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Naufal Aulia Amanullah

Pertanian 4.0 yang merupakan masa depan teknologi pertanian melambangkan revolusi dalam sektor pertanian melalui integrasi teknologi canggih seperti Internet of Things (IoT), pertanian presisi, dan masih banyak lagi. Salah satu metode untuk melibatkan implementasi IoT generasi mendatang dalam pengisian energi proaktif dan jaringan nirkabel generasi mendatang adalah pemanenan energi Frekuensi Radio (RF). Ini adalah proses menyerap energi dari RF dan mengubahnya menjadi listrik. Sebagai alat pemanen energi, digunakan rectenna (penyearah + antena), yang terdiri dari antena penerima, matching network, penyearah RF ke DC, elemen penyimpanan, dan beban. Penelitian ini mengusulkan rangkaian penyearah RF ke DC dengan frekuensi operasi 920 MHz. Berdasarkan hasil simulasi, rangkaian yang dirancang memiliki tegangan keluaran sebesar 3.3 V, arus keluaran sebesar 2.2 mA, dan tingkat efisiensi sebesar 73.31%. Rangkaian ini dibuat dalam sebuah PCB dengan dimensi 4 x 2.4 cm

Agriculture 4.0, which is the future of agricultural technology, symbolizes a revolution in farming through the integration of advanced technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT), precision agriculture, and many more. One method for involving the next-generation IoT implementation in proactive energy replenishment and next-generation wireless network is Radio Frequency (RF) energy harvesting. It is the process of absorbing energy from the RF and turns into electricity. As a tool for energy harvesting, a rectenna (rectifier + antenna) is used, which consists of a receiver antenna, matching network, RF-to-DC Rectifier, storage element, and a load. This research proposes an RF-to-DC Rectifier circuit with an operating frequency of 920 MHz. According to simulation results, the designed circuit has an output voltage of 3.3 V, an output current of 2.2 mA, and an efficiency level of 73.31%. This circuit was constructed in a PCB with a 4 x 2.4 cm dimension.

Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Spreemann, Dirk
"Electromagnetic vibration energy harvesting devices introduces an optimization approach which is applied to determine optimal dimensions of the components (magnet, coil and back iron). Eight different commonly applied coupling architectures are investigated. The results show that correct dimensions are of great significance for maximizing the efficiency of the energy conversion. A comparison yields the architectures with the best output performance capability which should be preferably employed in applications. A prototype development is used to demonstrate how the optimization calculations can be integrated into the design?flow. Electromagnetic vibration energy harvesting devices targets the designer of electromagnetic vibration transducers who wishes to have a greater in-depth understanding for maximizing the output performance."
Dordrecht, Netherlands: [Springer, ], 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Razeghi, Manijeh
"The fourth edition of this class-tested, multi-disciplinary introduction to solid state engineering adds dozens of revised and updated sections and problems, as well as three new chapters on solar energy harvesting, thermal and photothermal energy harvesting, and photo-thermovoltaics. Combining concepts from physics, chemistry, electrical engineering, materials science, and mechanical engineering, Professor Razeghi describes electron-electron and electron-phonon interactions, the Kane effective mass method, the carbon atom, thermal properties of crystals, the harmonic oscillator, the hydrogen atom, the quantum mechanical description of angular momentum, and the origin of spin in a chapter devoted to quantum mechanics. This textbook features an improved transport theory description that goes beyond Drude theory, discussing the Boltzmann approach. Introducing students to the rigorous quantum mechanical way of thinking about and formulating transport processes, this fourth edition presents the basic physics concepts and thorough treatment of semiconductor characterization technology, designed for solid state engineers."
Switzerland: Springer Cham, 2019
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Belly Rendra Kurniawan
"Pembangunan hutan tanaman industri di lahan gambut diperlukan strategi pemanenan yang efektif dan produktif hal ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan produksi yang optimal dan tidak menimbulkan kerusakan lingkungan. Setiap kegiatan pemanenan kayu diperlukan peralatan baik manual, semi mekanis maupun mekanis, yang pada intinya dapat meningkatkan pasokan kayu bundar dan bahan baku serpih. Melakukan kegiatan pemanenan kayu hasil hutan tanaman industri di area gambut memiliki tantangan yang besar dikarenakan daya dukung tanah gambut 0,26 kg/cm bila menggunakan unit alat berat excavator maka unit tersebut harus lebih ringan atau sama dengan daya dukung tanah gambut. PC135F-10M0 telah memenuhi syarat bekerja di area gambut karena memiliki daya tekan unit 0,26 kg/cm2 sama dengan daya dukung tanah gambut, yang disempurnakan dengan metode tarik panjang (B-tree length) memberikan hasil produksi tinggi yaitu meningkat menjadi 4,84 ton/jam dari 2,58 ton/jam bila dibandingkan menggunakan tarik pendek. Penggunaaan bahan bakar PC135F-10M0 menggunakan B-tree length sekitar 11,9 liter/jam bila dibandingkan dengan menggunakan tarik pendek 11,8 liter/jam.
Metode B-tree length menjadi soulsi mengurangi limbah, hal ini dapat terjadi dikarenakan kayu dengan diameter 5 cm sampai dengan 10 cm (banyak terbuang di area pemanenan saat menggunakan metode tarik pendek) masih dapat termanfaatkan, kuncinya saat mengeluarkan kayu dalam bentuk utuh ke TPn (tempat penumpukan sementara) dalam jumlah besar dalam satu waktu sehingga mampu mengurangi aktivitas travelling berulang yang akan mempengaruhi biaya produksi lebih efisien. Menggunakan metode B-tree length lebih produktif, jumlah unit yang digunakan untuk produksi 5 unit dan biaya proses pemanenan hasil hutan Rp. 72.952, 35/ton bila dibandingkan dengan biaya produksi menggunakan tarik pendek jumlah unit yang di perlukan untuk produksi 9 unit biaya operasional lebih mahal Rp. 97.067,84/ton. Dalam kajian metode B-tree length aspek-aspek keinsinyuran telah diterapkan sebaik mungkin baik dari sisi kompetensi professional, prinsip dasar kode etik serta keamanan, keselamatan, kesehatan, dan lingkungan Hidup (K3L).

The development of industrial plantation forests on peatlands requires an effective and productive harvesting strategy that aims to produce optimal production and not cause environmental damage. Each timber harvesting activity requires both manual and semi-mechanical equipment, which in essence can increase the supply of round wood and chip raw materials. Operational out timber harvesting activities from industrial forest plantations in peat areas is a big challenge because the bearing capacity of peat soil is 0.26 kg/cm. When using a heavy excavator unit, the unit must be lighter or equal to the bearing capacity of peat soil. PC135F-10M0 has fulfilled the requirements for working in peat areas because it has a unit ground pressure of 0.26 kg/cm2, which is the same as the bearing capacity of peat soil. This is enhanced by the long pull method (B-tree length), which gives high production yields, which increase to 4.84 ton/hour from 2.58 ton/hour when compared to using cut to length method. The use of PC135F-10M0 fuel uses a B-tree length of around 11.9 litres/hour when compared to using a short drag of 11.8 litres/hour.
The B-tree length method is the solution to reducing waste. This can happen because wood with a diameter of 5 cm to 10 cm (a lot of it is wasted in the harvesting area when using the cut to length method) can still be utilized. The key is removing the wood in its intact form to the TPn (temporary storage places) in large quantities at one time to reduce repeated travelling activities, which will affect production costs more efficiently. Using the B-tree length method is more productive, the number of units used for production is 5 units, and the cost of harvesting forest products is Rp. 72,952.35/ton. When compared to production costs using the cut to length method, the number of units needed to produce 9 units of operational costs is Rp. 97,067.84/ton. In the study of the B-tree length method, engineering aspects have been applied as well as possible in terms of professional competence, the basic principles of a code of ethics, security, safety, health, and the environment (K3L).
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kang-Pyo Cho
"Alternative energy, nowadays, becomes more necessary than fossil fuels which might be destructing and polluting the earth’s environment. Wind can be one of the most cheap, secure, environment friendly and reliable energy supplies. Building Integrated Wind Turbine (BIWT) is becoming increasingly common as a green building icon and new method of assessing optimal building energy. However, to employ BIWT, it is important to design the building shape and swept area carefully to increase wind velocity. Some of numerous design forms of BIWT will be explained in this paper using CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) analysis to find the most effective BIWT design in urban area. This paper will focus on the maximum wind velocity which passes the swept area to get maximum wind power. The result shows that, building energy can be optimized through aerodynamic building design to get the maximum wind power for building energy consumption."
Depok: Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI-IJTECH 2:3 (2011)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Arina Qonitah
"Terjadinya penurunan kualitas dan kuantitas pada air tanah menyebabkan perlunya penggunaan sumber air alternatif. Air hujan dapat menjadi sumber alternatif air. Kondisi perkotaan yang banyak pencemar menyebabkan perlunya pengolahan lebih lanjut sebelum air hujan digunakan. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan menganalisis pengaruh konsentrasi aktivator terhadap penyisihan polutan, menganalisis pengaruh durasi paparan terhadap penyisihan polutan, dan menganalisis kombinasi pengolahan yang efektif menyisihkan polutan. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dengan menggunakan unit karbon aktif dengan aktivator H3PO4 10%, 20%, 30%, serta unit Solar Disinfection dengan durasi paparan 6 jam, 8 jam, dan 12 jam. Parameter yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah logam berat seng (Zn), nitrat, kekeruhan, pH, dan total coliform. Didapatkan bahwa karbon aktif dengan aktivator H3PO4 20% dapat menyisihkan parameter Zn sebesar 83,6% dan total coliform sebesar 91,73%, aktivator H3PO4 30% menyisihkan kekeruhan sebesar 89,59%. Solar Disinfection (Sodis) dengan durasi 12 jam dapat menyisihkan parameter Zn sebesar 89,8% dan kekeruhan sebesar 63,82%, durasi 8 jam menyisihkan total coliform sebesar 91,95%. Sementara parameter nitrat relatif meningkat dan nilai pH menurun menjadi asam. Dengan melihat hasil penyisihan yang paling optimal maka didapatkan kombinasi pengolahan yang efektif adalah karbon aktif dengan aktivator H3PO4 20% dan Sodis dengan durasi paparan 12 jam. Menggunakan uji korelasi metode Pearson dan Spearman didapatkan bahwa variasi aktivator karbon aktif memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan (sig. <0,05) terhadap kekeruhan dan durasi Sodis memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan (sig. <0,05) terhadap pH pada penelitian ini.

The decrease in quality and quantity of groundwater causes the need for the use of alternative water sources. Rainwater can be an alternative source of water. Urban conditions that are a lot of pollutants cause the need for further treatment before rainwater is used. This research was conducted with the aim of analyzing the effect of activator concentration on the removal of pollutants, analyzing the effect of duration of exposure on the removal of pollutants, and analyzing the combination of treatments that were effective in removing pollutants. This research was carried out using an activated carbon unit with H3PO4 activator 10%, 20%, 30%, and a Solar Disinfection unit with an exposure duration of 6 hours, 8 hours, and 12 hours. Parameters used in this study were heavy metal zinc (Zn), nitrate, turbidity, pH, and total coliform. It was found that activated carbon with 20% H3PO4 activator could set aside 83.6% of Zn parameter and 91.73% of total coliform, 30% H3PO4 activator set aside 89.59% turbidity. Solar Disinfection (Sodis) with a duration of 12 hours can remove Zn parameters by 89.8% and turbidity by 63.82%, with a duration of 8 hours removing total coliforms by 91.95%. Meanwhile, the nitrate parameter was relatively increased and the pH value decreased to acid. By looking at the results of the most optimal removal, the combination of effective treatment obtained is activated carbon with 20% H3PO4 activator and Sodis with an exposure duration of 12 hours. Using the Pearson and Spearman correlation test, it was found that the variation of activated carbon activator had a significant effect (sig. <0.05) on turbidity and the duration of Sodis had a significant effect (sig. <0.05) on pH in this study."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nike Dwi Wahyuningsih
Pemanenan air hujan adalah kegiatan menampung air hujan secara lokal dan menyimpannya melalui berbagai teknologi yang bertujuan untuk pengunaan masa depan agar terpenuhi kebutuhan air manusia. Di negara maju seperti Korea Selatan, Texas (U.S), Australia, Jerman dan Singapura sudah menggunakan sistem panen air hujan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan air bersih. Faktor yang mempengaruhi kualitas limpasan air hujan dalam sistem pemanenan air hujan yaitu material komponen pemanenan air hujan dan faktor eksternal lainnya seperti kondisi klimatologi, intensitas curah hujan dan periode hari kering. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kualitas limpasan air hujan pada variasi jenis atap, faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi dan potensi pemanfaatannya di pemukiman kawasan industri. Penelitian ini menggunakan 3 jenis atap full scale yaitu jenis atap asbes, genteng dan seng, dengan jumlah pengambilan sampel sebanyak 10 kali dengan metode komposit. Jenis atap genteng memiliki kualitas limpasan air hujan terbaik dibanding jenis atap asbes dan seng. Faktor internal seperti jenis material atap dan kemiringan atap memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap kualitas limpasan air hujan. Intensitas curah hujan yang tinggi dan periode hari kering yang panjang menyebabkan semakin tinggi konsentrasi kontaminan dalam limpasan air hujan. Pemanfaatan limpasan air hujan menjadi air bersih untuk kebutuhan sanitasi perlu dilengkapi dengan unit pengolahan yang sederhana.

Rainwater harvesting is the activity of collecting rainwater locally and storing it through various technologies that aim to use in the future to meet water needs in various human activities. Developed countries such as South Korea, Texas (U.S), Australia, Germany and Singapore have used rainwater harvesting systems to meet clean water needs. Factors that affect the quality of rainwater runoff in the rainwater harvesting system are rainwater harvesting components and other external factors such as climatological conditions including the intensity of rainfall and dry days. This study aims to analyze the quality of rainwater runoff on the type of roof variation, the influenced factors and potential utilization of rainfall runoff in residential industrial estates. This study uses 3 types of full-scale roofs consisted of asbestos roofs, tile and zinc, with 10 times sampling using the composite method. The tile roof type has the best quality of rainwater runoff compared to the type of asbestos roof and zinc. Internal factors such as the type of roofing material and the slope of the roof have a significant influence on the quality of rainwater runoff. The high intensity of rainfall and long dry period causes higher concentrations of contaminants in rainwater runoff. The utilization of rainwater runoff into clean water for sanitation needs to be equipped with a simple processing unit."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Padma Sindura Adhyarini
"Berbagai jenis kemungkinan interaksi antar dua spesies berbeda yang menarik untuk dibahas yaitu interaksi predator-prey. Pada berbagai literatur disebutkan bahwa faktor ketakutan prey terhadap predator dapat memengaruhi laju pertumbuhan populasi prey. Selain itu, keberadaan titik kritis yang disebut konstanta Allee juga memegang peranan penting dalam pertumbuhan suatu populasi. koefisien Allee didefinisikan sebagai situasi ketika pertumbuhan populasi berkepadatan rendah berkurang ketika ukuran populasinya berada dibawah koefisien Allee. Pada skripsi ini model predator-prey dengan melibatkan faktor Allee dan ketakutan prey serta anti predasi akan dikonstruksi. Selain itu, perburuan manusia terhadap populasi predator untuk menjamin kerberlangsung popoulasi prey dilibatkan pula dalam model. Analisa eksistensi titik keseimbangan serta kestabilannya dilakukan secara analitik. Dihasilkan bahwa model dapat memunculkan bifurkasi hopf yang bergantung pada perburuan dan kematian alami predator. Hasil kajian analitik kemudian dilanjutkan dengan analisa bidang fase untuk memberikan interpretasi yang lebih mudah dipahami. Beberapa simulasi numerik diberikan untuk menunjukkan bagaimana intervensi perburuan dapat menyebabkan kepunahan pada kedua populasi ketika tidak terkontrol.

There are various types of interaction between two species, interaction predator-prey is one of the most interesting models to discuss. In various literature mentioned that fear factor on prey population can affect the growth rate. Other than that, the existing critical point which is called Allee also has an important role in population growth. Allee effect is defined if the population at low density reduces when the number of population under Allee coefficient. In this thesis, the predator-prey model with Allee effect, fear factor, and anti-predation have been constructed. In addition, harvesting on predator by a human to ensure the ecosystem will also be considered. Existence analyzes of equilibrium points and their stabilities have been done analytically. From analytic results, the model can bring up Hopf-bifurcation that depends on harvesting and natural mortality of predator. After that the model followed by phase portrait analyze to provide better interpretation. Some numerical simulations are given to show how harvesting intervention can cause extinction in both populations when uncontrolled."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Simanjuntak, Daniel
"Radio-Frequency Identification (RFID) telah menjadi salah satu segmen teknologi yang memiliki pertumbuhan pesat pada industri pengumpulan data dan identifikasi otomatis. Salah satu bagian terpenting dari sistem RFID adalah power amplifier yang memungkinkan terjadinya transfer daya antara reader dengan transponder untuk melakukan identifikasi.
Pada penelitian ini diusulkan power amplifier kelas E untuk aplikasi RFID yang bekerja pada frekuensi 13.56 MHz. Power amplifier pertama kali disimulasikan dengan menggunakan software Advance Desain System (ADS) dan kemudian hasil simulasi difabrikasi.
Power amplifier kelas E yang dirancang memiliki kestabilan K sebesar 1.758, return loss masukan (S11) sebesar -23.587 dB, return loss keluaran (S22) sebesar -19.123 dB, gain (S21) sebesar 22.742 dB, VSWR sebesar 1.142, dan PAE maksimal 79.331% pada frekuensi 13.56 MHz.
Sedangkan power amplifier hasil fabrikasi memiliki performansi yang cukup berbeda dengan hasil simulasi dimana hasil fabrikasi memiliki return loss masukan (S11) sebesar -14.926 dB, return loss keluaran (S22) sebesar -12.812 dB, dan gain (S21) sebesar 0.852 pada frekuensi 13.56 MHz.

Radio-Frequency Identification (RFID) has become a technology segment that growth rapidly in data collecting industry and automatic identification. One of the most important part of RFID system is power amplifier that enable power transfer between reader and transponder for identification purpose.
This research propose power amplifier class E for RFID application at 13.56 MHz frequency’s. The power amplifier is simulated with Advanced Design System (ADS) software then the simulation design is fabricated.
The simulation result of class E power amplifier has stability factor K of 1.758, input return loss (S11) of -23.587 dB, output return loss (S22) of -19.123 dB, gain (S21) of 22.472 dB, VSWR of 1.142, and maximum PAE of 79.331% on frequency of 13.56 MHz.
The fabrication result of power amplifier has a difference performance to the simulation result where the fabrication result has input return loss (S11) of -14.926 dB, output return loss (S22) of -14.926 dB, gain (S21) of 0.852 dB on frequency of 13.56 MHz.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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