan sebagai PDP atau terkonfirmasi COVID-19, pemberian terapi tromboprofilaksis heparin, dan status mortalitas 30 hari setelah admisi. Perhitungan statistik dilakukan dengan menggunakan Statistical Package of Social Science (SPSS) versi 24.0. Profil koagulasi subjek penyintas 30 hari dibandingkan dengan subjek yang mengalami mortalitas. Variabel profil koagulasi yang bermakna kemudian dianalisis dengan analisis bivariat dan regresi logistik multivariat.
Hasil. Pada kelompok yang mengalami mortalitas 30-hari ditemukan adanya peningkatan jumlah leukosit (p: 0,022), penurunan kadar trombosit (p: 0,016), dan waktu protrombin (PT) dan waktu activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT) yang lebih panjang (p: 0,002 dan p: 0,018) dibandingkan pada kelompok penyintas 30-hari. Tidak ditemukan perbedaan fibrinogen dan d-Dimer yang bermakna secara statistik. PT merupakan suatu profil koagulasi tunggal yang dapat digunakan sebagai prediktor mortalitas 30-hari dengan odds ratio (95% CI) sebesar 1,407 (1,072 – 1,846), nilai p: 0,014.
Simpulan. Terdapat hubungan antara faktor koagulasi pasien COVID-19 dengan mortalitas 30 hari di RSCM, khususnya PT yang dapat digunakan sebagai prediktor mortalitas 30-hari.

.Background. Coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19) has a very broad spectrum of disease from mild to severe symptoms, to death. The severe inflammatory reaction as a result of COVID-19 infection causes a hemostasis disorder called COVID-19 associated coagulopathy. This study aims to assess the coagulation profile of patients under monitoring (PDP) or confirmed COVID-19 and its relationship with 30-day mortality.
Method. This retrospective cohort study was conducted at RS Cipto Mangunkusumo (RSCM) from March 2020 to June 2020. A total of 106 subjects who met the inclusion criteria were analyzed from medical record data. Data were collected in the form of patient demographic, clinical or hemodynamic data, coagulation profile when the subject was determined as PDP or confirmed as COVID-19, administration of heparin thromboprophylaxis therapy, and mortality status 30 days after admission. Statistical calculations were performed using the Statistical Package of Social Science (SPSS) version 24.0. We compared the coagulation profiles of the survivor group in contrast to the non-survivor group. Significant coagulation profile variables were analyzed using bivariate analysis and multivariate logistic regression.
Results. There was elevated number of leukocytes (p: 0.022), reduced platelet levels (p: 0.016), and longer prothrombin time (PT) as well as activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT) (p: 0.002 and p: 0.018, consecutively) in non-survivor group. There were no statistical differences in fibrinogen and d-Dimer levels in both groups. Additionally, PT is a single coagulation profile which predicted 30-day mortality with an odds ratio (95% CI) of 1.407 (1.072 - 1.846), and p value: 0.014.
Conclusion. This present study shows abnormal coagulation results are associated with 30-day mortality in COVID-19 patients at RSCM. Prolonged PT was an independent predictor for 30-day mortality in COVID-19 patients
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Riene Agustine
Latar Belakang: Angka kematian ibu yang diakibatkan oleh kasus preeklampsia bervariasi antara 4-16 . Salah satu komplikasi yang diakibatkan oleh preeklampsia adalah Acute Kidney Injury AKI , berkaitan dengan peningkatan produksi thrombus yang berhubungan dengan peningkatan produksi D-dimer di urin. Pada studi 2013 menunjukkan bahwa D-dimer urin merupakan alat diagnostik yang baik untuk menilai adanya penumpukan fibrin pada endotel glomerulus pada pasien preklampsia dengan AKI.Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan melihat perbandingan kadar D-dimer urin pada wanita hamil normotensif, preeklampsia berat disertai oligouria dan non oligouria sehingga dapat dijadikan pilihan pemeriksaan awal preventif lain terhadap komplikasi AKI. . Metode: Penelitian potong lintang dilakukan sejak September 2016 sampai Januari 2017 di Instalasi Gawat Darurat, Poliklinik, Instalasi Rawat Inap Departemen Obstetri dan Ginekologi, RSCM. Sebanyak 140 pasien hamil yang telah memenuhi syarat dan ditawarkan untuk ikut penelitian untuk diperiksa kadar D-dimer darah dan urinnya. Subyek penelitian diambil dengan metode consecutive sampling, kemudian dibagi menjadi 3 kelompok yaitu hamil dengan normotensi 45 subyek , pasien hamil dengan PEB tanpa oligouria 44 subyek , dan pasien hamil dengan oligouria 51 subjek . Kadar D-dimer diperiksa dengan menggunakan Abcam Human D-dimer ELISA. Penelitian ini telah disetuji oleh Komite Etik dan Penelitian di tahun 2016.Hasil: Terdapat perbedaan kadar D-dimer urin antara ketiga kelompok p 0,013 dan secara spesifik perbedaan terletak antara kelompok normotensi dibandingkan dengan PEB tanpa oligouria p 0,005 , tidak terdapat perbedaan bermakna antara PEB non oligouria dibandingkan PEB oligouria p 0,019 . Nilai diagnostik D-dimer urin dalam mendeteksi AKI pada PEB dengan sensitivitas 78 dan spesifisitas 55 memiliki nilai AU 0,407 40,7 dengan titik potong > 308,45 ng/dL. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa meningkatnya kadar D-dimer urin tidak secara signifikan mendiagnosis AKI.Kesimpulan: Kadar D- dimer urin tidak berbeda bermakna pada kelompok pasien PEB dengan oligouria maupun tanpa oligouria.Kata Kunci: Preeklampsia Berat, Kadar D-dimer urin, Acute Kidney Injury.

Introduction Maternal mortality rate MMR caused by preeclampsia was ranged between 4 and 16 . One of the complication of preeclampsia is acute kidney injury AKI which is related to increase of thrombus formation that correlates with the production of D dimer level in urine. This aim of study is to determine urine D dimer level in normotensive, severe preeclampsia with oliguria and non oliguric patients.Methods This was a cross sectional study from September 2016 to January 2017 to patients in Obstetric Emergency Unit, Policlinic, ward and ICU, Obstetrics and Gynecology Department Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital. There were 140 subjects of pregnant women fulfilled the subject rsquo s criteria included in the study. They were divided into 3 groups including pregnant normotensive 45 subjects , severe features of preeclampsia with oliguria 44 subjects , and no oliguric 51 subjects . Research was approved by Ethics Committee for Health Researches in 2016.Results Urine D dimer levels were different between each group p 0.013 and specific difference were found between normotensive group and no oliguric severe preeclampsia p 0.005 . No difference were found between group of no oliguric and oliguric severe preeclampsia p 0.119 . Urine D dimer provided 78 of sensitivity and 55 of specificity to support the diagnosis of acute kidney injury in severe preeclampsia, with cut off level 308.45 ng dL however, AUC of urine D dimer was 0.407 40.7 . High level of urine D dimer could not specifically diagnose AKI.Conclusion Urine D dimer level cannot differ between severe features of preeclampsia patient with oliguria and no oliguria.Keywords Severe features preeclampsia, Urine D dimer, Acute Kidney Injury."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Achmad Nur Komarudin
"Latar Belakang
Kanker ginekologi dan infeksi COVID-19 memiliki tingkat insidensi dan mortalitas yang tinggi di Indonesia serta berdampak pada aspek kesehatan, sosial, dan budaya. Kanker ginekologi dan infeksi COVID-19 memicu inflamasi yang dapat mengakibatkan ganguan multi-organ. Pemeriksaan laboratorium dapat digunakan sebagai indikator keparahan untuk menilai inflamasi dan kerusakan organ. Oleh karena itu penelitian ini akan membahas mengenai analisis kakteristik klinis dan hasil laboratorium pasien kanker ginekologi dengan COVID-19.
Metode yang akan digunakan di dalam penelitian ini adalah deskritif dan analitik dengan pendekatan potong lintang retrospektif.
Tingkat insidensi pasien kanker ginekologi dengan COVID-19 2020-2022 sebesar 154 per 100.000. Kanker serviks (54,3%) menjadi diagnosis terbanyak diikuti dengan kanker ovarium (28,7%), kanker rahim (14,9%), kanker vulva (1,1%), dan kanker vagina (1,1%). Stadium III (37,2%) menjadi yang terbanyak diikuti stadium IV (26,6%), stadium I (20,2%), stadium II (16%). Karakteristik klinis dan hasil laboratorium yang memiliki hubungan signifikan dengan stadium kanker adalah obesitas (OR 0,321; CI 0,125-0,826; P value 0,018), neutrofil absolut tinggi (OR 5,006; Cl 95%, 1,307 – 19,176; P value 0,019), ureum tinggi (OR 3,977; Cl 95%, 1,112 – 14,224; P value 0,034), dan platelet to leucocyte ratio (PLR) tinggi (OR 7,379; 95% CI 2,067-26,466; P value 0,002). Karakteristik klinis dan hasil laboratorium yang memiliki hubungan signifikan dengan derajat keparahan COVID-19 adalah sesak napas (OR 12,364; Cl 95%, 4,148 – 36,848; P value <0.001) dan PLR tinggi (OR 6,787; 95% CI 1,103 - 41,774; P value 0,039).
Karakteristik klinis dan hasil laboratorium yang dapat dikaitkan sebagai indikator keparahan berdasarkan stadium kanker ginekologi adalah obesitas, neutrofil absolut tingg, ureum dan PLR tinggi. Karakteristik klinis dan hasil laboratorium yang dapat dikaitkan dengan indikator keparahan berdasarkan derajat keparahan COVID-19 adalah sesak napas dan PLR tinggi.

Gynecologic cancer and COVID-19 infection have high incidence and mortality rates in Indonesia and impact health, social and cultural aspects. Gynecological cancers and COVID-19 infections trigger inflammation that can lead to multi-organ disorders. Laboratory tests can be used as an indicator of severity to assess inflammation and organ damage. Therefore, this study will discuss the analysis of clinical characteristics and laboratory results of gynecological cancer patients with COVID-19.
The method used in this study is descriptive and analytic with a retrospective cross- sectional approach.
The incidence rate of gynecologic cancer patients with COVID-19 2020-2022 was 154 per 100,000. Cervical cancer (54.3%) was the most common diagnosis followed by ovarian cancer (28.7%), uterine cancer (14.9%), vulvar cancer (1.1%), and vaginal cancer (1.1%). Stage III (37.2%) was the most common followed by stage IV (26.6%), stage I (20.2%), stage II (16%). Clinical characteristics and laboratory results that had a significant association with cancer stage were obesity (OR 0,321; CI 0,125-0,826; P value 0,018), high absolute neutrophils (OR 5.006; 95% CI, 1.307-19.176; P value 0.019), high high ureum level (OR 3.977; 95% CI, 1.112-14.224; P value 0.034), and high PLR (OR 7.379; 95% CI 2.067-26.466; P value 0.002). Clinical characteristics and laboratory results that had a significant association with COVID-19 severity were shortness of breath (OR 12.364; Cl 95%, 4.148 - 36.848; P value <0.001) and high PLR (OR 6.787; 95% CI 1.103 - 41.774; P value 0.039).
Conclusion Clinical characteristics and laboratory results associated with gynecologic cancer stage were obesity, high absolute neutrophils, high ureum level, and high PLR. Clinical characteristics and laboratory results associated with COVID-19 severity were shortness of breath and high PLR.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Siti Kurnia Eka Rusmiarti
"Pada sepsis terjadi inflamasi sistemik yang menyebabkan ketidakseimbangan mekanisme hemostasis, yaitu, peningkatan aktivasi koagulasi, penurunan antikoagulan alamiah, dan penurunan aktivitas fibrinolisis. Ketidakseimbangan ini bermanifestasi pada pembentukan trombus mikrovaskular yang menyebabkan perfusi jaringan menurun, terjadi disfungsi organ dan kematian. Tujuan penelitian ini mengetahui peranan kadar D-dimer, kadar FDP dan rasio FDP/D-dimer dalam memprediksi mortalitas 14 hari pada pasien sepsis. Penilaian skor Acute physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation II (APACHE II) digunakan untuk memprediksi morbiditas dan mortalitas. Desain penelitian potong lintang, penyajian data secara deskriptif. Subjek penelitian berjumlah 55 orang yang terdiri dari 32 laki-laki dan 23 perempuan dengan rerata usia 51,62 tahun. Pada subjek penelitian, dinilai korelasi kadar FDP, kadar D-dimer, dan rasio FDP/D-dimer dengan skor APACHE II. Pada hasil penelitian, didapatkan 20 pasien hidup dan 35 pasien meninggal. Median kadar FDP (12,9μg/mL) dan kadar D-dimer (7μg/mL) subjek meninggal lebih tinggi dibandingkan median kadar FDP (10,9μg/mL) dan kadar D-dimer (5,2 μg/mL) subjek hidup. Median rasio FDP/D-dimer subjek meninggal (1,9) lebih rendah dibandingkan subjek hidup (2,1). Koefisien korelasi Spearman antara kadar FDP, kadar D-dimer, dan rasio FDP/D-dimer dengan skor APACHE II berturut-turut 0,176, 0,187, dan -0,182. Ketiga korelasi itu secara statistik tidak bermakna (p ≥ 0,05). Pada penelitian ini disimpulkan bahwa kadar FDP, kadar D-dimer, dan rasio FDP/D-dimer tidak dapat digunakan sebagai prognosis keluaran sepsis pada mortalitas 14 hari.

Systemic inflamation in sepsis could leads to an imbalance homeostatic mechanisms including elevated coagulation activity, decreasing level of natural anticoagulant, and decreased fibrinolysis activity. This could leads to formation of microvascular thrombus which eventually will cause tissue hypoperfusion, organ dysfunction and death. The aim of this research is to understand the role of d-dimer and fibrin degradation products (FDP) and FDP/d-dimer ratio in predicting 14-days mortality rate on sepsis patient. The morbidity and mortality rate on this research were based on APACHE II scoring system. This is a cross sectional research and all data are presented in a descriptive report. Participant of this research was 55 people (32 male and 23 female), average age was 51,62 years old. This research evaluate the correlation between FDP level, d-dimer level and FDP/d-dimer ratio with APACHE II scoring system. From all the participant we had 20 subject alive and 35 died during this research. The median level of FDP (12,9μg/mL) and d-dimer (7μg/mL) in those who die were higher than those who live (10,9μg/mL and 5,2 μg/mL). The median FDP/d-dimer ratio in those who die (1,9) was lower comparing to those who live (2,1). Spearman coefficient of correlation between FDP level, d-dimer level and FDP/d-dimer ratio with APACHE II scoring system were 0.176; 0.187; and -0.182 repectively. This was not significant statistically (p ≥ 0,05). This research has come to a conclusion that FDP and d-dimer level, and FDP/d-dimer ratio cant be used as a prognostic outcome in sepsis on 14 days mortality."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Siti Kurnia Eka Rusmiarti
"Pada sepsis terjadi inflamasi sistemik yang menyebabkan ketidakseimbangan mekanisme hemostasis, yaitu, peningkatan aktivasi koagulasi, penurunan antikoagulan alamiah, dan penurunan aktivitas fibrinolisis. Ketidakseimbangan ini bermanifestasi pada pembentukan trombus mikrovaskular yang menyebabkan perfusi jaringan menurun, terjadi disfungsi organ dan kematian. Tujuan penelitian ini mengetahui peranan kadar D-dimer, kadar FDP dan rasio FDP/D-dimer dalam memprediksi mortalitas 14 hari pada pasien sepsis. Penilaian skor Acute physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation II (APACHE II) digunakan untuk memprediksi morbiditas dan mortalitas. Desain penelitian potong lintang, penyajian data secara deskriptif. Subjek penelitian berjumlah 55 orang yang terdiri dari 32 laki-laki dan 23 perempuan dengan rerata usia 51,62 tahun. Pada subjek penelitian, dinilai korelasi kadar FDP, kadar D-dimer, dan rasio FDP/D-dimer dengan skor APACHE II. Pada hasil penelitian, didapatkan 20 pasien hidup dan 35 pasien meninggal. Median kadar FDP (12,9μg/mL) dan kadar D-dimer (7μg/mL) subjek meninggal lebih tinggi dibandingkan median kadar FDP (10,9μg/mL) dan kadar D-dimer (5,2 μg/mL) subjek hidup. Median rasio FDP/D-dimer subjek meninggal (1,9) lebih rendah dibandingkan subjek hidup (2,1). Koefisien korelasi Spearman antara kadar FDP, kadar D-dimer, dan rasio FDP/D-dimer dengan skor APACHE II berturut-turut 0,176, 0,187, dan -0,182. Ketiga korelasi itu secara statistik tidak bermakna (p ≥ 0,05). Pada penelitian ini disimpulkan bahwa kadar FDP, kadar D-dimer, dan rasio FDP/D-dimer tidak dapat digunakan sebagai prognosis keluaran sepsis pada mortalitas 14 hari.

Systemic inflamation in sepsis could leads to an imbalance homeostatic mechanisms including elevated coagulation activity, decreasing level of natural anticoagulant, and decreased fibrinolysis activity. This could leads to formation of microvascular thrombus which eventually will cause tissue hypoperfusion, organ dysfunction and death. The aim of this research is to understand the role of d-dimer and fibrin degradation products (FDP) and FDP/d-dimer ratio in predicting 14-days mortality rate on sepsis patient. The morbidity and mortality rate on this research were based on APACHE II scoring system. This is a cross sectional research and all data are presented in a descriptive report. Participant of this research was 55 people (32 male and 23 female), average age was 51,62 years old. This research evaluate the correlation between FDP level, d-dimer level and FDP/d-dimer ratio with APACHE II scoring system. From all the participant we had 20 subject alive and 35 died during this research. The median level of FDP (12,9μg/mL) and d-dimer (7μg/mL) in those who die were higher than those who live (10,9μg/mL and 5,2 μg/mL). The median FDP/d-dimer ratio in those who die (1,9) was lower comparing to those who live (2,1). Spearman coefficient of correlation between FDP level, d-dimer level and FDP/d-dimer ratio with APACHE II scoring system were 0.176; 0.187; and – 0.182 repectively. This was not significant statistically (p ≥ 0,05). This research has come to a conclusion that FDP and d-dimer level, and FDP/d-dimer ratio cant be used as a prognostic outcome in sepsis on 14 days mortality."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Latar Belakang: Pemeriksaan D-dimer dan ultrasonografi sering dipakai untuk menegakkan diagnosis trombosis vena dalam (DVT). Walaupun demikian, kedua pemeriksaan tersebut memiliki keterbatasan jika dipakai pada pasien trauma ekstremitas bawah. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk meneliti tingkat akurasi dari pemeriksaan D-dimer atau ultrasonografi (USG) dalam mendiagnosis trombosis vena dalam pada pasien dengan trauma ekstremitas bawah. Metode: Pencarian literatur sistematis dilakukan pada database Pubmed, Cochrane, ProQuest, dan EBSCOhost. Hasil artikel yang diperoleh diskrining berdasarkan kriteria inklusi dan eksklusi. Artikel yang dimasukkan dalam tinjauan dilakukan telaah kritis menggunakan panduan dari The Center of Evidence Based-Medicine (CEEBM) University of Oxford untuk kategori systematic review dan Quality Assessment of Diagnostic Accuracy Studies (QUADAS). Hasil: Sebanyak 89 studi teridentifikasi dari pencarian yang dilakukan. Setelah proses inklusi dan eksklusi, 3 studi dipilih untuk dimasukkan. Ketiga studi yang ditemukan membandingkan akurasi USG dan/atau D-dimer dengan venografi, flebografi, atau USG Doppler. Pemeriksaan D-dimer menunjukkan sensitivitas dan spesifisitas pasca operasi yang mencapai 95,5% dan 91,4% dengan ambang batas 10mcg/mL, namun dengan ambang batas 4,01 mcg/mL sensitivitas hanya 71.3% dan spesifitas 44.83%. Untuk sensitivitas dan spesifitas USG beragam dengan nilai sensitivitas 18%-96% dan spesifisitas 71,8-96,5%. Diskusi: Sensitivitas dan spesifisitas D-dimer dan USG cukup baik sehingga bisa dipakai untuk mendeteksi trombosis vena dalam. Untuk meningkatkan sensitivitas dan spesifitas D-dimer, ambang batas yang lebih tinggi bisa digunakan khususnya pada skrining DVT di ekstremitas bawah. Untuk sensitivitas dan spesifitas USG variatif. Hasil telaah kritis menunjukkan risiko bias yang rendah. Kesimpulan: USG dan DVT dapat menjadi alat diagnostik awal untuk mendeteksi DVT pada pasien dengan trauma ekstremitas bawah. 

Background: The D-dimer test and ultrasonography are commonly utilized in establishing the diagnosis of deep vein thrombosis (DVT). However, both examinations have limitations when applied to patients with lower extremity trauma. The aim of this research is to investigate the accuracy of D-dimer testing or ultrasonography (USG) in diagnosing deep vein thrombosis in patients with lower extremity trauma. Methods: A systematic literature search was conducted on the Pubmed, Cochrane, ProQuest, and EBSCOhost databases. The obtained articles were screened based on inclusion and exclusion criteria. Articles included in the review underwent critical appraisal using guidelines from The Center of Evidence-Based Medicine (CEEBM) University of Oxford for systematic review categories and the Quality Assessment of Diagnostic Accuracy Studies (QUADAS). Results: A total of 89 studies were identified from the conducted search. Following the inclusion and exclusion processes, 3 studies were selected for inclusion. The three identified studies compared the accuracy of ultrasonography (USG) and/or D-dimer with venography, phlebography, or Doppler ultrasonography. D-dimer testing demonstrated postoperative sensitivity and specificity reaching 95.5% and 91.4%, respectively, with a threshold of 10 mcg/mL. However, with a threshold of 4.01 mcg/mL, sensitivity was only 71.3%, and specificity was 44.83%. Sensitivity and specificity for USG varied, with sensitivity values ranging from 18% to 96% and specificity ranging from 71.8% to 96.5%. Discussion: The sensitivity and specificity of both D-dimer testing and ultrasonography (USG) are deemed adequate, rendering them suitable modalities for the detection of deep vein thrombosis (DVT). To enhance the sensitivity and specificity of D-dimer, higher thresholds can be employed, particularly in screening for DVT in the lower extremities. The sensitivity and specificity of USG are variable. Critical appraisal results indicate a low risk of bias. Conclusion: Ultrasound (USG) and D-dimer testing can serve as early diagnostic tools to detect deep vein thrombosis (DVT) in patients with lower extremity trauma."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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