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Hana Restu Oktavia
"Produksi plastik yang terus meningkat disertai sistem pengelolaan yang buruk menyebabkan tercemarnya lingkungan oleh limbah plastik. Pencemaran tersebut juga terjadi pada lautan dan daerah pesisir. Vegetasi mangrove di daerah pesisir dapat berperan sebagai perangkap bagi limbah plastik. Plastik-plastik yang terperangkap biasanya merupakan plastik dengan ukuran besar atau biasa disebut dengan makroplastik. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui korelasi antara kerapatan mangrove jenis pohon, pancang, dan semai dengan kelimpahan makroplastik di Suaka Margasatwa Pulau Rambut, DKI Jakarta. Pengambilan data kerapatan mangrove dilakukan pada plot kuadran 10 x 10 m yang tersebar di 30 titik pada 7 stasiun pengamatan. Pengambilan data kelimpahan makroplastik dilakukan pada sub-plot kuadran berukuran 1 x 1 m yang berada di dalam plot kuadran mangrove dengan 3 kali pengulangan. Data-data tersebut kemudian dianalisis menggunkan uji korelasi Spearman. Terdapat korelasi signifikan yang bersifat positif sangat kuat antara kerapatan mangrove jenis pohon dengan kelimpahan makroplastik di Suaka Margasatwa Pulau Rambut. Kerapatan mangrove jenis pancang dengan kelimpahan makroplastik di Suaka Margasatwa Pulau rambut memiliki korelasi yang tidak signifikan dan bersifat negatif sangat lemah. Terdapat korelasi signifikan yang bersifat positif lemah antara kerapatan mangrove jenis semai dengan kelimpahan makroplastik di Suaka Margasatwa Pulau Rambut.

Plastic production continues to increase accompanied by poor management systems that causes environmental pollution by plastic waste. Pollution also occurs in the oceans and coastal areas. Mangrove vegetation in coastal areas can act as a trap for plastic waste. Trapped plastics are usually large plastics or commonly known as macroplastics. This research was conducted to determine the correlation between the density of mangrove tree species, saplings, and seedlings with macroplastic abundance in Pulau Rambut Wildlife Reserve, DKI Jakarta. Mangrove density data was collected in 10 x 10 m quadrant which was spread over 30 points at 7 observation stations. Data collection on macroplastics abundance was carried out in the 1 x 1 m sub-plot quadrant which placed inside the mangrove quadrant plot with 3 repetitions. These data were then analyzed using the Spearman correlation test. There is a significant positive and very strong correlation between the density of mangrove tree species with the macroplastics abundance in Pulau Rambut. The density of sapling mangroves with macroplastic abundance in Pulau Rambut has an insignificant correlation and is very weakly negative. There is a significant correlation that is weak positive between the density of mangrove seedlings and the macroplastics abundance in Pulau Rambut."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nahdya Maulida
"Pemanasan global dapat berasal dari gas rumah kaca, salah satunya adalah emisi karbon. DKI Jakarta menjadi salah satu wilayah di Indonesia yang memberikan dampak besar dalam peningkatan emisi karbon. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui potensi serapan dan cadangan karbon biomassa dan sedimen mangrove, pengaruh faktor lingkungan dan INP terhadap cadangan karbon mangrove, serta menganalisis spesies mangrove yang memiliki cadangan karbon tertinggi pada Pulau Rambut. Pengambilan data dilakukan dengan metode purposive sampling untuk data vegetasi mangrove, cadangan karbon biomassa menggunakan DBH, dan cadangan karbon sedimen menggunakan metode pengambilan sampel tanah di kedalaman 0—30 cm. Cadangan karbon yang didapat akan dianalisis melalui analisis Spearman untuk melihat pengaruh dari faktor lingkungan dan INP. Potensi serapan dan cadangan karbon biomasa yang yang didapatkan masing-masing sebesar 14.233 ton/ha dan 3.878 ton/ha, sedangkan pada sedimen cadangan karbon dapat mencapai 14.929 ton/ha. Spesies mangrove yang teranalisis memiliki serapan dan cadangan karbon tertinggi adalah Rhizophora mucronata. Pengaruh cadangan karbon terhadap faktor lingkungan dan INP yaitu cadangan karbon tidak berkorelasi signifikan terhadap faktor lingkungan, namun berkorelasi signifikan terhadap INP pada setiap spesies mangrove.

Global warming can come from greenhouse gases, one of which is carbon emissions. DKI Jakarta is one of the areas in Indonesia that has a big impact on increasing carbon emissions. The purpose of this study was to determine the absorption potential and carbon stocks of mangrove biomass and sediments, the influence of environmental factors and INP on mangrove carbon stocks, and to analyze the mangrove species that have the highest carbon stocks on Pulau Rambut. Data collection was carried out using a purposive sampling method for mangrove vegetation data, biomass carbon stocks using DBH, and sediment carbon stocks using soil sampling methods at a depth of 0–30 cm. The carbon stocks obtained will be analyzed through Spearman analysis to see the influence of environmental factors and INP. The potential absorption and carbon stocks of the biomass obtained are 14.233 tons/ha and 3.878 tons/ha, respectively, while in sediments the carbon stocks can reach 14.929 tons/ha. The mangrove species analyzed with the highest carbon absorption and stock was Rhizophora mucronata. The effect of carbon stocks on environmental factors and INP is that carbon stocks do not have a significant correlation with environmental factors, but are significantly correlated with INP in each mangrove species."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Aisyah Ayu Nurrahma
"Mangrove memiliki kemampuan menyimpan dan menyerap karbon dalam biomassa hidup maupun mati, dan sedimen. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui besarnya produktivitas serasah, besar serasah yang dilepas ke perairan, laju dekomposisi serasah, potensi karbon yang dapat diserap dan disimpan oleh hutan mangrove Pulau Rambut. Penelitian dilakukan dari bulan September-November 2020 dan Maret-Juni 2021. Metode pengambilan data terkait komposisi vegetasi dan stok karbon menggunakan purposive sampling dan dihitung dengan persamaan allometrik. Produktivitas serasah dan laju dekomposisi diukur selama 42 hari dengan pengamatan setiap 2 minggu sekali. Serasah yang dilepas ke perairan diukur dengan menyaring serasah ketika air laut surut. Karbon pada sedimen diukur dengan mengambil sedimen pada kedalaman 0—30 cm. Vegetasi pohon dan pancang didominasi oleh Rhizophora mucronata dan semai oleh Excoecaria agallocha. Stok karbon dan serapan karbon pada hutan mangrove Pulau Rambut sebesar 278,60 ton/ha dan 951,41 ton/ha. Stok karbon pada sedimen sebesar 19,36 ton/ha. Besarnya produktivitas serasah dan potensi karbonnya sebesar 2,741 g/m2/hari dan 9,72 g/m2/hari. Laju dekomposisi paling cepat diraih oleh Rhizophora mucronata yaitu 0,191 g/hari. Besar serasah yang dilepas ke perairan adalah 21,27 g/m3/hari dengan kandungan karbon sebesar 50,82%.

Mangroves have the ability to store and absorb carbon in living and dead biomass, and sediments. This study aims to determine the amount of litter productivity, the amount of litter released into the waters, the rate of litter decomposition, the potential for carbon that can be absorbed and stored by the Rambut Island mangrove forest. The research was conducted from September-November 2020 and March-June 2021. Methods of collecting data related to the composition of vegetation and carbon stock using purposive sampling and calculated by allometric equations. Litter productivity and decomposition rate were measured for 42 days with observations every 2 weeks. Litter released into the waters is measured by filtering litter when the sea water recedes. Carbon in the sediment was measured by taking sediment at a depth of 0-30 cm. Tree vegetation and saplings were dominated by Rhizophora mucronata and seedlings by Excoecaria agallocha. Carbon stock and carbon sequestration in Rambut Island mangrove forest were 278.60 tons/ha and 951.41 tons/ha, respectively. Carbon stock in sediment is 19.36 ton/ha. The amount of litter productivity and carbon potential are 2.741 g/m2/day and 9.72 g/m2/day. The fastest decomposition rate was achieved by Rhizophora mucronata, which was 0.191 g/day. The amount of litter released into the waters is 21.27 g/m3/day with a carbon content of 50.82%."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Carissa Eukairin Purnomo
"Hanya 14% TPS 3R di Indonesia yang beroperasi dengan baik sehingga tingkat pengumpulan sampah masih rendah dan terjadi pencemaran sungai, salah satunya Sungai Citarik. Maka, penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis teknologi, membuat model keuangan tiga skenario, dan merekomendasikan sistem pengelolaan sampah plastik yang minim residu dan layak secara ekonomi untuk Desa Cibodas dan Padamukti. Penelitian ini menggunakan analisis neraca massa, titik impas, model keuangan, BCR dan NPV, serta pengambilan keputusan multikriteria. Teknologi pengolahan plastik yang dipilih adalah mesin tekan hidrolik, pencacah, injeksi, dan extruder. TPS 3R pada ketiga skenario mengelola sampah dari 400 KK, namun skenario 2 ditambah plastik dari pelapak sedangkan skenario 3 ditambah plastik dari seluruh desa. Residu yang dibuang TPS 3R ke TPA adalah 93.328 kg/tahun oleh skenario 1 dan 2, serta 72.909 kg/tahun oleh skenario 3, yaitu 41%, 36%, dan 12% dari total sampah yang dikelola. Hasil pemodelan keuangan BCR 1,11; 2,13; dan 1,77 serta NPV +Rp174.741.433; +Rp2.590.917.416; dan +Rp4.687.308.967. Pengelolaan sampah yang direkomendasikan untuk diterapkan di Desa Cibodas dan Padamukti adalah skenario 2 karena sudah meminimalisir residu dan menghasilkan arus kas positif, serta dapat diimplementasikan dalam waktu dekat. Biaya iuran penerima manfaat sama dengan kondisi eksisting, namun dengan tingkat pengumpulan dan daur ulang yang meningkat. 

The study addresses the need for financially viable community-managed sorting and recycling facilities in Indonesia, known as TPS-3R. Out of the 2,854 existing facilities, only 14% are functioning optimally due to economic challenges. To address this issue, the research aims to recommend an economically viable plastic waste management system with optimum residue and income. Cibodas and Padamukti Villages are chosen as the case study location, as it has only 20% waste collection coverage and is located in the Citarum Watershed, whose river is a source of water for 60 million people. Primary data collection was carried out through interviews with recyclers in the villages and through waste volume and composition characterization. Three scenarios were developed for the TPS-3R objectives: Scenario 1 (S1) serves as the baseline with sorting technologies, Scenario 2 (S2) includes a more advanced plastic processing facility for recyclers in the villages, and Scenario 3 (S3) optimizes waste processing to minimize residue. The waste managed in all scenarios comes from 400 households, with additional plastic for S2 from recyclers and entire villages for S3. Data analysis involved mass balance, break-even calculations, financial models, BCR, NPV, and MCDM. The residue disposed of in landfills is 41%, 36%, and 12% of the total waste managed for scenarios 1, 2, and 3, respectively. Financial modeling yielded BCR values of 1.11, 2.13, and 1.77, as well as NPV +Rp174,741,433; +Rp2,590,917,416; and +Rp4,687,308,967. Based on the findings, S2 is recommended for implementation due to its minimized residue, positive cash flow, and feasibility for swift implementation. The current TPS-3R primarily focuses on separating and selling inorganic waste, while this study suggests purchasing separated plastic waste from recyclers and adopting shredder and injection machines to enhance economic viability while reducing residue. By maintaining the existing contribution fee, the collection and recycling rate can be increased."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mega Putri Utami
"Karbon di Indonesia semakin meningkat setiap tahunnya, hal ini memberikan dampak buruk bagi kehidupan manusia. Salah satu langkah untuk mengurangi CO2 di alam adalah dengan meningkatkan jumlah penyerapan CO2, dan hutan mangrove merupakan salah satu tempat penyimpanan CO2 di bumi. Mangrove dapat menyerap CO2 di tegakan mangrove, sedimen, dan fauna mangrove seperti T. palustris. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis perbandingan simpanan karbon T. palustris dan sedimen serta pengaruh pH, salinitas, dan suhu terhadap jumlah karbon yang dapat disimpan oleh T. palustris di Pulau Rambut, DKI Jakarta pada tahun 2022 dan 2023. Sampel diambil dari 4 stasiun, lalu sampel cangkang dan tubuh T. palustris dipisahkan. Siput dan sedimen dikeringkan di oven, kemudian ditumbuk menggunakan alu mortar. Sedimen disaring menggunakan sieve net. Cangkang diberi larutan HCl 1N, tubuh dan sedimen di furnace. Perhitungan nilai karbon dihitung menggunakan rumus dari masing-masing sampel. Data yang diperoleh dihitung nilai korelasi dan uji-T dengan menggunakan SPSS. Hasil Rata-rata karbon tahun 2022 untuk cangkang T. palustris adalah 10,559 ± 0,201, tubuh T. palustris 26,019 ± 2,697, sedimen 148,185 ± 11, 683. Tahun 2023 rata-rata karbon untuk cangkang T. palustris adalah 10,398 ± 0,588, tubuh T. palustris 22,162 ± 1,838, dan sedimen 143,671 ± 11, 442. Korelasi antara cangkang dan tubuh T. palustris, dan T. palustris terhadap sedimen dapat dikatakan tidak memiliki korelasi, terdapat korelasi negatif di cangkang dan tubuh T. palustris tahun 2023, dan hasil perbandingan yang diperoleh pada tahun 2022 dan 2023 untuk cangkang, tubuh, dan sedimen menunjukkan tidak terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan.

Carbon in Indonesia is increasing every year, this has a negative impact on human life. One of the steps to reduce CO2 in nature is to increase the amount of CO2 absorption, and mangrove forests are one of the CO2 storage places on earth. Mangroves can absorb CO2 in mangrove stands, sediments, and mangrove fauna such as T. palustris. This study aims to determine and analyze the comparison of T. palustris and sediment carbon storage and the influence of pH, salinity, and temperature on the amount of carbon that can be stored by T. palustris on Rambut Island, DKI Jakarta in 2022 and 2023. Samples were taken from 4 stations, then the shell and body samples of T. palustris were separated. The snails and sediments were oven dried, then crushed using a mortar and pestle. Sediment was filtered using a sieve. The shell was given a 1N HCl solution, the body and sediment in the furnace. Calculation of carbon value was calculated using the formula of each sample. The data obtained were calculated the correlation value and T-test used SPSS. Average carbon results in 2022 for T. palustris shells amounted to 10.559 ± 0.201, T. palustris body 26.019 ± 2.697, sediment 148.185 ± 11.683. In 2023 the average carbon for T. palustris shell was 10.398 ± 0.588, T. palustris body 22.162 ± 1.838, and sediment 143.671 ± 11.442. The correlation between T. palustris shell and body, and T. palustris with sediment can be said to have no correlation, there is a negative correlation in T. palustris shell and body in 2023, and the comparison results obtained in 2022 and 2023 for shell, body, and sediment show no significant difference."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Adinda Luna Fausya
"Increased plastic waste in the environment, particularly in the mangrove forest of Pulau Rambut, Jakarta Bay, has the potential to affect the abundance of microplastics in the surrounding waters. Microplastics, which are very small in size (<5mm), can be accidentally ingested by marine organisms such as Terebralia palustris and have negative effects on marine life, the environment, and humans. This study aims to analyze the comparison of microplastic abundance in T.palustris and sediment in the mangrove forest of Pulau Rambut, Jakarta Bay, in 2022 and 2023, as well as to determine the correlation between microplastic abundance in T.palustris and sediment. Twenty samples of T.palustris and sediment were collected at four stations in 2022 and 2023. The body tissue of T.palustris was separated from its shell, then dissolved with HNO3 and added to saturated NaCl. Sediment samples were dissolved with saturated NaCl. Microplastic abundance was observed and calculated using a Sedgwick Rafter Chamber under a microscope. Four forms of microplastics were observed in the T. palustris and sediment samples, namely fibers, fragments, films, and granules. The results showed an increase in microplastic abundance from 2022 to 2023. In 2022, the microplastic abundance was 363,592 ± 11,511 particles/g in T. palustris and 66,69 ± 7,638 particles/g in sediment, while in 2023, it reached 406,574 ± 6,154 particles/g in T. palustris and 79,7 ± 12,992 particles/g in sediment. From 2022 to 2023, the abundance of microplastic in T.palustris (particle/g) increased by 5%, T.palustris (particle/individual) increased by 37%, and sediment by 19%. There is a positive correlation between the microplastic abundance of T.palustris and sediment, with value of 0,768 obtained from the Spearman correlation test.Increased plastic waste in the environment, particularly in the mangrove forest of Pulau Rambut, Jakarta Bay, has the potential to affect the abundance of microplastics in the surrounding waters. Microplastics, which are very small in size (<5mm), can be accidentally ingested by marine organisms such as Terebralia palustris and have negative effects on marine life, the environment, and humans. This study aims to analyze the comparison of microplastic abundance in T.palustris and sediment in the mangrove forest of Pulau Rambut, Jakarta Bay, in 2022 and 2023, as well as to determine the correlation between microplastic abundance in T.palustris and sediment. Twenty samples of T.palustris and sediment were collected at four stations in 2022 and 2023. The body tissue of T.palustris was separated from its shell, then dissolved with HNO3 and added to saturated NaCl. Sediment samples were dissolved with saturated NaCl. Microplastic abundance was observed and calculated using a Sedgwick Rafter Chamber under a microscope. Four forms of microplastics were observed in the T. palustris and sediment samples, namely fibers, fragments, films, and granules. The results showed an increase in microplastic abundance from 2022 to 2023. In 2022, the microplastic abundance was 363,592 ± 11,511 particles/g in T. palustris and 66,69 ± 7,638 particles/g in sediment, while in 2023, it reached 406,574 ± 6,154 particles/g in T. palustris and 79,7 ± 12,992 particles/g in sediment. From 2022 to 2023, the abundance of microplastic in T.palustris (particle/g) increased by 5%, T.palustris (particle/individual) increased by 37%, and sediment by 19%. There is a positive correlation between the microplastic abundance of T.palustris and sediment, with value of 0,768 obtained from the Spearman correlation test.

Increased plastic waste in the environment, particularly in the mangrove forest of Pulau Rambut, Jakarta Bay, has the potential to affect the abundance of microplastics in the surrounding waters. Microplastics, which are very small in size (<5mm), can be accidentally ingested by marine organisms such as Terebralia palustris and have negative effects on marine life, the environment, and humans. This study aims to analyze the comparison of microplastic abundance in T.palustris and sediment in the mangrove forest of Pulau Rambut, Jakarta Bay, in 2022 and 2023, as well as to determine the correlation between microplastic abundance in T.palustris and sediment. Twenty samples of T.palustris and sediment were collected at four stations in 2022 and 2023. The body tissue of T.palustris was separated from its shell, then dissolved with HNO3 and added to saturated NaCl. Sediment samples were dissolved with saturated NaCl. Microplastic abundance was observed and calculated using a Sedgwick Rafter Chamber under a microscope. Four forms of microplastics were observed in the T. palustris and sediment samples, namely fibers, fragments, films, and granules. The results showed an increase in microplastic abundance from 2022 to 2023. In 2022, the microplastic abundance was 363,592 ± 11,511 particles/g in T. palustris and 66,69 ± 7,638 particles/g in sediment, while in 2023, it reached 406,574 ± 6,154 particles/g in T. palustris and 79,7 ± 12,992 particles/g in sediment. From 2022 to 2023, the abundance of microplastic in T.palustris (particle/g) increased by 5%, T.palustris (particle/individual) increased by 37%, and sediment by 19%. There is a positive correlation between the microplastic abundance of T.palustris and sediment, with value of 0,768 obtained from the Spearman correlation test."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ginting, Christyan Natanael Harvey Davika
"Keberadaan mikroplastik telah mencemari dan mengganggu perairan di wilayah Indonesia. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui perbandingan kelimpahan mikroplastik pada lamun Cymodocea rotundata, sedimen, dan air Pulau Rambut, Teluk Jakarta tahun 2022 dan 2023. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan di tiga stasiun Pulau Rambut (Timur, Selatan, dan Barat).  Sampel diambil sebanyak delapan individu lamun per stasiun, sedimen, dan air dengan metode random sampling.  Sampel lamun dipotong sepanjang 2 cm lalu dikerik, sedimen dikeringkan lalu diberikan larutan jenuh NaCl, dan sempel air diberikan NaCl kemudian seluruh sampel diamati dibawah mikroskop. Rata-rata kelimpahan mikroplastik lamun C. rotundata pada tahun 2022 sebesar 42 partikel/cm dan pada tahun 2023 sebesar 44,46 partikel/cm. Rata-rata kelimpahan mikroplastik pada sedimen tahun 2022 sebesar 73,53 partikel/g dan pada tahun 2023 sebesar  79,56 partikel/g. Kelimpahan mikroplastik pada sampel air tahun 2022 sebesar 51,33 partikel/L dan pada tahun 2023 sebesar 53,78 partikel/L. Uji Korelasi Spearman menjelaskan bahwa kelimpahan mikroplastik sampel lamun dengan sedimen, air dengan sedimen, dan lamun dengan air memiliki korelasi positif yang kuat. Hasil Uji-T menyatakan terdapat perbedaan tidak signifikan kelimpahan mikroplastik pada lamun C. rotundata (sig. (2-tailed) 0,182>0,05) dan terdapat perbedaan signifikan kelimpahan mikroplastik sedimen tahun 2022 dan 2023 (sig. (2-tailed) 0,007<0,05). Hasil uji ATR-FTIR didapatkan kandungan polimer CA, ABS, HDPE, PMMA, PVC, dan PET pada sampel daun lamun C. rotundata.

The existence of microplastics has polluted and disturbed the waters in Indonesian territory. This research compared the abundance of microplastics i Cymodocea rotundata seagrass, sediment, and water on Rambut Island, Seribu Islands, Jakarta, in 2022 and 2023. Samples were taken as many as eight individuals of seagrass per station, sediment, and water by random sampling method.  The seagrass samples were cut 2 cm long and scraped, the sediment was dried and then given a saturated solution of NaCl, and the water sample was given NaCl. Then all samples were observed under a microscope. The average microplastic abundance of C. rotundata seagrass leaves in 2022 was 42 particles/cm and in 2023, it was 4.46 particles/cm. The average abundance of microplastics in sediments in 2022 was 73.53 particles/g and in 2023, it was 79.56 particles/g. The abundance of microplastics in water samples in 2022 was 51.33 particles/L and in 2023, it was 53.78 particles/L. The Spearman Correlation Test explains that the microplastic abundance of seagrass with sediment, water with sediment, and seagrass with water samples had a strong correlation. The results of the T-test stated that there was no significant difference in the abundance of microplastics in seagrass leaves of C. rotundata (sig. (2-tailed) 0.182>0.05) and there was a significant difference in the abundance of microplastics in sediments in 2022 and 2023 (sig. (2-tailed) 0.007<0.05). The results of the ATR-FTIR test found the polymer content of CA, ABS, HDPE, PMMA, PVC, and PET in C. rotundata seagrass samples."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia;Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia;Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia;Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia;Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Amaranggana Novianti
"Peningkatan jumlah sampah plastik di Jakarta menimbulkan beberapa permasalahan lingkungan. Untuk mengatasi permasalahan tersebut, dibuat metode pengolahan sampah plastik khususnya polystyrene dengan metode pirolisis. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu mengetahui karakteristik liquid oil produk pirolisis serta menganalisis perpindahan kalor pada reaktor dan cooling water serta kesetimbangan energi untuk mengubah polystyrene menjadi liquid oil. Pirolisis polystyrene dilakukan dengan memvariasikan temperatur reaksi 350 C-550 C serta dikondensasi menggunakan temperatur air dingin dan air biasa. Hasil liquid oil optimum berada di temperatur 500 C dengan air dingin. Liquid oil dapat digunakan sebagai bahan bakar dengan komposisi utamanya yaitu 60.33 berupa Benzocyclobutane serta memiliki nilai kalor sebesar 43.83 MJ/kg, dengan densitas 0.89 g/ml, serta viskositas kinematik 0.78 cSt.

The increase of plastics waste in Jakarta has created some problems. Processing plastic waste, particularly polystyrene, using a pyrolysis method can be a solution to these problems. The purpose of this research is to obtain the characteristics of liquid oil as pyrolysis product and analyze heat transfer at the reactor and cooling water then the energy balance for producing liquid oil. The polystyrene pyrolysis method was done through temperature reactions varied from 350 550 C, also condensed by using low and normal temperature of water. The optimum result of liquid oil was produced in temperature reaction of 500 C using cold water. Utilization of this liquid oil can be used as fuel, with 60.33 Benzocyclobutane as the main composition and it has heating value equals to 43.83 MJ kg, with 0.89 g ml density, and 0.78 cSt kinematic viscosity.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Adira Shifana Putri
"Permasalahan mengenai sampah plastik kini menjadi fokus bagi berbagai kalangan. Perilaku membuang sampah berkaitan dengan bagaimana masyarakat memaknai lingkungannya yang dijelaskan melalui teori sense of place. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pola perilaku membuang sampah plastik rumah tangga dan sense of place masyarakat sempadan terhadap Sungai Ciliwung masyarakat untuk mengidentifikasi kesadaran masyarakat sempadan terhadap lingkungannya. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui wawancara terhadap masyarakat dan personel lainnya di wilayah terkait serta observasi. Analisis yang digunakan merupakan spasial deskriptif dengan pembagian segmen tidak seragam. Mayoritas masyarakat sempadan di dalam segmen telah mengelola sampahnya melalui petugas kebersihan dan tidak pernah membuang sampah ke sungai sejak adanya intervensi dari pemerintah dan Satgas Ciliwung. Tingkat sense of place positif dimiliki oleh masyarakat segmen tengah, dengan masyarakat segmen lainnya termasuk dalam tingkat netral yang dipengaruhi oleh karakteristik tepian sungai dan aktivitas yang dilakukan masyarakat di Sungai Ciliwung. Diperlukan upaya pemeliharaan sungai berbasis masyarakat untuk meningkatkan sense of place masyarakat terhadap Sungai Ciliwung demi menumbuhkan partisipasi aktif menjaga sungai.

Issues about plastic waste has become a discussion focus by many. Waste disposal is linked towards how the public interpret their surroundings which explained through sense of place theory. The purpose of this study is to identify household plastic waste disposal behavioral pattern and sense of place of riverside community towards Ciliwung River to identify their awareness towards their environment. Primary data is collected through interview with the community and field observation. This study used descriptive spatial analysis based on ununiform divided segments. Majority of people in the segments has manage their plastic waste through waste officers and they never litter in the river again ever since interventions held by the government and Ciliwung Officer Unit. Positive sense of place is held by middle segment community, while the others had neutral sense of place based on the riverside characteristics and public activities on the river. Community-based river maintenance effort is needed to raise people’s sense of place towards Ciliwung River to raise their active participation in stewardship activities."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia;Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia;Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia;Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia;Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Audriella Ruth Jim
"Biofilm merupakan dugaan faktor penyebab hubungan korelasi positif antara makroplastik dan ikan red devil yang ditemukan di Situ Mahoni dan Situ Salam, Universitas Indonesia. Situ Rawa Besar merupakan salah satu situ yang tercemar sampah plastik akibat aktivitas manusia yang tinggi. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui komponen dan struktur komunitas biofilm pada makroplastik jenis kresek dan kemasan di Situ Rawa Besar serta mengetahui parameter fisika-kimia yang memengaruhi kepadatan komponen biofilm pada makroplastik jenis kresek dan kemasan di Situ Rawa Besar pada bulan Februari 2023. Penelitian berlangsung pada bulan Februari—Juni 2023. Pengambilan sampel terbagi menjadi 9 substasiun untuk 3 stasiun Situ Rawa Besar. Parameter fisika-kimia yang diukur mencakup intensitas cahaya, kecerahan, suhu, DO, fosfat, nitrat, dan pH. Hubungan faktor lingkungan dan kepadatan komponen biofilm dianalisis menggunakan PCA. Secara keseluruhan, komponen biofilm yang ditemukan terdiri atas 27 marga dari 7 kelas. Planktothrix merupakan marga dengan tingkat kepadatan paling tinggi pada kedua jenis makroplastik, yaitu 79.244 ind/cm2 pada makroplastik jenis kresek dan 92.142 ind/cm2 pada makroplastik jenis kemasan. Parameter fisika-kimia yang berkorelasi positif paling kuat dengan kepadatan komponen biofilm pada jenis kresek adalah pH, sedangkan pada jenis kemasan adalah intensitas cahaya.

Biofilm is the suspected factor for the positive correlation between macroplastics and red devil fish found in Situ Mahoni and Situ Salam, University of Indonesia. Situ Rawa Besar is polluted with plastic waste due to high human activity. This research aims to determine the components and structure of the biofilm community on macroplastics type crackle and packaging in Situ Rawa Besar and to determine the physico-chemical parameters that affect the density of biofilm components on macroplastics type crackle and packaging in Situ Rawa Besar on February 2023. The research took place in February—June 2023. Sampling was conducted in 9 substations for each 3 stations of Situ Rawa Besar. The physico-chemical parameters measured included light intensity, water clarity, temperature, DO, phosphate, nitrate, and pH. The relationship between environmental factors and biofil component density was analyzed using PCA. Overall, the biofilm components found consisted of 27 genera from 7 classes. Planktothrix was the genus with the highest density in both types of macroplastics, with 79.244 ind/cm2 on cracke type and 92.142 ind/cm2 on packaging type. The physico-chemical parameter that had the strongest positive-correlation with biofilm component density in the crackle type was pH, while in in the packaging type was light intensity."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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