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Amalia Suzianti
"Product packaging is not only used as a product container, but also used as a means of marketing by companies, particularly by those involved in consumer goods. Yogurt products are predicted to experience expansion in the Indonesian market. In this study, the authors analyzed the implementation of cognitive-based design in developing yogurt product packaging to increase consumers’ willingness to buy the product. This study was divided into two phases: initial research and primary research. Initial research pursued six levels of color scheme and font factors and then narrowed down the results into the two best options that would later be combined with the primary research that analysed the shape factors. Research methods used in the initial study were the Eye-Tracking method and the ‘Retrospective-Think-Aloud’ (RTA) method. Preliminary results showed that ‘Fineliner’ and ‘Bodoni’ font type along with ‘Analogue’ and ‘Tetradic’ color schemes are judged to be the best combination and thus, these results would be combined in the main study with the shape factor. Conjoint Analysis methods were used in the main study. The main results of the research study showed a preference from Indonesian consumers for yogurt product packaging with the ‘Fineline’ font type with its rounded shape and an ‘Analogue’ color scheme."
Depok: Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI-IJTECH 6:4 (2015)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Elbert Ongko
Berbagai upaya dilakukan oleh pemerintah serta pihak yang bersangkutan untuk mengurangi supply barang tiruan di Indonesia. Meskipun begitu, dibutuhkan pemahaman mengenai alasan konsumen membeli barang tiruan untuk memecahkan masalah ini. Model dalam penelitian ini berdasarkan theory of planned behaviour dan data akan diolah menggunakan metode Structural Equation Modeling. Data penelitian diperoleh dari kuesioner online yang berjumlah 299 responden. Hasil penelitian menemukan bahwa fashion consciousness, self ambiguity dan religiosity memiliki pengaruh positif terhadap purchase intention barang fashion tiruan. Subjective norm tidak signifikan jika dilihat secara langsung hubunganya terhadap purchase intention barang fashion tiruan, tetapi berpengaruh positif terhadap self ambiguity. Ethical judgement memiliki pengaruh negatif terhadap purchase intention barang fashion tiruan.

The purchase of counterfeits is increasing in Indonesia and the related parties, especially the government have focused mainly on the supply side of the said counterfeits. To solve this problem, an insight to the demand side of counterfeits is essential. To curb the demand for counterfeits require an understanding as to what motivates consumers to buy counterfeits. This research was based on theory of planned behaviour and the data was analysed using Structural Equation Modeling. The questionnare was administered to 299 people online. Result shows fashion consciousness, self ambiguity and religiosity have positive impacts on purchase intention of fashion counterfeits. Subjective norm was found to be an insignifact factor, but is a significant factor that affects self ambiguity. Ethical judgement was also found to have a negative impact on purchase intention of fashion counterfeits. "
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rengkung, Stephanie
"Packaging pada era ini tidak lagi hanya digunakan sebagai wadah namun juga digunakan sebagai salah satu sarana pemasaran perusahaan. Dalam penelitian ini penulis mencoba menganalisa pengaruh packaging pada keputusan konsumen dalam membeli produk Yogurt. Produk Yogurt sendiri diprediksi akan mengalami ekspansi pasar di Indonesia. Penelitian ini dibagi menjadi dua bagian yaitu penelitian awal dan penelitian utama. Penelitian awal berguna untuk mengerucutkan enam level yang ada dalam faktor skema warna dan font menjadi dua pilihan terbaik yang nantinya akan dikombinasikan dengan faktor shape pada penelitian utama.
Metode penelitian yang akan digunakan dalam penelitian awal adalah metode Eye tracking dan Retrospective Think Aloud.
Hasil penelitian awal menunjukkan bahwa font jenis "fineliner" dan "bodoni", dan skema warna "analogue" dan "tetradic" adalah yang terbaik dan akan dikombinasikan dalam penelitian utama dengan faktor shape. Metode Conjoint Analysis akan digunakan pada penelitian utama. Hasil penelitian utama menunjukkan preferensi rakyat Indonesia untuk packaging produk Yogurt adalah packaging dengan jenis font "fineliner", jenis shape Rounded dan jenis skema warna "analogue".

In this era, Packaging are no longer only used as a container but also used as a means of marketing in companies. In this study the authors tried to analyze the effect of packaging on consumer willingness to buy with a case study in Yogurt products. Yogurt is predicted to experience expansion in the Indonesian market. This study is divided into two parts, the initial research and primary research. Initial studies are useful for pursing six levels in the color scheme and font factors into two best options that will be combined with the shape factor of primary research.
Research methods will be used in the initial study was the Eye tracking method and Retrospective Think Aloud.
Preliminary results showed that "fineliner" and "bodoni" font type, and "analogue" and "tetradic" color schemes are the best and will be combined in the main study with shape factor. Conjoint Analysis methods will be used in the main study. The main results of the study showed a preference for the people of Indonesia for Yogurt product packaging is packaging with "fineliner" font type, Rounded shape and "analogue" color scheme
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sibuea, Calvin Paulus
"IIndustri furnitur secara global dan nasional dikuasai oleh sektor industri Furnitur kayu. Bersamaan dengan kapasitas pasar yang terus berkembang, Furnitur industri kayu memiliki potensi ekonomi menjanjikan untuk pembangunan ekonomi Indonesia. Built-in Furniture (Furnitur Tanam) adalah produk yang melekat secara permanen terhadap bangunan dan dirancang untuk tidak diubah dalam jangka panjang, misalnua kitchen set dan wardrobe. Namun hingga saat ini bisnis built-in furniture kurang menaruh perhatian pada model kemasan dikarenakan bentuk, ukuran, dan bahan yang berbeda setiap produk. Hal ini menimbulkan kerusakan persentase kerusakan produk cukup besar dalam proses transportasi. Penelitian ini mengupayakan bantuan untuk industri built-in furniture di Jakarta untuk memiliki rancangan baru kemasan produk yang aman bagi berbagai lini produk, efisiensi pengemasan, dan harga yang optimal.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan atribut kebutuhan konsumen dan bisnis itu sendiri serta melakukan pembobotan terhadap kualitas kemasan furnitur. Hal tersebut bertujuan untuk memberikan rekomendasi rancangan kemasan furnitur untuk mengurangi kerusakan dan mempercepat proses pengemasan dalam proses produksi. Penelitian ini mengintegrasikan metode Design Thinking. Metode Design Thinking membantu menganalisis permasalahan dari sudut pandang produk dan pengguna sehingga dapat memberikan solusi kreatif yang menyeimbangkan perancangan dan pengembangan produk dengan mempertimbangkan faktor logistik dan ergonomi, Penelitian ini menghasilkan rancangan kemasan furnitur untuk industri built-in furniture di Jakarta.

The Furniture industry globally and nationally is controlled by the wood Furniture industry sector. Regarding the market capacity that continues to grow, the Furniture industry has promising economic potential for Indonesia's economic development. Built-in furniture is a product that is permanently attached to a building and is designed not to be changed in the long run, for example kitchen sets and wardrobe. However, until now the wooden built-in furniture business has not been given enough attention to the packaging model depending on the shape, size and material that is different for each product. This causes a significant percentage of product damage in the transportation process. This research is seeking assistance for the built-in furniture industry in Jakarta to have a safe product packaging design for various product lines, packaging efficiency, and optimal prices.
This study aims to determine the attributes of the needs of consumers and the business itself as well as weighting the quality of furniture packaging. This is intended to provide a discussion of furniture packaging design to reduce damage and improve the packaging process in the production process. This research integrates Design Thinking methods which helps to analyze specific problems from product development and design approach wit consideration of logistics dan ergonomics factors. This research resulted in Furniture packaging design for the wood furniture industry in Jakarta
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sekar Saraswati Wibowo
"Material pendukung seperti kemasan produk merupakan persediaan yang diperlukan dalam suatu proses produksi untuk menghasilkan barang jadi. Tingkat persediaan material ini harus dijaga agar tidak terjadi kekurangan yang dapat menghambat proses produksi. Salah satu metode yang digunakan dalam pengendalian persediaan adalah continuous review system untuk mendapatkan kuantitas pemesanan, titik pemesanan kembali, safety stock, dan menghasilkan total biaya persediaan yang rendah. Kebutuhan material pendukung akan ditentukan berdasarkan permintaan produk tepung. Permintaan produk berdasarkan peramalan permintaan yang dilakukan menggunakan metode terbaik untuk masing-masing jenis produk yaitu metode Winter’s method multiplicative model dan Winter’s method additive model. Tingkat persediaan yang optimal akan ditentukan dengan continuous review system. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan total biaya persediaan dengan metode continuous review system mencapai 30% lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan metode yang digunakan oleh perusahaan.

Supporting material such as product packaging is a necessary inventory as it is used in the production process to produce finished goods. The level of inventory must be maintained to avoid shortage which can hinder the production process. One of the methods used in inventory control is the continuous review system to obtain optimal order quantity, reorder point, safety stock, and produce minimal total inventory costs. The requirements of supporting material such as packaging will be calculated from the demand of flour product. The demand of the product is based on the forecasted demand using the best forecasting method for each products which are Winter’s method multiplicative model and Winter’s method additive model. The optimal level of inventory will be calculated using the continuous review system. The result shows that the total inventory cost by using continuous review system is 30% lower than using the method implemented by the company."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Anthonius Kanaris
Sengketa pelanggaran merek dalam dunia perdagangan tidak terlepas dari adanya
itikad buruk dari pelaku usaha untuk memenangkan persaingan yang kadangkala
dilakukan secara tidak jujur/ tidak fair. Salah satu tindakan tersebut adalah
tindakan passing off. Indonesia yang menganut sistem first to file (adanya
keharusan mendaftarkan merek untuk memperoleh perlindungan) sebagai sistem
perlindungan merek, pada dasarnya tidak mengenal konsep passing off, karena
passing off adalah bentuk perlindungan hukum bagi merek yang tidak terdaftar/
unregistered trademarks. Perkembangan teknologi menyebabkan merek juga
mengalami perkembangan dengan munculnya non-traditional trademark seperti
merek suara, hologram, tiga dimensi, aroma dan sebagainya yang walaupun belum
diatur dalam Undang-Undang Nomor 15 Tahun 2001 tentang Merek namun telah
diakomodasi dalam Singapore Treaty on The Law of Trademarks. Tesis ini
bertujuan menganalisis hal yang menarik dari Singapore Treaty apabila dikaitkan
dengan bentuk perlindungan hukum merek dan konsep pendaftaran merek di
Indonesia serta menganalisis perlu/ tidaknya Indonesia melakukan ratifikasi
terhadap Singapore Treaty untuk mengembangkan konsep perlindungan hukum
merek di Indonesia. Penelitian yang akan digunakan peneliti adalah bersifat
eksploratif dan deskriptif, dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Metode yang peneliti
gunakan adalah metode penelitian hukum normatif dengan pendekatan
konseptual. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ratifikasi Singapore Treaty
relevan dilakukan Indonesia bagi perkembangan hukum merek nasional. Adapun
hasil ratifikasi sebaiknya dapat diakomodasi dalam Rancangan Undang-Undang
tentang Merek.

Trademark infringement dispute in world trade cannot be separated from bad faith
of entrepreneurs to win the competition which is sometimes done dishonestly/
unfair. One of such action is the act of passing off. Indonesia, which adopts a first
to file system (registration is a must to gain protection of trademarks) as a
trademark protection system, basically does not recognize the concept of passing
off, because passing off is a common law tort which can be used to enforce
unregistered trademark rights. Technological developments lead to the developing
of trademarks with the emergence of non-traditional trademarks such as sound
trademarks, holograms trademarks, three-dimensional trademarks, scent
trademarks, etc. Although haven?t been regulated by Law Number 15 Year 2001
concerning Marks, those trademarks have been accommodated in Singapore
Treaty on the Law of Trademarks. This thesis aims to analyze the interesting case
of the Singapore Treaty in associated with a form of legal protection of the
trademarks and the concept of a trademark registration in Indonesia as well as to
analyze the needs of Indonesia to ratify Singapore Treaty for development of the
concept regarding trademarks protection in Indonesia. This research characters are
exploratory and descriptive. Qualitative approach is used by researcher with
normative legal research methods and conceptual approach. The results shows that
the ratification of the Singapore Treaty is relevant to be implemented in order to
develop Indonesia trademarks law. The results of the ratification should be able to
be accommodated in the Draft Law on Marks.;Trademark infringement dispute in world trade cannot be separated from bad faith
of entrepreneurs to win the competition which is sometimes done dishonestly/
unfair. One of such action is the act of passing off. Indonesia, which adopts a first
to file system (registration is a must to gain protection of trademarks) as a
trademark protection system, basically does not recognize the concept of passing
off, because passing off is a common law tort which can be used to enforce
unregistered trademark rights. Technological developments lead to the developing
of trademarks with the emergence of non-traditional trademarks such as sound
trademarks, holograms trademarks, three-dimensional trademarks, scent
trademarks, etc. Although haven?t been regulated by Law Number 15 Year 2001
concerning Marks, those trademarks have been accommodated in Singapore
Treaty on the Law of Trademarks. This thesis aims to analyze the interesting case
of the Singapore Treaty in associated with a form of legal protection of the
trademarks and the concept of a trademark registration in Indonesia as well as to
analyze the needs of Indonesia to ratify Singapore Treaty for development of the
concept regarding trademarks protection in Indonesia. This research characters are
exploratory and descriptive. Qualitative approach is used by researcher with
normative legal research methods and conceptual approach. The results shows that
the ratification of the Singapore Treaty is relevant to be implemented in order to
develop Indonesia trademarks law. The results of the ratification should be able to
be accommodated in the Draft Law on Marks., Trademark infringement dispute in world trade cannot be separated from bad faith
of entrepreneurs to win the competition which is sometimes done dishonestly/
unfair. One of such action is the act of passing off. Indonesia, which adopts a first
to file system (registration is a must to gain protection of trademarks) as a
trademark protection system, basically does not recognize the concept of passing
off, because passing off is a common law tort which can be used to enforce
unregistered trademark rights. Technological developments lead to the developing
of trademarks with the emergence of non-traditional trademarks such as sound
trademarks, holograms trademarks, three-dimensional trademarks, scent
trademarks, etc. Although haven’t been regulated by Law Number 15 Year 2001
concerning Marks, those trademarks have been accommodated in Singapore
Treaty on the Law of Trademarks. This thesis aims to analyze the interesting case
of the Singapore Treaty in associated with a form of legal protection of the
trademarks and the concept of a trademark registration in Indonesia as well as to
analyze the needs of Indonesia to ratify Singapore Treaty for development of the
concept regarding trademarks protection in Indonesia. This research characters are
exploratory and descriptive. Qualitative approach is used by researcher with
normative legal research methods and conceptual approach. The results shows that
the ratification of the Singapore Treaty is relevant to be implemented in order to
develop Indonesia trademarks law. The results of the ratification should be able to
be accommodated in the Draft Law on Marks.]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Savitri Narendra Putri
Tesis ini bertujuan untuk terutama menganalisis bagaimana tanggung jawab
penyelenggara Online Marketplace atas peredaran barang fashion palsu yang dijual dalam
situsnya. Selain itu tesis ini meneliti juga mengenai bagaimana sistem transaksi yang terjadi
dalam situs online marketplace dan penyelesaian sengketa yang dapat diambil terkait dengan
penjualan barang fashion palsu yang dilakukan oleh anggota penjual dari sistem online
marketplace berdasarkan peraturan perundang-undangan di Indonesia. Metode penelitian yang
digunakan dalam tesis ini adalah metode yuridis normatif yang mencakup penelitian terhadap
peraturan perundangan yang terkait dengan e-commerce dan penyelenggara jaringan elektronik.
Bahwa sistem transaksi online marketplace yang terdapat di Indonesia tergambar secara
garis besar dalam Angka 1 huruf d Surat Edaran Direktur Jenderal Pajak Nomor SE-62/PJ/2013
Tentang Penegasan Ketentuan Perpajakan Atas Transaksi E-Commerce. Selain itu bahwa model
bisnis online marketplace tersebut tidak sesuai untuk dikategorikan sebagai agen, distributor
ataupun sistem titip jual dan walaupun hanya menjadi pihak enabler, penyelenggara online
marketplace pun memiliki peranan yang cukup besar dalam kegiatan jual beli melalui situsnya
diantaranya adalah melakukan approval atas informasi yang diunggah oleh merchant dalam
Atas peranan yang cukup besar tersebut, dapat dikatakan bahwa penyelenggara online
marketplace turut bertanggung jawab atas peredaran barang fashion palsu yang terjadi melalui
situsnya. Sehubungan dengan transaksi yang sangat besar jumlahnya yang terjadi dalam situs
online marketplace, maka dibutuhkan peran serta dari masyarakat selaku konsumen dan
penyelenggara online marketplace yang bersinergi untuk mencegah kerugian yang dapat timbul
atas peredaran barang fashion palsu melalui situs online marketplace

This thesis aims to analyze the liability of Online Marketplace providers regarding the
distribution of counterfeit fashion goods that sold on their websites. Moreover, this thesis also
examines the system of transactions that occur in the online marketplace site and dispute
settlements that can be done regarding the selling of counterfeit fashion goods (that
accomplished by the online marketplace merchants) based on laws and regulations in Indonesia.
The method used in this thesis is a normative juridical method that includes a study of laws and
regulations related to consumer protection law, e-commerce and electronic system provider.
The transaction system run by Indonesian online marketplaces is depicted the Circular of
the Director General of Taxation Number Se-62 / PJ / 2013 About Affirmation of Taxation
Provisions Over E-Commerce Transactions. Although only an enabler, online marketplace
providers also have a significant role in trading activities through their website including giving
approvals on the information uploaded by merchants on website.
Therefore, it can be said that the online marketplace providers responsible for the
distribution of counterfeit fashion goods that occur through their websites. Regarding the
numerous amount of transactions that occur in the online marketplace sites, participation of the
public as consumers and providers of online marketplaces is needed to work together to prevent
losses that may arise on the distribution of counterfeit fashion goods through online marketplace
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Wheelwright, Steven C.
New York: The Free Press, 1992
658.575 WHE r
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Shellinna Kurniawati
"Sistem pemastian mutu harus dilakukan dan dievaluasi secara berkala dengan melihat berbagai macam hasil uji yang dilakukan. Berdasarkan Cara Produksi Obat yang Baik (CPOB) 2018, pemastian mutu produk dapat dilakukan melalui Pengkajian Mutu Produk (PMP) atau Product Quality Review (PQR). PQR dilakukan untuk membuktikan konsistensi proses, kesesuaian dari spesifikasi bahan awal, bahan pengemas, dan produk jadi. PQR dilaksanakan setiap tahun dan didokumentasi untuk melihat tren dan mengidentifikasi perbaikan yang diperlukan untuk produk dan proses di tahun berikutnya. Pada laporan ini, penulis melakukan trending terhadap kualitas produk tablet X dan tablet Xx yang diproduksi dan diedarkan pada tahun 2021 oleh PT Mahakam Beta Farma. Hasil trend tersebut akan dianalisis dan dituangkan ke dalam laporan PQR. Metode pengambilan data menggunakan metode deskriptif dimana data didapatkan melalui penelusuran literatur dan penelusuran raw data yang tercantum dalam batch record. Penerapan PQR di PT Mahakam Beta Farma telah diterapkan sesuai CPOB yang dilakukan secara berkala terhadap semua produk yang terdaftar untuk melihat tren dan mengidentifikasi perbaikan yang diperlukan untuk produk dan proses. Tablet X dan Tablet XX merupakan produk Generik dan Branded yang identik. Kedua produk ini memiliki bentuk sediaan yang sama, yaitu sediaan tablet dengan komposisi yang sama dan tidak ada perbedaan formula dan material bahan kemas sehingga laporan PQR dapat digabungkan agar mendapatkan lebih banyak data dalam melakukan review tren data. Penyusunan PQR Tablet X dan Tablet XX Periode 2021 dimulai dari melakukan review raw data PQR, analisa dan evaluasi tren, dan selanjutnya dibuatkan laporan PQR.

The quality assurance system must be carried out and evaluated periodically by looking at the various types of test results. Based on the Indonesia Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) in 2018, product quality assurance can be carried out through a Product Quality Review (PQR) which is performed to prove process consistency, suitability of specifications for starting materials, packaging materials, and finished products. PQR is conducted annually and documented to track trends and identify necessary improvements to products and processes in the following year. In this report, the data used are from Tablet X and Tablet Xx produced and distributed in 2021 by PT Mahakam Beta Farma. The trend results will be analyzed and poured into the PQR report. The data collection used a descriptive method where the data is obtained through a literature search and raw data search listed in the batch record. The PQR at PT Mahakam Beta Farma has been implemented according to GMP and carried out periodically for all registered products. Tablet X and Tablet XX are identical Generic and Branded products. These two products have the same dosage forms, namely tablet preparations with the same composition with no differences in formula and packaging materials so that PQR reports can be combined in order to obtain more data in reviewing the trends. The PQR of Tablet X and Tablet XX for 2021 period starts with reviewing PQR raw data, analyzing and evaluating trends, and then preparing a PQR report."
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Medinanda Radiandityo
"PT Circleka Indonesia Utama (Circle K) bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kualitas produk dengan mengurangi cacat dalam lini produk Lite n Bite yang dipasok oleh PT Surya Kharisma Mandiri (PT SKM). Burger Bun memiliki tingkat cacat tertinggi, melebihi batas perusahaan sebesar 2% dengan rata-rata lebih dari 3% per bulan. Para ahli melakukan wawancara, analisis data, dan kunjungan lapangan menggunakan FMEA, Criticality Matrix, Analisis Fishbone, dan PICA. FMEA mengidentifikasi enam cacat: Udara masuk adonan, Roti gepeng, Berjamur, Kesalahan manusia, dan Benda asing masuk adonan. Akar penyebab dianalisis menggunakan Rank Priority Number, yang mengungkapkan tujuh masalah: kesalahan manusia dalam penanganan barang jadi dan pembentukan manual, penyebaran adonan yang tidak merata, bahan yang tidak diinginkan dalam adonan, paparan produk yang terlalu lama, kesalahan manusia dalam pencampuran adonan, dan kegagalan sistem pendingin truk. Analisis Fishbone mengeksplorasi akar penyebab dengan mempertimbangkan faktor 5M. Para ahli dan tinjauan literatur membimbing pembuatan tabel PICA yang ringkas dengan solusi yang mengatasi pertanyaan Mengapa, Bagaimana, Di mana, dan PIC. Implementasi solusi-solusi ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kualitas produk dan kepuasan pelanggan untuk PT SKM dan Circle K.

PT Circleka Indonesia Utama (Circle K) aims to improve product quality by reducing defects in its Lite n Bite line supplied by PT Surya Kharisma Mandiri (PT SKM). The Burger Bun has the highest defect rate, exceeding the firm's limit of 2% with an average of over 3% per month. Experts conducted interviews, data analysis, and field visits using FMEA, Criticality Matrix, Fishbone Analysis, and PICA. FMEA identified six defects: Hollow Inside, Cracked Surface, Flattened Out, Molding, Human Error, and Foreign Object. Root causes were analyzed using the Rank Priority Number, revealing seven problems: Human errors in finished goods handling and manual molding, uneven dough spreading, unwanted materials in dough, extended product exposure, human error in dough mixing, and truck cooling system failure. Fishbone analysis explored root causes considering the 5M factors. Experts and literature review guided the creation of a concise PICA table with solutions addressing the Why, How, Where, and PIC. The implementation of these solutions aims to enhance product quality and customer satisfaction for PT SKM and Circle K."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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