Tarif listrik dinamis adalah sistem tarif listrik yang berubah-ubah sesuai dengan kondisi beban pada waktu tersebut. Pada umumnya, tarif listrik akan menjadi lebih mahal pada saat waktu beban puncak dan lebih murah saat beban minimal. Sebagai konsumen, penerapan tarif listrik dinamis mengakibatkan kenaikan besar tagihan yang harus dibayarkan. Sistem dengan pembangkit sumber energi terbarukan merupakan salah satu metode untuk menjawab permasalahan ini. Dengan menggunakan komponen pembangkit seperti panel surya, konsumen dapat menggunakan energi yang dihasilkan pada saat siang hari atau bahkan disimpan untuk selanjutnya digunakan saat selang waktu beban puncak. Pada penelitian ini akan diuji bagaimana pengaruh dari penggunaan panel surya terhadap perubahan level tarif dinamis. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa dengan menggunakan komponen panel surya dan baterai, untuk penurunan harga impor sebesar IDR 100/kWh menghasilkan peningkatan keuntungan sampai IDR 5.000.000 dalam 25 tahun (project lifetime). Kenaikan harga ekspor sebesar IDR 100/kWh menghasilkan peningkatan keuntungan sebesar IDR 30.000.000 dalam 25 tahun.
Dynamic pricing of electricity is an electricity tariff system that changed according to load demand on that particular time. In general, price of electricity will be more expensive at night when the load demand at its highest and cheaper when the demand is at its minimum. From a consumer standpoint, dynamic pricing results in a large increase to their electricity bills. A system with renewable electricity generator is one of the method to answer this problem. By using generation component such as a solar panel, the consumer can use the generated energy during the daytime or storing it in a storage component like a battery to use it in peak-time when the tariff is much higher. Even more so, the excess energy from solar panel can be sold to the grid to reduce the spending on electricity bills. This experiment will discuss how big is the effect of the aforementioned system in the dynamic pricing scheme by using HOMER simulation. By using photovoltaic panels and batteries in the system, every IDR 100/kWh of export price reduction resulting in increasing of profit by IDR 5.000.000/kWh for a project lifetime of 25 years. In other case, every IDR 100/kWh of import price addition increase the profit by IDR 30.000.000/kWh for a project lifetime.
The result prevalence of MGG in pairs of mothers and children 6-23 months in Indonesia was 30.1%. Factors that were significantly related (p<0.05) to the incidence of MGG were mother's age (p=0.0005), mother's height (p=0.0005), maternal parity rate (p=0.0005), number of household members (0.0005, father's education (0.014). The dominant variable is the mother's age (OR=1.531; 95% CI=1.335-1.755). This research suggestion for the government or related institutions is to regulate regulations for pregnant women before the age of 35 years. Suggestions for the local health office are to carry out activities that focus on the first 1000 days of life targeting mothers and children as the main targets. Suggestions for other researchers who will conduct similar research are to examine other variables that can be related to the occurrence of MGG."