"Jumlah pengguna kendaraan yang tinggi di Indonesia, terutama sepeda motor, mengakibatkan jumlah konsumsi bahan bakar yang selalu lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan kemampuan produksi minyak mentah dalam negeri saat ini. Pemerintah Indonesia pun telah mendorong penggunaan kendaraan listrik untuk mengurangi polusi dan konsumsi energi dengan merumuskan regulasi. Namun, minat masyarakat yang rendah mengakibatkan jumlah pengguna masih jauh di bawah target. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi penerimaan sepeda motor listrik di Indonesia. Model UTAUT2 digunakan dalam penelitian ini dengan menganalisis faktor performance expectancy, effort expectancy, hedonic motivation, price value, habit, dan social influence, dan mempertimbangkan faktor environmental concern, infrastructure readiness, dan government policies sebagai kondisi yang memfasilitasi penerimaan pengguna. Penelitian ini menggunakan PLS-SEM untuk menganalisis hubungan antara berbagai konstruk dan variabel moderator dengan data yang dikumpulkan melalui kuesioner kepada pengguna sepeda motor konvensional di Indonesia. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa attitude toward use, social influence, dan facilitating conditions secara positif mempengaruhi penerimaan pengguna terhadap sepeda motor listrik. Attitude toward use dipengaruhi oleh performance expectancy, effort expectancy, hedonic motivation, and price value. Facilitating conditions dipengaruhi oleh environmental concern, infrastructure readiness, dan government policies. Hasil penelitian ini dapat menjadi sumber informasi bagi produsen maupun pemerintah untuk meningkatkan kualitas kendaraan, pelayanan, dan regulasi.
The high number of vehicle usage in Indonesia, especially motorcycles, has resulted in high gasoline consumption which is higher than current fuel production. Indonesia’s government has been pushing for electric vehicle usage to reduce pollution and energy consumption by formulating regulations. However, the low public interest has resulted in the number of users still below the target. This study aims to analyze factors that affect the acceptance of electric motorcycles in Indonesia. UTAUT2 model was used in this study. It considered performance expectancy, effort expectancy, hedonic motivation, price value, habit, and social influence, combined with environmental concern, infrastructure readiness, and government policies as facilitating condition. This research uses PLS-SEM to analyze the relationship among various constructs and moderating variables using data collected by questionnaire to current conventional motorcycle users in Indonesia. The results indicates that attitude toward use, social influence, and facilitating conditions positively affect the user acceptance of electric motorcycle. Attitude toward use is influenced by performance expectancy, effort expectancy, hedonic motivation, and price value. Facilitating conditions is influenced by environmental concern, infrastructure readiness, and government policies. The results of this research can be a source of information for electric motorcycles manufacturers and policymakers to improve transportation quality, services, and regulations."