"Infrastruktur jalan merupakan bagian penting dalam mendukung rencana pemerintah dalam mewujudkan pemerataan pembangunan dan pengembangan wilayah di Indonesia. Seiring dengan pertambahan ruas jalan tol di Indonesia, maka perusahaan operator jalan tol harus memastikan proses bisnis berjalan dengan efektif dan efisien agar selalu memberikan pelayanan prima (
service excellence) khususnya pengendalian proses komunikasi permintaan bantuan dan pengaduan gangguan lalu lintas pengguna jalan tol (Command Center). Tujuan dari penelitian ini antara lain evaluasi proses bisnis
(As-is Process), analisis Business Process Improvement pada Integrasi Command Center
(To-be Process) menggunakan metode ESIA
(Eliminate, Simplify, Integrate, and Automate) dan analisis pengaruh Integrasi Command Center terhadap durasi proses dan biaya operasional layanan menggunakan simulasi Bizagi Modeler serta analisis
SWOT & TOWS melalui
In-Depth-Interview dalam memformulasikan strategi implementasinya. Dimana data simulasi dan analisis menggunakan sistem deterministik. Hasil analisis pada model proses bisnis
(To-be Process) menunjukkan bahwa adanya potensi efisiensi waktu sebesar 33,33% (52 menit) dan efisiensi biaya operasional sebesar 46,57% (Rp 2,32 Milliar) pada proses komunikasi permintaan bantuan dan pengaduan gangguan lalu lintas pengguna jalan tol sehingga dapat mendukung perusahaan dalam meningkatkan kepuasan pelanggan dan kinerja perusahaan dalam memberikan layanan
.Road infrastructure is an important part of the Indonesian government's plan for regional and equitable development. As the number of toll roads in Indonesia grows, the companies must make sure their business processes run effectively and efficiently so they can provide excellent service. The research aims to assess the current business processes (the as-is Process) and analyze potential improvements in the integration of the Command Center (the to-be Process) using the ESIA method (Eliminate, Simplify, Integrate, and Automate). Additionally, the study examined the effects of Command Center integration on process duration and service operating costs through simulation using Bizagi Modeler. Furthermore, a SWOT and TOWS analysis was conducted through In-Depth Interviews to formulate an implementation strategy. Data simulation and analysis are utilized in deterministic systems. The findings from the analysis conducted on the business process model, specifically the To-be Process, indicate that there exists a potential time efficiency improvement of 33,33% (equivalent to 52 minutes) and operating cost efficiencies of 46,57% (equivalent to 2,32 billion rupiah) in the communication process for handling requests for help and complaints related to traffic distractions by road toll users. These improvements have the potential to enhance customer satisfaction and overall company performance by delivering excellent service."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2023