ABSTRACTPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk menyelidiki hubungan sebab dan akibat antara peran interaksi parasosial yang terjadi di social commerce platform dalam mempengaruhi online impulse buying. Hal tersebut dilatarbelakangi oleh kemunculan berbagai situs e-commerce di Indonesia, mulai dari tokopedia, bukalapak, hingga carousell.com membuat persaingan bisnis e-commerce menjadi semakin ketat. Maka dari itu perlu adanya inovasi dalam pemanfaatan fitur situs e-commerce seperti social commerce, yang merupakan inovasi e-commerce baru yang sedang dikembangkan oleh beberapa situs e-commerce di Indonesia dan merupakan kombinasi antara media social dan e-commerce. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada situs social commerce yaitu Carousell www.carousell.com salah satu Social Commerce Platform berbasis gambar yang baru saja hadir di Indonesia dalam empat tahun terakhir. Penelitian ini berhasil mengumpulkan 211 responden namun hanya 180 responden yang layak untuk diteliti yang merupakan pengguna aktif Carosuell.com. Dengan menggunakan skala pengukuran likert, kuisioner penelitian disebarkan dengan metode convinience sampling, dan kuesioner penelitian didistribusikan melali layanan google docs. Penelitian ini meggunakan 33 indikator berdasarkan variabel penelitian. Adapun variabel-variabel penelitian ini terdiri dari Information fit-to-task, visual appeal, perceived usefulness, perceived enjoyment, similarity, expertise, likability, parasocial interactions, impulse buying tendency, dan urge to buy impulsively. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa interaksi parasosial memberikan dampak pada kecenderungan pembelian impulsif,. Persepsi kegunaan dan juga nteraksi parasosial pada social commerce platform mempengaruhi persepsi kenikmatan yang dirasakan oleh pengguna yang selanjutnya berpengaruh terhadap dorongan untuk membeli secara impulsif,. Implikasi, batasan, dan diskusi disediakan
ABSTRACTThis study aims to investigate the cause and effect relationship between the role of parasocial interaction that occurs in the social commerce platform in affecting online impulse buying. This is motivated by the emergence of various e commerce sites in Indonesia, ranging from tokopedia, bukalapak, to carousell.com make e commerce business competition becomes more stringent. Therefore it is necessary to innovate in the utilization of ecommerce site features such as social commerce, which is a new e commerce innovation that is being developed by several e commerce sites in Indonesia and is a combination of social media and e commerce. This research was conducted on the social commerce site Carousell www.carousell.com one of the Social Commerce Platform based image that has just been present in Indonesia in the last four years. This study managed to collect 211 respondents but only 180 respondents who deserve to be investigated who is an active user of Carosuell.com. By using the Likert measurement scale, the research questionnaire was distributed by convinience sampling method, and the research questionnaire distributed by service google docs. This research uses 33 indicators based on research variables. The research variables consist of information fit to task, visual appeal, perceived usefulness, perceived enjoyment, similarity, expertise, likability, parasocial interactions, impulse buying tendency, and urge to buy impulsively. The results show that parasocial interactions have an impact on the impulsive buying tendency. The perception of usability and also the parasocial nteraksi on the social commerce platform affects the perceived enjoyment perceived by the user, which further influences the impulsive buying impulse. Implications, limitations, and discussions are provided."