ABSTRAKBanyaknya permasalahan yang ditimbulkan akibat gangguan muskuloskeletal maka diperlukan peran Ners spesialis keperawatan muskuloskeletal untuk memberikan asuhan
keperawatan profesional dan advance berdasarkan kebutuhan pasien. Tujuan penulisan
Karya Ilmiah Akhir ini adalah menganalisis kegiatan praktik Ners Spesialis Keperawatan Medikal Bedah berdasarkan standar kompetensi spesialis keperawatan medikal bedah kekhususan sistem muskuloskeletal. Ners Spesialis dalam melakukan asuhan keperawatan pada pasien dengan gangguan muskuloskeletal menggunakan pendekatan teori Model Adaptasi Roy baik pada kasus kelolaan utama maupun resume. Penerapan Evidence Based Nursing (EBN) melalui intervensi latihan isometrik pada pasien pasca operasi fraktur ektremitas bawah, efektif menurunkan nyeri dan meningkatkan kekuatan otot. Proyek inovasi berupa pengembangan Enhanced Recovery after Surgery (ERAS) for orthopaedic untuk mempercepat proses pemulihan pasien operasi hip. Pemberian asuhan keperawatan pada pasien dengan gangguan muskuloskeletal menggunakan pendekatan teori Model Adaptasi Roy dapat membantu pasien untuk beradaptasi terhadap penyakitnya. Intervensi latihan isometrik jika dikombinasikan dengan terapi non farmakologis yang lain seperti nafas dalam berpotensi bisa memberikan efek yang lebih baik terhadap penurunan nyeri.
ABSTRACTThe number of problems caused by musculoskeletal disorders requires the role of nurse
specialist musculoskeletal nursing to provide professional and advanced nursing care based on patient needs. The purpose of writing this final scientific paper is to analyze
the practical activities of nurse specialist medical surgical nursing based on the competency standards of medical surgical nursing specialists, specifically the musculoskeletal system. Nurse specialists in conducting nursing care in patients with
musculoskeletal disorders use the Roy Adaptation Model theory approach both in the
case of main and resume managed. The application of Evidence Based Nursing (EBN)
through isometric exercise intervention in patients with lower extremity fracture surgery, effectively reduces pain and increases muscle strength. The innovation project was in the form of developing Enhanced Recovery after Surgery (ERAS) for orthopedics to accelerate the recovery process for hip surgery patients. Giving nursing care to patients with musculoskeletal disorders using the Roy Adaptation Model theory approach can help patients adapt to the disease. An isometric exercise intervention if combined with other non-pharmacological therapies such as deep breathing has the potential to have a better effect on reducing pain."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2019