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Kara Carolluna

Peningkatan efisiensi penggunaan air secara signifikan dan meminimalkan pelepasan polutan dan bahan kimia yang berbahaya merupakan salah satu agenda tiap negara yang perlu dicapai pada 2030. Air limbah domestik dengan fosfat yang berlebih membuat kadar oksigen terlarut berkurang dan terciptanya kondisi anoksik pada badan air karena eutrofikasi. Penelitian ini ditujukan untuk menganalisis proses dan kondisi optimum presipitasi fosfat pada air limbah domestik dengan menggunakan kalsium dari abu lumpur aktif pada keadaan ideal serta memperoleh nilai koefisien laju reaksinya. Variasi konsentrasi optimum diperoleh dari analisis Visual-MINTEQ dengan memasukan data tipikal kalsium, fosfat, pH, dan suhu. Analisis presipitasi reaktor batch dengan variasi konsentrasi kalsium abu lumpur aktif pada skala laboratorium dilakukan dalam mengidentifikasi konsentrasi pengurangan fosfat dengan metode spektrofotometri menggunakan spektrofotometer DR2000. Sebanyak 30,86% komponen anorganik lumpur aktif dan 5450,6 mg/kg abu lumpur aktif yang menjadi karakteristik sampel lumpur aktif yang digunakan. Data laboratorium menunjukkan bahwa penyisihan fosfat optimum pada air limbah dengan pH 6,8 yang mengandung 7,79 mg TP/L dibutuhkan 70 mg/L kalsium abu lumpur aktif atau setara dengan 6,4 gram abu lumpur aktif. Intervensi kandungan organik, senyawa ligan, zat tersuspensi (TSS), karbonat, dan logam, seperti Al (81700 mg/kg) dan Fe (65500 mg/kg) berdampak pada pengikatan fosfat oleh kalsium karena faktor produk reaksi dan pH yang dapat mengurangi pembetukan Ca-P. Permodelan reaksi memperoleh koefisien laju reaksi terbesar pada reaktor dengan kalsium paling banyak (k = 0,00692/menit) yang dilakukan pada 2 reaktor seri sebagai desain paling efisien. Hasil eksperimen menunjukkan bahwa semakin tinggi konsentrasi kalsium abu lumpur aktif, semakin besar penyisihan fosfat dan koefisien laju reaksinya dengan mempertimbangkan intervensi dari kandungan organik, TSS, senyawa ligan air limbah domestik serta kandungan logam pada abu lumpur aktif.

Significantly increasing the efficiency of water use and minimizing the release of harmful pollutants and chemicals is one of the agendas of each country that needs to be achieved by 2030. Domestic wastewater with excess phosphate reduces dissolved oxygen levels and creates anoxic conditions in water bodies due to eutrophication. This study aims to analyze the process and optimum conditions for phosphate precipitation in municipal wastewater using calcium from activated sludge ash under ideal conditions and obtain the value of the reaction rate coefficient. Optimum concentration variations were obtained from Visual-MINTEQ analysis by entering data on typical calcium, phosphate, pH, and temperature. Batch reactor precipitation analysis with varying concentrations of activated sludge calcium ash on a laboratory scale was carried out in identifying the concentration of phosphate reduction by spectrophotometric method using a DR2000 spectrophotometer. As much as 30.86% of the inorganic component of activated sludge and 5450.6 mg/kg of activated sludge ash which is characteristic of the activated sludge samples used. Laboratory data shows that the optimum phosphate removal in wastewater with a pH of 6.8 containing 7.79 mg TP/L requires 70 mg/L calcium activated sludge or equivalent to 6.4 grams of activated sludge ash. Intervention of organic compounds, ligand compounds, suspended matter (TSS), carbonates, and metals, such as Al (81700 mg/kg) and Fe (65500 mg/kg) has an impact on the binding of phosphate by calcium due to reaction product factors and pH which can reduce the formation of Stamp. The reaction modeling obtained the largest reaction rate coefficient in the reactor with the most calcium (k = 0.00692/minute) which was carried out in 2 series reactors as the most efficient design. The experimental results show that the higher the calcium concentration of activated sludge ash, the greater the phosphate removal and the reaction rate coefficient by considering the intervention of organic content, TSS, domestic wastewater ligand compounds and metal content in activated sludge ash.

Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ayu Meiliasari
"Industri pencucian pakaian dan alat rumah tangga lainnya (laundry) merupakan salah satu usaha yang menjamur di beberapa kota besar di Indonesia, khususnya kota Depok. Air limbah laundry yang dihasilkan akan merusak lingkungan jika dibuang ke badan air tanpa pengolahan khusus, sehingga diperlukan tindakan pencegahan pencemaran badan air melalui pengolahan air limbah dengan FBR menggunakan EM4 dan reaktan CaCl2 dengan media pasir silika. Pada penelitian ini, air limbah yang digunakan berasal dari air hasil cucian pada Laundry House Ajeng, Depok.
Tujuan utama penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui efisiensi penyisihan COD, BOD, dan fosfat pada air limbah laundry serta HRT optimumnya yang akan digunakan sebagai desain usulan di lapangan. Pada penelitian ini, FBR dioperasikan secara kontinyu dan air limbah dialirkan secara upflow dengan variasi HRT 1 hari dan 2 hari. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, FBR mampu menurunkan konsentrasi COD, BOD, dan fosfat mencapai 87,18%; 85,22%; dan 71,17%, dengan HRT 2 hari.
Berdasarkan uji t-test yang dilakukan, variasi HRT 1 hari dan 2 hari mempengaruhi efisiensi penyisihan COD secara signifikan, namun tidak mempengaruhi efisiensi penyisihan BOD dan fosfat. Aplikasi di lapangan dengan debit eksisting 3 m3/hari membutuhkan unit FBR dengan diameter 0,75 meter dan tinggi total 4,75 meter.

Laundry Industry in Indonesia are increasing, especially in Depok. Laundry wastewater potentially damage the environment if discharged into the stream without any treatment, hence on-site wastewater treatment with Fluidized Bed Reactor (FBR) using EM4 and CaCl2 with silica sand media is needed to avoid water pollution. In this study, laundry wastewater sample comes from Laundry House Ajeng, Depok.
This study aims to determine removal efficiency COD, BOD, and phosphate concentration of laundry wastewater and optimum HRT to be used for unit design of FBR in the field. In this study, FBR operated continuously and streamed upflow with HRT variation 1 day and 2 days. Based on the result, FBR is able to decrease the concentration of BOD, COD, and phosphate reached 87,18%; 85,12%; and 71,17%, on 2 days HRT.
Based on t-test, the variation of HRT (1 day and 2 days) influence removal efficiency of COD significantly, but does not influence the removal efficiency of BOD and phosphate. Applications in the field with 3 m3/day wastewater flowrate requires FBR unit with 0,7 meter diameter and 4,4 meter total height.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Ade Ferynata
"Timbulan sampah pada area terbuka dapat menghasilkan lindi dengan kandungan fosfat yang berbahaya bagi lingkungan. Salah satu metode yang dapat digunakan dalam penyisihan fosfat adalah presipitasi kimia dengan penambahan MgCI2 sebagai presipitan. Presipitat yang dapat terbentuk berupa struvite, newberyite, dan cattite yang memiliki potensi pemanfaatan sebagai pupuk tanaman karena adanya kandungan makronutrien (P) dan satu mesonutrien (Mg) untuk pertumbuhan tanaman. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis pengaruh variasi pH dan rasio molar yang efektif dalam penyisihan fosfat dengan metode presipitasi dan menganalisis jumlah fosfat yang dapat tersisihkan dengan metode presipitasi. Pada penelitian ini digunakan jar test dengan kecepatan pengadukan 158 rpm selama 60 menit dan kemudian didiamkan selama 30 menit. Penyisihan optimum ditemukan pada rasio molar 3:1:1 dan pH 7 dengan efisiensi penyisihan fosfat sebesar 86,14%, kekeruhan 83,63%, dan warna sebanyak 77,71% Presipitat yang terbentuk dari variasi penyisihan terbaik tersebut (C2) menjalani pengujian lanjutan berupa XRF dan XRD. Hasil pengujian XRF menunjukkan bahwa presipitat terbentuk oleh 12% magnesium, 41% aluminium, 38% silika, 0,78% fosfor, 5.6% sulfur, dan 2,5% kalium. Hasil uji XRD pada sampel C2 menunjukkan grafik yang sesuai dengan cattiite pada data Crystallography Open Database (COD) 4027799. Metode presipitasi kimia untuk menyisihkan fosfat berpotensi baik bila diimplementasikan di IPAS 3 TPST Bantargebang karena mampu menyisihkan fosfat hingga memenuhi standar baku mutu, dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai pupuk, dan memiliki lahan yang cukup untuk membangun unit pengolahannya.

Waste generation in open areas can produce leachate with phosphate content that is harmful to the environment. One method that can be used in phosphate removal is chemical precipitation with the addition of MgCI2 as a precipitant. Precipitates that can be formed in the form of struvite, newberyite, and cattite have the potential to be used as plant fertilizer due to the content of macronutrients (P) and one mesonututrient (Mg) for plant growth. The purpose of this study is to analyze the effect of pH variation and effective molar ratio in phosphate removal by precipitation method and analyze the amount of phosphate that can be removed by precipitation method. In this study, a jar test was used with a stirring speed of 158 rpm for 60 minutes and then allowed to stand for 30 minutes. Optimum removal was found at a molar ratio of 3:1:1 and pH 7 with a phosphate removal efficiency of 86.14%, turbidity of 83.63%, and color of 77.71% The precipitate formed from the best removal variation (C2) underwent further testing in the form of XRF and XRD. XRF test results showed that the precipitates were formed by 12% magnesium, 41% aluminum, 38% silica, 0.78% phosphorus, 5.6% sulfur, and 2.5% potassium. The XRD test results on sample C2 show a graph that matches the cattiite in Crystallography Open Database (COD) data 4027799. The chemical precipitation method for phosphate removal has good potential when implemented at IPAS 3 TPST Bantargebang because it is able to remove phosphate to meet quality standards, can be used as fertilizer, and has sufficient land to build the treatment unit.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Haniena Divi
Indonesia merupakan salah satu negara yang ikut serta pada SDGs dimana salah satu sasarannya adalah peningkatan pelayanan air bersih dan sanitasi yang diiringi dengan meningkatnya kebutuhan PVC. Industri soda kostik / klor menghasilkan air limbah mengandung merkuri. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui waktu kontak optimum penyisihan konsentrasi merkuri dengan bakteri Pseudomonas aeruginosa menggunakan Trickling Filter (TF) dengan nutrisi dari air limbah domestik. TF merupakan unit pengolahan biologis dengan biomassa terlekat. Kinerja TF diketahui melalui eksperimental menggunakan sistem batch dengan waktu kontak 2, 4, 6, dan 8 jam. Air limbah yang digunakan merupakan buatan dengan konsentrasi merkuri 4,3 mg/L yang melebihi baku mutu PerMen LH No 5 Tahun 2014 sehingga perlu diolah. Sedangkan air limbah domestik pada penelitian memiliki konsentrasi COD berkisar 302 ? 375 mg/L, BOD 194,3 mg/L, N 89 mg/L, dan P 2,96 mg/L yang memenuhi rasio BOD/COD (≥ 0,5) dan nutrisi untuk bakteri (BOD:N:P = 60:30:1) sehingga berpotensi dijadikan nutrisi bakteri. Waktu kontak optimum agar memenuhi PerMen LH No 5 Tahun 2014 tidak didapatkan tetapi efisiensi penyisihan merkuri berkisar 96,4 ? 97,8 %. TF dirancang menjadi two-stage dengan waktu kontak 2 jam dan memiliki diameter 8 m dan tinggi 5 m.

Indonesia is one of the participant countries in the SDGs where aimed at improvement of clean water access and sanitation services which are accompanied with the increasing the need of PVC. Chlor-alkali industry produce wastewater containing mercury. This study aims to determine optimum contact time of mercury concentrations that wiil be used as a design criteria of Trickling Filter (TF) unit. TF is an attached biological treatment unit. TF?s performance was knowledge through experimental process using batch system with 2, 4, 6, and 8 hours contact time. The chlor-alkali industry wastewater is artificial with mercury concentrations 4.3 mg/L which exceeded the quality standard of PerMen LH No. 5 of 2014 so the wastewater needs to be treated. While municipal wastewater in the study had a COD concentration ranges from 302-375 mg / L, BOD 194.3 mg / L, N 89 mg / L, and P 2.96 mg / L which meets ratio BOD / COD (≥ 0.5) and nutrients for bacteria (BOD: N: P = 60: 30: 1) so the municipal wastewater potentially to be used as bacterial nutrients. The optimum contact time in order to meet the PerMen LH No. 5 of 2014 are not met but the mercury removal efficiency ranged from 96.4 to 97.8%. TF designed as a two-stage with a contact time of 2 hour and had a diameter of 8 m and height of 5 m."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Shafira Maulida Khairunnisa
"Untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pupuk dan produk fosfor lainnya, eksploitasi fosfor tambang dilakukan secara besar-besaran. Lumpur aktif dari Instalasi Pengolahan Air Limbah (IPAL) mempunyai potensi besar untuk dijadikan sumber fosfor baru. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kondisi optimum dan pengaruh karakteristik lumpur aktif terhadap pelepasan fosfor dari senyawa kalsium fosfat, yaitu hidroksiapatit (HAP). Penelitian ini juga mencari laju reaksi sebagai dasar penentuan dimensi reaktor. Sebelum melakukan eksperimen, dilakukan simulasi menggunakan Visual MINTEQ 3.1 untuk menentukan kondisi ideal pelepasan fosfor. Eksperimen dilakukan menggunakan reaktor batch dengan variasi nilai pH dan waktu kontak. Hasil eksperimen menunjukkan bahwa semakin rendah nilai pH, maka pelepasan fosfor semakin tinggi sehingga nilai pH 4 dinilai menjadi nilai pH yang paling efektif. Sedangkan berdasarkan waktu kontak, dengan rentang waktu 120 menit, telah terjadi proses pelarutan dan presipitasi secara dinamis sampai mencapai titik kesetimbangan, yaitu menit ke-30. Karakteristik dari lumpur aktif juga dapat mempengaruhi pelepasan fosfor. Kalsium, sebagai kandungan logam tertinggi di lumpur aktif berdasarkan pengujian, berperan penting karena kemudahannya untuk terikat dengan fosfat dan membentuk senyawa baru sehingga menurunkan konsentrasi fosfor pada larutan. Sedangkan, nilai TSS/VSS pada lumpur aktif dianggap tidak mempengaruhi secara signifikan. Intervensi pada proses presipitasi maupun pelepasan fosfor terjadi pada nilai TSS/VSS yang sangat tinggi. Adapun laju reaksi dihitung menggunakan kesetimbangan massa dan didapatkan koefisien laju reaksi tertinggi pada pH 4, yaitu 0,00339/menit.

Mining phosphorus exploitation is carried out on a large scale to meet the demand for fertilizers and other phosphorus products. Activated sludge from the Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) has great potential to be used as a new source of phosphorus. Therefore, this study aims to analyze the optimum conditions and the effect of activated sludge characteristics on the release of phosphorus from calcium phosphate compounds, namely hydroxyapatite (HAP). This research is also looking for the rate of reaction as a basis for determining the dimensions of the reactor. Before experimenting, a simulation was carried out using Visual MINTEQ 3.1 to determine the ideal conditions for the release of phosphorus. Experiments were carried out using a batch reactor with pH values and contact time variations. The experimental results show that the lower the pH value, the higher the release of phosphorus, so a pH value of 4 is considered the most effective. Meanwhile, based on the contact time, with a period of 120 minutes, a dynamic dissolution and precipitation process has occurred until it reaches an equilibrium point, which is 30 minute. The characteristics of the activated sludge can also affect the release of phosphorus. Calcium, as the highest metal content in activated sludge based on testing, plays an important role because of its ease in bonding with phosphates and forming new compounds thereby reducing the concentration of phosphorus in solution. Meanwhile, the value of TSS/VSS in activated sludge is considered not to have a significant effect. Intervention in the process of precipitation and release of phosphorus occurs at very high TSS/VSS values. The reaction rate was calculated using a mass balance and the highest reaction rate coefficient was obtained at pH 4, which was 0.00339/minute."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nova Amanda
Salah satu limbah yang dihasilkan dari area pertambangan batubara adalah lumpur dalam jumlah yang besar dengan kandungan logam yang tinggi. Lumpur ini merupakan presipitat hasil pengolahan air asam tambang dan sering kali dibuang ke landfill, terakumulasi dan berpotensi menyebabkan masalah lingkungan. Melalui penelitian ini, dilakukan pemanfaatan lumpur AAT sebagai adsorben kandungan pencemar pada air limbah domestik berupa fosfat. Penelitian ini diawali dengan uji karakterisasi adsorben dari lumpur AAT menggunakan XRF, XRD, SEM-EDS, SAA dan pHpzc guna mengetahui komposisi kimia, komposisi mineralogi, struktur morfologi, luas permukaan spesifik dan pH adsorben dengan muatan nol, diikuti dengan eksperimen adsorpsi dalam sistem batch. Hasil karakterisasi sampel menunjukkan bahwa adsorben dari lumpur AAT didominasi oleh unsur silika dalam bentuk quartz, besi dan aluminum, serta dengan didasari oleh metode BET dan drift, diketahui bahwa luas permukaan spesifik lumpur AAT serta pHpzc berturut-turut adalah 22,60±0,199 m2 g dan 4,85. Konsentrasi adsorben, waktu kontak dan pH optimum yang diperoleh melalui eksperimen adsorpsi masing-masing adalah pada 10gL-1, 120 menit dan 5±0,1. Isoterm adsorpsi fosfat oleh lumpur AAT paling baik dijelaskan dengan model Freundlich (R2=0,964) yang memiliki nilai KF dan 1 n sebesar 0,971 (mg g-1)(L mg-1)1 n dan 0,699. Kemudian, kinetika adsorpsi penelitian ini mengikuti model pseudo-second-order dimana nilai k2 dan qe berturut-turut adalah 0,332 g mg.menit dan 1,216 mg g. Berdasarkan hasil pemodelan, disimpulkan bahwa mekanisme reaksi adsorpsi yang terjadi adalah secara kimia (chemisorption). Dari hasil penelitian yang telah dilakukan menunjukkan bahwa lumpur AAT memiliki potensi untuk dimanfaatkan sebagai material adsorben dalam menyisihkan kontaminan fosfat pada air limbah.

One of the wastes produced by coal mining area, is the voluminous sludge, laden with metals. This sludge is the product of acid mine drainage treatment and oftenly disposed to the landfill, accumulated and potentially causing environmental problems. This study was conducted by utilizing acid mine drainage sludge as contaminant adsorbent from domestic wastewater, which was phosphate. The experiment started by characterization of sludge using XRF, XRD, SEM-EDS, SSA and pHpzc to determine the chemical composition, minerology, morphology structure, specific surface area and value of pH where the surface of material has zero charge, followed by adsorption experiment in batch system. The results of sample characterizations showed that acid mine drainage sludge was dominated by silica in quartz form, iron and aluminium, and also by using BET and drift method, it has been known that the specific surface area and pHpzc of the sample were 22.60±0.199 m2 g and 4.85, respectively. The optimum adsorbent concentration, contact time and pH were obtained through the adsorption experiments at 10gL-1, 120 min and 5±0,1. The phoshate adsorption isotherm for acid mine drainage sludge was best described by Freundlich model (R2=0.964) with value of KF and 1 n found to be 0.971 (mg g-1)(L mg-1)1 n and 0.699. Furthermore, the kinetic adosrption of this study followed pseudo-second-order model where the value of k2 and qe were 0.332 g mg.menit and 1.216 mg g. Based on the modelling results, it could be concluded that the adsorption mechanism were happened to be chemisorption. The experiment results suggested that acid mine drainage sludge could potentially be utilized as adsorbent material to remove phosphate contaminant in wastewater.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Annisa Azhari
Protein biomassa mikroba diharapkan menjadi sumber protein tambahan besar selama krisis pangan Limbah lumpur aktif telah dilaporkan mengandung nutrisi penting dan potensial sebagai pengganti protein non konvensional Protein terdiri dari asam amino dengan mengetahui cara efisien mengekstrak asam amino dari limbah lumpur aktif sangat penting untuk meningkatkan pemahaman produksi protein intraseluler dari air limbah Terdapat tiga metode yang diusulkan untuk mengevaluasi ekstrak asam amino dan asam amino bebas dari dua sumber lumpur limbah sintetis dan asli Metode 1 menggunakan ultrasonication untuk solubilisasi dan 32 wt HCl untuk 16 jam hidrolisis Metode 2 dibedakan menjadi dua metode solubilisasi a Alkali ultrasonication dan b Hanya alkali dilanjutkan dengan 6N HCl untuk 24 jam hidrolisis Metode 1 menghasilkan sedikit lebih tinggi dari ekstraksi total asam amino dengan total konten asam amino g g MLVSS 28 6 dan 24 0 dibandingkan dengan Metode 2a dengan 29 3 dan 21 6 untuk limbah sintetis dan limbah asli masing masingnya Secara signifikan Metode 2b memberikan hasil terendah dengan 11 6 pada limbah asli Dalam kesimpulan umum untuk skala limbah asli Metode 1 memberikan hasil yang terbaik untuk ekstraksi asam amino.

Microbial biomass protein is expected to be the major supplementary protein source
during the food crisis. Waste activated sludge (WAS) has been reported to contain
important nutrients and is potential as non-conventional protein substitutes.
Proteins are composed of amino acids, by knowing how to efficiently extract amino
acids from WAS is crucial to improve the understanding of intracellular protein
production from wastewater. Three methods were proposed to evaluate the amino
acids and free amino acids extraction from two sludge sources; lab and full-scale
sludge. Method 1 utilised ultrasonication for solubilisation and 32 wt% HCl for
16h hydrolysis. Method 2 differentiate to two solubilisation methods; a). Alkaline
+ ultrasonication and b). Alkaline only, followed by 24h hydrolysis with 6N HCl.
Method 1 gave slightly higher result of total amino acids extraction with a total
amino acids content (g/g MLVSS) 28.6% and 24.0% compared to Method 2a with
29.3% and 21.6%, for lab scale and full scale sludge, respectively. Significantly,
Method 2b gave lowest result with 11.6% in full scale sludge. In general conclusion
for full scale sludge, Method 1 gave the best result for amino acids extraction.; Microbial biomass protein is expected to be the major supplementary protein source
during the food crisis. Waste activated sludge (WAS) has been reported to contain
important nutrients and is potential as non-conventional protein substitutes.
Proteins are composed of amino acids, by knowing how to efficiently extract amino
acids from WAS is crucial to improve the understanding of intracellular protein
production from wastewater. Three methods were proposed to evaluate the amino
acids and free amino acids extraction from two sludge sources; lab and full-scale
sludge. Method 1 utilised ultrasonication for solubilisation and 32 wt% HCl for
16h hydrolysis. Method 2 differentiate to two solubilisation methods; a). Alkaline
+ ultrasonication and b). Alkaline only, followed by 24h hydrolysis with 6N HCl.
Method 1 gave slightly higher result of total amino acids extraction with a total
amino acids content (g/g MLVSS) 28.6% and 24.0% compared to Method 2a with
29.3% and 21.6%, for lab scale and full scale sludge, respectively. Significantly,
Method 2b gave lowest result with 11.6% in full scale sludge. In general conclusion
for full scale sludge, Method 1 gave the best result for amino acids extraction.; Microbial biomass protein is expected to be the major supplementary protein source
during the food crisis. Waste activated sludge (WAS) has been reported to contain
important nutrients and is potential as non-conventional protein substitutes.
Proteins are composed of amino acids, by knowing how to efficiently extract amino
acids from WAS is crucial to improve the understanding of intracellular protein
production from wastewater. Three methods were proposed to evaluate the amino
acids and free amino acids extraction from two sludge sources; lab and full-scale
sludge. Method 1 utilised ultrasonication for solubilisation and 32 wt% HCl for
16h hydrolysis. Method 2 differentiate to two solubilisation methods; a). Alkaline
+ ultrasonication and b). Alkaline only, followed by 24h hydrolysis with 6N HCl.
Method 1 gave slightly higher result of total amino acids extraction with a total
amino acids content (g/g MLVSS) 28.6% and 24.0% compared to Method 2a with
29.3% and 21.6%, for lab scale and full scale sludge, respectively. Significantly,
Method 2b gave lowest result with 11.6% in full scale sludge. In general conclusion
for full scale sludge, Method 1 gave the best result for amino acids extraction., Microbial biomass protein is expected to be the major supplementary protein source
during the food crisis. Waste activated sludge (WAS) has been reported to contain
important nutrients and is potential as non-conventional protein substitutes.
Proteins are composed of amino acids, by knowing how to efficiently extract amino
acids from WAS is crucial to improve the understanding of intracellular protein
production from wastewater. Three methods were proposed to evaluate the amino
acids and free amino acids extraction from two sludge sources; lab and full-scale
sludge. Method 1 utilised ultrasonication for solubilisation and 32 wt% HCl for
16h hydrolysis. Method 2 differentiate to two solubilisation methods; a). Alkaline
+ ultrasonication and b). Alkaline only, followed by 24h hydrolysis with 6N HCl.
Method 1 gave slightly higher result of total amino acids extraction with a total
amino acids content (g/g MLVSS) 28.6% and 24.0% compared to Method 2a with
29.3% and 21.6%, for lab scale and full scale sludge, respectively. Significantly,
Method 2b gave lowest result with 11.6% in full scale sludge. In general conclusion
for full scale sludge, Method 1 gave the best result for amino acids extraction.]"
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Zalfa Ulayyah Qoriroh Zeilin
"Mikroplastik merupakan emerging contaminant yang semakin banyak diteliti dampak dan persebarannya di lingkungan. Studi terdahulu menyimpulkan bahwa IPAL penting dalam mencegah mikroplastik masuk ke badan air, tetapi masih melepaskannya dalam jumlah besar melalui air dan tanah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji efektivitas IPAL Domestik RPTRA Dahlia dalam menyisihkan mikroplastik dari greywater. Prosedur penelitian meliputi pengambilan sampel lumpur di 1 titik dan sampel air di 6 titik IPAL, yang kemudian diuji di laboratorium. Hasilnya, IPALD RPTRA Dahlia memiliki efektivitas penyisihan mikroplastik sebesar 92,85%, dengan variasi efisiensi penyisihan per titik sampel. Efisiensi penyisihan kumulatif tertinggi diketahui terdapat pada unit biologis yaitu 81,08% dengan mekanisme penyisihan berupa pengendapan partikel pada unit-unit sebelumnya. Data karakteristik mikroplastik termasuk bentuk, warna, ukuran, dan material. Persentase bentuk dari terbanyak adalah fragmen (59,6%), microbead (29,1%), fiber (5,9%), film (3,9%), dan foam (1,6%). Warna mikroplastik dominan adalah hitam (33,5%), biru (27,5%), merah (23,9%), dan kuning (6,9%), dengan sebagian kecil hijau (4,2%), dan putih-bening (4,0%). Ukuran partikel bervariasi: fragmen (12 μm - 1,425 mm), microbead (6-75 μm), fiber (112 μm - 4,737 mm), film (37 μm - 1,518 mm), dan foam (63 μm - 1,053 mm). Material mikroplastik yang teridentifikasi di antaranya: PVFM, PVB, PVC, Polyester Film, FEP, PEI, PC/PBT.

Microplastics are one of emerging contaminants that are increasingly being studied for their impact and distribution in the environment. Previous studies have concluded that WWTPs are important in preventing microplastics from entering water bodies, but still release them in large quantities through water and soil. This study aims to assess the effectiveness of the RPTRA Dahlia Domestic WWTP in removing microplastics from graywater. The research procedure included sampling of sludge at 1 point and water at 6 points of the WWTP, which were then tested in the laboratory. As a result, the RPTRA Dahlia WWTP has a microplastic removal effectiveness of 92.85%, with variations in removal efficiency per sample point. The highest cumulative removal efficiency is known to be found in the biological unit at 81.08% with a removal mechanism in the form of particle deposition in the previous units. Data on microplastic includes shape, color, size, and material. The highest percentage of shapes were fragments (59,6%), microbeads (29,1%), fiber (5,9%), film (3,9%), and foam (1,6%). The dominant microplastic colors were black (33,5%), blue (27,5%), red (23,9%), dan yellow (6,9%), dengan sebagian kecil green (4,2%), dan white-transparent (4,0%). Particle sizes varied: fragments (12 μm - 1.425 mm), microbeads (6-75 μm), fiber (112 μm - 4.737 mm), film (37 μm - 1.518 mm), and foam (63 μm - 1.053 mm). The microplastic materials identified include PVFM, PVB, PVC, Polyester Film, FEP, PEI, PC/PBT."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Meutia Putri Mulya
"Limbah domestik yang berasal dari air mencuci pakaian mengandung COD dan fosfat yang tinggi. Air yang tercemar ditandai dengan COD yang tinggi. Sedangkan fosfat yang tinggi dapat menyebabkan eutrofikasi. Untuk mengurangi konsentrasi COD dan fosfat dapat dilakukan dengan menggunakan karbon aktif. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui penurunan konsentrasi COD dan fosfat dilihat dari waktu tinggalnya. Dari hasil uji sampel diketahui bahwa konsentrasi COD dan fosfat akan berkurang dengan bertambahnya waktu tinggal. Jika dilihat dari garis trendline, penurunan konsentrasi COD berlangsung dengan cukup cepat. hal tersebut dilihat dari bentuk trendline yang sedikit landai. Nilai korelasi (r) untuk COD rata-rata berada diatas 0,8. Hal tersebut menandakan hubungan yang sangat kuat antara waku tinggal dengan penurunan konsentrasi COD. Untuk fosfat, penurunannya cukup cepat. Hal tersebut dapat dilihat dari bentuk trendline yang cukup curam. Sedangkan nilai korelasi fosfat rata-rata berada diatas 0,8. Hal tersebut menandakan hubungan yang sangat kuat antara waku tinggal dengan penurunan konsentrasi fosfat. Dari hasil pengukuran persentase removal didapatkan waktu tinggal optimum untuk COD adalah 95 - 110 detik. Pada penelitian ini belum diketahui waktu tinggal optimumnya, karena membutuhkan waktu yang lebih dari 2 jam.

Domestic wastewater from clothes washing water contains high COD and phosphate. Contaminated water is characterized by high COD. While high phosphate can cause eutrophication. To reduce the concentration of COD and phosphate can be done by using activated carbon. This study aims to determine the decrease in the concentration of COD and phosphate seen from retention time. From the results of the sample test is known that the concentration of COD and phosphate will decrease with increasing residence time. If seen from the trendline, a decrease in the concentration of COD runs quite fast. It is seen from the slightly sloping trendline. Average correlation values (r) for COD is above 0,8. This indicates a very strong relationship between retention time and decreased concentration of COD. For phosphate, the decreased concentration is quite rapid. This can be seen from the form of a fairly steep trendline. While the average correlation value of phosphate is above 0.8. This indicates a very strong relationship between retention time and decreased concentration of phosphate. From the measurement results obtained optimum residence time, percentage removal of COD is optimum for 95-110 seconds. In this study the optimum residence time for phosphate is not known, because it takes more than 2 hours."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sri Fahmiati
"Efek dari amonia yang ditemukan pada air limbah telah mendorong pengembangan metode yang efisien untuk penyisihannya. Pada penelitian ini, kombinasi kontaktor membran serat berongga dan proses ozonasi digunakan untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut. Limbah amonia sebesar 120 ppm dan absorben mata air panas ciater yang mengandung sulfat digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Efek dari suhu umpan, yakni 30°C, 40°C dan 50°C pada efisiensi pemisahan dan perpindahan massa amonia diinvestigasi. OH- yang terbentuk dari OH radikal sebagai produk dari dekomposisi ozon membantu menjaga pH basa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa peningkatan suhu umpan meningkatkan penyisihan amonia.. Kombinasi kedua proses ini dapat dikatakan efektif dalam menyisihkan 96% amonia pada suhu 50°C.

The effects of ammonia which commonly found in wastewater streams have promoted the development of more efficient methods for their removal. In this study, polypropylene hollow-fiber membranes and ozonation process were used to achieve this purpose. Synthetic ammonium sulfate and Ciater spring water was used. The effects of feed temperature (30°C, 40°C and 50°C) on removal efficiency and the overall mass transfer of the ammonia were investigated. OH- which formed from OH radical as a product of ozone decomposition helps to maintain alkalinity of the system. Result shows that feed temperature has significant effect on ammonia removal. This combination process works to be very effective on ammonia removal from the synthetic waste water. For variated temperature on 30°C, 40°C and 50°C , the best result of ammonia removal is around 96 % on 50°C."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
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