"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkap perspektif masyarakat lokal terhadap satuan-satuan lanskap serta mengungkap pengetahuan dan pemanfaatan sumber daya hayati, terutama sumber daya tumbuhan, oleh masyarakat lokal Pulau Serangan, Bali. Metode penelitian ini diadaptasi dari Multidisiplinary Landscape Assessment (MLA). Data dikumpulkan melalui wawancara, observasi langsung, diskusi kelompok fokus (FGD-Focus Group Discussion), metode distribusi kerikil (PDM-Pebble Distribution Method), serta analisis Local User?s Value Index (LUVI). Terdapat 146 spesies dari 55 famili tumbuhan yang dikenali masyarakat yang tersebar di berbagai satuan lanskap. Satuan-satuan lanskap tersebut yaitu karang/natah (80 spesies tumbuhan), bet muda (54 spesies tumbuhan), bet tua (79 spesies tumbuhan), padang-padang (11 spesies tumbuhan), pasih (7 spesies tumbuhan), kanal, lagun, danau, dan segara. Satuan lanskap pasih memperoleh nilai LUVI tertinggi (24 %). Hasil penelitian juga menunjukkan bahwa terdapat 132 spesies tumbuhan yang dikenali masyarakat di Pulau Serangan, yang diketahui memiliki manfaat sebagai makanan (9,25 %), obat-obatan (6,94 %), kayu bakar (4,31 %). teknologi lokal dan seni (5,38 %), pewarna (3,50 %), sumber penghasilan (8,625 %), ritual/adat (6 %), bahan pakan ternak (5,31 %), dan penunjang rekreasi/wisata (6,75 %). Selain tumbuhan, masyarakat juga memanfaatkan sumber daya lain seperti fauna pesisir dan laut serta makroalga. Untuk pemanfaatan sumber daya hayati pulau secara keseluruhan, dua kategori pemanfaatan dengan nilai LUVI tertinggi berturut-turut yakni sumber penghasilan (19 %) dan bahan makanan (18 %).
This research attempts to reveal the relationship of the Serangan local people and their landscape, as well as their utilization of biological resources. Data were collected by conducting interview, direct observation in the site of the research, Focus Group Discussion (FGD), Pebble Distribution Method (PDM) and Local User?s Value Index (LUVI) analysis. A total of 146 plant species, distributed in 55 families were cited. The result also showed that Serangan local people identified nine landscape units, namely karang/natah (80 plant species), bet muda (54 plant species), bet tua (79 plant species), padang-padang (11 plant species), pasih (7 plant species), kanal, lagun, danau, and segara. Pasih, kanal, lagun, danau, and segara generally have potential in coastal and marine natural resources. Since each landscape unit differs in biological resources composition, the local people utilize and manage each of them differently. According to the local people?s perspective, the pasih landscape unit gained the highest LUVI score (24 %). The result also showed that a total of 132 useful plant species were used by Serangan people for food (9.25%), medicinal plant (6.94 %), firewood (4.31 %), local technology and art (5.38 %), food-coloring (3,50 %), revenue (8.625 %), ritual/tradition (6 %), livestock fodder (5.31 %), and recreation/tourism (6.75 %). Serangan people also utilize other biological resources such as coastal and marine fauna as well as macroalgae. In terms of utilization of the whole biological resources, two categories with the highest LUVI score respectively are revenue (19 %) and food (18 %)."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2013