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I Dewa Gede Anom Anjasmara
"Lactobacillus plantarum FNCC-0461 merupakan bakteri asam laktat yang diisolasi dari dadih, yang berpotensi sebagai probiotik. Probiotik menunjukkan manfaat jika memiliki viabilitas minimal 1 x 107 CFU di ileum distal atau kolon. Namun, sebagian besar probiotik tidak tahan terhadap kondisi ekstrim selama melalui saluran cerna. Enkapsulasi probiotik menjadi sediaan pelet tertarget kolon menjadi solusi yang baik untuk menjaga viabilitas dan memberikan pelepasan probiotik ke lokasi spesifik di kolon. Pelet diformulasikan menggunakan metode ekstrusi-sferonisasi dengan eksipien berupa Microcrytalline Cellulose (MCC), laktosa, pektin, Cellulose Acetate Phthalate (CAP) dan shellac. Sediaan pelet yang telah dibuat dievaluasi karakteristik fisik, viabilitasnya hingga dilakukan uji disolusi selama 24 jam pada pH 1,2; 6,8 dan 7,4. Pelet yang dilapisi CAP menunjukan hasil yang paling optimum dengan karakteristik pelet yang berbentuk bulat dengan distribusi ukuran partikel 913,57 ± 8,28 μm dan persen perolehan kembali 88,71 ± 1,04 % yang memiliki sifat alir yang sangat baik, kekuatan mekanik yang baik, viabilitas 4,76 x107 CFU/g dan hasil uji disolusinya menunjukan pelepasan sel tertinggi pada cairan simulasi kolon sebesar 1,38 x 107 CFU/g setelah 24 jam.

Lactobacillus plantarum FNCC-0461 is a lactic acid bacteria isolated from dadih which has potential as a probiotic. Probiotics show health benefits if they have viability at least 1 x 107 CFU in the distal ileum or colon. However, most probiotics are not resistant to extreme conditions while passing through the digestive tract. Encapsulation of probiotics into colon-targeted pellets was a good solution to maintain the viability and provide release of probiotics to specific site in the colon. Pellets were formulated using extrusion-spheronization method with excipient such as Microcrystalline Cellulose (MCC), lactose, pectin, Cellulose Acetate Phthalate (CAP) and shellac. The obtained pellets were evaluated for their physical properties, viability and dissolution study was carried out at pH 1.2; 6.8 and 7.4 for 24 hours. CAP-coated pelet provide the optimum formulation were spherical with particle size distribution was 913.57 ± 8.28 μm and yield was 88.71 ± 1.04 %, it’s have very good flow properties, good mechanical properties, viability was 4.76 x107 CFU/g and it’s dissolution study showed the highest cell release in simulated colonic fluid of 1.38 x 107 CFU/g for 24 hours."
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Batubara, Risa Widiani
"Pengembangan penghantaran tertarget kolon bertujuan agar pelepasan obatnya mencapai target terapetik yang selektif sehingga dapat memaksimalkan efeknya baik dengan tujuan pengobatan secara sistemik maupun lokal. Lactobacillus plantarum FNCC 0461 yang telah dikembangkan dalam bentuk sediaan pelet dapat menjadi alternatif dalam terapi diare yang menjadi salah satu target penyakit dengan pengobatan tertarget kolon. Optimasi formula penyalut dilakukan untuk mendapatkan profil pelepasan obat yang lebih baik berdasarkan parameter persen kumulatif pelepasan probiotik melalui uji disolusi dengan medium yang menyerupai kondisi saluran pencernaan. Pelet yang dilapisi Cellulose Acetate Phthalate (CAP) dengan konsentrasi 5% menunjukkan profil pelepasan obat yang lebih baik dibandingkan konsentrasi 7,5% dan 10% selama pengamatan 24 jam dengan nilai masing-masing sebesar 50,5%; 24,3% dan 18,0%. Nilai tersebut sebanding dengan jumlah sel viabelnya dimana CAP dengan konsentrasi 5% > 7,5% > 10% dengan nilai masing-masing sebesar 3,45±0,520x107; 1,5±2,598x107 dan 1,05±2,598x107. Hasil uji secara in vivo menggunakan hewan uji tikus jantan galur Sprague Dawley menunjukkan bahwa kelompok hewan uji yang mendapat perlakuan sediaan pelet tertarget kolon yang mengandung L.plantarum FNCC-0461 mengalami perbaikan setelah dilakukan induksi E. coli dibandingkan kelompok lainnya. Efektivitas ini dinilai berdasarkan parameter farmakodinamiknya, terutama nilai rata-rata intensitas BAB sebesar 4,67±0,52 kali dengan konsistensi feses berada pada skala 0 (bentuk padat) diakhir pengamatan serta kandungan kadar air sekum rata-rata sebesar 43,52±2,177%. Keberhasilan lain juga terlihat dari perubahan berat badan yang lebih stabil, nafsu makan yang meningkat, nilai total BAL yang lebih tinggi, dan total E. coli yang lebih rendah dari kelompok lainnya. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa formulasi sediaan pelet tertarget kolon dengan konsentrasi CAP 5% yang mengandung L. plantarum FNCC-0461 memiliki efektivitas sebagai antidiare.

The development of colon-targeted delivery aims to ensure that the drug release reaches selective therapeutic targets so that it can maximize its effects for both systemic and local treatment purposes. Lactobacillus plantarum FNCC 0461 which has been developed in pellet dosage form can be an alternative in diarrhea therapy which is one of the disease targets with colon-targeted treatment. Optimization of the coating formula was carried out to obtain a better drug release profile based on the cumulative percent parameter of probiotic release through a dissolution test with a medium that resembles the conditions of the digestive tract. Pellets coated with CAP (Cellulose Acetate Phthalate) with a concentration of 5% showed a better drug release profile than concentrations of 7.5% and 10% during 24-hour observation with a value of 50.5% each; 24.3% and 18.0%. This value is proportional to the amount of cell viability where CAP with a concentration of 5% > 7.5% > 10% with respective values of 3.45 ± 0.520x107; 1.5±2.598x107 and 1.05±2.598x107. In vivo test results using male Sprague Dawley rat test animals showed that the group of test animals treated with colon- targeted pellets containing L. plantarum FNCC-0461 experienced improvements after E. coli induction compared to other groups. This effectiveness was assessed based on pharmacodynamic parameters, especially the average defecation intensity value of 4.67 ± 0.52 times with fecal consistency being on a scale of 0 (solid form) at the end of the observation and an average cecum water content of 43.52 ± 2.177 %. Other successes were also seen from more stable weight changes, increased appetite, higher total BAL values, and lower total E. coli than the other groups. This research shows that a colon- targeted pellet formulation with a CAP concentration of 5% containing L. plantarum FNCC-0461 has been proven to be effective as an antidiarrheal."
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nisa Prika Biantama
"Latar Belakang: Candida albicans merupakan penyebab utama infeksi mikroba oportunistik pada pasien kanker. Pasien Leukemia Limfositik Akut (LLA) yang menjalani kemoterapi memiliki risiko tinggi terkena kandidiasis karena imunosupresi dan melemahnya barier epitel. Penggunaan obat antifungal sistemik dibatasi oleh risiko efek samping yang lebih besar dan berkembangnya strain yang resisten, namun obat antifungal topikal yang tersedia saat ini masih dianggap kurang efektif untuk pasien imunosupresi termasuk pasien kemoterapi. Beberapa penelitian memberikan bukti kelayakan probiotik Lactobacillus casei untuk bertindak sebagai antifungal alternatif di berbagai sistem organ manusia. Tujuan: Menganalisis pengaruh probiotik terhadap jumlah C. albicans di rongga mulut anak penderita LLA selama kemoterapi. Metode: Sampel saliva diambil dari 11 anak penderita LLA selama kemoterapi. Subyek diinstruksikan untuk berkumur dengan probiotik yang mengandung L. casei selama 60 detik, dua kali sehari, selama 14 hari. Sampel saliva tidak terstimulasi dikumpulkan secara berurutan pada 3 titik waktu (awal, 7 hari, dan 14 hari). Jumlah C. albicans dihitung dengan qPCR. Hasil: Perbedaan signifikan secara statistik ditemukan antara jumlah C. albicans pada awal (494.363+180.737 CFU/ml), setelah 7 hari (276.654+69.903 CFU/ml), dan setelah 14 hari (229.286+50.883 CFU/ml) berkumur dengan probiotik. Jumlah yang lebih rendah secara signifikan ditemukan setelah 7 dan 14 hari berkumur dengan probiotik (p<0.05). Kesimpulan: Probiotik L. casei memiliki efek menurunkan jumlah C. albicans di rongga mulut anak leukemia selama kemoterapi.

Background: Candida albicans is the leading cause of opportunistic microbial infections in patients with cancer. Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia (ALL) patients undergoing chemotherapy have high risk of candidiasis due to immunosuppression and weakened epithelial barriers. Systemic antifungal drugs’ usage is limited by the greater risk of side effects and developing resistant strains, yet currently available topical antifungal drugs are still considered ineffective for immunosuppressed patients including chemotherapy patients. Several studies provide evidence for the feasibility of probiotic Lactobacillus casei to act as alternative antifungal in various human organ systems. Objectives: To analyze the effects of probiotic L. casei on the number of C. albicans in oral cavity of children with ALL during chemotherapy.Methods: Saliva samples were taken from 11 children with ALL during chemotherapy. Subjects were instructed to do mouth rinse with probiotics contained Lactobacillus casei for 60s, twice daily, over the course of 14 days. Unstimulated saliva samples were collected sequentially at 3 time points (baseline, 7 days, and 14 days). The number of C. albicans was quantified by qPCR. Results: Statistically significant differences were found between the number of C. albicans at baseline (494.363+180.737 CFU/ml), after 7 days (276.653+69.903 CFU/ml), and after 14 days (229.286+50.883 CFU/ml) mouth rinsing with probiotic L. casei. Significant lower number was found both after 7 and 14 days rinsing with probiotics (p<0.05). Conclusion: Probiotic L.casei has reducing effects on the number of C. albicans in oral cavity of children with ALL during chemotherapy. "
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Deshinta Putri Mulya
Latar Belakang : Pada penderita Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) terdapat defek pada sel T regulator baik dalam hal jumlah maupun fungsi sel T regulator. Pemberian probiotik dalam hal ini pemberian Lactabacillus reuteri diharapkan mampu menstimulasi timbulnya respon imun yang bersifat imunoregulator dengan cara meningkatkan jumlah sel T regulator dan menurunkan produksi IL6. Tujuan : Mengetahui pengaruh pemberian probiotik terhadap toleransi sistem imun penderita SLE melalui perubahan kadar T regulator (CD4+CD25+Foxp3+) dan IL 6. Metode :30 subjek pasien SLE dengan manifestasi ringan yang datang ke poliklinik Alergi Imunologi RSCM, diberikan probiotik Lactobacillus reuteri (15 orang) dan placebo (15 orang) selama 8 minggu. CD4+CD25+FoxP3+ dan IL 6 diperiksa sebelum dan sesudah perlakuan menggunakan flowcytometri dan pemeriksaan ELISA. Hasil : Pemberian Lactobacillus reuteri selama 8 minggu meningkatkan kadarCD4+CD25+FoxP3+secara bermakna (1,38+ 8,36% VS 3,71+3,17% ; P=0,007 ; CI =-3,91 ? -0,74) . Terdapat penurunan kadar IL 6 setelah perlakuan, baik pada kelompok yang diberikan Lactobacillus reuteri (4,76+5,75 pg/ml VS 3,7 +3,36 pg/ml ; P=0,25 ; CI -0,83- 2,9) maupun pada kelompok placebo ( 2,6+2,02 pg/ml VS 2,07+2,39 ; P= 0,35 ; CI = -0,57 ? 1,52). Namun begitu, pada akhir penelitian perubahan tersebut tidak menimbulkan perbedaan bermakna kadar CD4+CD25+FoxP3+dan IL 6antara kedua kelompok. Kesimpulan :Terjadi peningkatan bermakna kadar CD4+CD25+FoxP3+ pada kelompok yang diberikan probiotik Lactobacillus reuteri selama 8 minggu.

Backgroud : In patients with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) there are
abnormality on T lymphocytes, including the existence of a defect in the regulatory T
cells both in terms of number and function. Giving probiotic, in this case
Lactabacillus reuteri administration, is expected to stimulate the immune response to
be more tolerance by increasing the number of regulatory T cells and decreasing the
IL6 production.
Aim : To know the effect of probiotic (Lactobacillus reuteri ) on the immune system
of patients with SLE through changes in the levels of regulatory T cells (CD4+CD25+
Foxp3+) and IL 6
Method :Thirty ofSLE patients with mild manifestations, who came to Allergy and
Immunology Clinic of Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, were given the probiotic
Lactobacillus reuteri (15 people) and placebo (15 people) for 8 weeks. CD4+ CD25 +
FoxP3+ and IL 6 were examined before and after exposure using flowcytometri and
ELISA. We then analyzed the levels of CD4 + CD25 + FoxP3 + and IL6 before and
after exposure.
Result : Administration of Lactobacillus reuteri for 8 weeks brought statistically
significant improvement on CD4+ CD25 + FoxP3 +level (1,38+ 8.36% + 3.17% vs.
3.71; P = 0.007; CI = -3.91 - -0.74). There were decreased level of IL 6 in
Lactobacillus reuteri group (4.76 + 5.75 pg / ml VS3,71 + 3.36 pg / ml; P = 0.25; CI -
0,83- 2, 9) and the placebo group (2.6 + 2.02 pg / ml vs. 2.07 + 2.39; P = 0.35; CI = -
0.57 - 1.5). However,at the end of study, those changes didn?t make statistically
significant difference of CD4+CD25+FoxP3+ and IL 6 level between two group.
Conclusion : A significant increase of the levels of CD4 + CD25 + FoxP3 + were found
after 8 weeks Lactobacillus reuteri administration, Backgroud : In patients with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) there are
abnormality on T lymphocytes, including the existence of a defect in the regulatory T
cells both in terms of number and function. Giving probiotic, in this case
Lactabacillus reuteri administration, is expected to stimulate the immune response to
be more tolerance by increasing the number of regulatory T cells and decreasing the
IL6 production.
Aim : To know the effect of probiotic (Lactobacillus reuteri ) on the immune system
of patients with SLE through changes in the levels of regulatory T cells (CD4+CD25+
Foxp3+) and IL 6
Method :Thirty ofSLE patients with mild manifestations, who came to Allergy and
Immunology Clinic of Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, were given the probiotic
Lactobacillus reuteri (15 people) and placebo (15 people) for 8 weeks. CD4+ CD25 +
FoxP3+ and IL 6 were examined before and after exposure using flowcytometri and
ELISA. We then analyzed the levels of CD4 + CD25 + FoxP3 + and IL6 before and
after exposure.
Result : Administration of Lactobacillus reuteri for 8 weeks brought statistically
significant improvement on CD4+ CD25 + FoxP3 +level (1,38+ 8.36% + 3.17% vs.
3.71; P = 0.007; CI = -3.91 - -0.74). There were decreased level of IL 6 in
Lactobacillus reuteri group (4.76 + 5.75 pg / ml VS3,71 + 3.36 pg / ml; P = 0.25; CI -
0,83- 2, 9) and the placebo group (2.6 + 2.02 pg / ml vs. 2.07 + 2.39; P = 0.35; CI = -
0.57 - 1.5). However,at the end of study, those changes didn’t make statistically
significant difference of CD4+CD25+FoxP3+ and IL 6 level between two group.
Conclusion : A significant increase of the levels of CD4 + CD25 + FoxP3 + were found
after 8 weeks Lactobacillus reuteri administration]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Pratiwi Dyah Kusumo

Latar Belakang. Konstipasi fungsional disebabkan oleh banyak faktor, faktor luminal (disbiosis mikrobiota) merupakan salah satu faktor tersebut. Mikrobiota saluran pencernaan memegang peranan penting sebagai dasar aspek kesehatan maupun terjadinya penyakit. 

Metode. Desain penelitian randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial   untuk mengevaluasi suplementasi  susu fermentasi yang mengandung probiotik Lactobacillus plantarum IS-10506 (1.2x1010 cfu/hari) dan plasebo pada saluran pencernaan dari 73 perempuan dengan konstipasi fungsional setelah 21 hari suplementasi. Profil fekal mikrobiota dan profil fekal SCFA (asetat, propionat dan butirat), dianalisa dengan menggunakan NGS dan GC-MS. Hasil analisa tersebut akan dikorelasikan dengan score PAC-Sym sebagai parameter  gejala konstipasi fungsional.

Hasil. Data baseline menunjukkan ketidakseimbangan (disbiosis) komposisi mikrobiota, rasio Firmicutes:Bacteroidetes; rasio lebih tinggi ditemukan pada subyek konstipasi. Selain itu  dua parameter konsentrasi SCFA secara bermakna lebih rendah pada subyek konstipasi, asetat (p=0.023) dan propionat (p=0.005). Setelah 21 hari suplementasi ditemukan korelasi negatif yang kuat antara asetat dengan skor PAC-Sym, secara bermakna meningkatkan taksa Lactobacillus sp., dan Lachnospiraceae.other meningkat setelah intervensi yang juga berkorelasi  memperbaiki  gejala konstipasi fungsional  (rho 0.5). Lachnospiraceae.other menekan Roseburia sp., Ruminococacceae.g., Bilophila sp. Penekanan dari Roseburia sp. secara signifikan berkorelasi dengan peningkatan SCFA dan signifikan berkorelasi dengan perbaikan gejala konstipasi fungsional (rho 0.4)

Simpulan. Suplementasi susu fermentasi yang mengandung probiotik  Lactobacillus plantarum IS-10506 dengan dosis 1.2x1010 cfu/hari selama 21 hari, terbukti menjaga keseimbangan profil mikrobiota mengarah pada eubiosis dan meningkatkan konsentrasi SCFA (asetat, propionat dan butirat) sebagai dasar mekanisme molekuler perbaikan  gejala perempuan dengan konstipasi fungsional.

Background. Functional constipation is caused by various factors, and a luminal factor (dysbiosis of microbiota) is one of those factors. The gut microbiome plays a fundamental role in several aspects of host health and diseases. 

Methods. A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial was conducted to evaluate the effect of fermented milk containing probiotic Lactobacillus plantarum IS-10506 (1.2x1010 cfu/day) and placebo on gut microbiota profile and activity of 73 women with functional constipation after 21 days supplementation. Profile of fecal microbiota and fecal SCFA (acetate, propionate, and butyrate) was assessed by next generation sequencing (NGS) and GC-MS, respectively, and then correlated with the PAC-Sym score as a functional constipation symptom.  

Results. Baseline data showed that there was dysbiosis of microbiota composition in terms of Firmicutes:Bacteroidetes ratio: a higher ratio was found in constipated subjects. Also, two of the SCFA concentrations were significantly lower in constipated subjects, acetate (p=0.023) and propionate (p=0.005). After 21 days supplementation there was a strong negative correlation between acetate and PAC-Sym score, significantly increased taxa Lactobacillus sp. and Lanchospiraceae.other increase after intervention as ell as significantly improved the functional constipation symptom (rho 0.5). Lachnospiraceae.other seemed to suppress Roseburia sp,  Ruminococcaceae.g_, Bilophila sp. Suppresion of Roseburia sp,  significantly correlated with increased SCFA,  and significantly correlated with improvement of constipation symptom (PAC-Sym) (rh0 0.4).

Conclusion. Supplementation of fermented milk containing Lactobacillus plantarum IS-10506 at a dose of  1.2x1010 cfu/day for 21 days improved the balance of microbiota towards eubiosis, increased SCFA (acetate, propionate and butyrate) concentration as an underlying molecular mechanisms of the functional constipation symptom improvement in women.

Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Aulia Fauziah
"Sebanyak enam strain Lactobacillus plantarum diteliti untuk menguji kemampuan antifungi terhadap kapang yang tumbuh pada silase. Suspensi sel L. plantarum strain DSK3, DR162, dan DP142 yang diisolasi dari dadih, strain 1A2 diisolasi dari tapai, strain TSD10 diisolasi dari kotoran sapi dan strain 1BL2 diisolasi dari buah strawberi memiliki kemampuan antifungi terhadap Aspergillus fumigatus, Aspergillus sp., Penicillium sp.(1), dan Penicillium sp.(2), namun tidak memiliki kemampuan antifungi terhadap jamur merah dan jamur putih dengan metode double layer agar well diffusion. Supernatan L. plantarum yang diendapkan dengan amonium sulfat 60% pada pengujian paper disc assay menunjukkan kemampuan antifungi pada L. plantarum strain DSK3, 1A2, DR162, TSD10, dan 1BL2 terhadap A. fumigatus, namun tidak menunjukkan kemampuan antifungi terhadap Aspergillus sp., Penicillium sp.(1), dan Penicillium sp.(2). Suspensi sel semua strain L. plantarum menghasilkan zona hambat total terhadap A. fumigatus, Aspergillus sp., Penicillium sp.(2) dan zona hambat parsial terhadap Penicillium sp.(1). Ekstrak supernatan L. plantarum strain DSK3, 1A2, DR162, TSD10, dan 1BL2 menghasilkan zona hambat parsial terhadap A. fumigatus.

Six strains of Lactobacillus plantarum were assayed to detect anti-fungi against moulds in silage. Cell suspension of L. plantarum strains DSK3, DR162, and DP142 which were isolated from dadih, strain 1A2 isolated from tapai, strain TSD10 isolated from dung and strain 1BL2 isolated from strawberry showed anti-fungi against A. fumigatus, Aspergillus sp., Penicillium sp.(1), Penicillium sp.(2), but there was no anti-fungi against red and white moulds in double layer agar well diffusion method. Supernatant of L.plantarum was precipitated with 60% ammonium sulfate. Supernatant extract of L. plantarum strain DSK3, 1A2, DR162, TSD10, and 1BL2, assayed with paper disc method, showed anti-fungi against A. fumigatus. There was no anti-fungi against Aspergillus sp., Penicillium sp.(1) and Penicillium sp.(2). Cell suspension of L. plantarum produced a total inhibition zone of A. fumigatus, Aspergillus sp., Penicillium sp.(2) and a partial inhibition zone of Penicillium sp.(1), whereas the supernatant extract of L. plantarum produced partial inhibition zone of A. fumigatus."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Elisabeth Lovian Uli Basa Sunny
"Karakterisasi isolat Lactobacillus plantarum strain AKK30 telah dilakukan. Data penelitian menguatkan dugaan L. plantarum strain AKK30 mengandung gen plantarisin dan berpotensi menjadi alternatif antibiotik pada pakan ayam. Penelitian yang dilakukan menggunakan metode DNA sequencing untuk meneliti gen plantarisin dan high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), serta ultra performance liquid chromatography (UPLC) untuk mengetahui profil asam amino strain tersebut. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa isolat memiliki kandungan gen plantarisin, antara lain gen plnA, plnEF, plnJ, plnK, dan plnO. Dendrogram dikonstruksi dengan membandingkan gen plantarisin L. plantarum AKK30 dan gen plantarisin L. plantarum strain WCFS1 (NC-004567.2), C11 (X94434.2), dan V90 (FJ809773.1). Dendrogram menunjukkan bahwa gen plantarisin pada L. plantarum AKK30 berkerabat dekat dengan beberapa gen penyandi plantarisin yang berkaitan dengan sistem induksi plantarisin (gen plnA) dan imun (gen plnE, plnF, plnJ, dan plnK) dari L. plantarum.
Hasil kromatografi menunjukkan bahwa terdapat tiga asam amino dengan kadar lebih dari 1.500 mg/kg dari L. plantarum AKK30, yaitu glisin (Gly), prolin (Pro), dan asam glutamat (Glu). Asam amino tertinggi dari sampel ialah Gly (2.480,42 mg/kg). Berdasarkan kadar asam amino Gly dan alanin (Ala), diindikasikan isolat tersebut mampu memproduksi plantarisin. Isolat L. plantarum AKK30 juga diindikasikan memiliki kemampuan proteolitik dan produksi γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) yang penting dalam probiotik. Oleh karena itu, L. plantarum AKK30 dianggap mampu menjadi probiotik sebagai pengganti antibiotik untuk ayam.

Lactobacillus plantarum AKK30 has been characterized. Research was carried out in order to investigate plantaricin genes by using DNA sequencing. In addition amino acid profiling of the strain was conducted using by chromatography methods, i.e., high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and ultra performance liquid chromatography (UPLC). The results showed that the sample has plantaricin genes, particularly plnA, plnEF, plnJ, plnK, plnO genes. Dendrogram was constructed to compare plantaricin genes of L. plantarum AKK30 and plantaricin genes of L. plantarum strain WCFS1 (NC-004567.2), C11 (X94434.2) and V90 (FJ809773.1). It showed that plantaricin genes of L. plantarum AKK30 are closely related to plantaricin-encoding genes which responsible to plantaricin induction (plnA gene) and immune system (plnE, plnF, plnJ and plnK genes) of L. plantarum bacteria.
Chromatography results showed that L. plantarum AKK30 produces three amino acids with levels of more than 1,500 mg/kg, i.e., glycine (Gly), proline (Pro) and glutamic acid (Glu). The highest amino acid was glycine (2,480.42 mg/kg). Based on the amino acid levels of Gly and alanine (Ala), it indicates that L. plantarum AKK30 can produce plantaricin. Thus, the data strengthened the hypothesis that L. plantarum AKK30 plantaricin genes and is recognized to be a potential probiotic to substitute antibiotic for chicken broiler.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nadia Mia Pertiwi
"Lactobacillus plantarum Mar8 merupakan bakteri probiotik yang mampu menurunkan kolesterol. Salah satu syarat produk probiotik adalah jumlah sel hidup minimal 106 CFU/g produk. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui viabilitas L. plantarum Mar8 yang dimikroenkapsulasi dengan teknik spray drying menggunakan bahan penyalut berupa campuran dekstrin 10% (b/v) dan sari buah markisa (Passiflora edulis f. flavicarpa) (1:6) (v/v). Hasil menunjukkan L. plantarum Mar8 yang telah dimikroenkapsulasi dengan dekstrin 10% (b/v) dan sari buah markisa (1:6) (v/v) memiliki viabilitas yang tinggi sebagai probiotik setelah penyimpanan dua minggu dan empat minggu pada suhu simpan 4º C dengan presentase kemampuan hidup sebesar is 92,8% dan 100%. Viabilitas L. plantarum Mar8 yang telah dimikroenkapsulasi pada penyimpanan di suhu ruang dan 37º C setelah penyimpanan dua minggu memiliki viabilitas yang lebih rendah daripada mikrokapsul yang disimpan pada suhu 4º C dengan persentase kemampuan hidup 68,6% dan 67,8%.

Lactobacillus plantarum Mar8 is a probiotic bacteria that has the ability to reduce cholesterol. In order to be categorized as probiotic, the number of living cells needs to be at least 106 CFU/g product. The aim of this research was to assess the viability of L. plantarum Mar8 microencapsulated with the mixture of dekstrin 10% (b/v) and passion fruit (Passiflora edulis f. flavicarpa) juice (1:6) (v/v) by spray drying technique. The result showed that the viability of L. plantarum Mar8 encapsulated with dextrin 10% (b/v) and passion fruit juice (1:6) (v/v) stored for two and four weeks in the temperature 4º C is high with the percentage of survival rate are 92,8% and 100% respectively. However, the viability of encapsulated L. plantarum Mar8 stored in room temperature and in the temperature 37º C after two weeks of storage were lower than at 4º C with percentage of survival rate are 68,6% and 67,8%."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Pemurnian parsial dan karakterisasi β-galaktosidase dari Lactobacillus plantarum strain D-210 belum dilaporkan. L. plantarum strain D-210 ditemukan sebagai bakteri penghasil β-galaktosidase sebagian dimurnikan dengan dialisis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa aktivitas optimum dalam 24 jam dengan dan total protein adalah 0,454 mg/ml pada pH 6.5 aktivitas enzim 252,341 U/ml, dan suhu 45°C dengan aktivitas 0,582 U/ ml. Total aktivitas β-galaktosidase L.plantarum strain D-210 adalah 138,396 U dan endapan dengan amonium sulfat dicapai pada 40% - 50% dengan aktivitas total 87,030 U. Setelah dialisis, aktivitas total adalah 50,420 U. Penghambat β - galaktosidase adalah Hg dan Cu dengan aktivitas relatif adalah 56,82% dan
1,04%, sedangkan aktivator adalah Mg, Mn, Ca, Co, Zn. Vmaks dari enzim adalah 0.093 µmol/menit dan KM enzim β-galaktosidase L. plantarum adalah 0,491 mM. Berdasarkan karakteristik β-galaktosidase, dapat disimpulkan bahwa L. plantarum strain D-210 adalah bakteri baik dan unggul yang dapat memproduksi β-galaktosidase. Studi lebih lanjut diperlukan untuk mengeksplorasi kemungkinan menggunakan bakteri ini dalam pengolahan susu pada bayi dengan intoleransi laktosa."
610 JKY 21:1 (2013)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Melati Ramadhana
"Ruminants are herbivorous mammals that have special digestive tract, rumen, where digestion of cellulose and polysaccharides can be carried out by rumen microorganisms. Methanogenic bacteria in the rumen using H2 compounds results from anaerobic fermentation of carbohydrates to form methane. Methane production in the rumen is an energetically wasteful process, since the feed intake will be converted to methane and eructated as gas (Bunthoen, 2007). Rumen protozoa have a potential role in the process of digestion and breakdown of organic material. Hydrogen (H2) as one of the protozoa fermentation products are used by methanogenic bacteria to form methane. This causing methanogenic bacteria often found living attached to the surface of protozoa to keep a constant supply of hydrogen. The purpose of this study is to enumerate the number of methanogenic bacteria and protozoa with different diet and after the addition of probiotic Lactobacillus plantarum TSD-10 in vitro.
This report consist of two parts, which are (1) Effect of Feeding Composition on Total Methanogenic Bacteria and Protozoa Rumen, and (2) Influence of Probiotic Lactobacillus plantarum TSD-10 on Total Methanogenic Bacteria and Protozoa In Vitro. The research was conducted at the Laboratory of Industrial Microbiology, Research Centre of Biotechnology? Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI), Cibinong Bogor, from September 2008 ? May 2009. The treatment are diet A with ratio of grass : concentrate (30 : 70) and diet B with ratio of grass : concentrate (70 : 30). The probiotic L. plantarum TSD-10 dose are 0%, 5%, 10% and 15% v/v. The number of methanogenic bacteria obtained from diet A ranges between (0,74 ? 0,89) x 107 cfu/ml, whereas in diet B ranged from (1,71 ? 2,58) x 107 cfu/ml. Methanogenic bacteria average on feed B ((2,19 ± 0,44) x 107 cfu/ml) higher than the feed A ((0,82 ± 0,07) x 107 cfu/ml).
Based on the Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), different composition of diet A and B, significantly affect the number of methanogenic bacteria ( 5%), with the best diet composition in suppressing the growth of methanogenic bacteria is diet A. The number of methanogenic bacteria in diet B are higher since the value of a more alkaline pH (8). According to Mirzaei-Aghsaghali et al. (2008), methanogenic bacteria are sensitive to changes in pH. Decrease in pH value will decrease the number of methanogenic bacteria and cause less methane gas produced. The low number of methanogenic bacteria on diet A, can also be caused by the ratio of acetate : propionate obtained lower than in diet B, and it also causes a lower pH of the diet A (Lana et al., 1998).
The ANOVA showed the methanogenic bacteria average between diet A and B in the morning and afternoon sampling significantly different between treatments ( 5%), with the best treatment in suppressing methanogenic bacteria from each sampling were diet A. Increased methanogenic bacteria after feeding may be associated with the presence of protozoa in the rumen cilliata that serves as a producer of hydrogen and bacterial attachment to methanogen. Composition diet B low in fiber and high in starch are preferred by the protozoan (Leedle and Greening, 1988). The number of protozoa obtained from the diet A ranges between (1,93 ? 3,95) x 105 cells/ml, whereas the diet B ranged from (2,81 ? 4,35) x 105 cells/ ml. Protozoa average on diet B ((3,76 ± 0,83) x 105 cells/ml) higher than the diet A ((3,08 ± 1,04) x 105 cells/ml).
Based on the ANOVA, differences composition diet A and B, not significantly different between treatments (5%). Diet B with a higher pH value causes no influential ration of protozoa, which does not cause a decrease in the number of protozoa. The ANOVA indicate that the average range of protozoa between diet A and B are significantly different (5%) in the morning sampling, with the best treatment in suppressing the number of protozoa are diet A. The afternoon sampling, ANOVA showed that the treatment was not significantly different (5%). Protozoa observed in treatment diet A and B are families of, Ophryoscolecidae, Isotrichidae and Blepharocorythidae. Most number obtained from each diet is Ophryoscolecidae, while the less is Blepharocorythidae. This is due to Ophryoscolecidae a part of the Order Entodiniomorphida who compiled most of rumen cilliata. In the contrary, Family Isotrichidae and Blepharocorythidae are part of the order Trichostomatida which is rarely found in rumen (Ogimoto and Imai, 1981). Decreasing in the number of methanogenic bacteria in the diet B (56,8%) higher than diet A (29,8%), while the decrease in the number of protozoa in the diet B (64,9%) higher than diet A (62,7% ). Diet B with a higher concentrate composition can provide a change in the pattern of rumen fermentation. These changes make the environment less suitable for methanogenic bacterial growth. One of the unfavorable change is a reduction of rumen pH values (Moss et al., 2000).
On the addition of probiotics in vitro, the ANOVA showed the range of the number of methanogenic bacteria was not significantly different ( 5%) on the variations of diet A and B but significantly different (5%) on the number of protozoa, with the best in suppressing the growth of protozoa are diet A. Variations doses of probiotic significantly different (5%) on the number of methanogenic bacteria and protozoa, with the best dose 5% v/v to suppress methanogenic bacteria and 15% v/v to suppress protozoa in vitro. Feed Digestibility Coefficient (FDC) shows the FDC from 27,99 ? 31,95%, while the diet B ranged from 25,85 to 31,3%. In diet A, the value FDC obtained tended to increase (8,5%) along with increasing concentration of probiotic L. plantarum TSD-10. Increasing FDC value expected to suppress the growth of methanogenic bacteria by altering the rumen fermentation pattern which results in volatile fatty acids produced. Diet A shows the value of higher acetate than propionate, because diet A high on fiber that will support the growth of the acetate-producing bacteria species, diet B rich in starch that supports the growth of propionic-producing bacteria species, and marked by increasing propionate than acetate (France and Dijkstra, 2005)."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2010
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
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