"This paper examines with a particular affixe (keter-/-an) consisting in two primary
affixes. Through the analyse of terms coined by the Pusat Bahasa and spontaneous
terms, the paper distinguishes between ?double? and ?complex? affixation,
corresponding to different operating modes of affixation. The first deals with
an already affixed and lexicalized word, then reaffixed and relexicalized. The
second, almost only found in documents produced by the Pusat Bahasa, refers
to a base getting a first affix in a poorly (or not) lexicalized form, constituting
no more than a morphological stage towards the wished form, which is intent
as lexicalized. Complex affix keter-R-an is basically a morphological calque and
the author argues that it has been promoted and used during New Order on an
ideological basis, as a mean to modernize Indonesian terminology by keeping
its shape indigenous rather than by direct borrowing of English terms."