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Muhammad Kadir
"Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh rusaknya bangunan-bangunan cagar budaya dan adanya permasalahan-permasalahan yang ada di kotatua, maka penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) mengindentifikasi konsep pengembangan wisata heritage Kotatua saat ini; (2) Menganalisis kekuatan dan kelemahan dari konsep pengelolaan Kotatua saat ini; (3) Membangun model wisata berbasis heritage berkelanjutan yang dapat menyelaraskan kepentingan keberlanjutan budaya, peningkatan ekonomi masyarakat sekitar kawasan Kotatua, peningkatan pengunjung dan kemudahan akses. Pendekatan dalam penelitian ini adalah kuantitatif dengan metode penelitian kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Sedangkan analisis data yang digunakan terdiri dari analisis deskriptif dan verifikatif dengan alat analisis Structural Equation Modelling (SEM). Berdasarkan hasil analisis yang telah dilakukan maka dapat disimpulkan (1) Konsep rencana strategis pembangunan kawasan kotatua Jakarta mengandung prinsip-prinsip dasar pembangunan wisata rakyat dan pelestarian budaya serta bagaimana semua pihak berkerja sama untuk mencapai tujuan bersama dalam konsep MICE (Meeting, Incentive, Conference and Events) yang mengacu pada jenis wisata tertentu dimana kelompok besar menyusun rencana umum masa depan guna mencapai tujuan bersama; (2) Implikasi penerapan konsep pembangunan yang berorientasi ekowisata pada kawasan wisata sejarah kotatua di tinjau dengan analisis SWOT. Untuk merespon secara efektif perubahan dalam lingkungannya, pengelola kawasan wisata harus mencermati lingkungan eksternal dan internalnya. Berdasarkan posisi kawasan wisata sejarah Kotatua Jakarta dalam Matriks SPACE maka strategi yang cocok untuk kawasan wisata ini adalah strategi kompetitif; (3) Model yang dapat memberdayakan masyarakat menjadi sejahtera, peningkatan PAD dan menjaga kelestarian budaya serta sejarah dikembangkan dengan cara: (a) Pengoptimalan input yang dimiliki masyarakat sekitar kawasan wisata kotatua Jakarta; (b) Proses revitalisasi yang dilakukan merupakan bentuk perubahan untuk meningkatkan keberlangsungan kawasan wisata kotatua Jakarta agar dapat diminati wisatawan sebagai sebuah wisata sejarah yang menarik untuk menjadi tujuan wisata; (c) Output tercapai apabila sasaran revitalisasi sampai pada tahapan perkembangan ekonomi, pemberdayaan masyarakat da pengembangan kawasan wisata kota tua; (d) Outcame dari model ini adalah masyarakat sejahtera, PAD meningkat dan kelestarian budaya serta sejarah tetap terjaga dengan baik, dari beberapa model yang ada, maka penulis dalam riset ini membangun model revitalisasi yaitu; Model KML (kelembagaan, Masyarakat dan Lingkungan).

This research is motivated by the destruction of cultural heritage buildings and the problems that exist in Kotatua, then this study aims to (1) identify the concept of heritage tourism development is now Old Town, (2) Analyze the strengths and weaknesses of current Kotatua management concepts, (3) Building a heritage-based sustainable ecotourism models that can align the interests of cultural sustainability, economic improvement Kotatua around the area, an increase in visitors and ease of access. The approach in this study is a quantitative with methode quantitative and qualitative research methods. While the data analysis consisted of descriptive analysis and verification with analytical tools Structural Equation Modelling (SEM). Based on the analysis that had been done, it can be concluded (1) The concept of the development of a strategic plan Jakarta Old Town area containing the basic principles of tourism development and preservation of folk culture and how all parties work together to achieve common goals in the concept of MICE (Meeting, Incentive, Conference and Events) which refers to a particular type of tourism in which large groups of the general plan the future in order to achieve common goals, (2) implications of the application of the concept of eco-tourism oriented development in the tourist area of ??the old city at the review history with SWOT analysis. To respond effectively to changes in its environment, managers must examine the tourist area of ??the external and internal environment. Based on the position of the tourist area of ??the history of the old city in the SPACE matrix is ??a suitable strategy for this tourist area is a competitive strategy, (3) models that can empower people to be prosperous , increase revenue and preserve the culture and history developed by: (a) Optimization input of the communities around the area of ??the old city of Jakarta tourist; (b) revitalization process undertaken is a form of changes to improve the sustainability of the tourist area of ??the old city of Jakarta to be attracted tourists as an interesting historical sights to become a tourist destination; (c) Output reached if revitalization goals through the development stages of an early slow start, empowerment da pengembengan old town tourist area; (d) of this model is Outcame prosperous society, increased revenue as well as historical and cultural preservation is maintained properly, from some of the existing models, the authors in this research builds a model of revitalization, that is KML model (Institutional, Communities and the Environment)."
Jakarta: Sekolah Ilmu Lingkungan Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Silalahi, Robert P.
Jakarta memiliki kawasan Kotatua seluas ± 846 ha berada di wilayah Kota Jakarta Barat dan Utara. Keberadaan Kotatua merupakan bukti autentik perjalanan sejarah sebuah kota, dan dapat didayagunakan untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakatnya. Pada era Gubernur Ali Sadikin (1966-1977) Pemerintah DKI Jakarta mengeluarkan kebijakan menjaga kelestarian kawasan Kotatua sebagai peninggalan sejarah yang harus dilindungi dan direvitalisasi agar dapat menjadi identitas Jakarta sebagai ?kota joang? dan memiliki daya tarik sebagai daerah tujuan wisata. Kebijakan tersebut dilanjutkan oleh keenam gubernur berikutnya, namun, kinerja revitalisasi Kotatua sampai saat ini belum menunjukkan hasil sebagaimana diharapkan.
Hambatan pada implementasi revitalisasi menjadi titik awal analisis terhadap kebijakan tersebut, dengan menempatkan tesis kolaborasi multi organisasi sebagai kendala utama rendahnya kinerja revitalisasi. Melalui kerangka tesis tersebut penelitian ini mengeskplorasi masalah-masalah melalui tiga aspek (Trikarya Senge) yaitu: conceptual work, relational work, dan action-driven work yang mempengaruhi kebijakan revitalisasi Kotatua; dan membangun model intervensi sistemik untuk meningkatkan efektivitas organisasi yang terlibat dalam revitalisasi Kotatua.
Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dan SSM (Soft Systems Methodology). Dua metode ini dianggap dapat memenuhi tujuan penelitian, karena memiliki kelebihan dalam menghasilkan kedalaman dalam eksplorasi masalah yang terkait dengan kinerja revitalisasi Kotatua, dan melakukan perbaikan sistemik terhadap masalah-masalah yang ditemukan. Penelitian menyimpulkan: 1) Masalah-masalah yang ditemukan dalam proses implementasi kebijakan revitalisasi Kotatua merupakan masalah yang tidak terpisah dari proses perumusan kebijakan dan evaluasi kebijakan. Keterkaitan tersebut ditandai oleh aspek konseptual (conceptual work) yang menjelaskan konteks perumusan kebijakan, aspek relasional (relational work) yang mencerminkan konteks keterkaitan, dan aspek kesatuan tindakan (action-driven work) serta temuan baru berupa aspek pelembagaan (institutional work) keempatnya disebut dengan ?Catur karya? tencermin dalam konteks implementasi kebijakan; 2) Model intervensi catur karya untuk kolaborasi multi organisasi dalam implementasi kebijakan revitalisasi Kotatua menempatkan unsur-unsur berikut ini sebagai kunci suksesnya, yaitu: a) pengembangan komunitas Kotatua; b) penyusunan grand strategy; c) pembangunan sistem dan ruang relasional; d) pembangunan budaya interaksi reflektif; e) pengembangan sistem informasi inter multi organisasi; f) membangun strategi inovasi; g) restrukturisasi mata rantai bisnis revitalisasi; h) penetapan dan pengembangan leading sector; dan i) formalisasi sistem kolaborasi multi organisasi.
Sebagai saran praktis, peneliti menganjurkan perlunya dibentuk satu Leading Sector dengan memberikan peranan serta kewenangan yang lebih besar kepada UPT.Kotatua, agar mampu mengkoordinasikan seluruh kegiatan yang dilaksanakan oleh institusi terkait secara kolaboratif dalam perencanaan, pelaksanaan, dan evaluasi kebijakan revitalisasi. Kemudian, khusus untuk mengintegrasikan kegiatan revitalisasi di wilayah Jakarta barat dan Utara disarankan untuk membentuk sebuah ?Kawasan khusus? Kotatua Jakarta.

Jakarta has Kota tua covering ± 846 ha, located in the area of West and North Jakarta. The existency of Kotatua has shown an authentic historical journey of a city and proven to be potential for increasing the citizens? welfare. In the era of Governor Ali Sadikin (1966-1977) The Jakarta Capital City Administration has issued a policy of preserving the Kotatua area as the historical heritage to be protected and revitalized for the purpose of gaining the identity of Jakarta as ?kota joang? (the city of fight) and the appeal of tourism destination. Then the policy was followed by the next sixth governor, but up to the present the performance of Kotatua revitalization has not shown results as expected.
The problem of policy implementation, became a starting point of the analysis including its formulation and evaluation, has placed the thesis of multi organization collaboration as the main obstacle poor performance of Kotatua revitalization. Through the framework of thesis, this research explore the issues through three aspects (Trikarya Senge) namely: conceptual work, relational work, and action-driven work, which influence the revitalization policy of Kotatua; and developing a model of systemic interventions to increase the effectiveness of the organizations involved in Kotatua revitalization.
This research uses the qualitative method and the SSM (Soft Systems Methodology) two methods are considered to meet the objectives of the study because of their ability in presenting the depth of the problem exploration related to the performance of the revitalization of Kotatua, as well as to the systemic improvement on the problem ever found. This research has concluded that: 1) The problems found during the process of the implementation of Kotatua revitalization policy have been those ones which are inseparable from the process of formulation and evaluation of the policy. Such correlation has been identified through the conceptual aspect defining the formulation of the policy, the relational aspect reflecting the context of evaluation, and the action-driven work as well as new findings in the form of institutional aspects, the four aspect then called ?Catur Karya? which tend to reflect the context of the policy implementation; 2) The intervention model of four-action work for the multi organization collaboration in the implementation of Kotatua revitalization policy has placed the following factors as the key success: a) the development of Kotatua community; b) the arrangement of grand strategy; c) the establishment of relational space and system; d) the development of interaction reflective culture; e) the development of inter multi organization information system; f) the establishment of innovation strategy; g) the restructuring of the business chain revitalization; h) the establishment and the development of leading sector; and i) the formulation of collaboration system of multi organization.
For practical purposes, the researcher suggests the importance of producing Master plan of Kotatua and establishing a Leading Sector by providing role and greater authority to UPT Kotatua, to be able to coordinate all activities undertaken by the relevant institutions collaboratively in the process of formulating, implementing, and evaluating the policy of Kotatua revitalization. Further, specifically to integrate the activities of revitalization in the area of West and North Jakarta are advised to form a Jakarta Kotatua ?Special area?."
Depok: 2011
UI - Disertasi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yulinda Rachma Dewi
"[Penelitian ini membahas mengenai evaluasi implementasi kebijakan revitalisasi kawasan Kota Tua di Jakarta. Jakarta sebagai ibukota negara memiliki suatu kawasan Kota Tua seluas ± 334 ha yang dulunya merupakan pusat kegiatan ekonomi dan pemerintahan pada tiga masa kekuasaan, dimulai dari masa pemerintahan Pangeran Jayakarta, masa penjajahan Portugis, dan masa penjajahan Belanda. Tingginya nilai
budaya dan sejarah di kawasan tersebut merupakan potensi pariwisata yang baik, oleh karena itu pemerintah DKI Jakarta membuat kebijakan revitalisasi Kota Tua Jakarta yang dimulai sejak masa pemerintahan Gubernur Ali Sadikin pada tahun 1970. Namun proses revitalisasi kawasan tersebut dianggap masih belum memenuhi harapan. Pada tahun 2014 revitalisasi dicanangkan kembali dengan diterbitkannya Peraturan Gubernur no. 36 tahun 2014 tentang Rencana Induk Kota Tua Jakarta dan
diselenggarakan kerjasama pemerintah-swasta melalui konsorsium JOTRC (Jakarta Old Town Revitalization Corp.). Tujuan dilaksanakannya penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi implementasi kebijakan revitalisasi kawasan Kota Tua Jakarta, dan menganalisis evaluasi implementasi kebijakan revitalisasi kawasan tersebut. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan post-positivis. Penelitian ini menghasilkan temuan yaitu implementasi kebijakan revitalisasi Kota Tua Jakarta masih belum efektif. Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi belum efektifnya kebijakan revitalisasi Kota Tua Jakarta antara lain karena status kepemilikan bangunan-bangunan yang beragam antara pribadi, swasta/BUMN, dan Pemprov DKI Jakarta. Sedikitnya bangunan yang dimiliki Pemprov DKI Jakarta membuat proses revitalisasi terhambat, ditambah lagi belum adanya leading sector dan minimnya SDM maupun anggaran dari Unit Pengelola Kawasan (UPK) Kota Tua Jakarta sebagai pengelola kawasan
tersebut. Namun dilakukannya kerjasama pemerintah-swasta dengan keberadaan konsorsium JOTRC merupakan upaya yang baik dalam melakukan percepatan pembangunan di kawasan Kota Tua. Beberapa saran yang diajukan dalam penelitian antara lain implementasi badan otorita yang mengelola kawasan Kota Tua Jakarta secepatnya sebagaimana diamanatkan dalam Pergub DKI Jakarta no. 36 tahun 2014, pelibatan ahli cagar budaya dalam setiap pemugaran di kawasan Kota Tua sehingga tidak merusak atau menghilangkan nilai historis bangunan tersebut, serta pelibatan masyarakat lokal dalam pembangunan kawasan Kota Tua.

This research discusses the evaluation of policy implementation of the revitalization of the Old Town area in Jakarta. Jakarta as the capital of the country has an Old Town area of ± 334 ha which was once the center of economic activity and government for three reigns, starting from the reign of Prince Jayakarta, the Portuguese colonial period, and the Dutch colonial period. The high value of the culture and history of the region is a potential for tourism, therefore, the local government make the revitalization of Jakarta old town area, which began during the reign of Governor Ali Sadikin in 1970. However, the process of revitalization of the area still has not met expectations. In 2014 revitalization proclaimed back with the issuance of the Peraturan Gubernur no. 36 tahun 2014 tentang Rencana Induk Kota Tua and held public-private partnership through a consortium called JOTRC (Jakarta Old Town Revitalization Corp.). The objective of this research is to analyze the factors that influence policy implementation of revitalization of the old city area, and analyzing the evaluation of policy implementation of revitalization of the region. The method used in this research is qualitative method with post-positivist approach. Results of this of this research is that the implementation of the Jakarta Old Town revitalization policies is still ineffective. Factors that influence the implementation of the policy is because of the ownership status of the buildings which vary between personal, private/state-owned enterprise, and local government plus the absence of leading sector and the lack of human resources and the budget of the Unit Pengelola Kawasan (UPK) Kota Tua as the area manager. But the establishment of JOTRC as a form of publicprivate partnership for revitalization of Jakarta old town is a good effort to accelerate the development in that area. Some suggestions from this research are immediate implementation of autonomous body that manages the old city area as mandated in Pergub no. 36 tahun 2014, the involvement of cultural heritage experts in development of the Old City area so as not to damage the historical value of the building, and empowerment of local communities. This research discusses the evaluation of policy implementation of the revitalization of the Old Town area in Jakarta. Jakarta as the capital of the country has an Old Town area of ± 334 ha which was once the center of economic activity and government for three reigns, starting from the reign of Prince Jayakarta, the Portuguese colonial period, and the Dutch colonial period. The high value of the culture and history of the region is a potential for tourism, therefore, the local government make the revitalization of Jakarta old town area, which began during the reign of Governor Ali
Sadikin in 1970. However, the process of revitalization of the area still has not met expectations. In 2014 revitalization proclaimed back with the issuance of the
Peraturan Gubernur no. 36 tahun 2014 tentang Rencana Induk Kota Tua and held public-private partnership through a consortium called JOTRC (Jakarta Old Town Revitalization Corp.). The objective of this research is to analyze the factors that influence policy implementation of revitalization of the old city area, and analyzing
the evaluation of policy implementation of revitalization of the region. The method used in this research is qualitative method with post-positivist approach. Results of this of this research is that the implementation of the Jakarta Old Town revitalization policies is still ineffective. Factors that influence the implementation of the policy is because of the ownership status of the buildings which vary between personal, private/state-owned enterprise, and local government; plus the absence of leading sector and the lack of human resources and the budget of the Unit Pengelola Kawasan (UPK) Kota Tua as the area manager. But the establishment of JOTRC as a form of publicprivate partnership for revitalization of Jakarta old town is a good effort to accelerate the development in that area. Some suggestions from this research are immediate implementation of autonomous body that manages the old city area as mandated in Pergub no. 36 tahun 2014, the involvement of cultural heritage experts in development of the Old City area so as not to damage the historical value of the building, and empowerment of local communities.;This research discusses the evaluation of policy implementation of the revitalization
of the Old Town area in Jakarta. Jakarta as the capital of the country has an Old Town
area of ± 334 ha which was once the center of economic activity and government for
three reigns, starting from the reign of Prince Jayakarta, the Portuguese colonial
period, and the Dutch colonial period. The high value of the culture and history of the
region is a potential for tourism, therefore, the local government make the
revitalization of Jakarta old town area, which began during the reign of Governor Ali
Sadikin in 1970. However, the process of revitalization of the area still has not met
expectations. In 2014 revitalization proclaimed back with the issuance of the
Peraturan Gubernur no. 36 tahun 2014 tentang Rencana Induk Kota Tua and held
public-private partnership through a consortium called JOTRC (Jakarta Old Town
Revitalization Corp.). The objective of this research is to analyze the factors that
influence policy implementation of revitalization of the old city area, and analyzing
the evaluation of policy implementation of revitalization of the region. The method
used in this research is qualitative method with post-positivist approach. Results of
this of this research is that the implementation of the Jakarta Old Town revitalization
policies is still ineffective. Factors that influence the implementation of the policy is
because of the ownership status of the buildings which vary between personal, private
/state-owned enterprise, and local government; plus the absence of leading sector and
the lack of human resources and the budget of the Unit Pengelola Kawasan (UPK)
Kota Tua as the area manager. But the establishment of JOTRC as a form of publicprivate
partnership for revitalization of Jakarta old town is a good effort to accelerate
the development in that area. Some suggestions from this research are immediate
implementation of autonomous body that manages the old city area as mandated in
Pergub no. 36 tahun 2014, the involvement of cultural heritage experts in
development of the Old City area so as not to damage the historical value of the
building, and empowerment of local communities., This research discusses the evaluation of policy implementation of the revitalization
of the Old Town area in Jakarta. Jakarta as the capital of the country has an Old Town
area of ± 334 ha which was once the center of economic activity and government for
three reigns, starting from the reign of Prince Jayakarta, the Portuguese colonial
period, and the Dutch colonial period. The high value of the culture and history of the
region is a potential for tourism, therefore, the local government make the
revitalization of Jakarta old town area, which began during the reign of Governor Ali
Sadikin in 1970. However, the process of revitalization of the area still has not met
expectations. In 2014 revitalization proclaimed back with the issuance of the
Peraturan Gubernur no. 36 tahun 2014 tentang Rencana Induk Kota Tua and held
public-private partnership through a consortium called JOTRC (Jakarta Old Town
Revitalization Corp.). The objective of this research is to analyze the factors that
influence policy implementation of revitalization of the old city area, and analyzing
the evaluation of policy implementation of revitalization of the region. The method
used in this research is qualitative method with post-positivist approach. Results of
this of this research is that the implementation of the Jakarta Old Town revitalization
policies is still ineffective. Factors that influence the implementation of the policy is
because of the ownership status of the buildings which vary between personal, private
/state-owned enterprise, and local government; plus the absence of leading sector and
the lack of human resources and the budget of the Unit Pengelola Kawasan (UPK)
Kota Tua as the area manager. But the establishment of JOTRC as a form of publicprivate
partnership for revitalization of Jakarta old town is a good effort to accelerate
the development in that area. Some suggestions from this research are immediate
implementation of autonomous body that manages the old city area as mandated in
Pergub no. 36 tahun 2014, the involvement of cultural heritage experts in
development of the Old City area so as not to damage the historical value of the
building, and empowerment of local communities.]
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Manik Priandani
"Kemunduran suatu Kawasan Industri akibat berkurangnya sumber bahan baku berdampak pada perekonomian kawasan dan wilayah sekitarnya. Pembentukan Kawasan Ekonomi Khusus Arun, Lhokseumawe (KEK-AL) adalah upaya revitalisasi untuk mendukung keberlanjutan kawasan industri ini. Setelah tiga tahun beroperasi, dampak keberadaan KEK-AL pada keberlanjutan kawasan belum diketahui. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh KEK pada keberlanjutan lingkungan, sosial, dan ekonomi di kawasan industri dan wilayah sekitar, mengidentifikasi peran pemangku kepentingan, dan merumuskan model strategi pengelolaannya. Penelitian dilakukan tahun 2021-2022 dengan data time-series 2008-2021. Metode Penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode analisis campuran dengan menggunakan metode pengukuran Statistical Matching, Stakeholder Analysis dan Analytic Network Process. Keberadaan KEK-AL berpengaruh positif pada keberlanjutan internal kawasan, tetapi belum menghasilkan perubahan untuk wilayah sekitar. Dibutuhkan peran penuh pemangku kepentingan untuk mengoptimalkan kemajuan dan keberlanjutan KEK. Model Revitalisasi Kawasan Ekonomi Khusus Berkelanjutan menunjukkan bahwa indikator keberlanjutan ekonomi adalah prioritas utama, diikuti oleh keberlanjutan sosial dan lingkungan.

The decline of an industrial estate can impact the economy of the estate and the surrounding areas. Special Economic Zone of Arun, Lhokseumawe (SEZ-AL) was established to revive and advance the Arun industrial area. The research aims to assess SEZ-AL’s impacts on the environmental, social and economic sustainability of the industrial estate and surrounding areas; identify the roles of stakeholder; and establish the revitalization model. The research was conducted in 2021-2022 by using 2008-2021 time-series data. The research used a mixed analysis method, using Statistical Matching, Stakeholder Analysis and Analytic Network Process measurement methods. SEZ-AL has positive impacts on the internal industrial zone’s sustainability. However, it produces minimum impact to the surrounding areas. Extensive stakeholder engagements are needed to ensure the SEZ-AL’s advancement and sustainability. The established Revitalization Model indicates that economic sustainability is the main priority for SEZ-AL revitalization, followed by the social and environmental sustainability dimensions."
Jakarta: Sekolah Ilmu Lingkungan Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ferdy Ardiansyah Dwinanto
Rencana induk untuk merevitalisasi Kotatua telah dikeluarkan oleh pemerintah daerah namun menemui banyak kendala, salah satunya adalah kelembagaan pengimplementasi kebijakan tersebut. Dengan mengembangkan kelembagaan revitalisasi Kotatua diharapkan dapat mengatasi berbagai macam kendala yang dihadapi sehingga tujuan dapat tercapai. Penelitian ini menggunakan data primer dan sekunder dalam mengidentifikasi elemen-elemen pembentuk kelembagaan termasuk stakeholder atau lembaga-lembaga yang terlibat dalam kegiatan revitalisasi Kotatua. Dari 18 stakeholder yang memiliki peran tinggi kemudian dikembangkan dengan menggunakan Metode Interpretive Structure Modelling (ISM) sehingga dihasilkan sebuah model struktural kelembagaan yang terdiri dari 8 level/tingkatan stakeholder

A master plan to revitalize Kotatua has been issued by the local goverment, but encountered many obtacles, which one of them is the instutional who implement the policy. By developing Kotatua institutional, is expexted to overcome various obstacles encountered so that the goal can be achieved. This study uses primary and sceondary data to identifying forming elements, including stakeholder or institution who involved in the activities of revitalization of Kotatua. Result is 18 stakeholder who have high role in Kotatua revitalization. The Interpretive Structure Modelling (ISM) method then used to develop the institutional and producing an institutional structural modelling consisting of 8 level/tiers of stakeholder."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nidaan Khafian
"Tesis ini membahas mengenai kompleksitas permasalahan transportasi dan permasalahan dalam pelaksanaan kebijakan Pola Transportasi Makro di DKI Jakarta serta upaya-upaya yang dapat dilakukan untuk merevitalisasi kebijakan tersebut agar dapat mewujudkan kebijakan transportasi yang berkelanjutan. Dengan menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif, hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa permasalahan transportasi di Jakarta sangatlah kompleks dimana terdapat tiga permasalahan umum yang terjadi yakni jumlah kendaraan pribadi yang tidak terkendali, angkutan umum yang masih buruk dan tidak dapat diandalkan, serta perilaku dari para pengguna jalan yang tidak disiplin.
Didalam kebijakan PTM sendiri masih ditemui adanya permasalahan yakni strategi-strategi yang ada dalam PTM belum dapat terlaksana secara optimal. Oleh karena itu, dibutuhkan adanya upaya untuk merevitalisasi kebijakan PTM melalui upaya jangka pendek melalui pelaksanaan direct services dan penataan angkutan umum, jangka menengah, misalnya dengan pembangunan MRT dan LRT dan penataan jalur pejalan kaki, serta jangka panjang melalui integrasi kebijakan tata ruang dengan kebijakan transportasi dan pembentukan otoritas khusus transportasi Jabodetabek.
Hasil penelitian juga menyarankan bahwa dibutuhkan adanya perubahan paradigma dan pola pikir dari pemerintah, baik pusat dan daerah, dari kebijakan transportasi yang berpihak kepada kendaraan pribadi menjadi kebijakan yang berpihak kepada transportasi publik dan melaksanakan upaya-upaya dalam merevitalisasi kebijakan pola transportasi makro sesuai dengan tahapan waktu yang dibutuhkan.

The focus of this study is about the complexity of the problems of transportation and issues in the implementation of the Jakarta Macro Transportation Blueprint. This study also focus on the efforts that can be done to revitalize the policy in order to actualize a sustainable transportation policy. Using a qualitative research methods, the results shows that the transportation issues in Jakarta are very complex, there are three common problems that occur that is the number of private vehicles that are not controlled, public transports that are poor and unreliable, and the behavior of road users who are not disciplined.
In the PTM policy itself is still encountered the problem that the existing strategies in the PTM can?t be optimally implemented. Therefore, there needs to be an effort to revitalize the PTM policies through shortterm efforts with the implementation of direct services in Transjakarta Busway and revitalize the public transports services. At the medium term, for example is with the MRT and LRT construction and arrangement of pedestrian paths, and in the long term through the integration of spatial policies with transport policy and the establishment of a special authority Jabodetabek transportation agencies.
The results also suggest that there needs to be a paradigm shift and mindset of the government, both central and local, from transportation policies that favor private vehicles into policies that favor public transport and implement efforts to revitalize the Jakarta macro transportation blueprint policies in accordance with the time step needed.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Derry Fahrizal Ulum

Skripsi ini membahas upaya pengelolaan lingkungan hidup berkelanjutan oleh SDN Bendungan Hilir 12 Pagi, khususnya mengenai upaya pemberdayaan dalam pengelolaan hidup berkelanjutan dan upaya mempertahankan kesinambungan pengelolaan itu sendiri. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan desain deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan bahwa pengelolaan lingkungan hidup berkelanjutan berbasis komunitas sekolah tidak terlepas dari kegiatan-kegiatan yang selama ini dilakukan secara partisipatif dengan semua stakeholder yang terlibat, khususnya pihak sekolah yang memiliki peran masing-masing dalam melakukan kegiatan. Penelitian ini menyarankan bahwa sekolah perlu mengikutsertakan sekolah binaan untuk datang dalam kegiatan-kegiatan di sekolah, melibatkan alumni, melibatkan masyarakat sekitar, serta memberikan apresiasi kepada orang tua yang selama ini berpartisipasi agar program dapat berjalan secara berkelanjutan dan variatif.

This thesis discusses the efforts of sustainable environmental management by SDN Bendungan Hilir 12 Pagi, particularly on the empowerment in the management of sustainable living and maintaining the continuity of the management itself. This research is qualitative with descriptive design. The study concluded that sustainable environmental management by schools community-based can not be separated from the activities that have been carried out and the participation of all stakeholders involved, especially the schools personnel that have their respective roles in the activities. The study suggests that schools need to engage the target schools to participate into school activities, involve alumni, involve community around, and gives appreciation to the parents who have been participating so that the program can be sustainable and varied.

Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Parino Rahardjo
"Pengembangan kota baru berdampak pada meningkatnya luas permukaan lahan kedap air, temperatur udara mikro dan limpasan permukaan. Kondisi geomorfologi dan geohidrologi yang tidak dipertimbangkan pada pengembangan kota baru mengakibatkan terjadinya longsor dan menurunnya cadangan air bawah tanah. Tujuan penelitian adalah mengkaji lingkungan alami dan buatan, menentukan parameter ekosistem kota baru dan mengkaji model pengembangan kota yang mengintegrasikan faktor lingkungan, ekonomi dan sosial. Penelitian menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif. Perubahan tata guna lahan dianalisis menggunakan metode spasial temporal, sedangkan menghitung potensi limpasan menggunakan metode Soil Conservation Sevices dan untuk menghitung kenyamanan menggunakan persamaan Niuwolt. untuk mengetahui perubahan tata guna lahan dan pengaruhnya terhadap limpasan permukaan menggunakan simulasi System dynamics. Penelitian ini menghasilkan beberapa hal sebagai berikut: (1) Melindungi kemiringan lahan > 25%, (2) Parameter ekosistem kota baru, yaitu (a) Badan air dengan bentuk danau, sungai, (b) Ruang terbuka hijau berupa taman/hutan kota, taman lingkungan, koridor hijau sepanjang bahu jalan, (3) Ruang terbuka hijau, danau, drainase alami memberikan jasa mengurangi limpasan permukaan dan mempertahan kan air bawah tanah. (4) Pengembangan kota baru mengintegrasikan faktor lingkungan, ekonomi dan sosial.

New town development resulted in increased impervious surface area, micro air temperature and surface runoff. Geomorphological conditions and geohydrology that were not considered in the development of the new towns resulted in landslides and declining reserves of underground water. The research objective was to study the natural and built environment, define the parameters of new urban ecosystem and assess the city development model that integrates environmental factors, economic and social. The study uses a quantitative approach. Changes in land use were analyzed using spatial temporal metode, while calculating the potential runoff with Sevices Soil Conservation method and convenience of using equations to calculate Niuwolt. Land use change and its effect on surface runoff using system dynamics simulation. This research resulted in some of the following: (1) Protect the slope> 25%, (2) Parameter ecosystem new cities, namely (a) Bodies of water with a form of lakes, rivers, (b) Green open space of the park / forest city, neighborhood parks, green corridors along the shoulder of the road, (3) green open space, lakes, natural drainage patterns provide services reduce surface runoff and retain the underground water. (4) Development of new town integrating environmental factors, economic and social."
Jakarta: Sekolah Ilmu Lingkungan Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sadika Nurani Hamid
"Tesis ini membahas persepsi pemilik dan pengelola bangunan di Kawasan Taman Fatahillah terhadap program revitalisasi Kota Tua Jakarta yang dijalankan oleh Pemerintah Provinsi DKI Jakarta. Penelitian menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif. Data diperoleh dari studi pustaka, observasi dan wawancara. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dalam pandangan para pemilik dan pengelola bangunan, aspek negatif revitalisasi masih lebih besar dibandingkan aspek positifnya. Oleh karena itu harus dilakukan pembenahan pada tiga bidang, yaitu manajemen pemerintahan, perencanaan revitalisasi dan pendidikan masyarakat.

The focus of the study is the perception of building owners’ and building users’ of the Taman Fatahillah area on the Old City of Jakarta revitalization program initiated by the provincial government of Jakarta. This study use qualitative method. The data were collected by means of deep interview, observation and library research. This study concludes that based on the building owners’ and building users perspectives, the negative aspect of the revitalization is still greater than the positive aspects. To resolve that, three domains needs to be addressed: government management, revitalization planning and public education."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
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