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Panji Adhyatma
"Penelitian ini membahas mengenai penerapan PER-43/PJ/2011 dilihat dari sudut pandang kepastian hukum terkait pemajakan atas TKA yang telah meninggalkan Indonesia dan mendapat penghasilan sehubungan dengan pekerjaan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode kualitatif deskriptif dengan teknik analisis data kualitatif. Dalam menentukan status subjek pajak, fokus argumentasi terletak pada peran NPWP dan arti dari “meninggalkan Indonesia selama-lamanya.” Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini PER-43/PJ/2011 dianggap tidak memperhatikan asas kepastian hukum baik dari segi subjek, objek, tarif, dan ketentuan formal. Selain itu masih ditemukan permasalahan perpajakan yang bersifat teknis seperti penundaan pencabutan NPWP

This study focus on the application of PER-43 / PJ / 2011 seen from the perspective of legal certainty related to taxation of foreign workers who have left Indonesia and earn income in connection with the work. The research method used is descriptive qualitative method with qualitative data analysis technique. In determining the status of the tax subject, the focus of the argument lies in the role of the Tax ID Number and the meaning of "leaving Indonesia forever." Based on the results of this study PER-43 / PJ / 2011 is considered not to consider the principle of legal certainty in terms of subject, object, tariff, and formal requirements. Besides, there are still a technical tax issues such as delay of NPWP revocation"
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Natasha Gita Soetoto
"Tenaga kerja asing yang bekerja di Indonesia merupakan potensi sumber penghasilan pajak tambahan bagi Indonesia. Penting bagi suatu perusahaan untuk menentukan perlakuan pemotongan pajak yang tepat bagi tenaga kerja asing tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi apakah penerapan pemotongan pajak penghasilan pada tenaga kerja asing di suatu perusahaan sudah diterapkan dengan tepat sesuai dengan peraturan perpajakan yang berlaku. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk melihat apakah PT. X telah melakukan pemotongan pajak penghasilan atas tenaga kerja asing yang dipekerjakannya sesuai dengan ketentuan dan perundang – undangan yang berlaku. Tenaga Kerja Asing yang bekerja di PT. X ini telah memiliki NPWP dan menerima penghasilan dari PT. X. Kemudian, atas penghasilan ini dilakukan pemotongan pajak penghasilan pasal 26 oleh PT. X. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah kualitatif, dimana pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan melakukan wawancara. Berdasarkan hasil analisis diketahui bahwa untuk melakukan pemotongan pajak penghasilan bagi tenaga kerja asing yang sudah dikategorikan sebagai subjek pajak dalam negeri harus dilakukan melalui pemotongan PPh Pasal 21 dan untuk subjek pajak luar negeri dengan pemotongan PPh Pasal 26. Diketahui bahwa PT. X telah mengetahui pehamanan PPh Pasal 21/26 secara teori, namun pada prakteknya pemotongan pajak penghasilan yang dilakukan belum tepat sebagaimana yang diatur dalam undang – undang yang berlaku. Pemotongan pajak penghasilan untuk tenaga kerja asing yang telah memiliki NPWP seharusnya dilakukan dengan pemotongan PPh Pasal 21 bukan PPh Pasal 26.

Foreign workers working in Indonesia are a potential source of additional tax income for Indonesia. It is essential for a company to determine the appropriate withholding tax treatment for foreign workers. This study aims to evaluate whether the implementation of withholding income tax on foreign workers in a company has been applied properly in accordance with the prevailing tax regulations. This study was conducted to see whether PT. X has withheld the income tax on the foreign workers employed by the company in accordance with the prevailing laws and regulations. The foreign workers already have Tax Identification Number (TIN) in Indonesia and receive an employment income from PT. X. Then, PT. X withheld the Article 26 income tax on the employment income. The research method used is qualitative analysis using interviews. On the results of the analysis, it is known that to withhold income tax for foreign workers categorized as domestic tax subjects, it must be carried out with article 21 withholding income tax, while for foreign tax subjects, it is carried out with article 26 withholding income tax. In this case, PT. X already knows the understanding of Article 21/26 in theory, however in practice the implementation of withholding income tax is not in accordance with the prevailing tax regulation and law. Withholding income tax for foreign workers who already have a TIN should be carried out by Article 21 withholding income tax instead of Article 26."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Niswatul Hasanah Pratiwi
"Optimalisasi penerimaan negara dengan penerapan omnibus law perpajakan yaitu melalui peningkatan pendanaan investasi. Peningkatan pendanaan investasi yang dilakukan pemerintah berfokus pada reformasi kebijakan relaksasi pemangkasan tarif Pajak Penghasilan Badan dari 25% ke 22% di tahun 2021 dan 2022. Kebijakan ini diharapkan dapat menarik investor asing untuk menanamkan modalnya ke Indonesia. Penggerusan penerimaan yang diakibatkan kebijakan ini diseimbangkan dengan perluasan basis pajak salah satunya dengan kenaikan tarif PPN. Terdapat keterkaitan antara perpajakan dengan pertumbuhan ekonomi karena potensi perpajakan terletak pada kegiatan ekonomi sehingga dibutuhkan analisis formulasi kebijakan dan kendala dalam formulasi kebijakan penurunan tarif Pajak Penghasilan Badan dalam meningkatkan penerimaan penanaman modal asing di Indonesia. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui bagaimana formulasi kebijakan penurunan tarif pajak penghasilan badan dilihat dari tahapan perumusan masalah, agenda kebijakan, pemilihan alternatif kebijakan, dan penetapan kebijakan, dan menganalisis faktor penghambat dari formulasi kebijakan penurunan tarif Pajak Penghasilan Badan. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan data berupa studi literatur dan wawancara mendalam. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa proses formulasi kebijakan penurunan tarif Pajak Penghasilan Badan sesuai dan memenuhi tahap-tahap formulasi kebijakan publik. Kendala yang dihadapi dalam formulasi kebijakan ini adalah keterbatasan koordinasi antar tim dan waktu penyusunan kebijakan yang singkat, mengetahui peraturan yang terkait dan memahami benchmarking negara lain, dan minimnya investor baru yang masuk ketika pandemi.

Optimizing state revenue by implementing omnibus law, namely increasing investment income. Investments made by the government are focused on reforming the corporate income tax rate relaxation policy from 25% to 22% in 2021 and 2022. This policy is expected to attract foreign investors to invest in Indonesia. The erosion of revenue originating from this policy is balanced with tax expansion, one of which is an increase in VAT rates. There is a relationship between taxation and economic growth which lies in economic activity so that policy analysis and determination of income tax rates are needed in increasing foreign direct investment in Indonesia. The purpose of this study is to find out how the formulation of income tariff reduction policies is seen from the stages of problem formulation, policy agendas, alternative election policies, policy determination, and analysis of inhibiting factors for the Agency's tariff reduction policies. The method used in this study is a qualitative method with data collection in the form of literature studies and in-depth interviews. The results of this study indicate that the process of formulating a policy for reducing corporate income tax rates is in accordance with the stages of public policy. Constraints faced in the formulation of this policy are the limited coordination between teams and short policy formulation time, understanding benchmarking from other countries, and the lack of new investors entering Indonesia during pandemic."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Elizabeth Hotmaulitua
"Laporan magang ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kewajiban perpajakan dalam SPT Tahunan Orang Pribadi seorang ekspatriat Jepang. Ekspatriat tersebut menjalankan peran kerja ganda di dua negara, yaitu Singapura dan Indonesia. Menurut Hukum Pajak masing-masing negara, ekspatriat tersebut sama-sama dianggap sebagai tax resident di kedua negara tersebut untuk tahun pajak 2018. Hal ini menyebabkan ekspatriat tersebut harus dikenakan pajak di dua yuridiksi yang berbeda atas penghasilan yang sama. Penghasilan yang diterima oleh ekspatriat tersebut terdiri dari dua jenis, yaitu penghasilan dari Singapura sehubungan dengan pekerjaannya di Singapura dan penghasilan dari Jepang sehubungan dengan pekerjaannya di Indonesia. Kedua penghasilan tersebut terutang pajak di Singapura karena penghasilan dari Singapura bersumber dari Singapura, sedangkan penghasilan dari Jepang dikirimkan ke Singapura yang menganut sistem remittance base. Kedua jenis penghasilan tersebut wajib dilaporkan dalam SPT Tahunan Orang Pribadi ekspatriat sebagai penghasilan luar negeri dan akan dipajaki di Indonesia yang menganut sistem worldwide income. Untuk menghindari perpajakan berganda, ekspatriat tersebut dapat melakukan klaim kredit pajak luar negeri atas pajak penghasilan luar negeri yang telah dibayarkan.

This report aims to analyze tax obligations in the Indonesia Individual Tax Returns for a Japanese expatriate. The expatriate runs dual employment roles in two countries, namely Singapore and Indonesia. According to the tax laws of each country, the expatriate is both considered as a tax resident in Singapore and Indonesia for fiscal year 2018. This causes the expatriate to be taxed in two different jurisdictions for the same income. The income received by the expatriate consists of two types, namely income from Singapore in connection with his work in Singapore and income from Japan in connection with his work in Indonesia. Both of these revenues are taxed in Singapore because income from Singapore comes from Singapore, while income from Japan is sent to Singapore which adheres to the remittance base system. Both types of income must be reported by the expatriate in the Indonesia Individual Tax Returns as foreign income and will be taxed in Indonesia which adheres to the worldwide income system. To avoid double taxation, the expatriate can claim foreign tax credit for the foreign income tax that has been paid."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Amyra Sindukusumo
"The international recruitment and the employment of expatriates in host country and inpatriates in home country or outside the host country is one of the consequences of the open market policy of many countries. Buhler indicates that the international recruitment is perceived more because of the risk of an organization to compete globally that requires managers and leaders who have international experiences (Buhler 2002:100).
With more countries opening themselves for foreign direct investment (FDI) there are more potential of employment of expatriates and inpatriates to provide among others the transfer of skills and technology (http:/lwww.unctad_org/templateslstartpage.asQ?intltem 17.00 hours, 26 June 2005). The transfer of skills and technology is very much a true important for an overseas oil and gas operation especially if the host country has no research and development facilities and thus is very much depending on the home country capabilities.
Although Indonesia opens its door for foreign investors however the government has put some limitation to the employment of expatriates as part of their policies in safe guarding the employment of the local people. Foreign investors on the other hands, have three 3 major motives of employment of expatriates i.e. Staffing, due to skill and knowledge deficiencies, Management Development and Organizational Development (Harzing and Ruysseveldt 1995: 181-182).
The purpose of this study is to analyze what factors, actors, objectives and alternative strategies of employment of expatriates and inpatriates at CNOOC (China National Offshore Oil Corporation) SES Ltd. CNOOC SES Ltd is one of the CNOOC Ltd subsidiaries operating an oil and gas concession in Indonesia. The employment of expatriates and inpatriates consist of employment of personnel from Parent/Home Country (PCN), Third Country National (TCN) and Host Country National (HCN). For the purpose of the study, Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) is used as the tool to analyze experts? judgments. The experts were chose from the Head Quarter in Beijing (2 experts), 3 experts from CNOOC SES Ltd, indonesia and 3 experts from the Government of Indonesia, in this case from BPMIGAS.
One of the results from the study shows that staffing is the major objective in having expatriates working at the host country, with cost eftlciency as the prime factor for the employment of those expatriates while the Government of Indonesia, in this case BPMIGAS is the major actor in the decision making. lt is also noted that the Host Country National (HCN) would be the prime alternative of the employment of expatriates, if their competency matches with the competency possesses by the expatriate. The study also shows that the selection of inpatriates (personnel from host country working at head quarter or other countries than his/her own country) would be from personnel who are being employed by the company at the time of selection and is based on his/her competency while CNOOC SES Ltd as the primary decision maker with the objective to enhance the host country national competency (management development)."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2005
T 22343
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Najla Fauziani Deyanputri
"Penelitian ini membahas mengenai analisis formulasi kebijakan pajak pengecualian pengenaan pajak penghasilan atas dividen luar negeri yang diterima oleh wajib pajak orang pribadi. Pengecualian pengenaan pajak penghasilan atas dividen luar negeri bagi wajib pajak orang pribadi yang terjadi akibat pengesahan Undang-Undang Nomor 11 Tahun 2020 mengindikasikan terjadinya pergeseran sistem pajak Indonesia yang semula menganut sistem pajak worldwide menjadi sistem pajak semi teritorial. Pengeleminasian pajak penghasilan atas dividen merupakan salah satu kebijakan yang cukup krusial mengingat proporsi penerimaan pajak Indonesia masih mengandalkan dari sektor pajak penghasilan. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif bersifat deskriptif. Kebijakan ini belum sepenuhnya melalui tahapan proses formulasi kebijakan akibat tidak ditemukannya alternatif kebijakan masalah. Kebijakan pengecualian dividen dari luar negeri yang diterima oleh wajib pajak pribadi dilatarbelakangi oleh kondisi laju pertumbuhan perekonomian Indonesia bergerak lamban yang disebabkan oleh daya saing Indonesia yang dinilai rendah, terjadinya perlambatan pertumbuhan ekonomi secara global, kurang meratanya pertumbuhan ekonomi antar daerah di Indonesia, kurang optimalnya kapasitas produksi nasional yang disebabkan oleh kurang berkembangnya industri manufaktur, permasalahan efektifitas reformasi birokrasi serta tata kelola data yang dinilai masih kurang baik, sehingga menghambat kemudahan dalam berusaha (ease of doing business).

This study discusses to analyze the formulation tax policy of exemption from the imposition of income tax on foreign dividends received by individual taxpayers. The exemption of income tax on foreign dividends for individual taxpayers that occurred as a result of the ratification of Undang-Undang Nomor 11 Tahun 2020 indicates a shift in the Indonesian tax system which originally adhered to the worldwide tax system to a semi-territorial tax system. Elimination of income tax on dividends is one of the most crucial policies considering the proportion of Indonesia's tax revenue still relies on the income tax sector. This research is a descriptive qualitative research. This policy has not yet fully gone through the stages of the policy formulation process due to the absence of alternative policy problems. The policy of exemption from foreign dividends received by private taxpayers is motivated by the condition of Indonesia’s slow pace of economic growth due to Indonesia’s low competitiveness, global economic slowdown, uneven economic growth among regions in Indonesia, less than optimal capacity. National production caused by the lack of development of the manufacturing industry, problems in the effectiveness of bureaucratic reform and data management which are considered to be still not good, thus hampering the ease of doing business. However, this policy still needs to be reviewed considering the self-assessment system adopted by the Indonesian tax system and improvements in the administration side in terms of supporting regulations regarding investment provisions made outside of financial institutions to avoid tax evasion loopholes and tax disputes."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tax holiday merupakan salah satu insentif pajak yang diberikan oleh pemerintah dalam menarik investor asing. Meskipun bukan merupakan faktor utama yang mendorong investasi, tax holiday masih menjadi pilihan utama. Namun hal ini memicu timbulnya isu harmful tax competition di suatu kawasan regional. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui implemetasi kebijakan di Indonesia dan Malaysia serta menganalisis potensi harmful tax practices di kedua negara bersangkutan. Penelitian menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan wawancara mendalam serta studi literatur. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan kedua negara memiliki potensi harmful tax practices meskipun tidak berpotensi pada tax evasion yang serius. Kedua negara tetap memiliki kedaulatan atas kebijakan pajak dengan melakukan koordinasi pajak bersama negara-negara satu kawasan regional.



Tax holiday is one of the tax incentives provided by the government in attracting foreign investors. Although it is not the main factor that drives investment, the tax holiday is still the main choice. However, this creates a harmful tax competition issue in a regional. The purpose of this study was to determine policy implementation in Indonesia and Malaysia and to analyze the harmful tax practices in the both countries concerned. The study used a qualitative approach with in-depth interviews and literature studies. The results of this study indicate that both countries have the potential for harmful tax practices but have no potential for serious tax evasion. Both of countries still have sovereignty over tax policy by carrying out tax coordination with others countries in the same region.


UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh kepentingan investor asing terhadap penghindaran pajak. Kepentingan investor asing diukur melalui tiga aspek yakni persentase kepemilikan saham oleh investor asing, kepemilikan saham substansial oleh investor asing, persentase direktur asing dan komisaris asing yang duduk dalam dewan direksi dan dewan komisaris.Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian empiris dengan menggunakan metode data panel. Perusahaan yang dijadikan sampel dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 56 perusahaan yang terdaftar di BEI selama periode 2011 hingga 2015. Pengukuran tax avoidance menggunakan empat metode yakni Accounting ETR CTA 1, Long term cash ETR CTA 2, Tax Expense to Operating Cash Flow CTA 3, dan Cash Tax Paid to Operating Cash Flow CTA 4.
Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, persentase kepemilikan saham oleh investor asing berpengaruh positif secara signifikan terhadap penghindaran pajak pada metode CTA 2 dan CTA 4 sedangkan metode lainnya tidak berpengaruh signifikan, kepemilikan substansial saham oleh investor asing memiliki pengaruh negatif terhadap penghindaran pajak pada metode CTA 1 sedangkan metode lainnya tidak memiliki pengaruh signifikan terhadap penghindaran pajak, dan persentase direktur asing dan komisaris asing yang duduk dalam dewan direksi dan dewan komisaris memiliki pengaruh positif yang signifikan terhadap penghindaran pajak pada metode CTA 1 dan CTA 2 tetapi tidak memiliki pengaruh signifikan pada metode lainnya. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian tersebut, ketiga variabel independen tidak secara konsisten menunjukkan pengaruhnya terhadap penghindaran pajak. Oleh karena itu, Kepentingan investor asing tidak berpengaruh terhadap penghindaran pajak.

This research aims to determine the effect of foreign investor interest on tax avoidance. The interests of foreign investors are measured by three aspects, there are the percentage of share ownership by foreign investors, substantial shareholdings by foreign investors, the percentage of foreign directors and foreign commissioners on the board of directors and the board of commissioner. This research is empirical research with using panel data method. The companies sampled in this research are 56 companies listed in the IDX during the period 2011 to 2015. Tax avoidance measurements use four methods Accounting ETR CTA 1, Long term cash ETR CTA 2, Tax Expense to Operating Cash Flow CTA 3, and Cash Tax Paid to Operating Cash Flow CTA 4.
Based on the result of research, the percentage of share ownership by foreign investor has a significant positive effect on tax avoidance on CTA 2 and CTA 4 method while the other method has no significant effect, the substantial ownership of shares by foreign investors has a negative effect on tax avoidance on CTA 1 method while other methods has no significant effect on tax avoidance, and the percentage of foreign directors and foreign commissioners on the board of directors and board of commissioners has a significant positive effect on tax avoidance on CTA 1 and CTA 2 methods but has no significant influence on other methods. Based on the results of the study, the three independent variables do not consistently show the effect on tax avoidance. Therefore, the interest of foreign investors has no effect on tax avoidance.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rahmah Parama Iswari
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh Pendapatan Domestik Bruto (PDB), ekspor industri kendaraan bermotor roda empat, jumlah tenaga kerja dan upah tenaga kerja industri kendaraan bermotor roda empat, krisis ekonomi 1998 dan pajak atas distribution right fee terhadap nilai penanaman modal asing langsung industri kendaraan bermotor roda empat di Indonesia kurun waktu 1980 sampai dengan 2012. Penelitian ini menggunakan data sekunder dan menggunakan metode kuantitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif analisa data deret waktu.
Hasil penelitian menyatakan bahwa PDB, jumlah tenaga kerja, upah tenaga kerja, dan ekspor di industri kendaraan bermotor roda empat serta krisis ekonomi 1998 dan pajak distribution right fee memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan. PDB dan ekspor industri kendaraan bermotor roda empat memiliki hubungan positif sedangkan jumlah dan upah tenaga kerja di industri kendaraan bermotor roda empat serta krisis ekonomi 1998 dan pajak distribution right fee memiliki hubungan negatif terhadap investasi asing langsung di Indonesia.

The research was conducted to analysis the effect of distribution right fee tax and other factors, namely Gross Domestic Product (GDP), export of automobile industry products, automobile industry workers and workers wages, 1998 Indonesian economic crisis towards the Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in Indonesia Automobile Industry from 1980 untill 2012. The research using secondary data and quantitative method with time series data descriptive analysis.
The result of this research showed that GDP and export of automobile industry product have a positive impact meanwhile automobile industry workers and workers wages, Indonesian 1998 economic crisis and distribution right fee tax have a negative impact toward FDI in Indonesia Automobile Industry."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Njit, Tjhai Fung
"Pajak sebagai sumber utama penerimaan negara mempunyai peranan yang sangat penting dan strategis bagi pemenuhan kebutuhan pembiayaan Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Negara (APBN). Dalam RAPBN 2006, penerimaan pajak ditargetkan sebesar Rp. 402,1 trilliun atau 75,2% dari penerimaan dalam negeri.
Mengacu pada pentingnya pajak sebagai sumber utama penerimaan negara dan melihat pada potensi penerimaan pajak yang masih belum digali, seperti dari tax rasio yang masih rendah sebesar 13,4% (RAPBN 2006), maka penerimaan pajak selalu diusahakan untuk ditingkatkan dari tahun ke tahun guna memenuhi kebutuhan penerimaan negara. Langkah-langkah dan kebijakan pemerintah untuk meningkatkan penerimaan pajak dapat melalui penyempurnaan perundang-undangan, penerbitan peraturan-peraturan baru di bidang perpajakan, meningkatkan tingkat kepatuhan wajib pajak maupun menggali sumber-sumber pajak lainnya.
Selain mempunyai fungsi budgeter, pajak juga mempunyai fungsi regulerend, yaitu menggunakan pajak untuk mengatur distribusi pendapatan dan kekayaan masyarakat. Pajak dapat dimanfaatkan untuk meningkatkan kegiatan pembangunan di kawasan tertentu agar terdapat pemerataan pernbangunanlpendapatan, contohnya adalah pemberian insentif pajak penghasilan kepada pengusaha di dalam kawasan pengembangan ekonomi terpadu (KAPET) untuk meningkatkan kegiatan usaha di kawasan timur Indonesia (KTI), agar terjadi pemerataan pembangunan antara kawasan barat Indonesia (KBi) yang teiah lebih maju dengan kawasan timur Indonesia (KTI).
Insentif pajak penghasilan kepada pihak investor untuk berinvestasi di bidangbidang usaha tertentu dan atau di daerah-daerah tertentu ini diatur dalam pasal 31A ayat 1 Undang-undang Nomor 7 tahun 1983 tentang Pajak Penghasilan sebagaimana telah diubah terakhir dengan Undang-undang nomor 17 tahun 2000. Perlakuan insentif pajak penghasilan ini diatur lebih lanjut dalam Peraturan Pemerintah No. 20 Tahun 2000 sebagaimana dirubah melalui Peraturan Pemerintah No. 147 Tahun 2000 tentang Perlakuan Perpajakan di Kawasan Pengembangan Ekonomi Terpadu. Kepada wajib pajak yang melakukan penanaman modal di bidang-bidang usaha tertentu dan atau di daerah-daerah tertentu dapat diberikan fasilitas perpajakan dalam bentuk: Pengurangan penghasilan neto paling tinggi 30% (tiga puluh persen) dari jumlah penanaman yang dilakukan, Penyusutan dan amortisasi yang dipercepat, Kompensasi kerugian yang lebih lama tetapi tidak lebih dari 10 (sepuluh) tahun, dan Pengenaan pajak penghasilan alas dividen sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Pasal 26 sebesar 10% (sepuluh persen), kecuali apabila tarif menurut perjanjian perpajakan yang berlaku menetapkan lebih rendah.
Mengingat peranan pajak yang sangat penting dan strategis bagi penerimaan negara, maka kebijakan pemberikan insentif pajak penghasilan harus dilakukan secara hali-hati, karena pemberian insentif pajak yang tidak tepat hanya mengurangi penerimaan pajak tanpa adalah kenaikan investasi yang berarti. Untuk itu penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji apakah insentif pajak penghasilan berpengaruh terhadap investasi modal asing.
Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan mengambil data sekunder dari Badan Kordinasi Penahaman Modal (BKPM), APBN dan sumber data sekunder lainnya. Analisis data dilakukan dengan statistik deskriptif dan metode evaluasi koniparatif.
Hasil penelitian .nenunjukkan bahwa pemberikan insentif pajak penghasilan tidak mempunyai pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap investasi modal asing. Dengan kata lain, insentif pajak penghasilan bukan merupakan faktor utama dalam keputusan investasi. Ada faktor-faktor lain yang menjadi pertimbangan investor dalam pengambilan keputusan investasi, seperti kemudahan perijinan, besarnya pasar domestik, akses pasar internasional, Infrastruktur, kondisi sosial dan keamanan, dan ketersediaan sumber daya manusia.

Tax is government's main revenue. Tax has a very important and strategic role in fulfilling government needs for funding public spending. For 2006 Proposed Government's spending (RAPBN 2006), tax revenue is targeted at Rp. 402.1 trillions, which is 75.2% of total government's domestic revenues.
Tax ratio 13.4% (RAPBN 2006) indicates that there are still a lot of potential tax revenues; hence the government always tries to increase tax revenue every year to fulfill public funding. Various attempts and public policies have been taken to increase tax revenue, such as the amendment of tax law, introduce new law and regulation in taxation, increases tax compliance and to took for other sources of tax revenues.
Beside budgeter tax's function to raise revenues, tax also has a regulatory function. That is tax's policies can be used to increase development activities in certain areas, such that there is distribution of growth / income. For example, income tax incentive for economic development Zones (KAPET) to increase investment activities ire eastern Indonesia, so that there is distribution of growth between Western Indonesia which is more developed compared to eastern Indonesia.
Income tax incentive for investors in specific industries/business fields and/or regions are regulated in Article 31A paragraph 1 of The Republic of Indonesia Law Number 7 year 1983 on income tax as amended by law number 17 year 2000. Income tax incentive is further regulated by Government regulation number 20 year 2000 as amended by government regulation number 147 year 2000 on tax facilities for capital investments in certain business fields and/or certain areas. Investment in certain business fields and/or certain areas can be given lax facilities in the form of: reduction of net income at most 30% from the total of investment, depreciation and amortization that are accelerated, compensation of old loss but not more than 10 years and imposition of income tax on dividend as in section 26 is 10%, except if rate according to taxation agreement that is effective determine lower.
Tax incentives should be given with cautions, because tax has a very important and strategic role in government revenue. The revenue forgone as a result of the use of tax incentives may be wasted if there is no real increase in foreign direct investment as a result of improper implementation of tax incentives. The purpose of this research is to examine if income tax incentives influence foreign direct investment. This research is carried out by examining secondary data from Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) and Government budget. Descriptive statistic and comparative evaluation method are used to analyze the data.
The research indicated that income tax incentive has no significant affect to foreign direct investment. In other words, income tax incentive is not the main factor in investment decision. There are others factors that considered by investors in investment decision, such as easy licensing, the size of domestic market, access to international market, infrastructure, social and security condition, and the availability of human resources.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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