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Nicholas Jeremy
"Bangunan rentan terhadap kebakaran hutan, yang dapat menyerangnya melalui bara api, panas yang memancar, dan nyala api langsung. Untuk memastikan ketahanan terhadap taktik serangan ini, perlu mempertimbangkan faktor-faktor seperti material, desain, pemasangan, dan pemeliharaan. Jendela dan sistem kaca sangat rentan terhadap kegagalan dan kerusakan saat radiasi terpapar dan suhu api yang ekstrem. Studi ini berfokus pada penelitian eksperimental yang dilakukan pada jendela dan sistem rana yang dirancang khusus untuk pemaparan zona api, dengan memanfaatkan bahan bangunan yang umum digunakan. Pengujian melibatkan jendela berlapis ganda dengan dan tanpa mekanisme rana, memeriksa berbagai bahan termasuk sistem kaku dan kain yang fleksibel seperti lembaran baja bentuk dingin dengan ketebalan 1,15 mm dan panel komposit dengan ketebalan 35 mm yang terdiri dari celah udara, lembaran baja , dan eternit gipsum. Selain itu, penelitian ini menyelidiki jendela berlapis ganda dengan lapisan intumescent dan celah udara. Uji api standar menunjukkan bahwa hanya mengandalkan kaca ganda tidak cukup untuk memberikan ketahanan terhadap insiden kebakaran terukur BAL-FZ, karena kaca cenderung retak tiba-tiba tanpa deformasi yang terlihat. Hasilnya menekankan pentingnya perlindungan jendela dan mengevaluasi jendela berlapis ganda dengan dan tanpa kegagalan sistem rana. Oleh karena itu, makalah ini memberikan informasi terperinci tentang pengujian api yang dilakukan pada jendela dan sistem rana untuk ketahanan api semak, serta temuan yang diperoleh dari pengujian ini.

Buildings are vulnerable to bushfires, which can attack them through embers, radiating heat, and direct flames. To ensure resistance against these attack tactics, it is necessary to consider factors such as materials, design, installation, and maintenance. Windows and glazing systems are particularly susceptible to failure and damage when the radiation is exposed and extreme temperatures of fires. This study focuses on experimental research conducted on windows and shutter systems specifically designed for flame zone exposure, utilizing commonly used building materials. The testing involved double-glazed windows with and without shutter mechanisms, examining a range of materials including flexible rigid and fabric systems such as cold-formed steel sheets with 1.15 mm thickness and composite panels of 35 mm thickness consisting of air gaps, sheets of steel, and gypsum plasterboards. Additionally, the study investigated doubleglazed windows with intumescent coating and air gap. Standard fire-tests demonstrated that relying solely on double glazing is insufficient to provide resistance against BAL-FZ rated fire incidents, as the glass tends to crack abruptly without visible deformations. The results emphasized the importance of window protection and evaluated the double-glazed windows with and without shutter systems’ time of failures. Hence, this paper provides detailed information on the fire testing conducted on windows and shutter systems for bushfire resistance, as well as the findings derived from these tests."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Retna Kristiana
"Berdasarkan data statistik kebakaran di wilayah DKI Jakarta, proses pelaksanaan sistem keselamatan kebakaran bangunan gedung tinggi mixed used belum maksimal. Sehingga diperlukan suatu model risiko kebakaran melalui metode analisa risiko berbasis PMBOK 2013 yang selanjutnya diolah menggunakan SPSS 23. Analisis linier berganda menunjukkan pengaruh signifikan sebesar 75 dari 2 faktor risiko dominan terhadap keandalan bangunan dengan bentuk persamaan Y = 10,441 0,286 Struktur tahan api 0, 564 Re-design. Dari hasil tersebut, dapat dilakukan evaluasi sistem keselamatan kebakaran bangunan gedung tinggi mixed used dengan tindakan preventif dan korektif yang tepat dari risiko dominan yang terjadi untuk meningkatkan keandalan bangunan dalam mengantisipasi kerugian material dan korban jiwa.

According to statistics of fire in Jakarta area , the process of implementation fire safety systems is not maximized. So we need a model of fire risk through risk analysis method based on PMBOK 2013, which subsequently processed using SPSS 23. Multiple linear analysis showed a significant effect of 75 of the 2 dominant risk factors of the reliability with the form of the equation Y 10.441 to 0.286 Structure of fireproof 0, 564 Re design. From these results, it can do evaluation of mixed used high rise building fire safety system with preventive and corrective action from dominant risk to improve reliability in anticipation of material losses and casualties."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Herdina Rosalia Paramita
"Kejadian kebakaran yang ada masih tergolong tinggi dan kerugian yang ditimbulkan akibat kebakaran juga cukup besar, sehingga diperlukan sistem keselamatan kebakaran yang memadai. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi sistem keselamatan kebakaran di Apartemen X. Evaluasi ini meliputi sistem kontrol penyebaran kebakaran, sistem jalur evakuasi, dan sistem keselamatan secara umum berdasarkan NFPA 101 A: Guide on Alternative Approaches to Life Safety yang kemudian dianalisis dengan menggunakan perangkat lunak Computerized Fire Safety Evaluation System (CFSES). Penelitian ini berupa studi evalausi yang bersifat deskriptif analitik dengan pendekatan semi kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa sistem keselamatan kebakaran yang ada di Apartemen X belum memenuhi persyaratan keselamatan kebakaran minimum yang harus dipenuhi.

Fire incidents and the loss that caused by fire are relatively high, therefore adequate fire safety system is needed. This research aims to evaluate fire safety system at X Apartment. This evaluation covers fire spreading control system, evacuation route system, and fire safety system in general based on NFPA 101 A: Guide on Alternative Approaches to Life Safety which analyzed with Computerized Safety Evaluation System (CFSES) software. The method of this research is analytic descriptive with semi-quantitative approach. The result of this research shows that fire safety system in X Apartment has not complied with the minimum requirements of fire safety."
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nindyta Arih Kinanti
"Proses penyelamatan di gedung bertingkat yang kurang baik mengakibatkan banyaknya korban jiwa akibat terjadinya kebakaran. Tujuan dari rencana penyelamatan ialah memberikan panduan keselamatan gedung yang ditampilkan pada setiap area gedung. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui faktor risiko dominan proses penyelamatan penghuni saat kebakaran di wilayah Jakarta Selatan menggunakan metode analisa risiko dan mengevaluasi sistem penyelamatan penghuni saat kebakaran yang tepat agar dapat menurunkan jumlah korban jiwa pada bangunan gedung tinggi hunian di wilayah Jakarta Selatan. Terdapat 13 high risk pada penelitian. Hasil evaluasi penelitian berupa perbaikan SOP eksisting. Dimana terdapat 1 tambahan sub-bab dan perbaikan 3 sub-bab terdahulu.Proses penyelamatan di gedung bertingkat yang kurang baik mengakibatkan banyaknya korban jiwa akibat terjadinya kebakaran.
Tujuan dari rencana penyelamatan ialah memberikan panduan keselamatan gedung yang ditampilkan pada setiap area gedung. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui faktor risiko dominan proses penyelamatan penghuni saat kebakaran di wilayah Jakarta Selatan menggunakan metode analisa risiko dan mengevaluasi sistem penyelamatan penghuni saat kebakaran yang tepat agar dapat menurunkan jumlah korban jiwa pada bangunan gedung tinggi hunian di wilayah Jakarta Selatan. Terdapat 13 high risk pada penelitian. Hasil evaluasi penelitian berupa perbaikan SOP eksisting. Dimana terdapat 1 tambahan sub-bab dan perbaikan 3 sub-bab terdahulu.

The rescue process in defective buildings resulted in many victims due to fires. The purpose of the rescue plan is giving the safety guidelines of the building that may appear on any area of the building. The purpose of this study is to determine the dominant risk factor the process of saving the residents during a fire in South Jakarta using risk analysis method and evaluate the correct residents rescue system during a fire in order to reduce the number of victims in high rise building residences in South Jakarta. There are 13 high risks in this research. The evaluation results of this research in the improvement of existing SOP. Where there is one additional sub chapters and sub chapters 3 fixes earlier. The rescue process in defective buildings resulted in many victims due to fires.
The purpose of the rescue plan is giving the safety guidelines of the building that may appear on any area of the building. The purpose of this study is to determine the dominant risk factor the process of saving the residents during a fire in South Jakarta using risk analysis method and evaluate the correct residents rescue system during a fire in order to reduce the number of victims in high rise building residences in South Jakarta. There are 13 high risks in this research. The evaluation results of this research in the improvement of existing SOP. Where there is one additional sub chapters and sub chapters 3 fixes earlier.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ilham Ramdani
"Pemodelan tentang watermist sebagai suatu pengendali asap dan pengurangan panas pada refuge floor dilakukan pada suatu model kompartemen berukuran 60 cm x 60 cm x 120 cm menggunakan penskalaan 1:10 dengan ukuran ruangan sebenarnya. Tinggi kompartemen tersebut dibagi menjadi 3 bagian sehingga masing-masing bagian memiliki tinggi 40 cm, di mana bagian pertama adalah lantai yang terbakar, bagian kedua adalah refuge floor dan bagian ketiga merupakan lantai biasa. Refuge floor secara umum adalah lokasi di sebuah bangunan yang dirancang untuk menampung penghuni selama kebakaran berlangsung jika evakuasi keluar bangunan berkemungkinan tidak aman.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sejauh mana pengaruh sistem tirai kabut air terhadap obskurasi asap dan distribusi temperatur dalam kebakaran kompartemen. Penggunaan sistem kabut tirai air dalam penelitian ini tidak memadamkan api secara langsung dengan menyemprotkan kabut air ke dalam nyala api akan tetapi hanya sebagai tirai air yang ditempatkan jauh dari sumber api.
Sumber kebakaran yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah berupa stick es krim (cribs). Dalam penelitian ini dibahas tentang pengaruh penggunaan kabut air dalam suatu kebakaran kompartemen seperti: perbandingan nilai optical density asap dan temperatur ruangan. Variasi data dilakukan dengan pengukuran nilai optical density asap dan temperatur ruangan sebelum dan sesudah pengaktifan kabut air.

Modeling on water mist systems as a controller of smoke and reduction of heat in fires performed on a refuge floor model with the size of compartment is 60 cm x 60 cm x 400 cm with scaling 1: 10 with actual size room. High compartment is divided into 3 sections so that each section has a height of 40 cm, where the first part is the burning floor, the second part is the refuge floor and the third part is an ordinary floor. Generally refuge floor is a location in a building designed to hold occupants during a fires if evacuation is not likely to exit the building safely.
This study aims to determine the extent of influence of water mist curtain system to the density of smoke and temperature distribution in compartment fire. The application of water mist system in this study does not directly extinguish the fire by spraying water mist into the flame but only as a water curtain which is placed away from sources of ignition.
Fire source used in this study is ice cream sticks (cribs). Comparison of smoke optical density and the room temperature will be conducted to determine the effectiveness of water mist curtains. Variation data was done by measuring the optical density of smoke and the room temperature before and after application of water mist system. Experimental data will produce a graph density of smoke and distribution of temperature compartement on conditions with and without activation of water mist curtains.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Zilvan Bey
"Pembangunan bangunan gedung bertingkat tinggi dalam beberapa tahun terakhir ini mengalami peningkatan yang sangat drastis, dimana ketinggian bangunan gedung tersebut saat ini sudah melebihi 200 meter. Tanpa adanya instalasi dan pemeliharaan yang baik bangunan gedung bertingkat tinggi akan sangat rawan terhadap bahaya kebakaran. Salah satu aspek yang harus diperhatikan adalah aspek keselamatan bagi seluruh penghuni apabila bangunan gedung tersebut mengalami kebakaran. Oleh karena itu, salah satu alternative untuk mencapai tujuan keselamatan penghuni tersebut pada bangunan yang sangat tinggi adalah dengan menyediakan Refuge Floor yang bertindak sebagai tempat singgah sementara bagi penghuni yang tidak dapat melakukan evakuasi total. Namun salah satu permasalahan pada refuge floor ini adalah masuknya asap bila terjadi kebakaran pada lantai dibawah refuge floor. yang akan menggangu pernafasan dan pengelihatan bagi para penghuni yang singgah. Oleh karena itu dibutuhkan suatu sistem yang dapat menanggulangi masuknya asap kedalam refuge floor tersebut, dimana salah satu cara tersebut adalah dengan memberikan sebuah kanopi tepat pada lantai refuge floor. yang berfungsi sebagai penghalang asap yang bergerak menuju refuge floor.

Over the few decades the development of high-rise buildings has increased dramatically, in which the height of the building is over 200 meters. Without proper installation and maintenance a high-rise building will be very vulnerable to fire. One of the key aspects that needed attention is the occupant's safety during fire. One alternative is to establish a refuge floor that would act as a temporary safe heaven for occupants that could not do a total evacuation in a high-rise building. However, the issue with refuge floors is, because it's open spaced, Smoke that came from the burning floor right below the refuge floor could easily enter the refuge floor, which would disturb the occupant's breathing and sight. Because of this, there needs to be a system that could prevent smoke from entering the refuge floor, in which one of the ways is to give a canopy to the refuge floor that would act as an obstruction for the smoke that is moving towards the refuge floor."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nasution, Nurma Rahmani
"Dalam upaya penanggulangan kebakaran pada gedung bertingkat diperlukan adanya sistem pencegahan dan pengendalian kebakaran. Dengan adanya tim tanggap yang melakukan prosedur tanggap darurat kebakaran mulai dari munculnya titik api hingga pemadaman dalam upaya meminimalisir dampak yang ditimbulkan dari terjadinya kebakaran. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kondisi eksisting dan mengembangkan Standar Operasional Prosedur (SOP) tanggap darurat bencana kebakaran pada bangunan pemerintah.
Studi ini mengidentifikasi risiko yang mungkin timbul dalam keadaan darurat yang dapat menghambat atau bahkan memperbesar dampak kebakaran. Kemudian respon risiko diperoleh dengan melakukan perawatan dan pengawasan sarana dan prasarana serta simulasi pelatihan dan jadwal agar terhindar dari kepanikan saat menghadapi keadaan darurat kebakaran. Studi ini juga menghasilkan evaluasi perencanaan bangunan dalam penanganan bahaya kebakaran.

In an effort to cope with the fire of high rise buildings are required to have a fire prevention and control system. With the responsive team conducting emergency fire response procedures starting from the emergence of hotspots until one of the efforts in minimizing the impacts arising from a fire if a fire occurs. This study aims to determine the existing state and develop the Standard Operational Procedure (SOP) disaster risk disaster emergency response to government buildings.
This study identifies risks that may arise in an emergency that may inhibit or even magnify the impact of a fire. Then the risk response is obtained by performing maintenance and supervision of facilities and infrastructure as well as training and scheduled simulations to avoid stuttering in the face of fire emergency. This study also produced an evaluation of the planning of a building in handling fire hazard.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"This single resource for the fire safety community distills the most relevant and useful science and research into a consensus-based guide whose key factors and considerations impact the response and behavior of occupants of a building during a fire event.
The Second Edition of SFPEs Engineering Guide: Human Behavior in Fire provides a common introduction to this field for the broad fire safety community: fire protection engineers/fire safety engineers, human behavior scientists/researchers, design professionals, and code authorities. The public benefits from consistent understanding of the factors that influence the responses and behaviors of people when threatened by fire and the application of reliable methodologies to evaluate and estimate human response in buildings and structures.
This Guide also aims to lessen the uncertainties in the people components of fire safety and allow for more refined analysis with less reliance on arbitrary safety factors. As with fire science in general, our knowledge of human behavior in fire is growing, but is still characterized by uncertainties that are traceable to both limitation in the science and unfamiliarity by the user communities. The concepts for development of evacuation scenarios for performance-based designs and the technical methods to estimate evacuation response are reviewed with consideration to the limitation and uncertainty of the methods. This Guide identifies both quantitative and qualitative information that constitutes important consideration prior to developing safety factors, exercising engineering judgment, and using evacuation models in the practical design of buildings and evacuation procedures. Besides updating material in the First Edition, this revision includes new information on:
Incapacitating Effects of Fire Effluent & Toxicity Analysis Methods
Occupant Behavior Scnearios
Movement Models and Behavioral Models
Egress Model Selection, Verification, and Validation
Estimation of Uncertainty and Use of Safety Factors
Enhancing Human Response to Emergencies & Notification of Messaging
The prediction of human behavior during a fire emergency is one of the most challenging areas of fire protection engineering. Yet, understanding and considering human factors is essential to designing effective evacuation systems, ensuring safety during a fire and related emergency events, and accurately reconstructing a fire."
Switzerland: Springer Nature, 2019
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Building that save with fire mean as a building if had fire,the building can still stand or can save for a moment before it broke,so the people can save them self. The savely based or building construction system and about choosing of building material that will you use to build the building....."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fatma Lestari
"Tangki timbun BBM jenis Premium di Depot X memiliki risiko kebakaran dan ledakan karena Premium bersifat sangat mudah terbakar. Oleh karena itu, sebagai dasar upaya pengendalian risiko terhadap bahaya kebakaran dan ledakan, serta dalam upaya memenuhi tuntutan hukum, diperlukan penilaian terhadap potensi bahaya kebakaran dan ledakan pada tangki timbun Premium di Depot X. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Dow?s Fire and Explosion Index. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa nilai F&EI pada tangki Premium adalah sebesar 118,82 sehingga masuk dalam klasifikasi tingkat bahaya intermediate.

The Potency of Fire and Explosion Hazard on Premium Oil Storage Tank at Depot X 2007. Premium oil storage tanks have fire and explosion risk because Premium oil is flammable liquid. Because of that, fire and explosion risk assessment on Premium oil storage tank at Depot X is needed as foundation to fire and explosion risk management, and comply with regulations. Method of this research is Dow?s Fire and Explosion Index. This research indicate that F&EI value for Premium oil storage tank is 118,82. Based on that F&EI value, level of risk at Premium oil storage tank is intermediate risk."
Depok: Lembaga Penelitian Universitas Indonesia, 2007
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
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