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Nugraheni Ardiyani
"Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk membahas pola demografi yang dimiliki anak pelaku kenakalan sebagai kurir narkotika dalam perspektif perlindungan anak dan hubungannya dengan teori struktur sosial dan anomie. Tulisan ini menggunakan metode kualitatif-deskriptif dengan studi kasus 13 kasus Putusan Pengadilan Negeri tahun 2017-2023. Penulis menemukan bahwa pola demografi, termasuk jenis kelamin, usia, tingkat pendidikan, dan kondisi ekonomi anak berperan menjadi penyebab keterlibatan anak menjadi kurir narkotika. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa anak pelaku kenakalan sebagai kurir merupakan korban karena adanya kerentanan dan keterbatasan akses terhadap sarana yang sah, sehingga mendorong anak terlibat dalam kegiatan ilegal sebagai cara inovatif untuk mencapai tujuan mereka. Kesimpulan penulisan ini memperlihatkan adanya hubungan yang erat antara pola demografi anak dalam konteks perlindungan anak dengan menggunakan teori struktur sosial dan anomie.

This writing aims to discuss the demographic patterns exhibited by juvenile delinquent acting as drug couriers from the perspective of child protection and its relation to the theory of social structure and anomie. The writing employs a qualitative-descriptive methodology with a case study of 13 verdict cases from the District Court spanning the years 2017-2023. The author found that demographic patterns, including gender, age, education level, and the economic condition of the children, play a significant role in causing their involvement as drug couriers. The results indicate that juvenile delinquents acting as couriers can be seen as victims due to their vulnerability and limited access to legitimate means, compelling them to engage in illegal activities as an innovative way to achieve their goals. The conclusion of this writing highlights a close relationship between the demographic patterns of children in the context of child protection, analyzed through the lens of the theory of social structure and anomie"
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Subijanto Wijono
Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 1979
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Josine Junger-Tas
"The many faces of youth crime is based on analysis of the merged data set and has a number of unique features. The analyses are based on an unusually large number of respondents (about 67,000 7th, 8th and 9th graders) collected by researchers from 31 countries. It includes reports on the characteristics, experiences and behaviour of first and second generation migrant youth from a variety of cultures. It is one of the first large-scale international studies asking 12-16 year olds about their victimization experiences (bullying, assault, robbery, theft). It describes both intriguing differences between young people from different countries and country clusters in the nature and extent of delinquency, victimization and substance use, as well as remarkable cross-national uniformities in delinquency, victimization, and substance use patterns. A careful comparative analysis of the social responses to offending and victimization adds to our limited knowledge on this important issue. Detailed chapters on the family, school, neighbourhood, lifestyle and peers provide a rich comparative description of these institutions and their impact on delinquency. It tests a number of theoretical perspectives (social control, self-control, social disorganization, routine activities/opportunity theory) on a large international sample from a variety of national contexts. It combines a theoretical focus with a thoughtful consideration of the policy implications of the findings. An extensive discussion of the ISRD methodology of 'flexible standardization' details the challenges of comparative research. "
New York: Springer, 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mangunsong, Purnianti
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 1976
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Odilia Vidore Septianingrum
"Klitih merupakan fenomena kenakalan anak yang melibatkan geng anak. Kenakalan ini masih dapat ditemukan hingga saat ini, sehingga diperlukan penelitian lebih lanjut dalam mengkaji bagaimana fenomena klitih masih terjadi, meskipun telah dilakukan berbagai tindakan untuk menghentikanya. Penelitian ini membahas aktivitas geng anak dengan menggunakan perspektif kriminologi budaya untuk menjawab bagaimana anak dapat menjadikan klitih sebagai budaya serta bagaimana budaya tersebut dipelajari. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif melalui wawancara, observasi serta studi data sekunder untuk mempelajari fenomena Klitih. Dengan menggunakan Social Learning Theory Akers sebagai konsep teori, penelitian ini juga membahas mengenai keterkaitan lower class terhadap geng anak. Dengan demikian, hasil penelitian menjelaskan bahwa teman sebaya memiliki peran besar dalam melakukan transmisi budaya kepada anak, sehingga anak mampu mempelajari bentuk kenakalan seperti klitih. Selain itu kondisi anak dengan status lower class memiliki kemungkinan besar untuk tergabung dalam geng anak sebagai akibat dari kesamaan budaya di antara keduanya.

Klitih is a phenomenon of child delinquency involving child gangs. This delinquency can still be found today, so further research is needed to examine how the klitih phenomenon still occurs, even though various actions have been taken to stop it. This research discusses child gang activity using a cultural criminology perspective to answer how children can make klitih a culture and how this culture is learned. This research uses qualitative methods through interviews, observations, and secondary data studies to study the Klitih phenomenon. By using Akers' Social Learning Theory as a theoretical concept, this research also discusses the relationship between the lower classes and child gangs. Thus, the research results explain that peers have a significant role in transmitting culture to children so that children can learn delinquency forms such as klitih. Apart from that, children with lower class status have a greater possibility of joining child gangs as a result of the cultural similarities between the two."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rachel Olivia Isabella
Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk melihat apakah terdapat hubungan antara
konflik orang tua-anak dan kenakalan remaja di Jakarta. Variabel konflik orang
tua-anak diukur dengan alat ukur Parent Environmental Questionnaire dari
Elkins, McGue, & Iacono (1997) yang diadaptasi ke dalam bahasa Indonesia,
sedangkan variabel kenakalan remaja diukur dengan alat ukur The Self-Report
Delinquency Scale dari Elliott & Ageton (1980) yang telah diadaptasi ke dalam
bahasa Indonesia. Penelitian dilakukan pada 372 remaja laki-laki dan perempuan
di Jakarta berusia 15-17 tahun yang tinggal serumah dengan orangtuanya.
Berdasarkan uji korelasi terdapat hubungan positif yang signifikan antara konflik
orang tua-anak dengan kenakalan remaja dengan koefisien korelasi sebesar
r=0.166, p=0.000, signifikan pada LOS 0.01 (one-tailed). Dari hasil tersebut,
didapatkan berbagai analisis yang akan dijelaskan lebih lanjut.

This reserach aims to find the correlation between parent-child conflict
and juvenile delinquency in Jakarta. The parent-child conflict variable is measured
by Parent Environmental Questionnaire from Elkins, McGue, & Iacono (1997)
which has been translated to Indonesian language meanwhile the juvenile
delinquency variable is measured by The Self-Report Delinquency Scale from
Elliott & Ageton (1980) which also has been translated to Indonesian language.
This research is being conducted to 372 adolescents in Jakarta from 15-17 years
old who live under one roof with their parents. Based on the correlation test, there
is a significant positive correlation between parent-child conflict and juvenile
delinquency with r =0.166, p=0.000, significant on LOS 0.01 (one-tailed). Based
on the result, there will be further analyses that will be explained."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Itasca: F.E. Peacock, 1970
364.36 JUV
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
"[Juvenile justice centers have a long tradition as an unfortunate stop for young offenders who need mental health care. Reports estimate that as many as 70% of the youth in detention centers meet criteria for mental health disorders. As juvenile justice systems once again turn their focus from confinement to rehabilitation, mental health providers have major opportunities to inform and improve both practice and policy. The Handbook of Juvenile Forensic Psychology and Psychiatry explores these opportunities by emphasizing a developmental perspective, multifaceted assessment, and evidence-based practice in working with juvenile offenders. This comprehensive volume provides insights at virtually every intersection of mental health practice and juvenile justice, covering areas as wide-ranging as special populations, sentencing issues, educational and pharmacological interventions, family involvement, ethical issues, staff training concerns, and emerging challenges. Together, its chapters contain guidelines not only for changing the culture of detention but also preventing detention facilities from being the venue of choice in placing troubled youth.Key issues addressed in the Handbook include: Developmental risks for delinquency. Race and sex disparities in juvenile justice processing. Establishing standards of practice in juvenile forensic mental health assessment. Serving dually diagnosed youth in the juvenile justice system. PTSD among court-involved youth. Female juvenile offenders. Juvenile sex offenders.;Juvenile justice centers have a long tradition as an unfortunate stop for young offenders who need mental health care. Reports estimate that as many as 70% of the youth in detention centers meet criteria for mental health disorders. As juvenile justice systems once again turn their focus from confinement to rehabilitation, mental health providers have major opportunities to inform and improve both practice and policy. The Handbook of Juvenile Forensic Psychology and Psychiatry explores these opportunities by emphasizing a developmental perspective, multifaceted assessment, and evidence-based practice in working with juvenile offenders. This comprehensive volume provides insights at virtually every intersection of mental health practice and juvenile justice, covering areas as wide-ranging as special populations, sentencing issues, educational and pharmacological interventions, family involvement, ethical issues, staff training concerns, and emerging challenges. Together, its chapters contain guidelines not only for changing the culture of detention but also preventing detention facilities from being the venue of choice in placing troubled youth.Key issues addressed in the Handbook include: Developmental risks for delinquency. Race and sex disparities in juvenile justice processing. Establishing standards of practice in juvenile forensic mental health assessment. Serving dually diagnosed youth in the juvenile justice system. PTSD among court-involved youth. Female juvenile offenders. Juvenile sex offenders., Juvenile justice centers have a long tradition as an unfortunate stop for young offenders who need mental health care. Reports estimate that as many as 70% of the youth in detention centers meet criteria for mental health disorders. As juvenile justice systems once again turn their focus from confinement to rehabilitation, mental health providers have major opportunities to inform and improve both practice and policy. The Handbook of Juvenile Forensic Psychology and Psychiatry explores these opportunities by emphasizing a developmental perspective, multifaceted assessment, and evidence-based practice in working with juvenile offenders. This comprehensive volume provides insights at virtually every intersection of mental health practice and juvenile justice, covering areas as wide-ranging as special populations, sentencing issues, educational and pharmacological interventions, family involvement, ethical issues, staff training concerns, and emerging challenges. Together, its chapters contain guidelines not only for changing the culture of detention but also preventing detention facilities from being the venue of choice in placing troubled youth.Key issues addressed in the Handbook include: Developmental risks for delinquency. Race and sex disparities in juvenile justice processing. Establishing standards of practice in juvenile forensic mental health assessment. Serving dually diagnosed youth in the juvenile justice system. PTSD among court-involved youth. Female juvenile offenders. Juvenile sex offenders.]"
New York: [Springer;, ], 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ryan Prasetyo
"Kejahatan terkait narkotika bukan hal yang baru terjadi di Indonesia, salah satunya terjadi di wilayah hukum Polresta Bandar Lampung. Tingginya angka prevalensi narkoba mendasari diperlukannya sebuah program turunan P4GN. Desa bersih narkoba muncul sebagai bentuk P4GN dalam ruang lingkung wilayah desa atau kelurahan dengan melibatkan Unsur BNN, Kepolisian, Pemerintah Daerah, serta masyarakat. Data-data sekunder dalam penelitian ini digunakan sebagai unit analisis. Penulis melihat proses pembentukan Desa Bersinar dengan melibatkan BNN, Kepolisian, Pemerintah Daerah, dan masyarakat sebagai bentuk multi-agency anti-crime partnerships dalam pencegahan, pemberatasan, peredaran dan penyalahgunaan narkotika.

Crimes related to narcotics are not something new in Indonesia, one of which occurred in the jurisdiction of Polresta Bandar Lampung. The high prevalence of drug abuse underscores the need for a derivative program, namely P4GN. Drug-free villages emerge as a form of P4GN implementation within the scope of village or sub-district areas, involving elements of Badan Narkotika Nasional (BNN), police, local government, and community. Secondary data in this research are utilized as the unit of analysis. The author views the process of forming Desa Bersinar, involving BNN, police, local government, and community, as a manifestation of multi-agency anti-crime partnerships in the prevention, eradication, control, and mitigation of the circulation and abuse of narcotics."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nur `Afifah
"Kenakalan remaja yang marak terjadi, memerlukan penanganan dari pihak keluarga, sekolah, maupun masyarakat. Sekolah sebagai instansi resmi memiliki peran yang siginifikan dalam menangani kenakalan remaja. Salah satu cara yang sekolah dapat lakukan untuk menangani kenakalan remaja adalah melakukan pendidikan karakter, dimana hal ini dapat menjadi salah satu cara agar para remaja dapat mengurangi kegiatan yang bersifat negatif dan lebih diarahkan pada kegiatan yang bersifat positif. Sistem ketarunaan yang diterapkan di SMKN 61 Jakarta menjadi keunikan dari SMKN 61 Jakarta sendiri dalam melaksanakan pendidikan karakter. Penelitian ini mempunyai tujuan untuk mengetahui peran dari ketarunaan SMKN 61 Jakarta dalam mengatasi kenakalan remaja dan faktor pendukung dan penghambat dalam menjalankan pendidikan ketarunaan di SMKN 61 Jakarta. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan desain penelitian deskriptif. Adapun teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan adalah dengan wawancara, observasi, dan studi literatur. Adapun peran ketarunaan dalam mengatasi kenakalan remaja yaitu dengan memperkecil kesempatan mereka untuk melakukan kenakalan remaja dengan memperpadat waktu mereka dengan kegiatan positif, menginternalisasi mereka dengan karakter yang harus dimiliki seorang taruna, dan membiasakan mereka melakukan kebiasaan positif. Hal tersebut akhirnya berdampak pada perubahan taruna dan taruni yaitu kenakalan yang mereka lakukan menjadi berkurang dan terdapat perubahan positif lainnya yaitu perubahan sikap, fisik, dan performa akademis.

Juvenile delinquency is rife, requiring treatment from the family, school, and community. Schools as official institutions have a significant role in dealing with juvenile delinquency. One of method that schools can do to deal with juvenile delinquency is character education, it can reduce activities of adolescents that are negative and more directed at positive activities. Ketarunaan system that implemented at SMKN 61 Jakarta is unique from SMKN 61 Jakarta itself in carrying out character education. This research aim the role of the ketarunaan SMKN 61 Jakarta to resolve juvenile delinquency. This research uses a qualitative approach with descriptive research design. The data collection techniques used in this research are in-depth interviews, observation, and literature studies. The results of this research role of ketarunaan to resolve juvenile delinquency is to reduce their chances of juvenile delinquency by tightening their time with positive activities, internalizing them with the character that must be possessed by taruna, and getting them into positive habits. This is make impact on the change in taruna dan taruni, delinquency they do becomes reduced and there are other positive changes that is change of attitude, physical, and academic performance."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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