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"Meskipun Uni Eropa telah secara eksplisit menyatakan ambisinya untuk mencapai kedaulatan digital pada tahun 2020, pemahaman terhadap istilah tersebut masih minim dan belum familiar. Kajian literatur ini bertujuan untuk memahami perkembangan literatur tentang kedaulatan digital di Uni Eropa dan mengidenfikasi celah yang terdapat dalam berbagai literatur tersebut. Metode pengikutsertaan (inclusion) dan pengecualian (exclusion) digunakan untuk menelusuri literatur yang akan digunakan dalam kajian literatur ini, sedangkan metode taksonomi digunakan untuk mengorganisasikan literatur-literatur yang ditemukan dengan melakukan klasifikasi sesuai dengan tema-tema dominan. Dengan menggunakan 43 literatur, kajian literatur ini menunjukkan bahwa perkembangan literatur tentang kedaulatan digital di Uni Eropa berada dalam tiga kategori bahasan utama, yaitu: (1) konseptualisasi kedaulatan digital di Uni Eropa; (2) strategi kedaulatan digital di Uni Eropa; dan (3) aktor dalam kedaulatan digital di Uni Eropa. Setelah mengkaji berbagai literatur tersebut, kajian literatur ini menemukan bahwa kedaulatan digital merupakan manifestasi dari keinginan Uni Eropa untuk mengatur ruang siber agar selaras dengan nilai-nilai Uni Eropa di tengah persaingan geopolitik antara Amerika Serikat dan Tiongkok, serta dominasi kedua negara tersebut dalam ranah digital. Temuan tersebut menunjukkan bahwa kajian tentang strategi konkret Uni Eropa untuk mencapai kedaulatan digital masih berhubungan erat dengan ranah keamanan dan pertahanan. Perkembangan literatur turut mengidentifikasi bahwa dalam konteks kedaulatan digital di Uni Eropa, kajian tentang hubungan Uni Eropa dengan aktor negara lain masih didominasi oleh hubungannya dengan Amerika Serikat dan Tiongkok. Fenomena tersebut menyingkap celah yang ditemukan dalam berbagai literatur tersebut, seperti minimnya literatur yang membahas tentang strategi konkret Uni Eropa untuk mencapai kedaulatan digital dalam ranah ekonomi, hubungan Uni Eropa dengan negara-negara lain selain Amerika Serikat dan Tiongkok, peran aktor non-negara lain selain perusahaan swasta, hingga siapa sesungguhnya yang berwenang untuk mengatur kedaulatan digital di Uni Eropa. Akhir kata, kajian literatur ini diharapkan dapat berkontribusi dalam memperkaya pemahaman terhadap kedaulatan digital di Uni Eropa sekaligus memberikan rekomendasi praktis terhadap pengimplementasian kedaulatan digital di Uni Eropa.

Although the European Union explicitly declared its ambition to achieve digital sovereignty in 2020, the understanding of this term is still limited and unfamiliar. This literature review aims to understand the development of literature on digital sovereignty in the European Union and identify gaps in the existing literatures. The inclusion and exclusion methods are employed to select relevant literatures for this review, while the taxonomy method is used to organize the identified literatures by classifying them according to dominant themes. Based on the analysis of 43 literature sources, this literature review reveals that the literatures on digital sovereignty in the European Union fall into three main categories of discussion: (1) the conceptualization of digital sovereignty in the European Union; (2) the digital sovereignty strategies in the European Union; and (3) actors in digital sovereignty in the European Union. After examining various literatures, this literature review argues that digital sovereignty is a manifestation of the European Union’s desire to regulate cyberspace in line with European values amidst the geopolitical competition between the United States and China, as well as the dominance of these two countries in the digital realm. These findings highlight the close relationship between concrete strategies for achieving digital sovereignty in the European Union and the domains of security and defense. The literature development also identifies that in the context of digital sovereignty in the European Union, studies on the European Union's relations with other countries are still dominated by its relationship with the United States and China. These occurrences reveal several gaps in these literatures, such as a limited number of literatures have addressed concrete strategies of the European Union to achieve digital sovereignty in the economic domain, the European Union’s relations with countries other than the United States and China, the role of non-state actors besides private enterprises, and the authority responsible for regulating digital sovereignty in the European Union. In conclusion, this literature review is expected to contribute to a better understanding of digital sovereignty in the European Union and provide practical recommendations for the implementation of digital sovereignty in the European Union."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dimas Yudhistira Henuhili
"Selama beberapa dekade terakhir, terjadi peningkatan perdebatan mengenai kedaulatan dalam kajian Ilmu Hubungan Internasional. Salah satu titik krusial yang mendorong perdebatan ini adalah terbentuknya Uni Eropa melalui Maastricht Treaty pada tahun 1992. Setelah itu, terdapat beragam literatur yang membahas mengenai kedaulatan di Uni Eropa, sehingga diperlukan sebuah kajian kepustakaan. Untuk menjawab permasalahan tersebut, studi ini memetakan perkembangan literatur mengenai kedaulatan di Uni Eropa pasca Maastricht Treaty. Dari tiga puluh artikel jurnal/buku/chapter edited volume yang dikaji, terdapat empat tema besar yaitu (1) karakteristik kedaulatan di Uni Eropa; (2) dinamika kedaulatan dalam kebijakan di Uni Eropa: antara intergovernmentalisme dan supranasionalisme (3) faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi penerimaan terhadap perubahan bentuk kedaulatan di Uni Eropa dan (4) kritik terhadap penerapan kedaulatan di Uni Eropa. Setelah melakukan pemetaan dan analisis literatur, kajian kepustakaan ini menghasilkan beberapa temuan. Pertama, karakter kedaulatan di Uni Eropa memiliki penafsiran yang berbeda-beda, mulai dari kedaulatan dipandang disatukan (pooled sovereignty), dibagi (shared sovereignty), hingga dianggap masih berada di negara. Kedua, penerapan kedaulatan dalam tatanan praktis dalam level kebijakan di Uni Eropa dapat bertahan maupun berubah, menyesuaikan preferensi negara-negara anggotanya. Ketiga, penerimaan negara terhadap beragam bentuk kedaulatan di Uni Eropa dipengaruhi oleh faktor ekonomi, faktor interdependensi, dan faktor keamanan. Keempat, dinamika serta cara pandang terhadap kedaulatan di Uni Eropa tampaknya dipengaruhi oleh fenomena-fenomena empirik atau perkembangan yang terjadi di Uni Eropa. Terakhir, dari keseluruhan literatur, studi ini mengindentifikasi celah literatur yang terdapat dalam sedikitnya analisis mengenai kedaulatan dalam kebijakan di Uni Eropa, serta kurangnya studi komparatif yang membandingkan kedaulatan di Uni Eropa dengan kedaulatan dalam entitas politik lainnya.

Over the last few decades, the topic of Sovereignty has been increasingly discussed in International Relations. One of the crucial factors leading to the debate was the establishment of the European Union through the enactment of Maastricht Treaty in 1992. As an effect, various literature discussing sovereignty in the European Union emerged and subsequently neccessitates a literature review on it. This study mapped various literature on sovereignty in the European Union after Maastricht Treaty. By taking into account thirty journal articles/books/chapters of edited volume, this study found four major themes in the literature: (1) the characteristics of sovereignty in the European Union; (2) the dynamics of sovereignty in the European Union policies: between intergovernmentalism and supranationalism; (3) the factors influencing the acceptance of the changing form of sovereignty in the European Union; and (4) the critiques on the implementation of sovereignty in the European Union. After mapping and analyzing the literature, this study found several important points. First, the characters of sovereignty in the European Union result in various interpretations such as pooled sovereignty, shared sovereignty, and sovereignty that are embedded within member states. Second, the implementation of sovereignty in the European Union policies could both be static or dynamic, depending on the member states' preferences. Third, member states’ acceptance of various sovereignty forms in the European Union are influenced by economic, interdependence, and security factors. Fourth, the dynamics of the sovereignty in the European Union are perceived to be influenced by events happening in the European Union. Lastly, this study identifies several literature gaps on the lack of literature analyzing sovereignty aspect of European Union’s policies and the minimum amount of comparative studies between sovereignty in the European Union and sovereignty in other political entities."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Penelitian ini menguji apakah penggunaan teknologi digital pada karya seni membuat adanya perubahan strategi pada penyajian karya seni lukis di galeri seni peringkat atas di Uni Eropa terutama di kala pandemi COVID-19 terjadi. Penelitian ini ingin membuktikan bahwa dengan adanya perubahan strategi tersebut terjadi adanya aksesibilitas tinggi dari masyarakat dan penikmat seni, bukan hanya di Eropa tapi juga di dunia, akan karya seni lukis bentuk digital di galeri seni peringkat atas di Uni Eropa. ­Penelitian ini mengemukakan bahwa dengan adanya penggunaan teknologi digital pada karya seni lukis maka membuat adanya aksesibilitas yang memudahkan pengunjung atau penikmat seni dalam mengakses dan menikmati karya seni lukis di galeri seni tersebut, hingga menimbulkan kebiasaan baru dalam menikmati karya seni lukis digital. Penelitian ini menggunakan konsep Simulakra dari Jean Baudrillard untuk membuktikan bahwa kemajuan teknologi merupakan pergeseran bentuk karya seni ke arah yang lebih modern, menggunakan teori distingsi (pembedaan) dari Pierre Bourdieu untuk menjelaskan mengenai selera individu penikmat seni lukis lewat konsep estetika yang menentukan minatnya, serta menggunakan pendekatan studi sosiologi urban dari Georg Simmel yang menjelaskan keterkaitan subkultur di daerah perkotaan, serta struktur internal segmen masyarakat yang berhubungan dengan minat masyarakat ke galeri seni.

This study examines whether the use of digital technology in paintings results in a change in strategy for presenting paintings in high-ranking art galleries in the European Union, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. This research wants to prove that with this change in strategy, there is high accessibility for the public and art lovers for digital paintings in top-ranked art galleries, not only in Europe but also in the world. This study argues that the use of digital technology in paintings creates accessibility that makes it easier for visitors or art lovers to access and enjoy paintings in the art gallery, thus creating new habits in enjoying digital paintings. This study uses the Simulacra concept from Jean Baudrillard to prove that technological progress is a shift in the form of art to a more modern direction, also uses the distinction theory from Pierre Bourdieu to explain the individual tastes of painting lovers through aesthetic concepts that determine their interests, and uses Georg Simmel's approach to urban sociology studies that explains the interrelationships of subcultures in urban areas, as well as the internal structure of community segments related to public interest in art galleries."
Jakarta: Sekolah Kajian Stratejik dan Global Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yessy Yasminy
"Multilingualism in EU is a state of affairs emerged as a range of different languages encounter one another. The history of European integration and the course of language policy in EU show that there is no policy on the language of EU. Issues related to language regulate themselves to practical tenets. This is what is identified as laissez-faire policy model. The putting into practice of this laissez-faire policy model in EU has significant implications to French language. They are closely correlated with the question of power. France, as a member-state having a vital role and strong leadership character in integration, perceives this circumstance as a form of threat against the strength and the popularity of its language.
Situations of multilingualism and language policy belong to one theoretical framework of sociolinguistics study and come into surface alongside political thinking_ One of the sociolinguistics scholars is Pierre Bourdieu, who suggests diverse concepts; among them are champ, capital, habitus, ilhrsio, libido and symbolique violance. Bourdieu develops sociology theory and associates it with other studies, such as media, literature, and politics. The study on Ianguage policy in ELI in this thesis applies the approaches put forward by Bourdieu. EU has been an arena of political interest struggle (champ) to two key member states i.e. France and the UK. Both states engage in the champ and draw on different capital. Language policy is the primary factor determining the dissemination and reinforcement of French language. France has vigorously promoted its language by employing massive policies on language and culture. Nevertheless, the results of these efforts cannot go beyond the popularity of English in EU, which in this case is influenced by the factors of economy, culture, and politics.
There is in fact another factor that determines the dissemination and reinforcement of English language, i.e_ the factor of the U.S. soft power. This thesis uses the concepts of power proposed by Joseph Nye Jr as well. Nye Jr defines soft power as an ability to gain what is desired by means better than force or money. English has ties to the economic system and global network dominated by the U.S. English itself is an integral part of globalization. The power of globalization becomes a habitus which at the end supports the dissemination and reinforcement of English language. The government of the UK does not need to carry out massive efforts similar to the ones done by the French government to elevate its language on top of language hierarchy. If hierarchy of language is regarded as something that is proper and natural, the acknowledgment of one single dominant language will easily take place. English will easily become the lingua franca of EU. EU's language policy which regulates to practical tenets will turn English into the de facto dominant language. This condition can eventually deteriorate EU's slogan of united in diversity_ The challenge for EU now lies on the ways of how to manage and regulate issues concerning language to strengthen the slogan without having to diminish the national identity of its member states."
Depok: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Aji Said Muhammad Iqbal Fajri

Di akhir abad ke-20, Uni Eropa mulai menyusun kerangka kerja sama energi terbarukan guna menjawab masalah kolektif terkait suplai energi dan perubahan iklim. Berbagai literatur kemudian muncul beriringan dengan perkembangan kerja sama energi terbarukan di Uni Eropa tersebut. Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk meninjau perkembangan literatur kerja sama energi terbarukan di Uni Eropa dengan menggunakan 83 literatur yang terakreditasi secara internasional. Dengan menggunakan metode taksonomi, literatur-literatur tersebut dibagi ke dalam empat tema umum, yakni (1) konseptualisasi kerja sama energi terbarukan di Uni Eropa, (2) ragam kepentingan kerja sama energi terbarukan di Uni Eropa, (3) aktor berpengaruh dalam kerja sama energi terbarukan di Uni Eropa, dan (4) persepsi aktor eksternal terkait kerja sama energi terbarukan di Uni Eropa. Tinjauan pustaka ini berupaya untuk menganalisis konsensus, perdebatan, dan kesenjangan literatur dari literatur-literatur yang dibahas. Tulisan ini menyingkap fakta bahwa kerja sama energi terbarukan di Uni Eropa menggambarkan kuatnya preskripsi intergovernmentalism dalam proses integrasi Eropa karena masih sentralnya peran negara dalam membentuk dan melaksanakan kerja sama energi terbarukan. Oleh sebab itu, kerja sama energi terbarukan akan memberikan tantangan bagi integrasi Eropa untuk dapat menyeimbangkan kepentingan negara anggota Uni Eropa dan solusi teknokratik terkait masalah suplai energi dan perubahan iklim.

At the end of the 20th century, the European Union has begun to develop frameworks for renewable energy cooperation to address collective problems related to energy supply and climate change. Various literatures then emerged along with the development of renewable energy cooperation in the European Union. This paper aims to review literature development regarding the renewable energy cooperation in the European Union by using 83 international accredited literatures. Using taxonomy method, the literatures are divided into four general themes, which are (1) conceptualization of renewable energy cooperation in the European Union, (2) variety of interests of renewable energy cooperation in the European Union, (3) influential actors within renewable energy cooperation in the European Union, and (4) the perception of external actors regarding renewable energy cooperation in the European Union. This literature review seeks to analyze the consensus, debates, and literature gap from the literatures that are being reviewed. This paper found that renewable energy cooperation in the European Union illustrates the strength of intergovernmental prescriptions in the European integration process because of state’s centrality in creating and implementing renewable energy cooperation. Accordingly, renewable energy cooperation will present a challenge for European integration in order to balance the interests of European Union’s member states and technocratic solutions related to the problem of energy supply and climate change.

Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia , 2020
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mutiara Elisabet
"Indonesia dan Uni Eropa telah mengambil langkah unilateral untuk menerapkan
pajak layanan digital. Skripsi ini mengkaji (i) pengaturan pajak layanan digital di
Indonesia dan Uni Eropa serta (ii) apakah pengaturan pajak layanan digital tersebut
melanggar kewajiban nondiskriminasi negara anggota WTO dalam GATS. Melalui
penelitian hukum yuridis normatif dan pendekatan perundang-undangan,
komparatif, dan kasus, dapat disimpulkan bahwa pertama, pajak layanan digital
dikenal di Indonesia sebagai pajak transaksi elektronik dan diatur dalam peraturan
perundang-undangan yang menerapkan kriteria kehadiran ekonomi signifikan. Di
Uni Eropa, pajak layanan digital diatur melalui Council Directives, di mana
pengaturan pengenaan pajak tersebut menggunakan metode ring-fencing dan
kriteria significant economic presence. Kedua, kewajiban nondiskriminasi dalam
GATS terdapat dalam Pasal II tentang Most-Favoured Nation dan Pasal XVII
tentang National Treatment serta yurisprudensi yang relevan dari putusan WTO.
Pengaturan pajak layanan digital Indonesia dan Uni Eropa tidak bersifat
diskriminatif, sebab berdasarkan indikator-indikator yang ada, tidak terbukti
adanya diskriminasi de jure maupun de facto. Saran berdasarkan kesimpulan
tersebut yaitu bagi Indonesia dan Uni Eropa untuk mempersiapkan bukti yang
menunjukkan tidak adanya perlakuan kurang menguntungkan terhadap negara
anggota WTO tertentu dalam praktik pengenaan pajak layanan digital oleh
Indonesia dan Uni Eropa apabila terdapat negara anggota yang mengajukan gugatan
diskriminasi ke WTO. Selanjutnya, apabila terdapat negara anggota yang
mengambil tindakan retaliasi, Indonesia dan Uni Eropa disarankan untuk
mengajukan gugatan diskriminasi ke WTO atas tindakan retaliasi tersebut.

Indonesia and the European Union (EU) have taken unilateral actions to implement
digital services tax. This thesis examines (ii) digital services tax regulation in
Indonesia and the EU and (ii) whether the digital services tax regulation violates
the non-discrimination obligation of WTO members according to the GATS.
Through conducting a judicial normative legal research whilst applying a statutory,
comparative and case-study approach, it can be concluded that firstly, digital
services tax in Indonesia is known as an electronic transaction tax and is regulated
by law, which implements significant economic presence criteria. In the European
Union, digital services tax is regulated through the Council Directives, in which the
regulation implements ring-fencing method as well as significant economic
presence criteria. Secondly, the non-discrimination obligations in GATS are
promulgated in Article II concerning Most-Favored Nation Treatment and Article
XVII concerning National Treatment as well as relevant jurisprudence of WTO
case laws. Indonesia and the EU's digital services tax regulation are not
discriminatory, because based on existing indicators, the existence of both de jure
and de facto discrimination is not proven. The suggestion would be for Indonesia
and the EU to provide evidence that shows the absence of unfavorable treatment of
certain WTO member states in digital services tax practices by Indonesia and the
EU, in the event that there are member states who decides to challenge the measures
to the WTO. Subsequently, in the event that certain member states decide to take
retaliation measures, it is suggested that Indonesia and the EU challenge said
measure to the WTO.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mutiara Elisabet
"Indonesia dan Uni Eropa telah mengambil langkah unilateral untuk menerapkan
pajak layanan digital. Skripsi ini mengkaji (i) pengaturan pajak layanan digital di
Indonesia dan Uni Eropa serta (ii) apakah pengaturan pajak layanan digital tersebut
melanggar kewajiban nondiskriminasi negara anggota WTO dalam GATS. Melalui
penelitian hukum yuridis normatif dan pendekatan perundang-undangan,
komparatif, dan kasus, dapat disimpulkan bahwa pertama, pajak layanan digital
dikenal di Indonesia sebagai pajak transaksi elektronik dan diatur dalam peraturan
perundang-undangan yang menerapkan kriteria kehadiran ekonomi signifikan. Di
Uni Eropa, pajak layanan digital diatur melalui Council Directives, di mana
pengaturan pengenaan pajak tersebut menggunakan metode ring-fencing dan
kriteria significant economic presence. Kedua, kewajiban nondiskriminasi dalam
GATS terdapat dalam Pasal II tentang Most-Favoured Nation dan Pasal XVII
tentang National Treatment serta yurisprudensi yang relevan dari putusan WTO.
Pengaturan pajak layanan digital Indonesia dan Uni Eropa tidak bersifat
diskriminatif, sebab berdasarkan indikator-indikator yang ada, tidak terbukti
adanya diskriminasi de jure maupun de facto. Saran berdasarkan kesimpulan
tersebut yaitu bagi Indonesia dan Uni Eropa untuk mempersiapkan bukti yang
menunjukkan tidak adanya perlakuan kurang menguntungkan terhadap negara
anggota WTO tertentu dalam praktik pengenaan pajak layanan digital oleh
Indonesia dan Uni Eropa apabila terdapat negara anggota yang mengajukan gugatan
diskriminasi ke WTO. Selanjutnya, apabila terdapat negara anggota yang
mengambil tindakan retaliasi, Indonesia dan Uni Eropa disarankan untuk
mengajukan gugatan diskriminasi ke WTO atas tindakan retaliasi tersebut.

Indonesia and the European Union (EU) have taken unilateral actions to implement
digital services tax. This thesis examines (ii) digital services tax regulation in
Indonesia and the EU and (ii) whether the digital services tax regulation violates
the non-discrimination obligation of WTO members according to the GATS.
Through conducting a judicial normative legal research whilst applying a statutory,
comparative and case-study approach, it can be concluded that firstly, digital
services tax in Indonesia is known as an electronic transaction tax and is regulated
by law, which implements significant economic presence criteria. In the European
Union, digital services tax is regulated through the Council Directives, in which the
regulation implements ring-fencing method as well as significant economic
presence criteria. Secondly, the non-discrimination obligations in GATS are
promulgated in Article II concerning Most-Favored Nation Treatment and Article
XVII concerning National Treatment as well as relevant jurisprudence of WTO
case laws. Indonesia and the EU's digital services tax regulation are not
discriminatory, because based on existing indicators, the existence of both de jure
and de facto discrimination is not proven. The suggestion would be for Indonesia
and the EU to provide evidence that shows the absence of unfavorable treatment of
certain WTO member states in digital services tax practices by Indonesia and the
EU, in the event that there are member states who decides to challenge the measures
to the WTO. Subsequently, in the event that certain member states decide to take
retaliation measures, it is suggested that Indonesia and the EU challenge said
measure to the WTO.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Manalu, Fredi Susanto
"Penelitian ini membahas alasan Uni Eropa sebagai anggota tetap di dalam forum G20, terutama penekanan pada mamfaat yang diperoleh oleh Uni Eropa melalui G20. Teori yang digunakan untuk meneliti Keanggotaan Uni Eropa di G20 adalah teori interdependensi kompleks, teori efek domino dan konsep global governance. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa pada saat berdirinya dan pada saat transformasi Uni Eropa di G20, adalah respon dari krisis keuangan yang dinilai ber-efek domino terhadap ekonomi global. Uni Eropa dengan anggota G20 lainnya dinilai mempunyai kemampuan dan memiliki interdependensi untuk berkerjasama menyelesaikan krisis dan mencegah efek domino. G20 dalam perkembangannya, berkembang menjadi global governance khususnya dalam tatanan ekonomi dunia. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Uni Eropa semakin mendapat tempat sebagai aktor global melalui G20 untuk mewujudkan visi Effective Multilateralism berbasis nilai, berperan dalam mengembangkan manajemen keuangan dunia dan meningkatkan keuntungan perdagangannya.

This study analyses the permanent membership of European Union in G20, especially its benefit as a member of G20. Theory used in this study consists of interdependence complex and domino effect theories and global governance concept. This study finds out that the establishment and transformation of European Union within G20 are the response toward domino effect in global financial crisis. European Union and other member of G20 are considered having the ability and interdependence to cooperate solving the crisis and prevent the domino effect. G20 thrives to be a global governance, specifically in world economic order. Finally, this study concludes that by way of G20, European Union becomes one of the promising global actors that helps actualising value based Effective Multilateralism vision, develops world financial management and enhances its trading profit. "
Depok: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abid Abdurrahman Adonis
"Semakin berkembangnya kelembagaan dan misi eksternal Uni Eropa khususnya dalam mempromosikan norma-normanya mendorong literatur-literatur untuk membahas peran Uni Eropa sebagai normative power. Normative power dianggap sebagai salah satu peran internasional Uni Eropa yang membedakannya dengan aktor-aktor internasional lainnya. Kendati telah banyak digunakan dalam berbagai literatur mengenai Uni Eropa, namun konsep normative power belum mendapat perhatian serius dari literatur-literatur disiplin Ilmu Hubungan Internasional yang lebih luas.
Kajian literatur ini membahas bagaimana perkembangan literatur mengenai Uni Eropa sebagai normative power. Dengan metode taksonomi, kajian literatur ini menunjukkan perkembangan literatur Uni Eropa sebagai normative power berada dalam empat kategori: 1 konseptualisasi normative power; 2 penggunaan normative power, 3 persepsi aktor mitra terhadap normative power, dan 4 Uni Eropa sebagai normative power dalam perspektif Hubungan Internasional.
Berdasarkan berbagai literatur yang sudah dikaji, kajian literatur ini berpendapat bahwa peran Uni Eropa sebagai normative power merupakan suatu konstruksi yang dikembangkan oleh akademisi dan pejabat Uni Eropa untuk menemukan relevansi dan mengangkat posisi politik Uni Eropa dalam peran internasionalnya. Konstruksi ini dipertegas melalui seleksi memori yang dilakukan oleh Uni Eropa terhadap klaim normative power-nya.
Kajian literatur ini juga menunjukkan terbatasnya keberhasilan penggunaan normative power oleh Uni Eropa terhadap para mitranya. Perkembangan literatur turut mengidentifikasi kecenderungan skeptisisme aktor-aktor mitra Uni Eropa terhadap penggunaan normative power oleh Uni Eropa. Selain itu, kajian literatur ini berargumen bahwa konsep normative power memiliki kecenderungan adanya bias Eurosentris dan perkembangan literatur didominasi oleh literatur-literatur liberal dan konstruktivis.
Berdasarkan literatur-literatur yang ditinjau, tulisan ini menemukan adanya celah riset pada persepsi aktor mitra Uni Eropa terhadap normative power dan penulisan melalui perspektif non Eropa.

The development of European Union's institutions and external mission, especially in promoting its norms, encourages literature to discuss the role of the EU as normative power. Normative power is considered one of the EU's international roles that distinguishes it from other international actors. Although widely used in literature on the European Union, the concept of normative power has not received serious attention from the wider International Relations readers.
This literature review discusses how the development of literature on the European Union as normative power. Using taxonomy method, this literature review shows the literature development of the EU as normative power fall into four categories: 1 the conceptualization of normative power; 2 the use of normative power, 3 partner actors' perceptions of normative power; and 4 EU as normative power according to IR perspectives.
Based on the literature that has been studied, this literature review argues that the role of the EU as normative power is a construction developed by academics and EU officials to find relevance and elevate the political position of the European Union in its international role. It is reasserted by how EU do memory selection to its own history in claiming its normative power.
This literature review also shows the limited success of normative usage power by the EU against its partners. The development of literature also identifies the tendency of skepticism of EU partner actors against the use of normative power by the European Union. In addition, this literature review argues that the concept of normative power has a tendency for Eurocentric bias and the development of literature dominated by liberal and constructivist literature.
Based on the literature reviewed, this paper found a research gap on the perceptions of EU partner actors and writing through a non-European perspective.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
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