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Ary Pramudito
"Laporan Praktik Profesi Keinsinyuran ini membahas beberapa tahapan penting, termasuk proses desain dimulai dari survei, studi literatur dalam desain, analisis perencanaan struktural, pemilihan material yang tepat, serta penentuan metode konstruksi yang efisien, keamanan dalam konstruksi dan pemecahan masalah dalam pekerjaan Konstruksi Jembatan Tumbang Samba sebagai jembatan arch network pertama di Indonesia

This Engineering Profession Practice Report discusses several important stages, including the design process starting from surveys, the literature studies in design, the analysis of structural planning, the selection of suitable construction materials, the the determination of efficient construction methods, the level of safety in construction and the problem solving in Tumbang Samba Bridge Construction work as the first arch network bridge in Indonesia."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Gian Yunfika Rahmi
"Kualitas suatu produk sangat penting dalam dunia industri. Karena itu setiap proses produksi di dalamnya harus dapat menghasilkan produk yang memiliki kualifikasi sesuai dengan permintaan pelanggan. Metoda Design For Assembly yang dapat digunakan selain untuk menekan biaya produksi juga dapat memperbaiki dan meningkatkan kualitas produk, dan mempermudah proses produksi. Begitu juga dengan metode Quality For Deployment yang akan mengantarkan kita pada tingkat kepentingan permintaan pelangan yang dapt memudahkan analisa DFA.
Kombinasi kedua metode tersebut dapat menghasilkan rancangan cetakan yang tidak hanya mudah dibuat, tapi juga memepermudah proses pembuatan produk dan menghasilkan produk yang sesuai dengan kualifikasi pelanggan. Walaupun waktu proses manufaktur naik selama 18,5 jam atau sebesar 8,85% tetapi untuk proses perakitan berkurang sebesar 11,28 jam atau 74,53%. Sehingga secara keseluruhan waktu proses rancangan baru bertambah 6.8 jam dari proses sebelumnya atau hanya sebesar 3.03 % dengan kualitas produk yang diharapkan memenuhi kualifikasi pelanggan.

The quality of product is important in industrial. Therefore, each process of production should be able to make qualification of product suitable with costumer requirement. Design For Assembly method can be used to reduce production costs, repair and improve product quality, and facilitate production process of manufacturing product. Quality For Deployment method take us on a level of importance customer requirements will facilitate for DFA analysis.
The result by combination of both methods not only make easiness production design of mold, but also easier manufacturing process of product and produce the products according to costumer qualifications. Although the manufacturing process up for 18.5 hours or by 8.85% but for the assembly process was reduced by 11.28 hours or 74.53%. Overall the new design increases the processing time 6.8 hours from the previous process or only 3,03% with expectation the quality products are meet costumer qualifications.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Weaver, Rip
Jakarta: UI-Press, 2000
671.832 WEA d
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Weaver, Rip
Jakarta: UI-Press, 2000
671.832 WEA d II (1)
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Achmad Oktafiono
"Kompleksitas pembangunan proyek stadion dengan penggunaan kontrak rancang-bangun atau design-build (DB) di Indonesia cenderung menimbulkan masalah yang memicu perselisihan. Salah satunya mengenai ketidakakuratan pengukuran volume pekerjaan mekanikal dan elektrikal (ME) karena adanya perbedaan cara pandang dari pihak-pihak yang terlibat dalam proses pengukuran. Oleh karena itu, pengembangan suatu standar pengukuran sangat diperlukan untuk memberikan acuan yang seragam. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan SMM berbasis WBS untuk pekerjaan ME bangunan utama stadion dalam kontrak DB di Indonesia. Penelitian diawali dengan studi literatur mengenai dokumen proyek stadion berupa BQ, rincian anggaran biaya (RAB), rencana kerja & syarat-syarat (RKS), dan Peraturan Menteri (PerMen) PUPR No 28 2016 untuk menyusun WBS Pekerjaan ME Bangunan Utama Stadion. WBS yang disusun kemudian divalidasi oleh pakar melalui kuesioner dan wawancara dan dilakukan analisis Delphi. WBS yang telah divalidasi digunakan untuk mengembangkan SMM pekerjaan ME Bangunan Utama Stadion dengan mengacu pada SMM Indonesia dan luar negeri. SMM yang dikembangkan kemudian juga divalidasi oleh pakar melalui kuesioner dan wawancara dan dilakukan analisis Delphi. Selain itu, dilakukan juga pemodelan hubungan variabel untuk mengetahui korelasi pengembangan SMM berbasis WBS terhadap akurasi pengukuran volume pekerjaan menggunakan Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). Dalam pemodelan hubungan variabel WBS, SMM, dan Akurasi Perhitungan Volume Pekerjaan, proses penelitian yang dilakukan adalah studi literatur untuk menyusun konstruk dan indikator variabel, validasi konstruk & indikator variabel, pilot survey, survei responden. Hasil survei responden dilakukan analisis homegenitas, validitas & reliabilitas, kecukupan data, dan uji struktur model. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan SMM berbasis WBS Pekerjaan ME Bangunan Utama Stadion mampu mengurangi permasalahan perselisihan mengenai ketidakakuratan pengukuran volume pekerjaan ME Bangunan Utama Stadion yang menggunakan kontrak DB.

The construction complexity of stadium projects with the use of design-build (DB) contracts in Indonesia tends to cause problems triggering disputes. One of which is regarding the inaccuracy of mechanical and electrical (ME) works volume measurements due to different perspectives of the involved parties on how to measure. Therefore, developing a measurement standard is necessary to provide a uniform reference. This research aims to develop a WBS-based SMM for the ME works of stadium main building in Indonesian DB contract. The research begins with literature study on stadium project documents in the form of BQ, detailed budget, work plan & requirements, and Ministry of Public Works and Housing Regulation No. 28/PRT/ M/2016 to compile ME works WBS of stadium main building. The WBS was then validated by experts through interviews questionnaires and a Delphi analysis was carried out. The validated WBS is used to develop SMM for ME works of stadium main building with reference to the Indonesian and overseas SMM. The developed SMM was then also validated by experts through interviews questionnaires and a Delphi analysis was also carried out. In addition, variable relationship modeling was carried out to determine the correlation of WBS-based SMM development toward the accuracy of work volume measurement using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). In modeling the relationship between WBS, SMM, and work volume measurement accuracy, the research process carried out was literature study to develop constructs and variable indicators, variable constructs and indicators validation, pilot surveys, and respondent survey. The results of the respondent survey was analyzed for homogeneity, validity & reliability, data adequacy, and model structure testing. The results of this study indicate that the WBS-based SMM for the ME Works of stadium main building is able to reduce the dispute problem regarding the inaccuracy of ME work volume measurement in stadium main building with the use of DB contract."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Chaidir Yuzi Apriadi
"Penghapusan barang milik negara sub sektor migas merupakan salah satu kegiatan perminyakan yang memerlukan perhatian dari pemerintah. Semakin banyaknya sisa barang proyek perminyakan memberikan dampak yang signifikan terhadap pengelolaan material di kontraktor kontrak kerja sama (KKKS) sub sektor minyak dan gas bumi. Salah satu bidang usaha yang merasakan dampak ini adalah bidang usaha hulu minyak dan gas bumi. Dalam upaya menata pengelolaan milik negara yang berada di bidang usaha hulu minyak dan gas bumi, pemerintah berusaha untuk mencari alternatif solusi kepada kontraktor kontrak kerja sama (KKKS) sub sektor minyak dan gas bumi agar permasalahan ini tidak berkelanjutan. Salah satu tindakan yang dilakukan oleh pemerintah adalah dengan melakukan analisis dan evaluasi terhadap desain alur penghapusan barang milik negara. Analisis dan evaluasi desain alur penghapusan barang milik negara bertujuan untuk mencari kekurangan dari desain alur proses penghapusan yang ada untuk kemudian melakukan perbaikan desain ulang alur proses penghapusan barang milik negara agar dapat lebih terformalisasi, komprehensif, informatif dan menjadi solusi yang tepat dalam penghapusan barang milik negara eks kontraktor kontrak kerja sama (KKKS) sub sektor minyak dan gas bumi.

The writing-off of the state-owned oil and gas sub sector asset is one of government activity that needed careful attention. The increasing number of waste assets left by oil and gas projects gave significant effect in the state-owned asset management by contractors (KKKS) in oil and gas sector. One of oil and gas sector that impacted the most is the downstream oil and gas venture. As an effort to manage the state-owned oil and gas sub sector asset especially in downstream ventures and to prevent problem`s continuation, the government tries to look for alternative solution for contractors (KKKS). One of the actions done by the government is with analyzing and evaluating the business process design of the writing-off the state-owned asset. The analysis and evaluation of business process design of the writing-off the state-owned asset are aimed to seek the default of the existing business process design, and improve the business process design so it can be more formalized, comprehensive, informative, and become an effectual solution for writing-off the state-owned asset that belongs to oil and gas contractors."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Astrid Lelitya Rahma
Tesis ini menyajikan pemodelan berbasis Hierarchical Timed Colored Petri Net dan pendekatan optimasi Genetic Algorithm untuk alokasi sumber daya manusia dalam desain proses. Tujuan dari Genetic Algorithm adalah untuk menemukan alokasi sumber daya manusia yang memiliki total durasi most likely paling minimal dari proyek perancangan dan under time of resources paling minimal. Simulasi proses perancangan pada Hierarchical Timed Colored Petri Net didasarkan pada hasil alokasi sumber daya manusia dari Genetic Algorithm. Dengan menjalankan simulasi, bisa didapatkan most likely time, optimistic time, dan pessimistic time dari sebuah proyek desain. Dengan menggunakan Project Evaluation and Review Technique, dapat dihitung waktu yang diharapkan dan standar deviasi suatu proyek desain berdasarkan hasil simulasi. Dari hasil simulasi, dapat ditinjau kembali pekerjaan mana dari proses perancangan yang memiliki alokasi sumber daya manusia yang paling kritis.Studi kasus dalam tesis ini didasarkan pada proses perancangan salah satu perusahaan di Taipei, Taiwan. Hasil Genetic Algorithm memberikan 5 solusi terbaik untuk alokasi sumber daya dengan nilai fitness terbaik adalah 318,8. 5 solusi terbaik ini memiliki durasi proyek desain yang sama yaitu 204 hari. Setelah menjalankan simulasi model HTCPN, solusi 2 memiliki perkiraan waktu proyek desain paling minimal yaitu 208,5 hari. Solusi 2, 4, dan 5 memiliki pekerjaan paling kritis yang sama yaitu pekerjaan 20, pekerjaan 21, pekerjaan 24, pekerjaan 27, dan pekerjaan 34.

This thesis presents a Hierarchical Timed Colored Petri Net based modeling and Genetic Algorithm optimization approach for human resource assignment in a process design. The objective of the genetic algorithm is to find the human resource assignment that has the most minimal most likely total duration of the design project and the under time of resources. The simulating of the design process in Hierarchical Timed Colored Petri Net is based on the human resource assignment result of the genetic algorithm. By running the simulation, it can get the optimistic time, most likely time, and pessimistic time of a design project. Using project evaluation and review technique it can calculate the expected time and the standard deviation of a design project based on the simulation results. From simulation results, can be reviewed which job of a design process that has the most critical human resource assignment.A Case study in this thesis based on the design process of one of the companies in Taipei, Taiwan. The genetic algorithm results give the best 5 solutions of resource allocation with the best fitness value is 318.8. These 5 best solutions have the same most likely duration of design project which is 204 days. After running the simulation using HTCPN model, solution 2 have the most minimal expected time of a design project which is 208.5 days. Solution 2, 4, and 5 have the same most critical jobs which are job 20, job 21, job 24, job 27, and job 34. "
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Khairul Fakhri

Pemenuhan akan kebutuhan air bersih merupakan salah satu masalah global yang diprediksi akan terus meningkat. Penyediaan air bersih di Indonesia terhambat oleh sulitnya akses untuk mendapatkan air bersih dan buruknya kualitas air yang tersedia, khususnya pada daerah atau pulau terpencil. Sebagai negara kepulauan yang memiliki laut cukup luas serta mendapatkan sinar matahari sepanjang tahun, pengembangan alat desalinasi bertenaga matahari adalah salah satu solusi yang dapat ditawarkan untuk permasalahan pemenuhan kebutuhan air bersih di Indonesia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuat suatu prototipe alat desalinasi bertenaga matahari tipe wick yang memiliki performa baik dengan struktur sederhana dan material yang mudah ditemukan serta harga terjangkau. Proses prototyping dilakukan mulai dari pemilihan material wick, pengujian sistem penyebaran air, hingga proses manufaktur dari komponen  komponen alat desalinasi. Penelitian menghasilkan prototipe alat desalinasi bertenaga matahari tipe wick single deck  yang memiliki dimensi 127,5 cm x 127,5 cm x 10 cm dan berat 14,6 kg dengan harga produksi relatif murah.

Fulfilling the need for fresh water is one of the global problems which is predicted to continue to increase. Provision of fresh water in Indonesia is hampered by the difficulty of access to clean water and the poor quality of water available, especially in remote area or islands. As an archipelagic country that has wide sea area and gets sun all year round, the development of solar desalination equipment is one of the solutions that can be offered for the problem of meeting fresh water needs in Indonesia. This research aims to create a prototype of a wick type solar desalination that has good performance with simple structures and easy-to-find materials yet affordable prices. The prototyping process is carried out starting from the selection of wick material, testing of the water distribution system, to the manufacturing process of the components of the desalination device. The research produced a wick single deck type solar desalination prototype that has dimensions of 127.5 cm x 127.5 cm x 10 cm and weighs 14.6 kg with relatively low production prices. 


UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bhote, Keki R.
"Bhote, a highly-experienced quality consultant, presents the Design of Experiments tools created by quality guru Dorian Shainin. The author explains and elucidates in a clear and nontechnical style how Shainin's techniques work and how to apply them to a company's quality problems. Readers will see that these proven techniques not only solve quality problems but prevent them from developing in the first place. Included are case studies to illustrate all techniques and practice exercises.
New York: [American Management Association;, ], 2000
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
M. Dachyar
"The Design of Performance Assessment Model for Customer Relationship Management in Banking industries Using Analytic Hierarchy Process. Customer Relationship Management is an approach to organize company? interactions with customers that starts with a customer-centered point of view. Basically, the goals of adopting CRM are to increase customer retention and customer satisfaction. Previous researches had shown that retaining customers is more profitable than building new relationship with the customers. Therefore, in order to gain more customers, bank industries in Indonesia start to adopt CRM This condition results in increased emphasis on developing measures that are customer-centric and give managers a better idea of how their CRM policies and programs are working. In this research, a performance assessment model for Customer Relationship Management in banking industries is designed using Analytic Hierarchy Process. First the criteria and sub criteria as performance indicators are chosen and weighted by experts; the chosen criteria are Customer Knowledge, Customer Value, Customer Interaction, Customer Satisfaction, and Financial. Then an assessment model is constructed based on the chosen criteria and sub criteria. The result is a performance assessment model for Customer Relationship Management in banking industries."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2005
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
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