"Penggunaan plastik pada proses ko-pirolisis trigliserida dapat berguna untuk menyumbangkan hidrogen selama proses ko-pirolisis serta mengurangi limbah plastik. Pada penelitian ini, reaksi ko-pirolisis akan dilakukan di dalam reaktor tangki berpengaduk menggunakan katalis Ni/ZrO
4, yang diharapkan mampu memenuhi karakteristik mesopori dan meningkatkan
yield produk hasil. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendapatkan pengaruh rasio umpan plastik polipropilena dari 0%, 25%, 50%, 75% dan 100% berat umpan terhadap hasil produk ko-pirolisis dan komposisi bio-oil. Produk ko-pirolisis dianalisis berdasarkan
yield, analisis FTIR, dan GC-MS, untuk menentukan kemungkinan jalur reaksi, komposisi senyawa, dan ikatan kimia yang ada di dalam
bio-oil. Penggunaan katalis Ni/ZrO
4 mampu meningkatkan
yield produk akhir dan mengurangi produksi
wax dan gas. Dari hasil ko-pirolisis, peningkatan rasio polipropilena pada umpan dapat mengurangi jumlah senyawa oksigenat dari 75.88% pada variasi 0% PP menjadi 67.17% pada variasi 25% PP, 55.38% pada variasi 50%, dan 44.96% pada variasi 75% PP. Setelah proses pirolisis, reaksi hidrodeoksigenasi dilakukan dalam reaktor tangki berpengaduk dengan dialiri gas hidrogen bertekanan 14 bar. Produk akhir hidrodeoksigenasi menunjukkan bahwa katalis Ni/ZrO
4 tidak menunjukkan efek positif untuk mengurangi komponen oksigenat pada
bio-oil. Hal ini diakibatkan oleh faktor hambatan sterik dan keasaman katalis, sehingga reaksi cenderung mengarah ke esterifikasi.
The use of plastic in triglyceride co-pyrolysis were for donating hydrogen during the co-pyrolysis process and reducing plastic waste. In this study, the co-pyrolysis reaction will be carried out in a stirred reactor using a Ni/ZrO2.SO4 catalyst, which is expected to meet mesoporous characteristics and increase product yield. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the polypropylene plastic feed ratio of 0%, 25%, 50%, 75% and 100% by weight of the feed on the co-pyrolysis product yield and bio-oil composition. The co-pyrolysis products were analyzed based on yield, FTIR, and GC-MS, to determine possible reaction pathway, compound composition, and chemical bonds in bio-oil. The use of Ni/ZrO2.SO4 catalyst could increase the final product yield and reduce the production of wax and gas. From the results of co-pyrolysis, increasing the ratio of polypropylene in the feed could reduce the amount of oxygenate compounds from 75.88% in the 0% PP variation to 67.17% in the 25% PP variation, 55.38% in the 50% variation, and 44.96 % at 75% PP variation.. After the pyrolysis process, the hydrodeoxygenation reaction was carried out in a stirred tank reactor with hydrogen gas flowing under a pressure of 14 bar. The final product of hydrodeoxygenation showed that the Ni/ZrO2.SO4 catalyst did not show a positive effect on reducing the oxygenate component of the bio-oil. This is caused by the steric hindrance and acidity of the catalyst, so it tends to lead to esterification."