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Hasibuan, Shahril
"Penelitian ini menganalisis Sekolah Partai bagi persiapan Cakada yang diusung dan didukung oleh PDI Perjuangan dalam Pilkada Serentak 2020, dengan kaitannya akan tipe kepartaian PDI Perjuangan yang secara fundament berbasis massa dalam nasionalistik plural. Namun adanya sistem presidensial dan tradisi partai menjadikan PDI Perjuangan sebagai Partai personalistic. Penelitian ini menggunakan teori Gunther dan Diamond (2001; 2003), Wolinetz (2002) mengenai tipe dan fungsi partai politik dalam merancang kelembagaan politik dengan kebijakan partai dalam teori design institution (rancangan institusi) Goodin (1998). Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan rancangan studi kasus. Temuan penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa partai membangun legitimasi terhadap adanya nominasi pencalonan kepala daerah melalui keputusan pimpinan partai baik yang diusung maupun yang didukung. Bentuk legitimasi tersebut adalah Sekolah Partai bagi Cakada. Dengan personalisasi kepemimpinan PDI Perjuangan membangun budaya politik patronage dari personalistik kepemimpinan elit partai. Untuk membangun loyalitas petugas partai dalam menduduki eksekutif daerah maka Sekolah Partai dijadikan sebagai pendidikan ideologi politik partai, sosialisasi dalam mentransformasi nilai-nilai kepartaian PDI Perjuangan, dan penyelarasan antara pemerintahan daerah yang terbentuk  dengan Presiden dalam platform PDI Perjuangan .

This study analyzes the Party School for Cakada preparation that was promoted and supported by the PDI Perjuangan in the  Pilkada Simultaneous 2020, in relation to the type of party of PDI Perjuanan  which is fundamentally mass-based in plural nationalism. However, the existence of a presidential system and party traditions made the PDI Perjuangan as a personalistic party. This study uses the theory of Gunther and Diamond (2001; 2003), Wolinetz (2002) regarding the types and functions of political parties in designing political institutions with party policies in Goodin's (1998) design institution theory. This study uses a qualitative method with a case study design. The findings of this study indicate that the party builds legitimacy for the nomination of regional head nominations through was decisioning of party leaders, both those that are promoted and those that are supported. The form of legitimacy is the Party School for Cakada. By personalizing the leadership of the PDI Perjuangan, it builds a political culture of patronage from the personalistic leadership of the party elite. To build the loyalty of party officials in occupying regional executives, the Party School is used as an education for the party's political ideology, socialization in transforming the values ​​of the PDI Perjuangan party, and alignment between the formed local government and the President on the PDI Perjuangan platform."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Simbolon, Kristi Mei Sara
"Implementasi nilai dan budaya kerja INSAN OKE merupakan upaya perubahan yang dilakukan oleh Kementerian Perindustrian untuk mendukung  Reformasi Birokrasi. Nilai dan budaya kerja INSAN OKE yang merupakan akronim dari integritas, profesional, inovatif, serta produktif diharapkan mampu mengembalikan kepercayaan masyarakat akan organisasi pemerintah yang dapat memberikan pelayanan publik yang lebih baik. Kementerian Perindustrian pada tahun 2018 diberi penghargaan sebagai pemimpin perubahan atas pencapaiannya dalam berbagai bidang pelayana publik. Pencapaian tersebut menurut LAKIP (Laporan Akuntabilitas Kinerja Instansi Pemerintah) Kementerian Perindustrian merupakan hasil dari implementasi nilai dan budaya kerja INSAN OKE.
Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui bagaimana reputasi yang terbentuk melalui pengimplementasian nilai dan budaya kerja INSAN OKE. Penelitian dilakukan dengan pendekatan studi kasus tunggal, metode penelitan secara kualitatif dengan mengumpulkan serta menganalisa data hasil observasi, studi dokumen serta wawancara mendalam.
Hasil yang diperoleh dari penelitian ini adalah bahwa nilai dan budaya kerja INSAN OKE yang diimplementasikan melalui peran komunikasi internal kepada pegawai Kementerian Perindustrian tidak terimplementasi dengan baik, sehingga tidak cukup efektif untuk dapat mempengaruhi pembentukan citra organisasi kepada stakeholder internal terlebih kepada stakeholder eksternal organisasi. Selain itu dari hasil penelitian ditemukan bahwa  terdapat ketidaksesuaian antara aktualisasi kegiatan  Kementerian Perindustrian dengan nilai yang dicanangkan INSAN OKE.

The impelementation of the values and work culture of INSAN OKE is an attemption that is held by Ministry of Industri in order to support bureucracy reform. The INSAN OKE values and work culture that is acronym of integrity, professionl, innovative, and productive are expected giving back publik confidence for government organization by providing better public services. In 2018, Ministry of Industri accepted award as the leader of changement for its achievement in various public services aspect. According to Ministry of Industry’s performance report the award is claimed as the result of implementing INSAN OKE value and work culture.
This studi is conducted to analyzed how the reputation of Ministry of Industry is built by implementing INSAN OKE value and work culture. This studi is conducted by using single case approaching, the kualitatif method is conducted by collecting and analyzing the datas that are collected by observation, documents study, and indepth interview.
The result of this study show that the INSAN OKE value and work culture has not been well implemented. Tthis result shows that it has no enough effect of the building of corporate identity and corporate image of Ministry of Industri to the internal stakeholder, moreover to the eksternal stakeholders. Furthermore, there is not associaton between the actualitation of the activity of Ministry of Industri with the value of INSAN OKE.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Datita Charinta Ginbreta
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperlihatkan peran fun at work dan social suppot terhadap organizational citizenship behavior pegawai pada Telkom Regional II. Penelitian ini juga menunjukkan variabel work engagement yang memediasi hubungan antar variabel tersebut. Total responden dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 348 orang. Responden dalam penelitian ini adalah pegawai tetap pada Telkom Regional II. Penelitian ini akan menggunakan SEM-Lisrel sebagai metode analisis data. Penelitian ini diharapkan dapat berkontribusi untuk mengetahui langkah-langkah yang dapat dilakukan oleh perusahaan untuk meningkatkan organizational citizenship behavior pada setiap pegawai di perusahaan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan terdapat efek mediasi work engagement antara fun at work dan social support dengan organizational citizenship behavior.

The objective of this research is to examine the influence of fun at work and social support on OCB of employees in Telkom Regional II, mediated by work engagement. Data of 348 respondents were collected using an online survey and analyzed usig SEM-Lisrel. The result showed that fun at work and social support was found to have direct and positive effect on OCB through work engagement. These findings provide information about managerial practices at state-owned enterprises to improve performance of the company by increasing the supporting factors in each variables."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Franciscus Adi Prasetyo
"Fokus kajian penelitian ini adalah membahas tentang transformasi orang dengan schizophrenia dari sembuh ke pulih melalui kemampuan pengendalian diri. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus.
Hasil penelitian ini membuktikan bahwa kemampuan pengendalian diri yang dikuasai oleh orang dengan schizophrenia dapat menghantarkannya mencapai pemulihan diri yang diperoleh melalui latihan mengelola pikiran, perasaan, dan tindakannya. Perubahan yang dicapai orang dengan schizophrenia setelah pulih meliputi perubahan cara pandang terhadap schizophrenia, rasa nyaman hidup bersama schizophrenia, kemampuan mengelola perilaku, memiliki empati, mampu beraktivitas, memiliki pengetahuan tentang gangguannya. Orang dengan schizophrenia memiliki strateginya masing-masing untuk mengembangkan kemampuan pengendalian diri sebagai cara mempertahankan pemulihan jangka panjangnya.

The main fokus of this research is discusses the transformation of people with schizophrenia from heal to recovery through sself-control abilities. This research is qualitative research with a case study approach.
The results of this study prove that self-control abilities of person with schizophrenia can help him achieve self-recovery through managing his thought, feeling, and behavior. Some changes achieved by people with schizophrneia after recovery include changes in perspective on schizophrenia, feeling confortable living with schizophrenia, able to manage behavior, having emphaty, being able to activity in his commnity, having knowledge of schizophrenia. People with schizophrenia have different strategies to develop their self-control ability as a way to maintain their long-term recovery."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Alam Pasirulloh
"Lembaga Penerbangan dan Antariksa Nasional (LAPAN) adalah lembaga pemerintah non-kemeterian yang bertanggung jawab kepada Presiden, serta berkoordinasi dengan kementerian riset dan teknologi/badan riset dan inovasi nasional (RISTEK/BRIN). Para ahli di bidang penerbangan dan antariksa yang jumlahnya terbatas menjadi halangan untuk berkembangan IPTEK tersebut. Sumber daya manusia LAPAN yang banyak mendekati masa pensiun dan pegawai LAPAN yang keluar lembaga atau pindah tempat kerja. Jumlah ahli penerbangan di LAPAN sebanyak 16 orang dan bidang sains antariksa sebanyak 22 orang. Sumber daya manusia di bidang penerbangan dan antariksa juga sangat membutuhkan kemampuan, dan knowledge khusus yang perlu waktu lama untuk dipelajari dan dilatih. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk memberikan rekomendasi critical knowledge di Lembaga Penerbangan dan Antariksa Nasional berdasarkan matriks pengetahuan. Metodologi penelitian ini dimulai dengan melakukan studi literatur tentang knowledge management dan critical knowledge selanjutnya dilakukan pencarian data dengan cara wawancara dengan pejabat, dan para ahli di LAPAN. Hasil wawancara tersebut akan dilakukan konten analisis dengan pengkodean untuk mencari list knowledge yang ada dalam LAPAN. Critical knowledge diidentifikasi dengan melakukan portofolio matrix untuk memetakan knowledge berdasarkan tingkat kompleksitas dan tingkat kebutuhan untuk LAPAN sendiri. Critical knowledge yang telah diidentifikasi selanjutnnya akan dibuat menjadi knowledge mapping untuk LAPAN sebagai salah satu referensi dalam pengembangan strategi Knowledge Management (KM) LAPAN. Hasilnya adalah sebagai berikut; (1) Ada 34 ilmu kritis yang ditemukan dalam penelitian ini di Badan Antariksa Indonesia. (2) Berdasarkan matriks risiko kehilangan pengetahuan, tidak ada tempat pengetahuan pada matriks terendah. (3) Beberapa rekomendasi diusulkan untuk organisasi seperti wiki, penyelarasan strategi, penghargaan dan pengakuan, dan pemetaan pengetahuan ahli.

The National Aeronautics and Space Agency (LAPAN) is a non-military government institution that is under and reports to the President and is in partnership with the ministry of research and technology / national research and innovation agency (RISTEK / BRIN). The limited number of experts in the field of aviation and space is a barrier to the development of the science and technology. LAPAN's human resources are nearing retirement and LAPAN employees who leave the institution or move to work. The number of aviation experts in LAPAN is 16 people and the field of space science is 22 people. Human resources in the field of aviation and space also need skills, and special knowledge that takes a long time to learn and train. The purpose of this study is to provide recommendations for critical knowledge at the National Institute of Aeronautics and Space based on a knowledge matrix. The research methodology began by conducting a literature study on knowledge management and critical knowledge then searching for data by interviewing officials, and experts at LAPAN. The results of the interview carried out with coding content analysis to find a list of existing knowledge in LAPAN. Critical knowledge identified by carrying out a portfolio matrix to map knowledge based on the level of complexity and the level of need for LAPAN itself. Further critical knowledge that has been identified made into a knowledge mapping for LAPAN as one of the references in developing the LAPAN Knowledge Management (KM) strategy. The result is as followed; (1) There are 34 critical knowledge that this study found in Indonesia space agency. (2) Based on knowledge loss risk matrix, there is no knowledge place in lowest matrix. (3) Several recommendation are proposed for organization such as wiki, strategy alignment, reward and recognition, and expert knowledge mapping"
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Indonesia , 2021
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Habib Ramadhan
"Penanganan kasus korupsi di Indonesia seringkali melibatkan akuntan
forensik yang berperan dalam melakukan penghitungan kerugian negara. Pada
beberapa tahun terakhir, marak terjadi vonis bebas dan lepas terhadap terdakwa korupsi. Hakim menilai tidak terjadi kerugian negara, sementara akuntan forensik berkeyakinan telah terjadi kerugian negara. Di samping itu, terdapat banyak perkara korupsi dimana penetapan besaran kerugian negaranya tidak menggunakan hasil PKN akuntan forensik. Kondisi tersebut mengisyaratkan hasil PKN akuntan forensik belum sepenuhnya akurat, sehingga belum memenuhi unsur nyata dan pasti di mata hukum.
Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif melalui analisis dokumen
dan wawancara kepada praktisi akuntan forensik, ahli konstruksi, jaksa fungsional, pakar akuntansi forensik, dan mantan hakim tindak pidana korupsi. Penelitian dilakukan menggunakan kerangka Segitiga Akuntansi Forensik sebagai kriteria ideal diterimanya hasil PKN di muka persidangan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat dua faktor penyebab hasil PKN ditolak hakim, yaitu : (1) tidak ditemukannya niat jahat
(mens rea) pada terdakwa, dan (2) hasil ahli teknis yang mendasari PKN ditolak hakim. Adapun lima faktor penyebab nilai PKN tidak digunakan dalam penetapan kerugian negara yaitu : (1) pengembalian ke kas negara/daerah, (2) pembayaran uang titipan perkara ke aparat penegak hukum, (3) dana yang telah dikeluarkan dalam pelaksanaan kegiatan, (4) lingkup kerugian terbatas pada terdakwa, dan (5) hasil ahli teknis tidak
akurat. Hasil penelitian diharapkan mampu berkontribusi pada peningkatan kualitas PKN, sehingga menjadi pertimbangan hakim dalam memutus perkara korupsi dan menetapkan besaran kerugian negara.

Corruption case handling in Indonesia often involves forensic accountants who play a role in calculating state losses. There have been many acquittal and released sentences of corruption defendants in the last few years. The judge considered no state losses, while the forensic accountant considered there had been losses. In
addition, there are many corruption cases where the determination of the number of state losses does not use PKN results numbers. This condition implies that PKN result numbers are not yet entirely accurate, so they do not meet the real and definite elements in the eyes of the law.
This study uses a qualitative approach through document analysis and
interviews with forensic accountants, construction experts, functional prosecutors, forensic accounting experts, and former judges for corruption. The study used the Forensic Accounting Triangle as the ideal criteria for accepting PKN results in court.
The results showed that two factors caused the judge's rejection of the results of the PKN, namely: (1) no malicious intent (mens rea), and (2) the result of the technical expert that underlies the audit conclusion rejected by the judge. Five factors caused the PKN result numbers not to be used in determining state losses, namely: (1) returns to the state/regional treasury, (2) payment of case deposits to law enforcement officials, (3) funds that have been spent in carrying out activities, (4) the scope of the loss is limited to the defendant, and (5) the result of the technical expert not accurate. The research results are expected to improve the PKN's quality to become a judge's consideration in deciding corruption cases and determining the number of state losses.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yessy Noviyanti Kawi
"Studi ini mengkaji distribusi dan sebaran peluang dari durasi kejadian waktu saat awal dimulainya kredit hingga terjadinya kejadian pelunasan kredit dipercepat (prepayment) dan menjelaskan karakteristik atau faktor-faktor apa saja yang dapat mempengaruhi risiko terjadinya prepayment. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah debitur KKB Motor dan Mobil dari sebuah perbankan swasta di Indonesia dengan periode pengamatan adalah antara tahun 2017-2019. Hasil penaksiran dengan metode parametrik Accelerated Failure Time (AFT) - distribusi Weibull menyatakan bahwa diperkirakan terdapat peluang terjadinya prepayment oleh debitur sejak awal mulai kredit. Dapat diperkirakan probabilitas sebesar 50% dari debitur KKB Motor dan mobil akan mengalami prepayment setelah 21 bulan dan 24 bulan sejak periode awal pengajuan kredit, dan nilai taksiran semakin meningkat dimana setelah bulan ke 44 dan 68, taksiran probabilitas seorang debitur yang akan mengalami prepayment sebesar >99%. Hasil penaksiran dengan metode yang sama menyatakan bahwa faktor jangka waktu kredit, plafond kredit, pekerjaan, penghasilan, jenis kelamin, status perkawinan, usia dan jenjang pendidikan berpengaruh terhadap keragaman waktu hingga terjadinya prepayment KKB Motor. Sedangkan selain faktor yang telah disebutkan, tambahan faktor wilayah tempat tinggal juga mempengaruhi keragaman waktu prepayment KKB Mobil.

This study assesses the distribution of probability time to prepayment and also explains the characteristics or factors that can affect the prepayment risk. The samples in this study are Motor Vehicle Loan Financing debtors from a private bank in Indonesia with the observation period between 2017-2019. The results of the estimation using the parametric method of Accelerated Failure Time (AFT) - Weibull distribution state that it is estimated that there is an opportunity for prepayment by the debtor from the initial credit. It can be estimated that the probability of 50% of Motorcycle and Car Loan Financing Debtor will have prepayments after 21 months and 24 months since the initial credit application period, and after the 44th and 68th months, the estimated probability of a debtor will have prepayments is> 99%. The results of the assessment using the same method state that the factors of tenor, credit limit, job, income, gender, marital status, age, and education level have an effect on the variation in time until the Motorcycle Loan Financing prepayment occurs. Meanwhile, in addition to the factors already mentioned, the additional factor of the area of residence also affects the variation in the prepayment time for the Car Loan."
Jakarta: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Satvika Vidya Iswara
"Kecemasan Matematika merupakan perasaan negatif yang dialami individu saat berhadapan dengan bidang matematika. Perasaan tertekan dan cemas ini dapat dialami oleh siapa saja terlepas dari usia atau jenjang pendidikan. Kecemasan matematika juga dipengaruhi oleh faktor internal individu. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peran variabel mindset dan task-value dalam memprediksi kecemasan matematika yang dialami oleh siswa kelas 4 dan kelas 5 SD. Penelitian menggunakan kuesioner kecemasan matematika (The Modified Abbreviated Math Anxiety Scale; mAMAS), mindset (Implicit Theories of Intelligence Scale for Children - Self Form), dan task-value (Items Used to Assess Childrens Competence Belief and Subjective Task Values). Hasil dari penelitian terhadap 107 siswa menunjukkan bahwa variabel mindset dan task-value bersama-sama dapat memprediksi kecemasan matematika secara signifikan. Penelitian ini dapat digunakan oleh pihak sekolah dalam menangani siswa dengan kecemasan matematika.

Math anxiety can be defined as ones negative feelings that occurs when individual is faced with mathematical tasks. The feeling of tension and anxiety can be experienced by anyone, regardless their age or education. This study aimed to examine the role of internal factors such as mindset and task-value as predictors on fourth and fifth graders math anxiety. This study used questionnaire for math anxiety (The Modified Abbreviated Math Anxiety Scale; mAMAS), mindset (Implicit Theories of Intelligence Scale for Children-Self Form), and task-value (Items Used to Assess Childrens Competence Belief and Subjective Task Values). Based on the study of 107 students, this study found that both mindset and task-value are able to predict math anxiety significantly. This research can be used by schools in dealing with students math anxiety."
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yosefina Thesa Thesita Koesnihadi
"Tea is a drink that is liked for many reasons by almost every people in the earth. Conscious or not, it fills most of the people's daily live. Some of them even make tea drinking as their habit, which certainly shows their good sense and madness of processed plantation called tea. It is indeed someone's choice of drinking pattern. But among various drinks offered in this world, tea is a famous alternative to make. Human fondness of tea drinking tends also to be found in almost every nation. In Indonesia, tea has also known for centuries. However, the fondness of tea accelerates extraordinarily in the latest century. Various sociological patterns about tea especially in Indonesia will be this research entity. Tea is assumed carrying certain understanding, certain symbol, and certain function for certain group of society, if not all, in certain time. This becomes more interesting while the variation of meaning, symbol and function differs more and more. It certainly cannot be hindered because it relates strictly with individuals and societies. This research's prime vision is to emphasize more portions in the global culture's spectacle. It is so done, because the assumption of a single nations' tradition, which is the English style afternoon tea breaks the limit and penetrates in almost all over the world. It then associates with local tea tradition and assumed as the global culture. Nevertheless, culture cannot work and process all alone. It must relate and link with other sides or spectacles of globalization too. These will also be a little bit discussed in connection with the culture. The penetration process of the tea is not taken for granted. It costs high enough that the tea ritual is not pure anymore. This caused by the society, which is named as market in economical science. Like basic economical law has taught before, the market plays an important role where supply will be adjusted with their demand. This phenomenon can and will be benefited by thorough ?money managers? through business area. Good networking between them and the system strengthen the collaboration and association of the development of the global economy. Globalization in the area of culture and economy is lead and supported by political life. It needs power to make things possible. Power, which is dominated by the state, gives and makes deep and huge impacts on state's life. The state's role is needed instead of positive or negative power. This power shall associate and collaborate to make a fruitful condition. A little bit portion on global politic will be a part of this paper's angle of vision.
Thus, it can be concluded that tea does not discern borders, nations, races, classes or everything concerning with segregation. Human is generally acquainted it. The only matter is the `option'. How people processes, packs, presents, or even actualizes it, are all people's choice according to their preference to the outcome. Some people value it nothing, but some others do appreciate the tradition. In connection with globalization, these reasons base the selection of the title too. So, please have a great pleasure in reading this paper under the title of ?Global Tea in Local Context?.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2002
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Desi Kartika
Besarnya belanja pemerintah di bidang pengadaan barang/jasa, terutama sektor belanja modal menyebabkan pengadaan barang/jasa pemerintah rentan untuk terjadinya korupsi. Pemerintah di banyak negara termasuk Indonesia mengadopsi dan menerapkan Electronic Procurement (e-Procurement) untuk meningkatkan transparansi dan akuntabilitas serta mengurangi angka kasus korupsi pengadaan. Pemerintah Indonesia menerapkan e-Procurement sejak 2008, akan tetapi penelitian terkait hal tersebut masih terbatas. Penelitian ini menguji sejauh mana efektivitas pelaksanaan e-Procurement mengurangi jumlah kasus korupsi pengadaan barang/jasa pemerintah di Indonesia. Dengan menggunakan model regresi negative binomial, penelitian ini menganalisis data panel kasus korupsi pengadaan barang/jasa pemerintah yang ditangani oleh Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi Republik Indonesia dari tahun 2005 hingga 2018. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa provinsi-provinsi dengan rasio belanja modal yang tinggi lebih rentan terjadi korupsi pengadaan dan penerapan e-Procurement berdampak dalam mengurangi angka kasus korupsi pengadaan di provinsi-provinsi tersebut. Meskipun penerapan e-Procurement berdampak terhadap penurunan jumlah kasus korupsi, tetapi e-Procurement butuh perbaikan dan peningkatan yang berarti serta perlunya membangun pendekatan kolaboratif dengan pihak-pihak terkait.

The huge spending on public procurement, mainly on capital expenditure makes it is vulnerable to corruption. Many governments have adopted Electronic Procurement (e-Procurement) to increase transparency, improve accountability, and reduce corruption with variable success. Government of Indonesia adopted e-Procurement in 2008, however limited research exist on the impact of e-Procurement in reducing corruption. This study attempts to assess the extent to which e-Procurement implementation in Indonesia reduced corruption cases in public procurement. By using negative binomial regression model, this research analyzes panel data on procurement corruption cases handled by the Indonesian Corruption Eradication Commission from 2005 to 2018. The findings suggest that provinces with high capital expenditure ratio, are more vulnerable to corruption and implementation of e-Procurement was impactful on reducing the number of procurement corruption cases in such provinces. Although e-Procurement was impactful on diminishing corruption, but it requires a decent revamp and improvement of e-Procurement and also a collaborative approach with the key stakeholders."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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