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Anisa Diah Pertiwi
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh relationship lending terhadap IPO underpricing. Relationship lending terjadi ketika perusahaan melakukan hubungan pinjam meminjam dengan bank sebelum go public. Kemudian ketika perusahaan memutuskan untuk IPO, perusahaan menggunakan underwriter yang terafiliasi dengan bank yang memiliki relatonship lending. Penelitian ini menggunakan 118 sampel perusahaan yang mengalami underpricing pada periode 2007-2016 di Bursa Efek Indonesia. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan menggunakan regresi berganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perusahaan yang memiliki relationship lending dengan bank yang terafiliasi dengan underwriter dan go public dengan underwriter tersebut dapat mengurangi tingkat underpricing.

This study aims to analyze the effect of relationship lending on IPO underpricing. Relationship lending occurs when a company has a relationship with a bank before going public. Then when the company decides to IPO, the company uses the underwriter affiliated with a bank that has relatonship lending. This paper uses 118 samples of firms experiencing underpricing in the period 2007-2016 at Indonesia Stocks Exchange. This is quantitative research using multiple regression. The results show that firms with a pre-IPO lending relationship with banks affiliated with underwriters and go public with them can reduce the level of underpricing.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Aisyah Amalia Raodah
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh dan korelasi venture capital (VC), reputasi underwriter, reputasi auditor dan faktor ex-ante uncertainty (firm age, harga penawaran, firm size, lag days dan risiko penawaran) terhadap initial return penawaran umum perdana (IPO) perusahaan berbasis teknologi di pasar saham Nasdaq dan New York Stock Exchange (NYSE). Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah IPO dalam industri teknologi yang melakukan IPO di Nasdaq dan NYSE selama periode 2009 2019. Hasil yang diperoleh dalam penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa VC, reputasi underwriter, harga penawaran, dan risiko penawaran memiliki pengaruh positif terhadap underpricing IPO. Sedangkan faktor reputasi auditor dan firm size berpengaruh signifikan dengan arah korelasi negatif terhadap initial return IPO di pasar saham Nasdaq dan NYSE. Adapula faktor firm age dan lag days tidak mempengaruhi initial return IPO perusahaan berbasis teknologi.

This study aims to determine the effect and correlation of venture capital (VC), underwriter's reputation, auditor's reputation, and ex-ante uncertainty factors (firm age, offer price, firm size, lag days and offer risk) toward the initial return of technology-based company IPOs on Nasdaq and New York Stock Exchange (NYSE). The data used in the research are IPOs from tech companies that go public on Nasdaq and NYSE stock markets from 2009 - 2019. This research used the Ordinary Least Square (OLS) method with robustness checking as an analysis tool for hypotheses testing. The results obtained in this study indicate that VC, underwriter's reputation, offer price, and offer risk have a positive impact on IPO underpricing. While the auditor's reputation and firm size factor significantly have a negative correlation to the initial return of the tech companies' IPO on Nasdaq and NYSE. The other variables, firm age and lag days, do not affect the initial return of IPO technology-based companies."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan BIsnis Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Amanda Ratna Rahmida
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh corporate governance terhadap tingkat underpricing pada saat perusahaan melakukan Initial Public Offering (IPO). Faktor-faktor corporate governance yang diuji meliputi jumlah anggota dewan komisaris, tingkat independensi dari dewan komisaris, keberadaan komite audit, kualitas auditor eksternal, dan kualitas monitoring bank. Pengujian hipotesis dilakukan menggunakan model regresi berganda dengan sampel 91 observasi dari perusahaan yang melakukan IPO yang tercatat di Bursa Efek Indonesia selama periode 2002-2010. Hasil penelitian ini memberikan bukti empiris bahwa jumlah anggota dewan komisaris dan kualitas auditor berpengaruh negatif dan signifikan terhadap tingkat underpricing. Namun tingkat independensi dari dewan komisaris, keberadaan komite audit, dan kualitas monitoring bank tidak berpengaruh terhadap tingkat underpricing.

The objective of this research is to examine the effect of corporate governance on underpricing level at Initial Public Offering. The corporate governance factors tested include board size, board independence, the existence of audit committee, external auditor quality, and bank monitoring quality. Testing hypotheses are conducted using multiple regression models with observations from 91 sample IPO companies listed in Indonesian Stock Exchange during the period of 2002-2010. The empirical results show that board size and external auditor quality have negative significant effect on underpricing level. However board independence, the existence of audit committee, and bank monitoring quality have no significant effect on underpricing level."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Natalia Dewi Sari
"Market timing dan dampalcnya terhadap stmktur modal telah berkembang menjadi topik yang kontroversial sernenjak penelitian Baker dan Wurgler (2002) dimana market timing mempengaruhi struktur modal secara persisten. Mereka mengcmukakan teori baru mengenai market timing yang menyatakan bahwa stmlctur modal perusahaan merupakan hasil kumulatif atas semua usaha dimasa lalu dalam upaya time to equigr marketf Hal ini bertentangan dengan teori sebelumnya tentang traditional static trade-of atau teori pecking order.
Tesis ini membahas apakah penerbitan saham pada sektor-sektor industri non keuangan digerakkan oleh mimrioing of equity, apakah upaya market timing IPO mempengaruhi perubahan struktur modal dan apakah perubahan stmktur modal yang disebabkan efek market timing [PO bcrsifat menetap/persisten. Penelitian ini mengambil sampel perusahaan-pemsahaan dalam industri non keuangan yang melakukan IPO di Bursa Efek Indonesia pada tahun 2000-2002. Penelitian menggunakan data panel industri non keuangan pada satu tahun sebelum pelalcsanaan IPO sampai dengan tahun kelima setelah IPO. Analisis dilakukan dengan melakukan regresi panel atas rasio market to book, dan historis rasio market to book terhadap leverage perusahaan.
Hasil penelitian mcnunjukkan bahwa penerbitan ekuitas perusahaan digerakkan oleh adanya mispricing. Dibuktikan dcngan adanya periode overvaluation pada tahun IPO, dimana rasio market to book pada tahun tersebut bergerak lebih tinggi dibandingkan tahun sebelum pelaksanaan IPO. Rasio market to book saat ini berpengaruh negatif terhadap perubahan book leverage. Seperti dikemukakan oleh penelitian sebelumnya, penelitian ini menernukan bahwa leverage pemsahaan memiliki hubungan negatif dengan historis rasio market to book pada keselumhan industri. Namun, dampak equity market timing terhadap leverage hanya berlangsung dalam jangka pendek dan tidak menetap/tidak persisten
Market timing and its effect to capital structure has been developed as controversial issue since the research of Baker and Wurgler (2002) revealed that market timing persistently affects capital structure. The theory suggests that capital structure is the cumulative outcome of past attempts to time to equity market? This is contrary to previous studies either to traditional static trade-ot? or pecking order theory.
This thesis examines whether equity issuance in non-iinancial industrial sectors is driven by mispricing of equity, whether IPO market timing effort aE`ects the change of capital structure, and persistency on the change of capital structure. The sample is taken from non~iina.ncial industrial firms which going public through Initial Public Offering (IPO) in Indonesia Stock Exchange during 2000- 2002. Panel data of those Hrms will be taken from one year preceded the IPO to tive years after IPO. The analysis is executed through panel regression of market to book ratio, and historical of market to book ratio against leverage of the iimrs.
The result shows that equity issuance is driven by mispricing. It is proven by overvaluation period on IPO year, reflected by higher market to book ratio relative to preceded year. Current market to book ratio is negatively related to the change of book leverage. As claimed by previous studies, this observation finds that leverage of firms is negatively related to historical of market to book ratio in all non-financial industrial sectors. The effect of equity market timing to leverage of the firms is short-lived and not persistent.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mohammad Hamka Rivai
"[Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh jumlah perusahaan IPO, reputasi
penjamin emisi, dan rasio utang terhadap tingkat underpricing saham di pasar
perdana yang diukur menggunakan model mean-adjusted. Pengujian hipotesis
menggunakan model regresi berganda dengan sampel sebanyak 73 perusahaan yang
melakukan IPO di Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) tahun 2009-2014. Hasil penelitian
ini menunjukkan semua variabel yang diuji yaitu, jumlah perusahaan IPO, reputasi
penjamin emisi, dan rasio utang mempunyai efek negatif. Jumlah perusahaan IPO
dan reputasi penjamin emisi tidak mempunyai pengaruh signifikan. Sedangkan,
rasio utang mempunyai pengaruh signifikan terhadap tingkat underpricing saham
di pasar perdana.;The objective of this research is to examine the effect of number of IPOs, reputation
of underwriter, and debt ratio on the level of underpricing of stocks in primary
market measured using mean-adjusted model. Hypotheses testing uses multiple
regression models with observations from 73 IPOs in Indonesia Stock Exchange
during the period of 2009-2014. The results indicate that all variables tested,
number of IPOs, reputation of underwriters, and debt ratio have negative effect.
Number of IPOs and reputation of underwriters have no significant effect.
Meanwhile, debt ratio has a significant effect on the level of underpricing of stocks
in primary market.;The objective of this research is to examine the effect of number of IPOs, reputation
of underwriter, and debt ratio on the level of underpricing of stocks in primary
market measured using mean-adjusted model. Hypotheses testing uses multiple
regression models with observations from 73 IPOs in Indonesia Stock Exchange
during the period of 2009-2014. The results indicate that all variables tested,
number of IPOs, reputation of underwriters, and debt ratio have negative effect.
Number of IPOs and reputation of underwriters have no significant effect.
Meanwhile, debt ratio has a significant effect on the level of underpricing of stocks
in primary market., The objective of this research is to examine the effect of number of IPOs, reputation
of underwriter, and debt ratio on the level of underpricing of stocks in primary
market measured using mean-adjusted model. Hypotheses testing uses multiple
regression models with observations from 73 IPOs in Indonesia Stock Exchange
during the period of 2009-2014. The results indicate that all variables tested,
number of IPOs, reputation of underwriters, and debt ratio have negative effect.
Number of IPOs and reputation of underwriters have no significant effect.
Meanwhile, debt ratio has a significant effect on the level of underpricing of stocks
in primary market.]"
Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Marlina Hartini Santoso
"Tesis ini membahas tentang pelaksanaan suatu perseroan tertutup menjadi perseroan terbuka. Dalam hal ini perseroan harus merubah jenis perseroan yang tadinya berstatus tertutup menjadi status terbuka yang dalam arti untuk melakukan hal tersebut harus dilakukan harus terlebih dahulu melakukan suatu penawaran umum atau lebih dikenal dengan istilah "go public" atau IPO (Initial Public Offering) atau merupakan suatu penawaran saham perdana ke publik. Hal ini harus menempuh tahap awal sebelum melakukan penawaran umum. Dalam proses go public hal pertama yang harus dilakukan adalah due diligence. Due diligence merupakan penelitian yang dilakukan terhadap seluruh aspek perusahaan, untuk mendapat keyakinan akan kondisi perusahaan. Tahap-tahap untuk melakukan penawaran umum perdana atas saham perseroan adalah Tahap Persiapan, Tahap Pengajuan Pernyataan Pendaftaran, Tahap Penawaran Saham di Pasar Perdana, Tahap Pencatatan Saham di Bursa Efek. Tahap-tahap penawaran umum ini merupakan syarat mutlak yang harus dilakukan bagi perseroan yang akan menjadi perseroan terbuka sesuai dengan ketentuan dari Bapepam-LK. Dilakukan pertama kali dengan mengajukan persyaratan pendaftaran kepada Bapepam-LK sesuai dengan Ketua Bapepam Nomor Kep.50/PM/1996 tanggal 17 Januari 1996 tentang Pedoman Mengenai Bentuk dan Isi Pernyataan Pendaftaran Dalam Rangka Penawaran Umum, Lampiran IX.C.1. Pelaksanaan Penawaran Umum Perdana (IPO) PT. X, Tbk dalam penerapan dalam ketentuan Undang-undang Nomor 8 Tahun 1995 tentang Pasar Modal sudah diterapkan dengan baik serta memenuhi persyaratan yang sudah ditentukan oleh Bapepam-LK yang disyaratkan dalam Peraturan Bapepam-LK Nomor IX.C.1 tersebut. PT. X, Tbk telah dinyatakan efektif oleh Bapepam-LK tanggal 19 November 2010, dan melakukan public expose selama 3 hari dalam rangka penawaran umum. Dengan demikian sejak melakukan public expose tersebut, Perseroan mendapat respon yang sangat baik dari para investor, terbukti dengan adanya kelebihan permintaan atas saham perseroan yang ditawarkan (oversubscribed) sebanyak 5 (lima) kali. Sehingga dengan adanya oversubscribed ini, maka perseroan melakukan penjatahan atas saham yang ditawarkan.

This thesis discusses the implementation of a closed corporation to a corporation is open. In this case the company must change the type of company that had status to the status of open-closed in the sense to do so must be done must first conduct a public offering, or better known by the term Go public or IPO (Initial Public Offering) or an initial public offering to the public. This should take an early stage before making a public offering. In the process of going public the first thing to do is due diligence. Due diligence is an ongoing research on all aspects of the company, to gain confidence in the condition of the company. The stages for the initial public offering of shares of the company are Preparatory Phase, Phase Filing a Registration Statement, Phase Offer Shares in the Primary Market, Phase Listing Shares on the Stock Exchange. Stages of a public offering is an absolute requirement to do for the company that will become publicly-listed companies in accordance with the provisions of Bapepam-LK. Was first done by submitting to the registration requirements in accordance with Bapepam-LK chairman of Bapepam No. Kep.50/PM/1996 dated January, 17 1996 regarding Guidelines Concerning the Form and Content of Registration Statement for Public Offering, Appendix IX.C.1. Implementation of an Initial Public Offering (IPO) of PT. X, Limited in the application of the provisions of Law No. 8 Year 1995 concerning Capital Market has been implemented well and meets the requirements specified by Bapepam-LK required by Bapepam-LK IX.C.1 it. PT. X, Limited has been declared effective by Bapepam-LK dated 19 November 2010, and conduct public expose for 3 days in the framework of a public offering. Thus since made public expose, the Company received a very good response from investors, as evidenced by the presence of excess demand for company shares offered (oversubscribed) of 5 (five) times. So that the existence of this oversubscribed, the company doing the allotment of shares offered."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Anita Nur Ratnasari
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan bukti empiris mengenai pengaruh dari kepemilikan manajerial dan karakteristik Direksi (jumlah Direksi, proporsi Direksi terhadap seluruh anggota Dewan, pengalaman dan latar belakang pendidikan Direksi) terhadap tingkat underpricing saham saat IPO (Initial Public Offering). Sampel penelitian terdiri dari 88 perusahaan yang mengalami underpricing saat melakukan penawaran saham perdana atau initial public offering (IPO) di Bursa Efek Indonesia. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa jumlah Direksi berpengaruh negatif signifikan dan proposi Direksi terhadap total Dewan berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap underpricing saham IPO. Sedangkan kepemilikan manajerial, pengalaman dan latar belakang pendidikan Direksi, tidak memiliki pengaruh terhadap tingkat underpricing saham IPO.

This study aims to obtain empirical evidence of the influence of managerial ownership and Board of Directors (BoD) characteristics IPO underpricing. The sample consists of 88 companies listed on Indonesia Stock Exchange for the period 2012 – 2016. Result show that IPO underpricing has negative significant correlated with number of BoD, and a positive correlation with proportion of BoD on boards, but it doesn’t found significant correlation with managerial ownership, experience and educational background of BoD.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Qorry Aina Syafei
"Skripsi ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh manajemen laba terhadap underpricing saham IPO yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) periode 2008-2012. Proksi utama dari manajemen laba yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah abnormal accruals. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan menggunakan regresi berganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perusahaan yang melakukan manajemen laba agresif selama periode sebelum IPO cenderung lebih underpriced dibandingkan dengan perusahaan lain. Hal ini konsisten dengan teori asimetri informasi dimana manajemen laba agresif meningkatkan ketidakpastian perusahaan IPO dan investor menuntut potongan harga atas harga saham IPO tersebut.

The aim of this study is to analyze the impact of earnings management on underpricing of IPO firms listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2008-2012. The primary proxy of earnings management is abnormal accruals. This research is quantitative and used multivariate regression. This study finds evidence that firms with aggressive earnings management during pre-IPO period tend to be more underpriced than firms without it. It is consistent with the asymmetric theory of underpricing that aggressive earnings management increases the uncertainty of IPO firms and investor demands price discounts."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Suskandani Kamil
"Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh IPO Underpricing terhadap likuiditas saham di Bursa Efek Indonesia selama periode 2006-2011. Penelitian ini menggunakan dua pendekatan untuk menghitung variabel terikat (likuiditas saham), yaitu volume perdagangan saham (VOL) dan volume uang dalam perdagangan saham (DVOL). Begitu juga dalam menghitung variabel bebas (underpricing), menggunakan dua pendekatan yaitu UNDO dan UNDC. Dalam menghitung UNDO, harga saham yang digunakan adalah harga pembukaan hari pertama listing. Sedangkan untuk perhitungan UNDC, harga saham yang digunakan adalah harga penutupan hari pertama listing.
Pengujian hipotesis penelitian ini menggunakan model regresi linear berganda dengan data cross section. Sampel dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 75 perusahaan yang melakukan IPO selama periode 2006-2011. Penelitian ini juga menggunakan tiga variabel kontrol, yaitu jumlah lembar saham yang ditawarkan saat IPO, harga perdana saham, dan umur perusahaan.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa underpricing berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap volume perdagangan saham (VOL) di Bursa Efek Indonesia. Sedangkan untuk likuiditas dengan pendekatan volume uang (DVOL), underpricing tidak berpengaruh signifikan. Hal ini sejalan dengan penelitian yang dilakukan Zhen dan Li (2007) yang menyatakan bahwa underpricing berpengaruh positif terhadap volume transaksi. Zhen dan Li tidak menemukan hubungan yang konsisten antara underpricing dengan ukuran likuiditas lainnya.

The objective of this research is to examine the effect of IPO Underpricing on stock liquidity in the Indonesian Stock Exchange during the period 2006-2011. This study used two approaches to calculate the dependent variable (stock liquidity), which are trading volume and volume of money in stock trading. In calculating the independent variable (underpricing), this study also uses two approaches, they are UNDO and UNDC. In calculating an UNDO, the share price used is the opening price of the first day of listing. In UNDC calculating, stock price used is the closing price of the first day of listing.
The hypothesis testing of this study using a multiple linear regression model with cross section data. The samples in this study were 75 companies. This study also used three control variables: the number of shares offered, the initial price of the stock, and firm age.
The results showed that underpricing is positively significant to trading volume (VOL) at the Indonesian Stock Exchange. The research also found that underpricing has no significant relation to the volume of money (DVOL). This is consistent with research conducted Zhen and Li (2007) which states that the underpricing positively related to the volume of transactions. Zhen and Li did not find any consistent relation between underpricing and other liquidity measures.
Jakarta: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Saragih, Meishera Panglipurjati
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh IPO underpricing dan kepemilikan blockholder terhadap aftermarket liquidity IPO di Indonesia. Penelitian ini menggunakan tiga pengukuran likuiditas yaitu trading volume, bid ask spread dan illiquidity. Pengujian ini dilakukan sebanyak 116 perusahaan termasuk perusahan keuangan yang melakukan IPO dan tercatat di Bursa Efek Indonesia selama periode 2006-2014. Hasil penelitian ini membuktikan bahwa IPO underprcing berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap aftermarket liquidity IPO. Kepemilikan blockholder terhadap aftermarket liquidity.;

The objective of this research is to analyze the effect of IPO Underpricing and Blockholders Ownership on Aftermarket Liquidity IPO in Indonesia. This research uses multiple regsression with 116 companies including finance company listed at Indonesia Stock Exchange taken as a sampel. The result of this research shows that IPO Underpricing have positive effect and significantly influence aftermarket liquidity. Blockholders ownership do not influence aftermarket liquidity IPO in Indonesia., The objective of this research is to analyze the effect of IPO Underpricing and Blockholders Ownership on Aftermarket Liquidity IPO in Indonesia. This research uses multiple regsression with 116 companies including finance company listed at Indonesia Stock Exchange taken as a sampel. The result of this research shows that IPO Underpricing have positive effect and significantly influence aftermarket liquidity. Blockholders ownership do not influence aftermarket liquidity IPO in Indonesia.]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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