"Populisme berkembang di berbagai negara pada dua dekade terakhir, termasuk di Indonesia. Sebagian besar penelitian terkait populisme di Indonesia terpusat pada tokoh politik dan masih sedikit yang berfokus pada faktor-faktor psikologi sosial. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara group relative deprivation (GRD), resentment, dan sikap populis, serta peran mediasi resentment terhadap hubungan antara GRD dengan sikap populis. Responden berjumlah 180 orang, 38,3% laki-laki dan 61,7% perempuan, dengan rata-rata umur 30 tahun (SD = 10,30). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan GRD berhubungan positif signifikan dengan sikap populis (r = 0,182, p < 0,05) dan resentment (r = 0,15, p < 0,05). Resentment ditemukan berhubungan positif signifikan dengan sikap populis (r = 0,231, p < 0,01). Selain itu, resentment memiliki efek mediasi parsial yang signifikan terhadap hubungan GRD dengan sikap populis (β = 0,06, SE = 0,04). Dapat disimpulkan bahwa GRD dapat memprediksi sikap populis dan hubungan tersebut dimediasi oleh resentment. Penelitian ini melengkapi kerumpangan hasil penelitian tentang hubungan antara GRD terhadap sikap populis dengan resentment sebagai mediator, serta mengetahui faktor afektif yang berhubungan dengan sikap populis. Hasil dari penelitian ini juga dapat bermanfaat bagi publik agar mendasarkan penentuan keberpihakan dan dukungan politik dengan lebih kritis dan rasional, bukan dilandaskan oleh narasi kampanye yang mempolitisasi perasaan kekurangan dari rakyat dan kemarahan rakyat semata.
Populism has developed in various countries in the last two decades, including in Indonesia. Most of the research related to populism in Indonesia has focused on political figures and only a few have focused on social psychology factors. This study aims to determine the relationship between group relative deprivation (GRD), resentment, and populist attitudes, as well as the role of mediating resentment on the relationship between GRD and populist attitudes. Respondents totaled 180 people, 38,3% male and 61,7% female with an mean age of 30 years (SD = 10.30). The results showed that GRD had a significant positive relationship with populist attitudes (r = 0.182, p < 0.05) and resentment (r = 0.15, p < 0.05). Resentment was found to be significantly and positively related to populist attitudes (r = 0.231, p < 0.01). In addition, resentment has a significant partial mediating effect on the relationship between GRD and populist attitudes (β = 0.06, SE = 0.04). It can be concluded that GRD can predict populist attitudes and the relationship is mediated by resentment. This study completes the gap in research results on the relationship between GRD on populist attitudes and resentment as a mediator, as well as looking at affective factors related to populist attitudes. The results of this research can also be useful for the public in order to base their determination on political alignments and support more critically and rationally, instead of being based on campaign narratives that politicize the people's feelings of inadequacy and people's anger alone."