"Penelitian ini diadakan untuk mengetahui peran persepsi dukungan sosial dalam memprediksi posttraumatic growthpada pasien kanker payudara. Pengalaman menderita kanker payudara dapat menjadi pengalaman traumatis, sehingga pasien membutuhkan persepsi dukungan sosial dari orang di sekitarnya. Responden dalam penelitian ini adalah perempuan dengan kanker payudara, minimal berusia 18 tahun, menjalani operasi paling cepat dua bulan lalu, serta berobat di Jabodetabek. Alat ukur yang digunakan adalah
Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support (MSPSS) dan Posttraumatic Growth Inventory (PTGI). Data dari 53 responden diolah dengan analisis simple linear regression. Ditemukan bahwa persepsi dukungan sosial berkontribusi sebesar 10,2% terhadap posttraumatic growthF(1,51) = 5,761, p<0,05. Disimpulkan bahwa persepsi dukungan sosial memprediksi posttraumatic growth di mana semakin tinggi persepsi dukungan sosial, semakin tinggi posttraumatic growth. Persepsi dukungan sosial membuat pasien memaknai pengalaman traumatisnya lebih positif, sehingga memunculkan posttraumatic growth. Hasil penelitian ini mendorong tenaga profesional untuk mengadakan intervensi kepada pasien kanker payudara dan orang-orang di sekitarnya, sehingga pasien mampu mempersepsikan dukungan sosial yang ada serta mengalami perubahan positif.
This study was conducted to examine the role of perceived social support in predicting posttraumatic growth among breast cancer patients. The experience of suffering from breast cancer can be a traumatic experience, so patients need perceived social social support from people around them. Respondents in this study were women who had breast cancer, at least 18 years of age, had surgery at least two months ago, and had treatment in Jabodetabek. The Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support (MSPSS) scale and Posttraumatic Growth Inventory (PTGI) scale were used. Data from 53 respondents were analyzed using simple linear regression analysis. The result showed that perceived social support was contributed 10.2% to posttraumatic growth, F (1,51) = 5.761, p <0.05. It was concluded that the perceived social support predicts posttraumatic growth which the higher perceived social support, the higher posttraumatic growth. Perceived social support can encourage patients to interpret their traumatic experience positively, thus improve their posttraumatic growth. The result of this study encourages professional staff to deliver intervention to breast cancer patients and people around them, so they can perceive the support then experience the positive changes.