"Lima tahun pertama pernikahan merupakan periode yang membutuhkan penyesuaian diri.Dalam periode ini individu dan pasangan rentan mengalami konflik karena menghadapi berbagai perbedaan nilai, pandangan, persespi hingga kebiasaan. Kerentanan terhadap konflik berkontribusi menambah tekanan yang dialami oleh individu dalam menyesuaikan diri terhadap kehidupan pernikahan. Dalam periode penyesuaian ini, salah satu faktor protektif individu dalam menghadapi tekanan, yaitu mindfulness. Salah satu mekanisme yang menjembatani hubungan antara mindfulness dan penyesuaian pernikahan diduga melalui penerapan strategi konflik baik secara konstruktif maupun destruktif. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat apakah strategi konflik konstruktif maupun destruktif memediasi hubungan antara mindfulness trait dengan penyesuaian pernikahan. Partisipan penelitian berjumlah 150 orang (74% perempuan; M = 27,49, SD = 2,4). Penyesuaian pernikahan diukur melalui DAS, mindfulness diukur menggunakan MAAS, dan strategi konflik diukur melalui RPCS. Melalui analisis mediasi, ditemukan adanya hubungan mediasi antara mindfulness dan penyesuaian pernikahan secara penuh melalui strategi konflik konstruktif (a1b = 0,334; SE = 0,148; 95%; CI [0,06 , 0,65]) dan strategi konflik destruktif (a2b = 0,137; SE = 0,07; 95%; CI [0,03 , 0,30]). Hal ini menunjukkan peran strategi konflik berbasis mindfulness khususnya, berkolaborasi dalam pemecahan masalah bersama pasangan dan penurunan reaktivitas emosi, berperan penting terhadap penyesuaian pernikahan di lima tahun pertama.
The first-five years of marriage is a period that requires adjustment. In this period, individuals and spouse more likely to argue during this time because of differences values, opinions, perceptions, and habits. The vulnerability of conflict increased the pressure on individuals attempting to adjust to married life. During the adjustment period with the spouse, one of the individual protective factors in dealing with pressure is mindfulness. One of the mechanisms bridging the relationship between mindfulness and marital adjustment is postulated to be through the application of conflict strategies both constructively and destructively. This study aims to see whether constructive or destructive conflict strategies mediate the relationship between the mindfulness and marital adjustment. There were 150 study participants (74% female; M = 27,49, SD = 2,4). Marital adjustment was measured through DAS, mindfulness was measured using MAAS, and conflict strategies were measured through RPCS. Through mediation analysis, it was found that there was a mediation relationship through a constructive conflict strategy (a1b1 = 0,334; SE = 0,148; 95%; CI [0,06 , 0,65]) and destructive conflict strategy (a2b2 = 0,137; SE = 0,07; 95%; CI [0,03 , 0,30]). This shows that the role of mindfulness-based conflict strategies, particularly collaboration in solving problems with the spouse and the decreasing emotional reactivity, play an important role in the marriage adjustment in the first five-years."