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Shania Vena Amanda
"Pemutusan antara bentang alam Australia yang kaya akan flora dan faunanya dengan warga negara Australia yang mencakupi demografi yang beragam, membutuhkan desain regeneratif yang mempromosikan sistem holistik. Dalam proyek ini, tindakan regenerasi bekas tambang di South Fremantle, Western Australia bertujuan untuk membangun Kawasan pemukiman menengah yang memadukan satwa setempat dan komunitas regional yang beragam kulturnya. Menggabungkan teknologi modern dan teknik managemen lanskap. Desain dibuat berdasarkan karakteristik alami situs terpilih, seperti implementasi keylines yang mengikuti topografi lokasi, pelestarian tanaman local, pertanian tradisional dan system pengolahan air limbah melalui lahan basah. Sementara proyek perumahan individu berfokus pada penyediaan rumah yang fleksibel, mudah beradaptasi dan modular untuk karaktertisti klien yang mencakup komunitas beragam.

Disconnection between the rich flora and fauna of the Australian landscape and the diverse demographic of the Australian citizen calls for a regenerative design which promotes a holistic system. In this project, the act of regeneration of a former quarry in South Fremantle, Western Australia aims to construct a medium residential area. Integrating local wildlife with the diverse demographic of the regional community. Incorporating modern technology and indigenous landscape management techniques. Designed based on the natural characteristics of the site, such as implementing tree keylines, which follow the original topography of the site, preserving native vegetation plantations, traditional farming and wetland wastewater treatment system are incorporated into the grand scheme of the site. While the individual housing project focuses on providing a flexible, adaptable and modular housing for the vast characteristic of possible clients."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Andrean Eka Lucianto
"Pertumbuhan penduduk di Indonesia senantiasa diikuti oleh peningkatan kebutuhan hunian. Permasalahan yang timbul adalah adanya gap antara indeks Green Neighborhood untuk kawasan perumahan dengan kondisi riil perumahan bersubsidi, sehingga integrasi antara Affordable Housing dengan konsep keberlanjutan khususnya untuk kawasan perumahan bersubsidi dalam kerangka indeks Green Neighborhood menjadi tantangan utama. Riset ini bertujuan untuk merumuskan indeks Green Neighborhood pada perumahan bersubsidi. Metode riset menggunakan analisis spasial, site analysis, scoring/penilaian indeks, wawancara dan wawancara mendalam. Penilaian menggunakan variabel dalam Definisi Operasional Variabel memperoleh poin 16 dengan tingkat penilaian Kurang Baik. Besarnya prosentase perbandingan variabel dari aspek ekonomi 3,31%, aspek sosial 22,55% dan aspek lingkungan 68,14%. Rumusan indeks Green Neighborhood khusus untuk perumahan bersubsidi variabel aspek lingkungan: Ekologi Lahan, Pergerakan dan Konektivitas, Manajemen Air dan Konservasi, Limbah Padat dan Material. Variabel pada aspek sosial: Fasilitas Sosial Komunitas, Kesejahteraan Sosial Komunitas. Variabel pada aspek ekonomi: Keterjangkauan Harga, Kesejahteraan Ekonomi Masyarakat, Inovasi dan Pengembangan.

Population growth in Indonesia has always been followed by an increase in the need for housing. The problem that arises is that there is a gap between the Green Neighborhood index for housing areas and the real conditions of subsidized housing, so that the integration between Affordable Housing and the concept of sustainability, especially for subsidized housing areas within the framework of the Green Neighborhood index, is a major challenge. This research aims to formulate a Green Neighborhood index on subsidized housing. The research method uses spatial analysis, site analysis, scoring / index assessment, interviews and in-depth interviews. The assessment using variables in the Variable Operational Definition gets 16 points with a Poor rating level. The magnitude of the percentage comparison of variables from economic aspects is 3.31%, social aspects are 22.55% and environmental aspects are 68.14%. Green Neighborhood index formulation specifically for subsidized housing with variable environmental aspects: Land Ecology, Movement and Connectivity, Water Management and Conservation, Solid Waste and Materials. Variables in social aspects: Community Social Facilities, Community Social Welfare. Variables in economic aspects: Affordability, Community Economic Welfare, Innovation and Development."
Depok: Sekolah Ilmu Lingkungan Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Barrow, Christopher J.
"Exploring the nature and role of environmental management, covering key principles, practices, tools, strategies and policies, this work focuses on sustainable development. It covers topics such as key resources under stress, environmental management tools, climate change and urban environmental management."
London: Routledge, 2006
363.705 BAR e
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Annisa Putri Adam
"Direktorat Rumah Khusus sebagai Direktorat Teknis dibawah Ditjen Penyediaan Perumahan Kementerian PUPR berperan serta dalam penyelenggaraan rumah khusus bagi MBR dan sekaligus diseminator inovasi produk perumahan Litbang berupa RISHA. Pembangunan rumah khusus RISHA yang telah diselenggarakan sejak tahun 2016, memiliki catatan sejarah keterlambatan penyelesaian pekerjaan serta capaian kualitas pembangunan yang tidak maksimal. Salah satu faktor penyebab terjadinya fenomena tersebut adalah berasal dari proses pengadaannya yang belum sempurna. Oleh karena itu perlu dilakukan analisis penerapan Sistem Manajemen Mutu pada setiap tahap proses pengadaan pekerjaan Pembangunan Rumah Khusus RISHA tersebut. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengembangkan dokumen sistem manajemen mutu pengadaan rumah khusus RISHA berbasis Risiko di Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat. Penelitian ini menggunakan data primer dan sekunder berupa arsip dan kuesioner. Metode penelitian menggunakan Analisa Risiko Kualitatif untuk menentukan risiko tertinggi, kemudian berdasarkan respon risiko dilakukan Analisis Tindakan Pengembangan SMM. Hasil penelitian yang akan didapatkan adalah bentuk organisasi dan jobdesk dalam proses pembangunan rumah khusus, Bisnis Proses pengadaan, Aktivitas, Sasaran Mutu Proses pengadaan pembangunan Rumah khusus RISHA, risiko tertinggi dalam proses tersebut, selanjutnya tindakan Pengembangan SMM berbasis risiko.

The Directorate of Special Houses as the Technical Directorate under the Directorate General of Housing Provision of the Ministry of Public Works and Housing (PUPR) participates in the administration of special housing for the MBR and at the same time disseminates the innovation of housing products in the form of RISHA. The construction of a special RISHA house that has been held since 2016, has a historical record of delays in completing work as well as not achieving maximum quality of construction. One of the factors causing the phenomenon is derived from the procurement process that has not been perfect. Therefore it is necessary to analyze the implementation of the Quality Management System at each stage of the procurement process of the RISHA Special House Construction. The purpose of this study is to develop a document on the quality of the risk-based RISHA special house procurement system at the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing. This study uses primary and secondary data in the form of archives and questionnaires. The research method uses Qualitative Risk Analysis to determine the highest risk, then based on the risk response the SMM Development Action Analysis is performed. The results of the research that will be obtained are the form of organization and jobdesk in the process of building a special house, the procurement process business, activities, quality objectives The process of procuring a special RISHA house construction, the highest risk in the process, then the risk-based SMM Development action"
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Chiras, Daniel D.
Harlow, Essex: Pearson, 2014
333.72 CHI n
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Aldi Andalan
"[Masalah utama pada penelitian ini adalah terbatasnya lahan di Indonesia khususnya wilayah perkotaan dan perumahan yang didominasi oleh rumah tapak yang memakan banyak lahan. Menurut Survei Sosial Ekonomi Nasional (SUSENAS) 1989 ? 2007 rumah tapak cenderung mendominasi dan bahkan mengalami kenaikan dari 75.36% di 1989 menjadi 86.91% di 2007 dibandingkan jenis rumah lainnya. Tentunya hal ini akan mengurangi penggunaan lahan lain seperti untuk keperluan pertanian ataupun pembangunan infrastruktur seperti transportasi publik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat pengaruh faktor lokasi serta faktor sosial ekonomi rumah tangga terhadap preferensi status kepemilikan dan tipe bangunan rumah. Penelitian ini menggunakan data SUSENAS 2007 khusus modul kor serta perumahan dan lingkungan. Metode estimasi yang diapakai adalah regresi multinomial logit dan regresi tobit untuk mengatasi kelemahan multinomial logit. Hasil regresi multinomial logit menunjukan bahwa umur kepala rumah tangga, jumlah anggota keluarga, total pengeluaran rumah tangga bulanan, tingkat pendidikan kepala rumah tangga, keapal rumah tangga bekerja di sektor jasa dan industri, adanya anak berumur 9 tahun atau kurang, jarak ke pasar tradisional dan jarak ke kantor berpengaruh signifikan dalam beberapa kemungkinan memiliki atau menyewa rumah tapak dan rumah vertikal. Akan tetapi, variabel pendidikan tertinggi kepala rumah tangga dan jarak ke toko hanya signifikan pada beberapa kategori di regresi multinomial logit.

Limited land in Indonesia, especially urban areas and housing which is dominated by landed house that takes up a lot of land. According to the National Socioeconomic Survey (SUSENAS) 1989-2007, landed houses tend to dominate and even increased from 75.36% in 1989 to 86.91% in 2007 compared to other types of homes. Surely this will reduce land use for agricultural purposes, construction or infrastructure such as public transport. This study aims to look at the influence of the location as well as socio-economic factors on the preferences of domestic ownership status and the type of house building. This study uses data CORE SUSENAS 2007 as well as MODULE SUSENAS 2007 which is special for housing and the environment. Estimation method that is used is multinomial logistic regression and Tobin logistic regression to overcome the weaknesses of multinomial logistic. Multinomial logistic regression results showed that the age of family head, the number of family members, total monthly household expenses, the main work status and field of household head, the distance to the traditional markets and the distance to the office have significant effect in some possibility to own or rent a landed house or vertical house. In spite of those variables, there are some significant variables such as highest education of household head, the distance to supermarkets or stores. Nevertheless, those variables are just significant in several categories in multinomial logistic regression.;Limited land in Indonesia, especially urban areas and housing which is dominated by landed house that takes up a lot of land. According to the National Socioeconomic Survey (SUSENAS) 1989-2007, landed houses tend to dominate and even increased from 75.36% in 1989 to 86.91% in 2007 compared to other types of homes. Surely this will reduce land use for agricultural purposes, construction or infrastructure such as public transport. This study aims to look at the influence of the location as well as socio-economic factors on the preferences of domestic ownership status and the type of house building. This study uses data CORE SUSENAS 2007 as well as MODULE SUSENAS 2007 which is special for housing and the environment. Estimation method that is used is multinomial logistic regression and Tobin logistic regression to overcome the weaknesses of multinomial logistic. Multinomial logistic regression results showed that the age of family head, the number of family members, total monthly household expenses, the main work status and field of household head, the distance to the traditional markets and the distance to the office have significant effect in some possibility to own or rent a landed house or vertical house. In spite of those variables, there are some significant variables such as highest education of household head, the distance to supermarkets or stores. Nevertheless, those variables are just significant in several categories in multinomial logistic regression., Limited land in Indonesia, especially urban areas and housing which is dominated by landed house that takes up a lot of land. According to the National Socioeconomic Survey (SUSENAS) 1989-2007, landed houses tend to dominate and even increased from 75.36% in 1989 to 86.91% in 2007 compared to other types of homes. Surely this will reduce land use for agricultural purposes, construction or infrastructure such as public transport. This study aims to look at the influence of the location as well as socio-economic factors on the preferences of domestic ownership status and the type of house building. This study uses data CORE SUSENAS 2007 as well as MODULE SUSENAS 2007 which is special for housing and the environment. Estimation method that is used is multinomial logistic regression and Tobin logistic regression to overcome the weaknesses of multinomial logistic. Multinomial logistic regression results showed that the age of family head, the number of family members, total monthly household expenses, the main work status and field of household head, the distance to the traditional markets and the distance to the office have significant effect in some possibility to own or rent a landed house or vertical house. In spite of those variables, there are some significant variables such as highest education of household head, the distance to supermarkets or stores. Nevertheless, those variables are just significant in several categories in multinomial logistic regression.]"
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"NAPA Bulletin is a peer reviewed occasional publication of the National Association for the Practice of Anthropology, dedicated to the practical problem-solving and policy applications of anthropological knowledge and methods.
Peer reviewed publication of the National Association for the Practice of Anthropology. Dedicated to the practical problem-solving and policy applications of anthropological knowledge and methods. Most editions available for course adoption.
Contents :
1. Solving the environmental equation : an engaging anthropology
2. Alleviating poverty and conserving wildlife in Africa
3. Anthropology in persuit of conservation and development
4. Anthropology, the environment and the third world
5. The tropical forestry action plan
6. Ecological awareness and risk perception in Brazil
7. The cultural environment of development"
Arlington, VA: National Association for the Practice of Antropology, 1995
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lalita Sindy Hapsari
"Hunian sementara saat ini banyak diminati oleh masyarakat dengan mobilitas yang tinggi. Apartemen dianggap menjadi salah satu solusi hunian sementara bagi mereka yang mempunyai mobilitas tinggi, termasuk kalangan mahasiswa. Dalam proses pemilihan apartemen, teori perceived risk digunakan untuk menjelaskan tahap pre-purchase behavior. Teori tersebut berfungsi untuk mengurangi risiko kerugian saat mengkonsumsi barang dengan biaya beli yang tergolong tinggi. Faktor yang diperhatikan saat hendak membeli apartemen, yaitu harga hunian, lokasi, jarak tempuh menuju lokasi tertentu, fasilitas, dan lingkungan. Biaya perawatan yang dikeluarkan pun lebih banyak jika mereka membeli satu unit apartemen. Mereka harus mengeluarkan biaya untuk pemeliharaan sinking fund, keamanan, perawatan gedung, dan kebersihan. Pada skripsi ini dibahas mengenai preferensi dan personalisasi dalam pemilihan apartemen sebagai hunian sementara. Diperoleh hasil bahwa mahasiswa pada umumnya memprioritaskan jarak hunian menuju kampus, biaya sewa ataupun beli, keamanan, privasi, lalu lingkungan bertetangga. Mahasiswa melakuka proses personalisasi karena adanya housing deficit dalam hal teknis dan rasa akan rumah yang dimilikinya. 

Temporary housing are currently demanded by people with high mobility. Apartments are considered to be one of many temporary housing solutions for them, including college students. In the process of apartments selection, the perceived risk theory are used to explain the pre-purchase behavior stage. Its used to reduce the risks of deficits in terms of consuming stuffs with high purchase value. The factors that must be considered during the process of apartments selection are the purchase costs, location, distance from certain location, facilities, and environments. The maintenance costs will be increasing when people purchase apartments. They have to invest more money for the sinking fund maintenance, security, building maintenances, and sanitation. This research explains about the preferences and personalization in apartment selection as students temporary housing. The obtained results are students in general are taking the distance from certain location, rent or purchase cost, security, privacy, and neighboring environments factor as priorities. They personalize their unit to overcome housing deficit in technical terms and to overcome the feeling of home. "
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2001
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Neysa Dianesdhika Jasrul
"Implementasi program perumahan sederhana yang terjangkau adalah upaya yang lazim oleh pemerintah Indonesia untuk menghasilkan perumahan yang terjangkau, yang dapat dibeli oleh keluarga yang berpenghasilan 30% hingga 80% dari pendapatan median komunitas menurut program perumahan federal Amerika Serikat ((Chatfield, Melissa, & Warnock) , 2000) dikutip dalam (Salama & Alshuwaikhat, 2006)). Namun, aspek keberlanjutan perumahan sering diabaikan. Keterjangkauan dalam perumahan umumnya dipertimbangkan melalui biaya konstruksi saja, yang sama tidak tepat secara mendalam. Keterjangkauan perumahan harus dipertimbangkan melalui desain, lokasi, kondisi, lingkungan, akses transportasi, dll. Pendekatan keterjangkauan perumahan ini secara tidak langsung berkaitan dengan keberlanjutan perumahan, di mana sebuah konsep yang menguntungkan keseluruhan biaya perumahan dalam kinerja jangka panjangnya. Sehubungan dengan pernyataan ini, konstruksi perumahan harus direkayasa agar terjangkau tanpa mengabaikan aspek keberlanjutan. Rekayasa yang tepat untuk metode konstruksi perumahan dapat diimplementasikan untuk mencapai keterjangkauan perumahan tanpa mengabaikan aspek keberlanjutan.

Simple affordable housing program implementations are prevalent attempts by Indonesian government to produce affordable housing, which can be purchased by families earning 30% to 80% of the community median income according to The United States federal housing programs ( (Chatfield, Melissa, & Warnock, 2000) cited in (Salama & Alshuwaikhat, 2006)). However, the sustainability aspect of housing is often overlooked. Affordability in housing is generally considered through the construction cost which is utterly not the case. Affordability of housing is should be considered through the design, location, condition, neighborhood, transportation access, etc. These housing affordability approaches are indirectly related to housing sustainability, in which a concept that benefits the overall housing cost within its long-term performance. With respect to this statement, housing construction should be engineered to be affordable without ignoring the aspect of sustainability. The proper engineering for the construction method of the housing can be implemented in order to achieve housing affordability without ignoring sustainability aspect. "
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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