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Indu Shekhar Thakur
"Chromium sulphate Cr(III) and pentachlorophenol (PCP) widely used as tanning and biocide respectively in leather preparation are highly toxic and recalcitrant. Biosorption of chromium by Aspergillus niger FIST1 was evaluated, and process parameters were optimized in presence of carbon, nitrogen, carbon:nitrogen, pH, temperature, different concentration of chromium. The potency of Acinetobacter sp.IST3 for degradation of pentachlorophenol was determined by HPLC after formation of tetrachlrohydroquinone and chlrorohydroquinone. Bioremediation of chromium and PCP were tested in bioreactors in sequential way where bacterium treated effluent subsequently treated by fungus showed reduction of chromium (82%) and PCP (85%) after 120 hrs. Biosorption of chromium was determined by transmission electron microscopy (TEM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX). Recovery of chromium in tannery effluent was initially obtained by CaO:MgO (2:1) and pH adjusted to 7.0-7.6, and chromium absorbed by fungus and bacteria, was further used for tanning of the leather. Results of the study indicated that quality of the leather prepared by absorbed chromium of fungus and bacteria was better than chromium recovered by CaO:MgO determined by SEM. In view of above results ‘tanning cake’ was prepared which is better substitute of raw chromium used for tanning in leather mills."
Depok: Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI-IJTECH 2:3 (2011)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Sholeh
"Kromium merupakan logam berat yang banyak digunakan di industri penyamakan kulit. Kontaminasi krom menyebabkan banyak masaah lingkungan, oleh karena itu remediasi logam ini snagat perlu dilakukan. Fitoremediasi menjadi salah satu solusi efektif teknologi yang digunakan untuk mengurangi kadar krom dari tanah dan air yang terkontaminasi. Kajian ini merangkum dan mendiskusikan state of art penelitian fitoremediasi krom dalam limbah industri penyamakan kulit."
Yogyakarta: Balai Besar Kulit, Karet, dan Plastik, 2016
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
New York : McGraw-Hill, 1994
628.52 BIO
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kemampuan gelatin, ferro sulfat dan aluminium sulfat serta kombinasi gelatin dengan ferro sulfat atau aluminium sulfat untuk pemisahan krom total (krom valensi 3 dan krom valensi 6) pada limbah cair industri penyamakan kulit. Pemisahan krom total pada limbah cair dilakukan dengan menggunakan gelatin dan ferro sulfat atau aluminium sulfat dengan rasio 4:0; 3:1; 2:2; 1:3; dan 0:4 (b/b). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa gelatin, ferro sulfat, dan aluminium sulfat, mampu memisahkan kandungan krom total pada limbah cair industri penyamakan kulit. Kombinasi antara gelatin dengan ferro sulfat atau aluminium sulfat sebagai flokulan dapat bersinergi untuk pemisahan kandungan krom total pada limbah cair industri penyamakan kulit. Kombinasi antara gelatin dan aluminium sulfat dengan rasio 3:1 (b/b) dapat memisahkan kandungan krom total sebesar 94,75%, limbah menjadi lebih jernih, dan derajat kekeruhan turun sebesar 74,47%. Kandungan krom total pada limbah pasca pemisahan menjadi sebesar 0,61 ppm. Keadaan ini telah memenuhi syarat baku mutu limbah cair bagi usaha dan khususnya untuk kegiatan industri penyamakan kulit.

The aim of the study was to determine the ability of gelatin, ferrous sulfate, aluminium sulfate, and combination of gelatin with ferrous sulfate or aluminium sulfate for total chromium content (trivalent chromium and hexavalent chromium) separation from tannery wastewater. Reduction of total chromium content in the wastewater was
conducted using combination of gelatin and ferrous sulfate or gelatin and aluminium sulfate with a ratio of 4:0;3:1;2:2; 1:3; and 0:4 (w/w). The results showed that gelatin, ferrous sulfate, and aluminium sulfate, were able to reduce total chromium content in the wastewater. Combination of gelatin/ferrous sulfate or gelatin/aluminium sulfate as flocculants provide synergistic work in reducing the total chromium content. A 94.75% removal of total chromium content was achieved by combining gelatine and aluminium sulfate with a ratio of 3:1, clearer wastewater, and followed by reduction of degree of turbidity up to 74.47%. The total chromium content after treatment was 0.61 ppm, which met the requirements of wastewater for business and or daily activities especially for tanning industry.
Yogyakarta: Balai Besar Kulit, Karet, dan Plastik, 2016
530 KKP 32:1 (2016)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 1993
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Agus Irawan Umar Said
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 1993
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Teknik Komunikasi dengan mengunakan media sinar laser telah meningkatkan bandwitdh frekwensi dan kualitas daya dalam sinyal informasi yang akan diterima pada sebuah sistem pemancar dan penerima. Sistem yang dibuat dalam seminar ini adalah perancangan dan pembuatan alat pemancar dan penerima informasi audio dengan menggunakan sinar laser. Batas minimun dan maksimun bandwitdh frekwensi audio, kualitas dayanya serta kemampuan sistem dalam menyampaikan berbagai bentuk sinyal informasi dilakukan setelah sistem pemancar dan penerima dirangkai dan diposisikan tepat pada arah dan fokus masing-masing sisi. Hasil yang akan dicapai pada penerapan teknik komunikasi dengan menggunakan media sinar laser ini berguna untuk mengatasi masalah kebutuhan panjang kabel pada komunikasi antara dua buah gedung dengan tujuan untuk mendapatkan kualitas sinyal informasi seperti yang diharapkan."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2005
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tyas Putri Sativa
Tumpahan minyak bumi baik pada lingkungan akuatik maupun darat sangat merugikan manusia maupun lingkungan karena senyawa hidrokarbon yang terkandung di dalamnya yang dapat membahayakan ekosistem dan keseimbangan lingkungan serta merupakan senyawa yang karsinogenik bagi manusia dan hewan. Oleh karena itu tindakan remediasi perlu dilakukan, salah satunya adalah dengan metode kombinasi mikroorganisme dan tumbuhan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis pengaruh beberapa perlakuan yang diterapkan terhadap penyisihan kadar TPH dan BTEX serta pengaruhnya terhadap faktor lingkungan dalam proses remediasi. Pada penelitian ini, bioremediasi dilakukan dengan menggunakan 4 perlakuan yang berbeda yaitu pemberian kompos (C), tanaman dan kompos (P), mikroorganisme dan kompos (B), dan tanaman dan mikroorganisme kompos (BP), terhadap tanah dengan kadar minyak 5% dan 10% selama 5 minggu. Dari hasil penelitian, berikut hasil pengujian TPH berturut-turut pada tanah terkontaminasi 5%: 2,10% (C); 1,31% (B); 1,66% (P); dan 0,68% (BP) dan hasil pengujian TPH berturut-turut pada tanah terkontaminasi 10% adalah 3,30% (C); 2,54 (B); 3,91% (P); dan 3,31% (BP). Persentase degradasi TPH tertinggi pada tanah terkontaminasi minyak 5% terdapat pada perlakuan BP yaitu sebesar 87,1%, sementara pada tanah terkontaminasi minyak 10% persentase penyisihan TPH terbesar ada pada perlakuan penambahan bakteri yaitu sebesar 76,19%. Persentase penyisihan BTEX pada perlakuan BP di tanah terkontaminasi minyak 5% sebesar 68,35% persentase penyisihan BTEX pada perlakuan B di tanah terkontaminasi minyak 10% sebesar 84,91%. Berdasarkan uji statistik, baik pada tanah terkontaminasi 5% maupun 10%, degradasi TPH mempengaruhi nilai pH secara signifikan karena p < 0,05 namun degradasi TPH tidak mempengaruhi nilai suhu karena p > 0,05.

Oil spills both aquatic and terrestrial environments are very detrimental to people and the environment due to hydrocarbon compounds that contained therein which is not only could be harmful for the balance of the ecosystem and the environment but also carcinogenic to human and animals. Therefore remediation needs to be done, one of the methods is by using combination of microorganisms and plant. The aim of this research are to analyze the influences between several different treatments that are applied for TPH and BTEX removal and the influences on environmental factirs in the process of remediation. In this research, bioremediation held by using 4 different treatment which are: by adding compost (C), plants and compost (P), microorganisms and compost (B), and compost, plants and microorganisms (BP), to soil with oil content of 5% and 10%. The following test results of TPH in soil contaminated with 5% oil content in a row are: 2.10% (C); 1.31% (B); 1.66% (P); and 0.68% (BP) and TPH test results in soil contaminated with oil content 10% in a row are: 3.30% (C); 2.54 (B); 3.91% (P); and 3.31% (BP). The highest percentage of TPH degradation in contaminated soil of 5% oil content found in BP treatment that is equal to 87.1%, while in the contaminated soil of 10% oil content the largest TPH removal percentage is in the treatment of adding bacteria (B) which is 76.19%. BTEX removal percentage in 5% oil contaminated soil in BP treatment is 68.35% while in 10% oil contaminated soil with B treatment is 84.91%. Based on statistical tests, both on contaminated soil with 5% and 10% oil, TPH degradation significantly affect the pH value as p < 0.05 but TPH degradation does not affect temperature values ​​as p > 0.05."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Peleg, David
"This volume presents the locality-sensitive approach to distributed network algorithms-the utilization of locality to simplify control structures and algorithms and reduce their costs. The author begins with an introductory exposition of distributed network algorithms focusing on topics that illustrate the role of locality in distributed algorithmic techniques. He then introduces locality-preserving network representations and describes sequential and distributed techniques for their construction. Finally, the applicability of the locality-sensitive approach is demonstrated through several applications.
Distributed Computing: A Locality-Sensitive Approach is the only book that gives a thorough exposition of network spanners and other locality-preserving network representations such as sparse covers and partitions. The book is useful for computer scientists interested in distributed computing, electrical engineers interested in network architectures and protocols, and for discrete mathematicians and graph theorists."
Philadelphia : Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 2000
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rico Kurniawan
Pendahuluan: Pekerja penyamakan kulit berpotensi terpajan oleh berbagai polutan pencemar udara, salah satunya kromium. Terhirupnya polutan kromium dapat mempengaruhi kesehatan seperti sesak nafas, batuk, penurunan fungsi paru, hingga kanker paru. Tujuan: Untuk mengetahui hubungan pajaran konsentrasi kromium di tempat kerja dengan gangguan fungsi paru. Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan desain studi cross sectional terhadap 61 orang pekerja penyamakan kulit di Sukaregang Kabupaten Garut. Kapasitas vital paksa (FVC) dan volume ekpirasi paksa satu detik (FEV1) diukur menggunakan spirometri Datospris mod 120 Sibelmed. Kromium total di tempat kerja diukur menggunakan low volume sampler dan dianalisis menggunakan atomic absorbtion spectrofotometry (AAS). Hasil: konsentrasi kromium total di tempat kerja berkisar antara 3.94-11.79 μg/m3. Kondisi fungsi paru pekera penyamakan kulit sebagaian besar masih besar masih dalam keadaan normal (FEV1/FVC>75%). Analisis multivariat menunjukkan bahwa masa kerja dan pajanan debu kromium meningkatkan risiko tejadinya fungsi paru pada pekerja, (p 0.024) dengan 95% CI (0.086-0.830). Kesimpulan: setelah dikontrol dengan masa kerja, pekerja yang terpajan kromium lebih besar, berisiko terkena gangguan fungsi paru.

Background: tannery workers have been potentially exposed to various air pollutants, such as chromium. Exposed by chromium can affect health status, such as shortness of breath, cough, decreased lung function, and lung cancer. Objective: to determine the relationship of chromium exposure in the workplace and worker?s pulmonary dysfunction. Method: this study used a cross-sectional design on 61 people working at tanneries in Sukaregang, Garut district. Lung function was measured by spirometry. Low volume of sample was used to measure the chromium in the air and analyzed using atomic absorbtion spectrofotometry (AAS). Result: the concentration of total chromium in the workplace ranged from 3.94-11.79 μg/m3, while most of worker?s pulmonary function still in normal condition. Multivariate analysis showed that length of exposure and chromium concentration increases the risk of pulmonary dysfunction in tannery workers, (p 0.024 95% CI 0.068-0.830). Conclusion: control by lenght of exposure showed tannery worker who expose to higher concentration of chromium, have more risk to get pulmonary dysfunction.;Background: tannery workers have been potentially exposed to various air pollutants, such as chromium. Exposed by chromium can affect health status, such as shortness of breath, cough, decreased lung function, and lung cancer. Objective: to determine the relationship of chromium exposure in the workplace and worker?s pulmonary dysfunction. Method: this study used a cross-sectional design on 61 people working at tanneries in Sukaregang, Garut district. Lung function was measured by spirometry. Low volume of sample was used to measure the chromium in the air and analyzed using atomic absorbtion spectrofotometry (AAS). Result: the concentration of total chromium in the workplace ranged from 3.94-11.79 μg/m3, while most of worker?s pulmonary function still in normal condition. Multivariate analysis showed that length of exposure and chromium concentration increases the risk of pulmonary dysfunction in tannery workers, (p 0.024 95% CI 0.068-0.830). Conclusion: control by lenght of exposure showed tannery worker who expose to higher concentration of chromium, have more risk to get pulmonary dysfunction., Background: tannery workers have been potentially exposed to various air pollutants, such as chromium. Exposed by chromium can affect health status, such as shortness of breath, cough, decreased lung function, and lung cancer. Objective: to determine the relationship of chromium exposure in the workplace and worker’s pulmonary dysfunction. Method: this study used a cross-sectional design on 61 people working at tanneries in Sukaregang, Garut district. Lung function was measured by spirometry. Low volume of sample was used to measure the chromium in the air and analyzed using atomic absorbtion spectrofotometry (AAS). Result: the concentration of total chromium in the workplace ranged from 3.94-11.79 μg/m3, while most of worker’s pulmonary function still in normal condition. Multivariate analysis showed that length of exposure and chromium concentration increases the risk of pulmonary dysfunction in tannery workers, (p 0.024 95% CI 0.068-0.830). Conclusion: control by lenght of exposure showed tannery worker who expose to higher concentration of chromium, have more risk to get pulmonary dysfunction.]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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