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Ditemukan 140316 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Chaerani Nisa
"Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis pengaruh kompetisi, produk simpanan sukarela sebagai variabel pemoderasi, dan kemajuan sektor perbankan terhadap jangkauan dan kebertahanan MFI. Studi menggunakan data yang berasal dari 39 negara dan 609 MFI, dengan rentang waktu antara tahun 2004 hingga tahun 2018. Pengukuran kompetisi pada studi ini menggunakan Boone Indicator. Penelitian menggunakan Model Random Effect dan untuk mengatasi endogenitas studi ini juga menerapkan metode GMM two step system. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan produk simpanan sukarela dapat memoderasi pengaruh kompetisi terhadap jangkauan. Sedangkan pada pengujian terhadap pengaruh kemajuan sektor perbankan, kemajuan sektor perbankan berpengaruh positif terhadap kemampuan MFI untuk bertahan tanpa mengandalkan subsidi. Implikasi dari penelitian ini adalah mendorong MFI untuk memiliki simpanan sukarela ataupun menggalakkan penawaran simpanan sukarela supaya menjangkau lebih banyak masyarakat miskin. Sementara terkait dengan sektor perbankan, MFI dan perbankan dapat menjalin hubungan kerja sama yang lebih erat misalnya melalui penyaluran pembiayaan dengan skema beragam. Di sisi lain, regulator menciptakan lingkungan kerja sama yang baik bagi keduanya.

This study investigates the effect of competition, voluntary savings as moderating variables, and the banking sector development on the outreach and sustainability of MFIs. The study uses data from 39 countries and 609 MFIs, spanning from 2004 to 2018. This study uses Boone Indicator to measure competition. This research uses the Random Effects Model, and to overcome endogeneity, this study also applies the GMM two-step system method. The results show that voluntary savings products can moderate the effect of competition on outreach. Meanwhile, banking sector development has a positive effect on MFIs’ sustainability related to their ability to survive without relying on subsidies. The implication of this research is to encourage MFIs to have voluntary savings or to promote voluntary savings offerings to reach impoverished communities. MFIs and banks can build closer relationships, for example, through financing products under various schemes. On the other hand, the regulator may create a good working environment for both."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Himawan Arie Wicaksono
"Penelitian ini meneliti pengaruh kompetisi dan konsentrasi pasar perbankan terhadap X-efficiency bank umum konvensional di Indonesia selama periode 2005 sampai dengan 2014 dengan menggunakan Stochastic Frontier Analysis (SFA) one-step regression. Data dalam penelitian ini terdiri dari 102 bank umum konvensional Indonesia selama periode 2005-2014. Hasilnya adalah X-efficiency bank umum konvensional di Indonesia secara rata-rata menurun dari tahun ke tahun selama periode penelitian. Hasilnya, kompetisi memiliki pengaruh negatif terhadap X-efficiency, sedangkan konsentrasi pasar perbankan memiliki pengaruh positif terhadap X-efficiency. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa semakin tinggi kompetisi perbankan, maka akan membuat X-efficiency bank menjadi menurun. Sebaliknya, semakin tinggi konsentrasi pasar perbankan akan meningkatkan X-efficiency bank. Oleh karena itu, hasil dari penelitian ini mendukung Information Gathering Hypothesis (IGH).

This paper examine the effect of banking competition and banking market concentration on Bank X-efficiency during the period 2005 to 2014 by using one-step regression Stochastic Frontier Analysis (SFA). This paper uses 102 conventional commercial bank Indonesia data during the period 2005-2014. The result is the competition has a negative effect on the X-efficiency, whereas the concentration of the banking market concentration has a positive influence on X-efficiency. So it can be concluded that the higher banking competition will make the X-efficiency of banks decreases. Conversely, the higher the concentration of the banking market will increase the X-efficiency of banks. Therefore, the results of this study support the Information Gathering Hypothesis (IGH)."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Adelina Rochyadi
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dampak kegiatan diversifikasi terhadap bank kinerja dan risiko bank. Pengamatan terhadap 90 bank umum terdaftar dari Negara-negara Asia Timur Jauh yaitu Indonesia, Singapura, Malaysia, Filipina, Thailand, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Jepang, dan Korea dari tahun 2008 hingga 2017. Penelitian ini mengukur dua jenis diversifikasi yang dilakukan oleh bank, diversifikasi pendapatan dan
diversifikasi aset terhadap kinerja bank dan risiko bank yang diukur dengan dua proksi. Dengan menerapkan Generalized Method of Moments (GMM) pada tiga klasifikasi sampel, temuan menunjukkan bahwa kegiatan diversifikasi mempengaruhi sampel secara heterogen klasifikasi. Secara keseluruhan, penelitian ini menemukan bahwa bank diuntungkan oleh pendapatan diversifikasi; yang meningkatkan kinerja bank dan menurunkan risiko bank. Namun, aset diversifikasi tampaknya kurang menguntungkan; yang bahkan menurunkan kinerja bank meski bisa mengurangi risiko bank. Penelitian ini memberikan wawasan tentang kegiatan diversifikasi yang memaksimalkan keuntungan bank.

This study aims to determine the impact of diversification activities on bank performance and bank risk. Observations of 90 registered commercial banks from Far East Asian countries, namely Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Japan, and Korea from 2008 to 2017. This study measures two types of diversification carried out by bank, income diversification and
diversification of assets on bank performance and bank risk as measured by two proxies. By applying the Generalized Method of Moments (GMM) to three sample classifications, the findings indicate that diversification activities affect the heterogeneous sample classification. Overall, this study finds that banks benefit from income diversification; which improves bank performance and reduces bank risk. However, diversified assets appear to be at a disadvantage; which even reduces bank performance even though it can reduce bank risk. This study provides insight into diversification activities that maximize bank profits.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nico Noverian
"Otoritas Jasa Keuangan selaku lembaga pengawas sektor keuangan di Indonesia diberikan kewenangan untuk melakukan penyidikan tindak pidana di sektor jasa keuangan bersama pihak Kepolisian Negara Republik Indonesia berdasarkan Undang-Undang Nomor 21 Tahun 2011 tentang Otoritas Jasa Keuangan. Namun, pada tanggal 12 Januari 2023 diterbitkan Undang- Undang Nomor 4 Tahun 2023 tentang Pengembangan dan Penguatan Sektor Keuangan (UU P2SK) yang menentukan bahwa penyidikan tindak pidana perbankan hanya dapat dilakukan oleh Penyidik OJK. Sementara itu, tidak lama dari penerbitan UU P2SK, pemerintah menerbitkan Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 5 Tahun 2023 tentang Penyidikan Sektor Jasa Keuangan (PP 5/2023) yang menentukan bahwa selain Penyidik OJK, terdapat Penyidik Kepolisian juga yang dapat melakukan penyidikan tindak pidana perbankan. Maka dari itu pada penelitian ini akan dibahas mengenai bagaimana pengaturan penyidikan tindak pidana perbankan di Indonesia setelah diterbitkannya UU P2SK serta bagaimana perbandingan ketentuan penyidikan tindak pidana perbankan serta wewenang penyidik lembaga pengawas jasa keuangan di Indonesia, Singapura, dan Thailand. Adapun dalam penelitian ini dilakukan penelitian dengan metode penelitian doktrinal yakni pengolahan serta pengujian substansi hukum dengan memakai doktrin-doktrin hukum dalam rangka menemukan, mengkonstruksi, atau merekonstruksi aturan atau prinsip. Lebih lanjut, proses analisis data dilakukan melalui suatu studi perbandingan (micro-comparison) yakni bentuk pendekatan yang digunakan terhadap suatu topik atau aspek tertentu, atau institusi hukum tertentu pada dua atau lebih sistem hukum yang dalam penelitian ini adalah negara Singapura dan Thailand. Dari penelitian ini ditemukan bahwa terdapat kontradiksi antara ketentuan PP 5/2023 dengan UU P2SK. Diketahui juga bahwa pada negara Singapura penyidikan tindak pidana perbankan diserahkan kepada lembaga kepolisian yaitu Commercial Affairs Department sedangkan pada negara Thailand, penyidikan tindak pidana perbankan dilakukan oleh pejabat Bank of Thailand atau pihak eksternal.

The Financial Services Authority (OJK) as the supervisory institution for the financial sector in Indonesia has the authority to conduct criminal investigations in the financial services sector together with the Indonesian National Police based on Law Number 21 of 2011 concerning the Financial Services Authority. However, on January 12, 2023 the Indonesian Parliament issued Law Number 4 of 2023 concerning the Development and Strengthening of the Financial Sector (P2SK Law) which stipulates that investigations of banking crimes can only be carried out by OJK investigators. Meanwhile, not long after the issuance of the P2SK Law, the government issued Government Regulation Number 5 of 2023 concerning Investigations of the Financial Services Sector (PP 5/2023) which stipulates that apart from OJK Investigators, there are also Police Investigators who can conduct banking criminal investigations. Therefore, this research will discuss how is the regulation regarding investigation of banking crimes in Indonesia after the publication of the P2SK Law and how is the provisions comparison for investigating banking crimes and the authority of investigators from financial services supervisory institutions in Indonesia, Singapore and Thailand. As for this research, research was carried out using doctrinal research methods, namely processing and testing legal substances using legal doctrines in order to find, construct, or reconstruct rules or principles. Furthermore, the process of data analysis is carried out through a comparative study (micro-comparison), namely the form of approach used on a particular topic or aspect, or certain legal institutions in two or more legal systems, which in this study are Singapore and Thailand. From this research it was found that there is a contradiction between the provisions of PP 5/2023 and the P2SK Law. It is also known that in Singapore the investigation of banking crimes is handed over to the police agency, namely the Commercial Affairs Department. Meanwhile in Thailand, investigations into banking crimes are carried out by Bank of Thailand officials or external parties."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dimas Luhung Prakoso
"Penelitian ini meneliti pengaruh tenur auditor terhadap kualitas laporan keuangan perbankan di Indonesia dengan keahlian komite audit sebagai variabel moderasi. Kualitas laporan keuangan perbankan di Indonesia diukur dengan korelasi antara low pre-managed earning dengan diskresi beban CKPN kredit. Penelitian ini menggunakan data tahun 2012 sampai dengan 2019. Dengan metode robust fixed effect model, penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa semakin panjang tenur, kualitas laporan keuangan menjadi semakin rendah. Hal tersebut dapat dimitigasi dengan adanya komite audit yang menguasai akuntansi dan/atau audit. Pengawasan yang dilakukan oleh komite audit yang menguasai akuntansi dan/atau audit kepada manajemen dan interaksi komite audit yang menguasai akuntansi dan/atau audit dengan KAP dapat memitigasi praktik manajemen laba di perusahaan. Penelitian ini memberikan rekomendasi untuk meningkatkan independensi auditor, yaitu dengan memperkuat keahlian akuntansi dan/atau audit dari komite audit.

This study examines the effect of auditor tenure on the quality of banking financial statements in Indonesia with the expertise of the audit committee as a moderating variable. The quality of banking financial reports in Indonesia is measured by the correlation between low pre-managed earnings and discretionary loan loss provision. This study uses data from 2012 to 2019. With the robust fixed effect model method, this study shows that the longer the tenure, the lower the quality of financial reports. This can be mitigated by having an audit committee that have expertise in accounting and/or auditing. The supervision carried out by the audit committee that have expertise in accounting and/or auditing to management and the interaction of the audit committee that have expertise in accounting and/or auditing with KAP can mitigate earnings management practices in the company. This study provides recommendations to improve auditor independence, namely by strengthening the audit committee's accounting and/or auditing expertise."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hilda Lestari
"Produk bancassurance merupakan produk perbankan yang terdiri dari produk simpanan/investasi yang digabung dengan produk asuransi jiwa. Salah satu bentuknya yaitu berupa deposito yang dikemas dengan asuransi jiwa didalamnya. Dalam perkembangannya, produk bancassurance yang demikian dapat dijadikan sebagai jaminan kredit perbankan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana karakteristik pemberian kredit dengan jaminan produk bancassurance dan bagaimana dengan hak bank sebagai kreditor apabila terjadi wanprestasi dalam pemberian kredit tersebut. Hasil penelitian menjelaskan bahwa karakteristik pemberian kredit semacam ini terletak pada perjanjian pengikatan jaminannya, dimana ada 2 (dua) jaminan yang diikat secara bersamaan dalam 1 (satu) perjanjian kredit, yaitu pengikatan jaminan deposito dan hak klaim atas polis asuransi jiwa. Adanya kedua jaminan tersebut menjamin bahwa debitor dapat menjaga kelangsungan pelunasan pembayarannya. Apabila debitor wanprestasi, maka bank berhak untuk dapat langsung mencairkan kedua jaminan tersebut tanpa harus melakukan pelelangan di muka umum. Untuk itu, Penulis menyarankan agar ketentuan-ketentuan tentang produk bancassurance dituangkan dalam suatu wadah peraturan tersendiri agar lebih komprehensif dan perlu dilakukan penyempurnaan atas ketentuan-ketentuan tentang hukum jaminan, terutama mengenai jaminan gadai dan fidusia.

Bancassurance product is one of banking products consisting of deposit/investment combined with life assurance. One of the models is a deposit in which the life insurance is incorporated. The bancassurance product, in its progress, may be used as banking security credit. The objective of this research is to identify how is characteristic of credit grant with secured bancassurance and how the bank?s right as creditor, in the case of default, on such the credit provision. The result shows that the characteristic of this credit grant exists in its security agreement, in which there are 2 (two) securities bound together within 1 (one) credit agreement namely deposit agreement and right to claim life insurance premium. The existences of both securities assure that the debtor may maintain the repayment process. In the case of default by the debtor, the bank has the right to disburse the securities directly without public auction. For such reason, the writer suggests that the provisions on bancassurance products is set forth in one single instrument so as to be more comprehensive and provisions on security of law especially on mortgage and fiduciary collateral.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Zarina Marta Dahlia
"Bank merupakan lembaga keuangan yang memilki peran penting dalam rangka kesejahteraan masyarakat melalui berbagai jenis kegiatan perbankan. Salah satunya adalah pemberian kredit. Pemberian kredit ini tentunya ditujukan agar debitur yang membutuhkan dana dapat mendapatkan pinjaman dan agar bank juga mendapat keuntungan dalam bentuk bunga. Dalam pemberian kredit, bank harus berpegang kepada prinsip kepercayaan karena uang yang dipinjamkan kepada debitur merupakan uang titipan dari nasabah yang lain, meskipun telah berhati-hati tidak menutup kemungkinan bahwa kredit yang diberikan dapat menjadi kredit bermasalah. Kredit bermasalah dapat timbul karena berbagai faktor. Bank akan selalu berusaha untuk meminimalkan angka kredit bermasalah, diantaranya melalui upaya restrukturisasi kredit. Melalui Penelitian dengan metode yuridis normatif, penelitian ini membahas mengenai tinjauan hukum perkreditan pada perbankan di Indonesia serta upaya restrukturisasi kredit bermasalah. Pada penelitian ini akan dibahas mengenai upaya restrukturisasi kredit bermasalah antara PT. X dan PT. Y dengan Bank Z.

Banks play an important role in creating and alleviating social welfare through its? activities. One of which is providing loans. Loans are given so that the debtor in need would be able to have funds and the bank would also benefit from receiving interests. In providing loans, a bank must uphold the fiduciary principle as the money belongs to other clients that have placed their trust upon said bank. Even when Banks have done their tasks carefully, there is still a possibility for the loan to become a non-performing loan. Non-performing loans occur due to numerous factors. Bank will always try to minimize the number of non-performing loans, one of the ways is through loan restructuring. By using normative legal research, this research will discuss the legal aspects of loans in banking and also loan restructuring as a method to mitigate non-performing loans. This research will also discuss the loan restructuring agreement in the non-performing loan between PT. X and PT. Y with Bank. Z."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jasmine Nabila Ramadha
Penulisan skripsi ini dilatarbelakangi oleh belum adanya payung hukum terhadap protokol manajemen krisis untuk mencegah dan menangani krisis perbankan yang terjadi di Indonesia. Krisis perbankan tersebut berdampak bukan hanya bagi kegiatan perekonomian negara, melainkan bagi keadaan politik yang begitu luas. Dalam penulisannya, metode yang digunakan adalah yuridis normatif, yaitu metode yang dilakukan dengan meneliti bahan pustaka atau data sekunder.
Tesis ini menyoroti sejarah krisis perbankan yang melanda Indonesia dan Inggris dan bagaimana mekanisme dan aplikasi Jaring Pengaman Sistem Keuangan yang ada pada masing-masing negara tersebut. Adapun pertimbangan yang melatarbelakangi penulis untuk mengakat tema ini adalah, kedua negara tersebut sama-sama terkena imbas krisis subprime mortgage dari US pada tahun 2008 dan keduanya sama-sama mengalami krisis perbankan akibat satu bank kecil yang berdampak sistemik. Namun, saat ini Inggris sudah memiliki Undang-Undang yang mengatur koordinasi antar lembaga/otoritas dalam mencegah krisis dan menjaga Stabilitas Sistem Keuangan negaranya
The writing of this thesis motivated by the absence of legal protection against the crisis management protocol to prevent and deal with the banking crisis that occurred in Indonesia. The banking crisis has an impact not only for the economic activities of the country, but also for a broad political circumstances. Method used in this writing is juridical-normative writing, which is done by examining material library or a mere secondary data.
This thesis highlights the history of banking crisis that hit Indonesia and the UK and how the mechanism and application of the Financial System Safety Net that exist in each of these countries. As for the considerations underlying the author, to the theme of this is that these two countries are equally affected by the subprime mortgage crisis on the US in 2008 and both are experiencing a banking crisis as a result of a small bank with systemic impact. However, this time the UK already has a law that regulates the coordination between agencies / authorities in preventing crises and maintaining financial system stability country
;The writing of this thesis motivated by the absence of legal protection against the crisis management protocol to prevent and deal with the banking crisis that occurred in Indonesia. The banking crisis has an impact not only for the economic activities of the country, but also for a broad political circumstances. Method used in this writing is juridical-normative writing, which is done by examining material library or a mere secondary data.
This thesis highlights the history of banking crisis that hit Indonesia and the UK and how the mechanism and application of the Financial System Safety Net that exist in each of these countries. As for the considerations underlying the author, to the theme of this is that these two countries are equally affected by the subprime mortgage crisis on the US in 2008 and both are experiencing a banking crisis as a result of a small bank with systemic impact. However, this time the UK already has a law that regulates the coordination between agencies / authorities in preventing crises and maintaining financial system stability country
;The writing of this thesis motivated by the absence of legal protection against the crisis management protocol to prevent and deal with the banking crisis that occurred in Indonesia. The banking crisis has an impact not only for the economic activities of the country, but also for a broad political circumstances. Method used in this writing is juridical-normative writing, which is done by examining material library or a mere secondary data.
This thesis highlights the history of banking crisis that hit Indonesia and the UK and how the mechanism and application of the Financial System Safety Net that exist in each of these countries. As for the considerations underlying the author, to the theme of this is that these two countries are equally affected by the subprime mortgage crisis on the US in 2008 and both are experiencing a banking crisis as a result of a small bank with systemic impact. However, this time the UK already has a law that regulates the coordination between agencies / authorities in preventing crises and maintaining financial system stability country
;The writing of this thesis motivated by the absence of legal protection against the crisis management protocol to prevent and deal with the banking crisis that occurred in Indonesia. The banking crisis has an impact not only for the economic activities of the country, but also for a broad political circumstances. Method used in this writing is juridical-normative writing, which is done by examining material library or a mere secondary data.
This thesis highlights the history of banking crisis that hit Indonesia and the UK and how the mechanism and application of the Financial System Safety Net that exist in each of these countries. As for the considerations underlying the author, to the theme of this is that these two countries are equally affected by the subprime mortgage crisis on the US in 2008 and both are experiencing a banking crisis as a result of a small bank with systemic impact. However, this time the UK already has a law that regulates the coordination between agencies / authorities in preventing crises and maintaining financial system stability country
;The writing of this thesis motivated by the absence of legal protection against the crisis management protocol to prevent and deal with the banking crisis that occurred in Indonesia. The banking crisis has an impact not only for the economic activities of the country, but also for a broad political circumstances. Method used in this writing is juridical-normative writing, which is done by examining material library or a mere secondary data.
This thesis highlights the history of banking crisis that hit Indonesia and the UK and how the mechanism and application of the Financial System Safety Net that exist in each of these countries. As for the considerations underlying the author, to the theme of this is that these two countries are equally affected by the subprime mortgage crisis on the US in 2008 and both are experiencing a banking crisis as a result of a small bank with systemic impact. However, this time the UK already has a law that regulates the coordination between agencies / authorities in preventing crises and maintaining financial system stability country
;The writing of this thesis motivated by the absence of legal protection against the crisis management protocol to prevent and deal with the banking crisis that occurred in Indonesia. The banking crisis has an impact not only for the economic activities of the country, but also for a broad political circumstances. Method used in this writing is juridical-normative writing, which is done by examining material library or a mere secondary data.
This thesis highlights the history of banking crisis that hit Indonesia and the UK and how the mechanism and application of the Financial System Safety Net that exist in each of these countries. As for the considerations underlying the author, to the theme of this is that these two countries are equally affected by the subprime mortgage crisis on the US in 2008 and both are experiencing a banking crisis as a result of a small bank with systemic impact. However, this time the UK already has a law that regulates the coordination between agencies / authorities in preventing crises and maintaining financial system stability country
;The writing of this thesis motivated by the absence of legal protection against the crisis management protocol to prevent and deal with the banking crisis that occurred in Indonesia. The banking crisis has an impact not only for the economic activities of the country, but also for a broad political circumstances. Method used in this writing is juridical-normative writing, which is done by examining material library or a mere secondary data.
This thesis highlights the history of banking crisis that hit Indonesia and the UK and how the mechanism and application of the Financial System Safety Net that exist in each of these countries. As for the considerations underlying the author, to the theme of this is that these two countries are equally affected by the subprime mortgage crisis on the US in 2008 and both are experiencing a banking crisis as a result of a small bank with systemic impact. However, this time the UK already has a law that regulates the coordination between agencies / authorities in preventing crises and maintaining financial system stability country
, The writing of this thesis motivated by the absence of legal protection against the crisis management protocol to prevent and deal with the banking crisis that occurred in Indonesia. The banking crisis has an impact not only for the economic activities of the country, but also for a broad political circumstances. Method used in this writing is juridical-normative writing, which is done by examining material library or a mere secondary data.
This thesis highlights the history of banking crisis that hit Indonesia and the UK and how the mechanism and application of the Financial System Safety Net that exist in each of these countries. As for the considerations underlying the author, to the theme of this is that these two countries are equally affected by the subprime mortgage crisis on the US in 2008 and both are experiencing a banking crisis as a result of a small bank with systemic impact. However, this time the UK already has a law that regulates the coordination between agencies / authorities in preventing crises and maintaining financial system stability country
Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Joni Marsius
"Tesis ini membahas bagaimana pengaruh kemajuan sektor perbankan baik bagi penurunan tingkat kemiskinan Indonesia, di satu sisi dengan membawa peningkatan pertumbuhan ekonomi di sisi lainnya melalui tersedianya kredit yang sesuai dengan masyarakat miskin. Dengan kemajuan sektor perbankan maka tabungan dapat dimobilisasi dan uang dapat dialokasikan ke hal-hal yang lebih produktif, baik dengan peningkatan modal fisik maupun meningkatnya produktivitas dari modal fisik. Efek menetes ke bawah dari perubahan kelembagaan dan keekonomian yang disebabkan oleh kemajuan sektor perbankan membawa perubahan yang lumayan komplek terhadap kondisi kehidupan masyarakat miskin. Pada saat terjadi krisis keuangan pada tahun 1997 - 2000, yang juga menghantam sektor perbankan membawa pengaruh sangat buruk terhadap kondisi kemiskinan, dan menahan pengaruh positif yang diakibatkan kemajuan sektor perbankan yang sebelumnya telah berhasil mereduksi jumlah penduduk miskin. Hipotesis mengenai kemajuan sektor perbankan dan dampak krisis keuangan selama periode 1971 ? 2009, telah membawa pelajaran langsung yang sangat bermanfaat bagi pengambilan kebijakan.

This thesis investigates how banking development is beneficial to the reduction of Indonesian?s poverty, on the one hand by promoting growth and in the other hand directly by providing affordable loan. Banking Sector Development (BSD) mobilizes saving and allocates capital to more productive uses, both of which help increase the amount of physical capital and its productivity. The trickle-down effect of economic and institutional changes brought by BSD became more complex effect on living condition of the poor. At the same time, however, financial instability in 1997 - 2000 which accompanies financial development is disadvantageous to the poor and dampens the positive effect of banking development on the reduction of poverty. The hypothesis is tested successfully on Indonesia over the period 1971 till 2009, resulting in straightforward policy implication."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Achmad Fadloli
Industri perbankan Indonesia saat ini masih dalam kondisi yang belum efisien dilihat dari tingginya tingkat suku bunga dimana salah satu penyebab utamanya diduga karena rendahnya tingkat kompetisi. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menganalisis tingkat kompetisi industri perbankan Indonesia selama periode 2005 ndash; 2014 dengan mengaplikasikan model baru yaitu profit elasticity model atau Boone Indicator yang mampu mengukur tingkat kompetisi berdasarkan efisiensi. Bank yang lebih efisien, yaitu bank dengan biaya marginal yang lebih kecil, akan menguasai pangsa pasar yang lebih besar atau tingkat keuntungan yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan bank yang kurang efisien. Efek ini akan semakin besar manakala industri perbankannya semakin kompetitif.Hasil penelitian ini menujukkan bahwa tingkat kompetisi indutri perbankan Indonesia mengalami penurunan dari tahun ke tahun. Berdasarkan ukuran efisiensi, kelompok bank besar adalah yang paling efisien akan tetapi justru mempunyai tingkat kompetisi yang paling rendah dibandingkan dengan kelompok bank sedang dan bank kecil. Berdasarkan kepemilikan, Bank Persero dan Bank Umum Swasta Nasional BUSN adalah dua kelompok bank paling efisien dimana kelompok Bank Persero relatif lebih efisien dibandingkan kelompok BUSN. Namun demikian apabila dilihat dari hasil pengukuran tingkat kompetisinya Bank Persero justru lebih rendah dari BUSN.Pada industri perbankan Indonesia tidak terjadi transfer efisiensi dalam bentuk tingkat harga output atau suku bunga kredit yang lebih murah. Kelompok bank yang lebih efisien lebih memilih untuk menikmati tingkat keuntungan yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan mentransfer sebagian keunggulan efisiensinya. Hal ini terlihat dari tingkat suku bunga kredit kelompok bank yang lebih efisien tidak berbeda secara signifikan dibandingkan kelompok bank yang kurang efisien.

Indonesian banking industry is currently in the inefficient condition viewed from the high interest rate in which one of its main causes is supposedly the low competition level. This research was conducted to analyze competition level in Indonesian banking industry during from 2005 to 2014 by applying a new model, Profit Elasticity Model or Boone Indicator. This model measures the competition level based on its efficiency. More efficient bank which has smaller marginal cost, will lead market share and profit that are higher than less efficient bank. This effect will be greater when the banking industry is more competitive.This research shows the result that the competition level in Indonesian banking industry decreases from year to year. Based on the efficiency measure, large sized bank group is the most efficient, but it actually has the lowest competition level compared with medium sized and small sized bank groups. Based on the ownership, Stated Owned Bank and National Private Commercial Bank are the most efficient bank groups in which Stated Owned Bank group is relatively more efficient than National Private Commercial Bank group. However, viewed from the result of measurement on its competition level, Stated Owned Bank is actually lower than National Private Commercial Bank.In Indonesian banking industry, there is no efficiency transfer in form of output price level or cheaper lending interest rate. More efficient bank group prefers benefiting higher profit over transferring some of its efficiency superiorities. It is shown by lending interest rate of more efficient bank group is not significantly different from the less efficient bank group."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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