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Chandrasekharan, Arun
"This book describes reliable and efficient design automation techniques for the design and implementation of an approximate computing system. The authors address the important facets of approximate computing hardware design - from formal verification and error guarantees to synthesis and test of approximation systems. They provide algorithms and methodologies based on classical formal verification, synthesis and test techniques for an approximate computing IC design flow. This is one of the first books in Approximate Computing that addresses the design automation aspects, aiming for not only sketching the possibility, but providing a comprehensive overview of different tasks and especially how they can be implemented."
Switzerland: Springer Cham, 2019
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
West, Brian G.
Manchester: Oxford Road, 1986
003 WES s
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sihombing, Edro Matthew Andreas
"Di era modern yang dipenuhi dengan aplikasi-aplikasi berbasis data dan komputasi yang intensif sumber daya, Komputasi approximatif telah muncul sebagai pendekatan menjanjikan untuk menyeimbangkan antara akurasi dan efisiensi komputasi. Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) menawarkan platform yang fleksibel untuk mengimplementasikan teknik tersebut, dan menjadikannya ideal untuk mengeksplorasi dampak komputasi approximatif dalam perangkat keras. Proyek ini mendalami penerapan teknik komputasi approximatif pada FPGA dalam konteks komputasi neuromorfik, dengan fokus pada implementasi spiking Izhikevich neuron model, model neuron yang banyak digunakan, dan mengevaluasi manfaat kinerja dan efisiensinya. Pada akhirnya, tesis ini bertujuan untuk memberikan informasi kepada para engineer dan designer tentang solusi komputasi yang lebih hemat energi dan responsif untuk masa depan.

In the modern era of data-driven applications and resource-intensive computations, approximate computing has emerged as a promising approach to balance the trade-off between computational accuracy and efficiency. Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) offer a flexible platform for implementing such techniques, making them ideal for exploring approximate computing in hardware. This project explores the application of approximate computing techniques on FPGAs in the context of neuromorphic computing, focusing on the implementation of the Izhikevich spiking neuron model, a widely used neural model, and evaluating its performance and efficiency benefits. Ultimately, the findings aim to inform engineers and designers of more energy-efficient and responsive computing solutions in the future."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hutahaean, William Yehezkiel
"Soft robotics merupakan bidang penelitian robot yang bertujuan untuk mengembangkan robot dalam aplikasi di berbagai bidang baru karena kemampuannya beradaptasi dan berinteraksi yang aman dengan manusia. Berbeda dengan robot pada umumnya yang merupakan robot kaku digunakan dalam berbagai bidang terutama otomasi manufaktur. Pada penulisan skripsi ini fokus utama ditujukan untuk membahas pengembangan kontrol dari robot berupa sarung tangan untuk rehabilitasi dengan menggunakan mekanisme pendukung. Mekanisme pendukung tersebut adalah sebuah soft robotic yang dikembangkan oleh peneliti di Harvard yang dinamai Fluid Origami-skeleton Artificial Muscles (FOAMs). Berdasarkan fokus tersebut, tujuan utama dari penelitian ini merupakan merancang dan mengimplementasikan sistem kontrol sebagai pendukung pergerakan soft actuator FOAMs sehingga memungkinkan gerakan yang tepat dan terkoordinasi. Sistem kontrol dirancang berdasarkan integrasi komponen-komponen utama sistem kontrol, yaitu feedback sensor, aktuator, dan mikrokontroler.
Desain sistem kontrol mengandalkan algoritma kontrol yang berdasarkan dengan PID, dengan komponen pompa sebagai integral dari sistem, dan valve sebagai derivative atau oposisi dari kegunaan pompa dan merupakan sebuah tujuan utama dari penulisan skripsi ini. Setelah melakukan pengujian, hasil pengujian tersebut menunjukkan keefektifan sistem kontrol dan kemampuan sistem untuk memberikan kesesuaian gerakan yang diinginkan. Dapat ditunjukkan juga bahwa soft actuator yang didukung dengan sistem kontrol mampu mengangkat beban 100 gram atau lebih daripada berat jari tangan pada umumnya dengan membutuhkan waktu hanya 13 detik pada kekuatan maksimum pompa (-60 kPa). Pengembangan sistem kontrol untuk soft robotic berbasis FOAMs merupakan sebuah langkah awal untuk menggapai potensi penuh dari bidang yang semakin berkembang ini. Pengembangan selanjutnya dari FOAM ini juga tidak hanya terhenti pada sebuah aplikasi ini saja, melainkan masih banyak potensi selanjutnya.

Soft robotics is a field of robot research that aims to develop robots in applications in various new fields because of their ability to adapt and interact safely with humans. In contrast to robots in general, which are rigid robots used in various fields, especially manufacturing automation. In this thesis, the main focus is aimed at discussing the development of control of robots in the form of gloves for rehabilitation using a support mechanism. The supporting mechanism is a soft robotic developed by researchers at Harvard called Fluid Origami-skeleton Artificial Muscles (FOAMs). Based on this focus, the main objective of this research is to design and implement a control system to support the movement of the FOAMs soft actuator to enable precise and coordinated movements.
The control system is designed based on the integration of the main components of the control system, namely feedback sensors, actuators, and microcontrollers. The design of the control system relies on a PID-based control algorithm, with the pump component as the integral of the system, and the valve as the derivative or opposition of the pump's utility. After conducting the tests, the results showed the effectiveness of the control system and the ability of the system to provide the desired motion compliance. It can also be shown that the soft actuator supported with the control system is able to lift a load of 100 grams or more than the weight of a typical hand finger by taking only 13 seconds at the maximum power of the pump (-60 kPa). The development of a control system for soft robots based on FOAMs is a first step towards realizing the full potential of this growing field. Further development of FOAMs should not stop at this application, but there are many more potentials.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kuniavsky, Mike
Introduction: the middle of Moore's law -- What is user experience design and who creates it? -- Interaction metaphors -- Information is a material -- The Whirlpool Centralpark refrigerator : the design of an accessory port -- Information shadows -- Clickables : toys and information shadows -- Devices are service avatars -- The iPod : a service avatar -- Applianceness -- Roomwizard : an appliance for office society -- Scales of experience -- Plasma poster : unifying work cultures with a digital poster -- Observation and ideation -- Simulation and sketching -- Nabaztag, an ambiguous avatar -- Augmentations and mashups -- Common design challenges -- From invisible computing to everyware."
Amsterdam: Morgan Kaufmann Publisher, 2010
004.019 KUN s
Buku Teks SO  Universitas Indonesia Library
Aulia Rizky Hermawan
"Kegiatan Site Acceptance Test adalah salah satu tahapan dalam proyek pengadaan barang. Pada kegiatan keinsinyuran ini, penulis bekerja sebagai Jr. Control System Engineer pada perusahaan PT Jetec – Actemium Indonesia. PT Jetec – Actemium Indonesia memenangkan tender proyek pengadaan remote terminal unit (RTU) untuk proyek pembangunan Stasiun Pengumpul pada lapangan Jirak milik PT Pertamina EP. Bekerja dibawah naungan kontraktor utama PT Elnusa Tbk. Penulis diberikan tanggung jawab oleh PT Jetec – Actemium Indonesia
sebagai engineer utama dalam menyelesaikan misi ini.
Setelah proses desain, rekayasa, dan manufaktur, panel RTU telah siap diinstalasi pada site pekerjaan. Setelah melewati tahapan typical acceptance test dan factory acceptance test yang dilakukan pada lokasi fabrikasi, maka site acceptance test adalah tahap terakhir yang harus dilakukan untuk mensertifikasi bahwa panel RTU telah siap untuk beroperasi penuh di Stasiun Pengumpul. Dalam laporan ini, penulis bertanggung jawab untuk memimpin jalannya proses SAT panel RTU di site pekerjaan. Dimulai dari pembuatan prosedur hingga selesainya kegiatan. Dalam proses pelaksanaan kegiatan ini, untuk membantu proses integrasi panel RTU dengan Stasiun Pengumpul, penulis bekerja sebagai technical assistant untuk pihak kontraktor. Kegiatan diakhiri dengan melakukan pelatihan kepada calon operator untuk Stasiun Pengumpul tersebut.

Site acceptance test is an activity as part of machine procurement in oil and gas project. For the engineering practices course, writer work as Jr. Control System Engineer at PT Jetec – Actemium Indonesia. PT Jetec – Actemium Indonesia awarded with project to procure remote terminal unit (RTU) for development project of collection station at Jirak site owned by PT Pertamina EP. This job served as vendor work with the main contractor PT Elnusa Tbk. Writer assigned by PT Jetec – Actemium Indonesia to conduct the mission for site acceptance test.
After the process of designing, engineering, and manufacturing, the RTU panel are ready to be installed in the work site. There are 2 steps of testing needed to be done by the panel before SAT, which are typical acceptance test and factory acceptance test. These steps were conducted at the manufacturer site. SAT is the final test conducted at the project site before certified to be operational. In this report, writer as an engineer responsible to lead the process of SAT starting from the development of the procedure until the commissioning of the plant. In this project, the writer also acting as technical representative ti assist the instrument engineer of the contractor to set the RTU into the right configuration and ended by conducting training session with the soon to be operators.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik, 2021
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hana Afiifah
"Dalam rangka meningkatkan pelayanan jalan tol di Indonesia, maka sistem pengumpulan tol atau aspek transaksi pembayaran di pintu gerbang tol perlu diupayakan untuk dipercepat. Salah satu pilihan untuk mempercepat tersebut dapat dilakukan dengan menerapkan sistem penentuan golongan dan tarif tol otomatis. Berkaitan dengan hal tersebut, maka dalam skripsi ini dilakukan penelitian dengan sebuah perancangan dan implementasi sistem penentuan golongan dan tarif tol otomatis berbasis FPGA. FPGA yang digunakan adalah Xilinx Spartan 3E, sedangkan peralatan lain yang digunakan sebagai vehicle identification berupa limit switch dan DI-MLDR. Sistem ini dilengkapi dengan interface melalui layar LCD. Pemodelan dan purwarupa sistem ini telah diuji dengan akurat dan siap untuk dirancang menjadi sebuah sistem yang utuh, dan siap untuk dikembangkan lebih lanjut.

To enhance the toll road service in Indonesia, the toll collection system need to be made faster. One of the choice for fastening could be done by system to define classes and toll rates automatically. Relating with this, then this final assignment is conducted by a research of class-determination and toll rates automatically system design and implementation based on FPGA. FPGA used is the Xilinx Spartan 3E, while other equipment used for vehicle identification in the form of limit switch and DI-MLDR. The system is equipped with an interface via LCD display. Modeling and prototype system has been tested with the results of accurate and ready to be designed into the whole system, and ready to be developed further."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Dashboard is a computer interface that displays a variety of charts, graphs, tables, which are selected reports from various data that are considered important to display rapidly, with an attractive appearance, dynamic, and relevant so that it can immediately be seen quickly to analyze a condition. Dashboard information system is widely used in various companies as a support system for decision-making where Dashboard usually displays data business trends of the company or the achievement of KPI (Key Performance Indicator) of a company. The method used is descriptive analysis by means of collecting information that areimportant for universities to be considered asthe Key Success Factors (KSF) of the university, and then, the design of the dashboard is made in accordance with these important factors.The result of this study is a grand design of information systems for the university performance monitoring, starting from the reception of students, faculty performance, student academic achievement, effectiveness and efficiency of services, including graduates. It is expected that by the time the system has been fully implemented, the university can take action quickly and accurately with respect to the required conditions."
621 COMMIT 6 (1-2) 2012
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Contents :
- Part I:Overview
- High-Speed I/O Design and Test Review:From the Perspectives of Moore
is Law and Multiple Gbps Data Rates
- Part II:System Architecture and Performance
- Transfer Functions for the Reference Clock Jitter in a Serial Link: Theory
and Applications
- Channel Compliance Testing Utilizing Novel Statistical Eye Methodology
- Advances in High-Speed Design in Dispersively Attenuating
Environments Such as Cables and Backplanes
- Part III:Design Simulation and Modeling
- Static Crosstalk Analysis
- Modeling Loss and Jitter in High-Speed Serial Connects
- Design and Modeling Methodology for High-Performance Power
Distribution Systems
- Source Synchronous Bus Design and Timing Analysis for High-Volume
Manufacturable System Interconnects
- Part IV:Design for High Performance
- Eye Opening Techniques Enabled by Dispersion Compensation
- Maximizing 10-Gbps Transmission Path Length in Copper Backplanes
with and without Transceiver Technology
- How to Make Optimal Use of Signal Conditioning in 40-Gbps Copper
- Design of a 6.25-Gbps Backplane SerDes with Top-Down Design
- A Flexible Serial Link for 5-10 Gbps in Realistic Backplane Environments
- Part V:Characterization and Test
- Signal Integrity and Jitter:How to Measure Them Correctly
- A Statistical and System Transfer Function Based Method for Jitter and
Noise in Communication Design and Test
- Total Jitter Measurement at Low Probability Levels,Using the Optimized
BERT Scan Method
- Comparison and Correlation of Signal-Integrity Measurement Techniques
- Performance Evaluation of High-Speed Serial Links
- Physical-Layer Design and Characterization of a 3.2 Gbps/Pair Memory
- Acronym Guide "
Chicago: International Engineering Consortium, 2005
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Cambria, Erik
"In this book common sense computing techniques are further developed and applied to bridge the semantic gap between word-level natural language data and the concept-level opinions conveyed by these. In particular, the ensemble application of graph mining and multi-dimensionality reduction techniques is exploited on two common sense knowledge bases to develop a novel intelligent engine for open-domain opinion mining and sentiment analysis. The proposed approach, termed sentic computing, performs a clause-level semantic analysis of text, which allows the inference of both the conceptual and emotional information associated with natural language opinions and, hence, a more efficient passage from (unstructured) textual information to (structured) machine-processable data."
Dordrecht: [Springer, ], 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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