Muh. Azis Muslim
"The birth of constitution No 22 & 25 year 1999 is the first step to repair the running of the governance that tends to be centralistic to a more decentralistic environment by giving expanded autonomy at local level. Both constitutions are expected to generate democratization by giving more space for public participation in the politics field, the handling at local level monetary, and the utilization of other local resources.
History has says that during the implementation of constitution No. 5 year 1974, the nuances policy is dominantly have the nature of top down, rather than bottom up. This kind of policy have the tendency to minimize local government roles. Therefore, the concept of local development that focused on the involvement of the local interest's (participation approach) needs to be nurtured. The public participation can be representated through a good election process, so the people role's can be seen from local council strength in controlling policy execution by the executive.
Public participation at the local level is interesting to study because basically the public participation on the execution of local autonomy is the form of representativeness from a policy. This is needed as a way to create good governance by developing, strengthening and public empowering with the condition that there civil society and people have capability therefore to begin initiatives, discussing, formulating recommendation, debating it, make an agreement, deciding, monitoring and evaluating the making process and executing public policy that within the authority of the government.
Participation has a very important meaning for democratic government system, even means for the embodiment of power that lies in the people's hand. Participation means to ensure that every policy taken reflect .the people's aspiration. Studies on various literature shows that participation is a mayor part of good governance. The aim of this research is to analyze how is the process of formulating local regulation, where in the process of formulating it there are two factors that will be effecting the result of a local regulation draft being discussed, which is the articulation of various interest by the local council and the public participation in the process of formulating it. This research basically is trying to bring up and describing many things thats connected to public participation in the process of formulating local regulation. The method of this research used qualitative approach. This research also comes as a case study, its means so that the research are conducted more throughly and to understand the symptoms in a holistic approach. The data is gamed from studying various document that related with the formulation process of local regulation and by conducting in depth interview to the members and staff of local council that involved in formulating each local regulation, special committee for public order in Depok, the community leaders, and non government organization involved in the process of formulating local regulation.
From the analization it is known that in connection with the law ground on the public participation in the process of formulating local regulation, there is no clear regulations for the citizen right to participate. This research is conducted at Depok city shows that the rules of Local Council in Depok City is not sufficiently accommodate the existence of public participation in the process of formulating local regulation.
The research shows that are space to public participation formally and informally in the process of formulating local regulation, but the utilization of the space available is not maximal due to the process of formulating local regulation regarding public order in Depok City, public participation only existed at RDPU (Public Hearing). The participation happened only in the formal context, which is the involvement in the RDPU at the consultation level. In Am stein perspective this consultation level is in the "degree of Tokenism' which marked the existence of two-way dialogue between public and local council even the nature of the dialogue is cooptative."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2004