"In Indonesian law system, treatment for terrorism prisoners didn't have direction and pattern. Therefore, treatment for terrorism prisoners that convicted death sentence didn't have pattern too. Leave from this fact, this thesis will discover how Lembaga Pemasyarakatan Klas I Batu, Nusakambangan treats terrorism prisoners.
Theory used as guidance in answering the problem of building death punishment convict for terrorism case in criminal theory developed by Jheremy Bentham, Cessare Becaria and other socialists state that the purpose of state criminal is Detterence, Rehabilitation, Re-socialization, and Re-integration of social which mean that stating criminal is as an effort to make a criminal become 1) feel guilty, 2) regret, 3) penitence, 4) will not do again.
Through descriptive qualitative approach, this research has been success to find empiric fact that building criminal in terrorism case done by Lapaas Class I Batu Nusakambangan, in fact, is not success in attain the result as commanded.
This can be seen from indicator: 1) prisoner not feel guilty 2) not regretful 3) not penitence 4) hold strong ideology of terror and 5) still involve in criminal action, mainly in born exploitation Bali II.
From the above fact and the result of analysis from the author concerning the opinion of religious, mufti, Jemaah Islamiah personages who has been aware concerning the proper building to terrorism case prisoner, in this thesis the author propose the proper model in order to build death punishment prisoner of terrorism case."