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Nenden Nurhasanah
"Penyakit paru obstruktif kronis atau PPOK merupakan penyakit pada sistem pernafasan bagian bawah, yang dipicu oleh berbagai faktor terutama inhalan toksik. Paparan tersebut menghasilkan stress oksidatif yang terakumulasi sehingga menyebabkan inflamasi berkelanjutan. Penyakit ini menempati peringkat ketiga penyebab kematian di dunia. Saat ini, pilihan terapi yang mentarget gen penyebab PPOK belum tersedia. Sehingga dibutuhkan kandidat terapi yang tidak hanya mempunyai potensi sebagai anti oksidan dan anti inflamasi namun juga dapat menghambat ekspresi protein penyebab PPOK. Hingga kini, pemilihan bahan alam sebagai terapi farmakologi banyak diminati masyarakat. Kersen atau Muntingia calabura merupakan tanaman tropis yang mudah ditemukan serta memiliki potensi anti inflamasi dan anti oksidan yang tinggi. Penggunaan etanol 50% sebagai pelarut untuk ekstraksi terbukti memiliki potensi anti oksidan tinggi dan anti-inflamasi, sehingga efek dan analisa molekuler terhadap model PPOK dari ekstrak etanol 50% daun kersen perlu diteliti. Interaksi protein-protein antara target senyawa dengan target PPOK dibuat melalui aplikasi Cytoscape yang kemudian dianalisa kemungkinan jalur pensinyalannya menggunakan David Bioinfomatics. Konfirmasi hubungan antara ligand ekstrak kersen dengan makromolekul target PPOK dilakukan melalui skrining virtual menggunakan Autodock Vina, sedangkan kestabilan ikatan ligand dan makromulekul target dianalisa menggunakan Gromacs selama 10 ns. Selanjutnya konfirmasi in-vivo dilakukan pada hewan model PPOK yang dibentuk selama 15 minggu menggunakan induksi asap rokok (CS) dan lipoposakarida (LPS). Pemberian perlakuan terapi dilakukan satu jam sebelum paparan dengan rokok. Ekstrak etanol 50% daun kersen diberikan secara per-oral dimulai pada minggu ke-9 pada tiga dosis berbeda yaitu 6.5 mg, 13 mg dan 26 mg per 30g berat mencit sedangkan kelompok control positif dilakukan melalui inhalasi budesonide 1mg/kgbb. Parameter yang di analisa meliputi monitoring berat badan hewan, konsentrasi karboksihemoglobin dalam serum dan penanda biologis dengan ELISA dan western blotting. Hasil klastering menunjukkan bahwa terdapat 16 gen potensial yang terlibat pada interaksi protein-protein target PPOK dan target kersen. Kemudian untuk hasil analisa inetraksi protein didapatkan pensinyalan IL-17 merupakan jalur yang dapat diintervensi oleh senyawa-senyawa dalam ekstrak etanol 50% kersen terhadap PPOK. Ligand quercitrin, myritlin dan quercetin dapat berikatan dengan makromolekul IL-17a dengan nilai afinitas ikatan sebesar masing-masing -7.3, -7.1 dan -6.4 kcal/mol. Sedangkan untuk makromolekul hilir dipilih TNF-α yang dapat ditambat oleh ligand quercitrin, hiravanone, ononine sebesar -6.7 kcal/mol dan quercetin sebesar -5.7 kcal/mol. Sementara itu, ikatan antara IL-17a dan quercetin menunjukkan komplek yang stabil dalam waktu 10 ns. Hasil konfirmasi melalui studi in-vivo menunjukkan bahwa ekstrak etanol 50% daun kersen pada dosis 6.5 mg/30g berat mencit terbukti dapat mengurangi infiltrasi sel inflamasi, mereduksi produksi mucus serta menurunkan konsentrasi sitokin IL- 17a dan menghambat ekspresi TNF-α pada paru-paru mencit model PPOK. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa ekstrak etanol 50% daun kersen berpotensi menjadi kandidat terapi PPOK pada dosis 6.5 mg/30g berat mencit.

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or COPD, is a disease that commonly breaks the lower respiratory system triggered by continuous exposure to toxic inhalants resulting in oxidative stress accumulation and cascade inflammation process. COPD is the top three cause of death in the world. Therapeutic options based on COPD-causing target genes are not currently available. A desired therapeutic candidate acts not only as an antioxidant and anti- inflammatory but also inhibits the expression of COPD-causing related genes. In recent years, the use of natural compounds as pharmacological therapy is fascinating. Kersen or Muntingia calabura is a tropical, evergreen, and fast-growing plant that has high anti- inflammatory and antioxidant potential, especially when extracted with ethanol 50%. Therefore, the molecular mechanism of 50% etanol kersen leave extract was engaging to be investigated upon in-vivo COPD model. Protein-protein interactions between compound targets and COPD targets were made using the Cytoscape application which was then analyzed for possible signaling pathways using David Bioinfomatics. Confirmation of the relationship between the ligands of the kersen extract and the COPD target macromolecules was carried out through virtual screening using Autodock Vina, while the stability of the ligand bonds and target macromolecules was analyzed using Gromacs for 10 ns. Furthermore, in-vivo confirmation was carried out in animal models of COPD formed for 15 weeks using cigarette smoke (CS) and lipoposaccharide (LPS) induction. The therapeutic treatment was given one hour before exposure to cigarettes. The 50% ethanol extract of kersen leaves was given orally starting at week 9 at three different doses, 6.5 mg, 13 mg and 26 mg per 30 g weight of mice, while the positive control group was administered via inhalation of budesonide 1 mg/kgbb. The parameters analyzed included monitoring the animal's body weight, carboxyhemoglobin concentration in serum, and IL-17a in BALF by ELISA and last, relative expression of TNF-α by western blotting. Clustering results show that there are 16 potential genes involved in the interaction of COPD target proteins and kersen target proteins. It was found that IL-17 signaling is a pathway that can be intervened by the compounds in 50% kersen ethanol extract against COPD. The ligands quercitrin, myritlin and quercetin can bind to IL-17a macromolecules with binding affinity values of - 7.3, -7.1 and -6.4 kcal/mol, respectively. As for downstream macromolecules, TNF-α was chosen which can be docked by ligands quercitrin, hiravanone, ononine of -6.7 kcal/mol and quercetin of -5.7 kcal/mol. Meanwhile, IL-17a and quercetin showed a stable complex within 10 ns. Confirmation results through in-vivo studies show that 50% ethanol extract of kersen leaves at a dose of 6.5 mg/30g weight of mice is proven to reduce inflammatory cell infiltration, lessen mucus production and lowering the concentration of IL-17a cytokines and inhibit TNF-α expression. So it can be concluded that 50% ethanol extract of kersen leaves has the potential to be a candidate for COPD therapy at a dose of 6.5 mg/30g of mice weight."
Depok: 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muthia Nurhidayah
"Penyakit paru obstruktif kronis sebagai penyakit yang ditandai dengan adanya pembatasan aliran udara progresif yang bersifat irreversible terhadap respon inflamasi abnormal dari paru-paru karena adanya partikel atau gas berbahaya. Berdasarkan data Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease (GOLD) terdapat 65 juta orang menderita penyakit paru obstruktif kronis (PPOK) dan 3 juta orang meninggal setiap tahunnya dan merupakan penyebab utama kematian ketiga di dunia. Penelitian ini menggunakan dua pendekatan studi, pendekatan bioinformatika dan pendekatan in vivo. Pendekatan bioinformatika ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi pathogenesis PPOK menggunakan jejaring farmakologi serta mengidentifikasi kandidat baru senyawa inhibitor ST2/IL-33 menggunakan metode komputasi dengan cara analisis farmakofor, virtual screening dan docking. Hasil pendekatan bioinformatika melalui jejaring farmakologi menunjukan bahwa gen AKT1, TNF, IL-6, ACTB. EGF, VEGFA, STAT3, MAPK3, MYC, JUN, IL10, CCL2 memiliki peranan penting dalam patogenesis penyakit obstruksi kronis yang diinduksi dengan asap rokok elektronik. Hasil farmakofor native ligand (NAG) menunjukkan empat donor ikatan hidrogen dan lima ikatan hidrogen akseptor, dan ligand dihydroergochristine menunjukkan tiga donor ikatan hidrogen dan lima akseptor ikatan hidrogen. Dari hasil analisis docking dihydroergochristine dengan reseptor ST2 menunjukkan energi ikatan yang lebih tinggi (- 10.2 kkal/mol) terhadap reseptor ST2 protein dibandingkan dengan senyawa lain. Pendekatan in vivo menggunakan mencit betina Mus musculus yang dibagi menjadi 6 kelompok: kontrol, kontrol negatif, kontrol positif diberikan inhalasi budesonid 1mg/kg BB/hari, serta 3 kelompok variasi dosis dihydroergochristine 0,0040mg/21gBB mencit/hari; 0,081mg/21gBB mencit/hari; 0,0163mg/21gBB mencit/hari secara inhalasi. Mencit dipaparkan asap rokok elektronik (36 puff sekali sehari selama 8 minggu), kemudian diobati dengan dihydroergochristine atau budesonid selama 3 minggu. Berdasarkan uji statistik pada hasil uji in vivo terdapat beberapa perbedaan bermakna (p < 0.05) pada parameter berat badan dan parameter hematologi. Pada parameter histologi persentase sel goblet kelompok kontrol sebesar 3,35 %, kelompok kontrol negatif 51,34 %, kelompok kontrol positif 5,52 %, kelompok D1 30,29 %, kelompok D2 33,94 %, dan kelompok D3 sebesar 16,13 %. Persentase kolagen kelompok kontrol sebesar 7.34 %, kelompok kontrol negatif sebesar 26.44 %, kelompok kontrol positif 8.62 %, kelompok D1 sebesar 23.82 %, kelompok D2 sebesar 21.01 %, dan kelompok D3 sebesar 12.56 %. Persentase penebalan dinding bronkus kelompok kontrol normal sebesar 5.57 %, sedangkan pada kelompok kontrol negatif sebesar 23.25 %, kelompok kontrol positif sebesar 6.28 %, kelompok dosis satu sebesar 17.08 %, kelompok dosis dua sebesar 16.53 %, dan kelompok dosis tiga sebesar 12.93 %. Peningkatan kadar IL-6 pada kelompok kontrol sebesar 4.10 pg/ml, kontrol negatif sebesar 102.39 pg/ml, kelompok kontrol positif mimiliki kadar IL-6 sebesar 23.74 pg/ml, kelompok D1 sebesar 94.08 pg/ml, kelompok D2 sebesar 60.75 pg/ml, dan pada kelompok D3 memiliki kadar IL-66 sebesar 36.18 pg/ml. Peningkatan kadar karboksihemoglobin pada kelompok kontrol sebesar 18.40 ng/ml, kontrol negatif sebesar 87.53 ng/ml, kelompok kontrol positif memiliki kadar karboksihemoglobin sebesar 22.45 ng/ml, kelompok D1 sebesar 83.57 ng/ml; kelompok D2 sebesar 50.29 ng/ml; dan pada kelompok D3 memiliki kadar IL-66 sebesar 32.36 ng/ml. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, senyawa dihydroergochristine dapat menurunkan dan memperbaiki inflamasi pada penyakit paru obstruktif kronis

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease as a disease characterized by the presence of progressive irreversible air flow restrictions to abnormal inflammatory responses of the lungs due to the presence of harmful particles or gases. Based on data from the Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease (GOLD), there are 65 million people suffering from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and 3 million people die every year and is the third leading cause of death in the world. This research uses two study approaches, the bioinformatics approach and the in vivo approach. This bioinformatics approach aims to identify COPD pathogenesis using pharmacological networks and identify new candidates for ST2/IL-33 inhibitor compounds using computational methods using pharmacophore analysis, virtual screening and docking. The results of the bioinformatics approach through pharmacological networks showed that the AKT1, TNF, IL-6, ACTB genes. EGF, VEGFA, STAT3, MAPK3, MYC, JUN, IL10, CCL2 have an important role in the pathogenesis of chronic obstructive disease induced by electronic cigarette smoke. The results of the pharmacophore native ligand (NAG) showed four hydrogen bond donors and five acceptor hydrogen bonds, and the dihydroergochristine ligands showed three hydrogen bond donors and five hydrogen bond acceptors. From the results of the docking analysis of dihydroergochristine with ST2 receptors showed a higher bond energy (-10.2 kcal / mol) to the ST2 receptor protein compared to other compounds. The in vivo approach used female mice Mus musculus which was divided into 6 groups: control, negative control, positive control given budesonid inhalation 1mg/kg BB/day, as well as 3 groups of dihydroergochristine dose variation groups of 0.0040mg/21gBB mice/day; 0.081mg/21gBB mice/day; 0.0163mg/21gBB mice/day inhaled. Mice were exposed to electronic cigarette smoke (36 puffs once a day for 8 weeks), then treated with dihydroergochristine or budesonid for 3 weeks. Based on the statistics analysis in the in vivo test results, there are several significant differences (p < 0.05) in weight parameters and hematology parameters. In the histological parameters, the percentage of goblet cells of the control group was 3.35%, the negative control group was 51.34%, the positive control group was 5.52%, the D1 group was 30.29%, the D2 group was 33.94%, and the D3 group was 16.13%. The collagen percentage of the control group was 7.34%, the negative control group was 26.44%, the positive control group was 8.62%, the D1 group was 23.82%, the D2 group was 21.01%, and the D3 group was 12.56%. The percentage of thickening of the bronchi walls of the normal control group was 5.57%, while in the negative control group of 23.25%, the positive control group was 6.28%, the first dose group was 17.08%, the second dose group was 16.53%, and the third dose group was 12.93%. The increase in IL-6 levels in the control group was 4.10 pg/ml, the negative control was 102.39 pg/ml, the positive control group had IL-6 levels of 23.74 pg/ml, the D1 group was 94.08 pg/ml, the D2 group was 60.75 pg/ml, and in the D3 group it had IL-66 levels of 36.18 pg/ml. Increased levels of carboxyhemoglobin in the control group of 18.40 ng/ml, negative control of 87.53 ng/ml, the positive control group had carboxyhemoglobin levels of 22.45 ng/ml, group D1 of 83.57 ng/ml; group D2 of 50.29 ng/ml; and in the D3 group, it had an IL-66 content of 32.36 ng/ml. Based on the results of the study, dihydroergochristine compounds can reduce and improve inflammation in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"This book is the first of the two volumes and contains two main parts. The chapters of the first part provide a thorough review of the chemical additives used in the textile, plastics, lubricants, paper, leather and electronics industries, and describe the effect of each additive on the properties of the product. In the second part international case studies on the global trade of these chemicals and their impact on human health and the environment are presented."
Heidelberg : Springer, 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Purnama Dewi Yuli Astuti
"Obesitas merupakan masalah kesehatan yang diprediksi terus bertambah hingga tahun 2050. Obesitas ditandai dengan nilai Indeks Massa Tubuh ≥ 30. Penelitian ini dimulai dari studi bioinformatika dibandingkan Orlistat. Gallocatechin gallate berpotensi sebagai anti obesitas yang terdapat dalam kandungan ekstrak daun yang diperoleh dari hasil bioinformatika. Penelitian secara in vivo menggunakan tikus putih betina galur Wistar yang diawali dengan uji induksi dengan 2 kelompok yaitu kelompok non HFD (High Fat Diet) dan HFD dengan pemberian secara oral. Semua tikus diinduksi dengan pakan standar dan pakan diet tinggi lemak selama 10 minggu hingga kenaikan berat badan mencapai 50% dan setelah itu diberi perlakuan dengan pembagian kelompok yaitu A (normal dengan pakan standar), B (HFD), C (HFD+Orlistat 30 mg/KgBB), D (HFD+Ekstrak 10 mg/KgBB), E (HFD+Ekstrak 20 mg/KgBB), dan F (HFD+Ekstrak 40 mg/KgBB) selama 4 minggu. Parameter yang diukur adalah berat badan, indeks lee, food intake, berat lemak viseral, % indeks adipositas, ukuran sel adiposa, profil darah (kolesterol, trigliserida, HDL, LDL, glukosa darah, dan uji toleransi glukosa), pengukuran kadar protein adiponektin, leptin, dan PNLIP dengan metode ELISA sandwich. Berdasarkan penelitian, ekstrak dosis 3 (40 mg/KgBB) memberikan pengaruh signifikan terhadap penurunan berat badan, kontrol nafsu makan dan mengurangi berat lemak viseral, mengurangi ukuran sel adiposa, memperbaiki nilai profil darah, meningkatkan kadar protein adiponektin dan leptin serta mengurangi kadar protein PNLIP.

Obesity is a health problem that is predicted to increase until 2050. Obesity is characterized by a Body Mass Index value ≥ 30. This research started from a bioinformatics study compared to Orlistat. Gallocatechin gallate has potential as an anti-obesity contained in leaf extracts obtained from bioinformatics results. The next stage was to carry out in vivo research using wistar female white rats which divided into non High Fat Diet (HFD) and HFD group with oral administration. All rats were induced with standard feed and high fat diet for 10 weeks until body weight gain reached 50% and after that they were treated according to 6 groups, A (normal with standard feed), B (HFD), C (HFD+Orlistat 30 mg/KgBW), D (HFD+Extract 10 mg/ KgBW), E (HFD+Extract 20 mg/KgBW), and F (HFD+Extract 40 mg/KgBW) for 4 weeks. The parameters measured were body weight, lee index, food intake, visceral fat weight, % adiposity index, adipose cell size, blood profile (cholesterol, triglycerides, HDL, LDL, blood glucose, and glucose tolerance test), measurement of adiponectin, leptin, and PNLIP protein level using the sandwich ELISA method. Based on this research, Extract dose 3 (40 mg/KgBW) has an significant effect on weight loss, appetite control and reduce visceral fat weight, reduce adipose cell size, improve blood profile values, increase adiponectin and leptin protein levels and decrease PNLIP protein level."
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Marissa Angelina
"Latar Belakang: Infeksi virus dengue (DENV) masih endemis di Indonesia dan di banyak negara tropis. Hingga saat ini belum ada antivirus terhadap DENV. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan antivirus dari tanaman Cassia alata Linn (CA) terhadap DENV-2 secara in vitro, in vivo, dan in silico.
Metode: Penelitian ini dilakukan dilakukan di Laboratorium LIPI dan Departemen Mikrobiologi FKUI, 2017-2019. Penelitian in vitro menggunakan DENV serotipe 2 strain New Guinea C (NGC) dan sel Huh 7it-1. DENV diberi perlakuan ekstrak CA dan fraksi dan senyawa murni hasil isolasi dengan bebagai dan konsentrasi untuk menentukan nilai IC50 dan CC50. Penentuan nilai IC50 dan CC50 melalui uji fokus dan MTT secara berurutan. Selanjutnya dilakukan percobaan untuk menentukan mekanisme penghambatan pada tahapan reseptor, pre, post dan pre/post infeksi dari ektrak CA dan fraksinya. Uji efikasi ekstrak CA in vivo dilakukan pada model mencit Balb/c dengan melakukan pengukuran titer virus dengue, jumlah trombosit, leukosit, IL-6 dan IL-10 yang dilanjutkan dengan uji  toksisitas akut  ekstrak CA.  Dilakukan juga uji in silico untuk mengetahui interaksi antara senyawa dengan  protein DENVmenggunakan software Autodock 1.5.6.
Hasil: Uji in vitro menunjukkan nilai IC50 ekstrak CA, fraksi heksan, etil asetat, butanol, dan air berturut-turut adalah 0,026; 0,004; 0,0013; 4,6; dan 2,5 mg/ml dengan nilai CC50 berturut-turut adalah 208,9; 47,46; 57,2; 753,8; 311,33 mg/ml. Hasil uji mekanisme pada dosis 10 mg/ml, ekstrak CA, fraksi heksan dan etil asetat menunjukkan hambatan pada tahapan reseptor, pre, post dan pre/post infeksi yang lebih baik dibandingkan fraksi butanol dan etil asetat. Ekstrak CA dapat menghambat keempat mekanisme di atas dengan nilai >95%. Fraksi heksan dan etil asetat menghambat 100% pada post dan pre/post infeksi. Hasil uji in vivo dengan pemberian ekstrak 1 hari setelah infeksi menunjukkan bahwa ekstrak CA dosis 0,2; 0,4; 1 g/kg bb menurunkan titer virus DENV-2 dan menaikkan hitung trombosit  secara bermakna dibandingkan dengan kelompok DENV-2 tanpa ekstrak . Ekstrak CA tidak  memberikan efek terhadap jumlah leukosit dan kadar sitokin IL-6 dan IL-10. LD50 semu ekstrak CA > 15 g/kg bb. Aloe-emodin diisolasi dari ekstrak CA dengan metode kolom kromaografi. IC50 senyawa kaempferol, emodin dan aloe-emodin  terhadap DENV-2 berturut-turut adalah  22,24; 42,47; 7,51 mg/ml, dan CC50 terhadap Huh7-it 1 berturut-turut 68,28; 74,19; 68,28 mg/ml. Uji in silico  ketiga senyawa menunjukkan bahwa mekanisme penghambatan ekstrak CA yang paling stabil adalah terhadap protein NS5 (IL9K4) dimana diperoleh tingkat energi bebas (DG) terendah.
Kesimpulan: Ekstrak CA menghambat DENV-2 secara in vitro dan in vivo. Selain menurunkan titer virus dengue, ekstrak CA juga  meningkatkan hitung trombosit, dengan mekanisme penghambatan in vitro >95% pada tahap pre, post, pre/post dan reseptor. Mekanisme penghambatan fraksi heksan dan EA terbaik pada post dan pre/post infeksi sebesar 100%. Ikatan paling stabil senyawa yang terdapat didalam ekstrak CA adalah ikatan dengan protein NS5.

Background: Dengue virus infection (DENV) is still endemic in Indonesia and in many tropical countries. Until now there is no anti viral available against dengue virus. This study aimed to investigate the antiviral effects of Cassia alata Linn (CA) leaves on DENV in vitro, in vivo, and in silico.
Methods: This research was carried out at Laboratories of LIPI, Department of Microbiology  FMUI, 2017-2019. In vitro tests of CA extract,fractions and isolated compound were carried out to determine the IC50, CC50  and the inhibition mechanism  at receptor, pre, post and pre/post infection stages. In vivo efficacy  of CA extract was tested in mice Balb/c model. Dengue virus titers, platelet, leukocytes and IL-6 and IL-10 in bloods were measured. Acute oral toxicity test was carried out to determine the LD50 of CA extract.  Isolation of compounds was carried out  from CA extract. In silico test was carried out to know interaction test compound with DENV protein using Autodock 1.5.6 software.
Results: The results of the in vitro test showed that  the IC50 of CA extract, hexane, ethyl acetate, butanol, and water fraction  against DENV-2 were 0.026; 0,004; 0.0013; 4.6; and 2.5 mg/ml and the CC50 to Huh 7 it-1 were 208.9; 47.46; 57.2; 753,8; 311.33 mg/ ml, respectively. The results of the  mechanism study showed that at a dose of 10 mg/ml, CA extract, the hexane and ethyl acetate fractions  inhibited DENV-2 at the receptor stage, pre, post and pre/post infection which were better than the butanol and ethyl acetate fractions. CA extract inhibited the four mechanisms above by more than 95%.  Hexane and ethyl acetate fractions inhibited DENV-2 100% at post and pre-post infection stages. In vivo test showed that  the administration of CA extract at doses of 0.2; 0.4; 1 g/kg bw 1 day after DENV-2 infection  significantly reduced virus titers and increased platelet counts compared to DENV-2 infected group only. CA extract did not affect the number of leukocytes and  cytokines of IL-6 and IL-10 back to normal which had been altered in  the DENV-2 group. LD50 of CA extract was more than 15 g/kg bw. Aloe-emodin was isolated from CA extract used column chromatography. The IC50 of  kaempferol, emodin and aloe emodin to Huh7-it 1, respectively were 22.24; 42,47; 7.51 mg ml, and the CC50 respectively were 68.28; 74,19; 68.28 mg/ml. In silico study of the three compounds showed that the most stable inhibition mechanism of CA extract was on protein NS5 (IL9K4) which had the lowest free energy (DG) level.
Conclusion: CA extracts have high inhibitory activity against DENV-2 in vitro and in vivo. In addition to reducing dengue virus titers, CA extract also increased platelet count, with in vitro inhibition mechanism >95% at the pre, post, pre/post and receptor stages. Hexane and ethyl acetate fractions inhibit DENV-2 100% at post and pre/post infections. The most stable bond of the compounds contained in CA extract is the bond with NS5 protein."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"This book aims to fill the gap that exists between theoretical treatments of chromatography, and clinical chemistry and toxicology texts, which focus almost exclusively on clinical relevance and applications. Chromatography has a vast array of clinical applications, and though the chromatographic methods were first introduced decades ago, new applications of this technology are being used to explore previously inaccessible frontiers in clinical diagnostics and toxicological testing. "
Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, 2007
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mutiara Cindy
"Benincasa hispida (Bligo) dilaporkan memiliki senyawa aktif yang dapat menghambat kerja enzim α-glukosidase dan berperan sebagai terapi pengobatan diabetes melitus. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan penapisan kimia, uji inhibisi ekstrak daun dan batang bligo terhadap aktivitas enzim α-glukosidase dengan menggunakan substrat p-NPG serta uji aktivitas antioksidan dengan metode DPPH. Berdasarkan hasil uji penapisan fitokimia pada ekstrak metanol, baik dari daun maupun batang bligo, keduanya menunjukkan hasil positif terhadap adanya kandungan alkaloid, fenol, karbohidrat, dan steroid.
Hasil positif terhadap kandungan ninhidrin dan saponin terdapat pada pada ekstrak batang. Kondisi optimum pengukuran aktivitas α-glukosidase adalah dengan konsentrasi α-glukosidase sebesar 0,3 unit/mL dan konsentrasi substrat p-NPG 5 mM, yang diukur pada pada panjang gelombang 402 nm. Pada pengujian daya inhibisi terhadap aktivitas enzim α-glukosidase dari berbagai fraksi sampel daun dan batang digunakan variasi konsentrasi 150, 250, 500, 750, dan 1000 ppm.
Daya inhibisi terbesar terdapat pada fraksi etil asetat, baik untuk daun maupun batang, dengan konsentrasi 1000 ppm yaitu masing-masing sebesar 80,42 % dan 66,32%. Pengujian aktivitas antioksidan memberikan nilai IC50 terkecil untuk daun yaitu pada fraksi air sebesar 619,71 ppm, sedangkan untuk bagian batang yaitu pada fraksi etil-asetat sebesar 1350 ppm.

Benincasa hispida (Bligo) was reported to have active compounds that can inhibit α-glucosidase’s activity and act as therapeutic agent for diabetes melitus. In this study, phytochemical screening, inhibition assay of bligo leaf and stem extract against enzyme α-glucosidase activity was carried out using p-NPG as subtrate. Antioxidant activity assay was carried out using DPPH method. Based on the results of phytochemical screening test on either metanol extract of leaf and stem, both showed positive results for the presence of the content of alkaloids, phenols, carbohydrate, and steroid.
The positive result of the content of free aminos and saponin presence in stem extract. The optimum measurement conditions α-glucosidase activity present in the α-glucosidase concentration of 0.3 units /mL, P-NPG substrate concentration of 5 mM, and measured at wavelength of 402 nm. In inhibition test against α-glucosidase enzyme activity made various concentrations 150, 250, 500, 750, and 1000 ppm.
The greatest inhibition found in ethyl acetate fraction both for leaf and stem extract at a concentration of 1000 ppm, which are 80,42 % and 66,62% respectively. Antioxidant evaluation gives IC50 value with the smallest in extract water for leaf (619, 71 ppm) while for the stem is in ethyl-acetate fraction (1350 ppm).
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ahmad Husein Alkaff
"Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever (EHF) merupakan wabah penyakit yang disebabkan oleh infeksi virus dari genus Ebolavirus. Zaire ebolavirus (EBOV) merupakan spesies dari genus Ebolavirus yang paling mematikan dengan case fatality rate sebesar 76% (CI 95%). Sampai saat ini belum ada vaksin atau obat yang disetujui oleh U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) untuk terapi EHF. Salah satu target terapi yang belum banyak dikembangkan adalah antiviral berbasis inhibitor N-terminal heptad repeat glycoprotein-2 ectodomain (NHR GP2 ectodomain). GP2 ectodomain adalah glikoprotein yang memiliki peran penting dalam proses masuknya EBOV ke dalam sitoplasma sel melalui mekanisme endositosis.
Pada penelitian ini, dilakukan penapisan terhadap peptida siklis komersial terkonjugasi peptida protein Human Immunodeficiency Virus type 1 Trans-activator of transcription (HIV-1 tat) sebagai inhibitor EBOV NHR GP2 ectodomain melalui analisis in silico. Penapisan dilakukan terhadap peptida siklis yang berasal dari perusahaan kimia yang merupakan produsen peptida tersebut. Konjugasi dengan peptida protein HIV-1 tat bertujuan agar peptida siklis komersial dapat terakumulasi di endosom.
Penambatan molekul dan dinamika molekul dilakukan untuk menentukan ligan dengan kemampuan inhibisi terbaik. Prediksi sifat farmakologi ligan juga dilakukan untuk mendapatkan kandidat obat terbaik. Berdasarkan tahapan penapisan tersebut, ligan 023 diketahui memiliki potensi sebagai kandidat obat terbaik. Ligan ini perlu untuk diuji lebih lanjut pada analisis in vitro, in vivo, hingga tahap uji klinis agar ligan dapat menjadi obat untuk terapi infeksi virus Ebola.

Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever (EHF) is a disease caused by viruses from genus Ebolavirus. Zaire ebolavirus (EBOV) is the deadliest species from genus Ebolavirus which has 76% (CI 95%) case fatality rate. Up until now, there are no U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved vaccines or drugs to treat EHF. Antiviral based on N-terminal heptad repeat glycoprotein-2 ectodomain (NHR GP2 ectodomain) inhibitor is one treatment that has not well developed. GP2 ectodomain is glycoprotein which has important role in the process of EBOV entry into cell through endocytotic mechanism.
In this study, the screening of commercial cyclic peptide conjugated to protein peptide Human Immunodeficiency Virus type 1 Trans-activator of transcription (HIV-1 tat) as inhibitor of EBOV NHR GP2 ectodomain thourgh in silico analysis was done. The screening was done to cyclic peptide from the selected chemical company. Conjugation of cyclic peptide to peptide HIV-1 tat was done in order to accumulate the peptide inside the endosome. Molecular docking and molecular dynamics was done to select the peptides which have the best inhibition propeties.
Prediction of pharmacological properties of the peptides was done to choose the best drug candidate. The result of screening porcesses shows that ligand 023 has highest potency as drug lead. The ligand needs to undergo futher analysis in in vitro, in vivo, and clinical trial to ensure that this ligan can act as drug for Ebola virus infection.

Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Powers, Robert H.
Boca Raton, Florida: CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, 2016
614.1 POW f
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
"This first comprehensive treatment of the subject for more than a decade includes the latest research on nanoparticle toxicology. The practical handbook addresses all areas where toxic mixtures are encountered, from environmental via occupational to medical settings, giving special consideration to air and water, and to the specific requirements for study design in mixture toxicology. While no extensive prior knowledge or toxicological experience is required, the practice-oriented case studies and examples in the second part make this the ideal companion for the professional toxicologist in industry or healthcare institutions with little time for academic study.
Weinheim, Germany: Wiley-VCH, 2010
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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