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Cacho, Lydia
Tangerang: Marjin Kiri, 2021
323.409 5 CAC b
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Shelomita Savitri
Kawasan Asia Tenggara memiliki tingkat kejadian perdagangan manusia yang tinggi
dengan latar belakang dan penyebab yang beragam; baik dari aspek ketenagakerjaan,
migrasi, kemiskinan, kejahatan maupun konflik negara. Hal ini menyebabkan
pendekatan untuk pemberantasan perdagangan manusia menjadi beragam pula; baik
dari tahapan pencegahan, penegakan hukum, maupun dukungan untuk korban. Tesis
ini membahas pemberantasan perdagangan manusia di kawasan Asia Tenggara
sebagai tindak pidana pelanggaran hak asasi manusia dan hukum pidana
internasional; baik secara internasional maupun regional antar negara-negara anggota
ASEAN. Pendekatan yang digunakan adalah kerja sama internasional melalui
bantuan hukum timbal balik atau mutual legal assistance (MLA). Instrumen bantuan
hukum timbal balik yang digunakan dan dianggap sesuai untuk kawasan Asia
Tenggara adalah perjanjian yang dihasilkan oleh Association of South East Asia
Nations (ASEAN) yaitu ASEAN Mutual Legal Assistance Treaty in Criminal Matters
(ASEAN MLAT). Bantuan hukum timbal balik merupakan instrumen kerjasama
formal yang sesuai untuk pemberantasan kejahatan formal maka mampu mengikat
komitmen negara secara penuh. Penelitian dilakukan dengan studi kasus perdagangan
manusia yang terjadi di kawasan ZAMBASULTA (Zamboanga, Basilan, Sulu, Tawi-
Tawi) di Filipina. Sebagai daerah di Filipina dengan kasus perdagangan manusia
yang secara dominan lintas batas Negara antara Filipina dengan Malaysia.
ZAMBASULTA dapat menggambarkan penerapan ASEAN MLAT di kawasan Asia
Tenggara sebagai instrument regional pemberantasan manusia.

South East Asia region has a high level of human trafficking case with various
backgrounds and causes; whether from aspects of labor, migration, poverty, crime or
homeland conflict. Hence the approach for human trafficking suppression varies;
whether from the phase of prevention, law enforcement, or victim support. This thesis
addresses human trafficking suppression in South East Asia region as a crime against
human rights. Writer describes the law for human rights protection and international
crime against human trafficking; internationally and amongst ASEAN member
countries. The approach being taken is international cooperation through mutual legal
assistance (MLA). The instrument considered appropriate is ASEAN Mutual Legal
Assistance Treaty in Criminal Matters (ASEAN MLAT). Mutual legal assistance is a
compatible formal cooperation instrument for suppressing human trafficking because
of its ability to handle transnational crimes and provides binding commitment
amongst countries. Research is conducted with case study of ZAMBASULTA
(Zamboanga, Basilan, Sulu, Tawi-Tawi) in Philippine. Being a Philippine region with
cross border human trafficking cases between Philippine and Malaysia,
ZAMBASULTA can represent the implementation of ASEAN MLAT in South East
Asia region as a regional instrument of human trafficking suppression."
Salemba: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nadya Nattaya Sampurno
Tesis ini membahas tentang Kasus ? kasus Perdagangan Orang yang terjadi di
Indonesia, terkait dengan penegakan Hak Asasi Manusia. Indonesia dikatakan sebagai
salah satu negara terburuk dalam menangani kasus perdagangan orang. Banyaknya
kasus perdagangan orang yang terjadi di Indonesia membuktikan bahwa negara ini
menjadi salah satu negara yang tidak dapat memberantas perdagangan orang.
Keberadaan Undang ? Undang Nomor 21 Tahun 2007 tentang Tindak Pidana
Perdagangan Orang belum berarti tindak pidana perdagangan orang yang terjadi di
Indonesia telah efektif diberantas. Tindak pidana perdagangan orang dikategorikan
sebagai salah satu tindakan yang melanggar hak asasi manusia. Oleh sebab itu,
keberadaan Undang ? Undang Nomor 21 Tahun 2007 tentang Tindak Pidana
Perdagangan Orang juga sudah seharusnya dan sepantasnya mencakup juga tentang
pemenuhan hak asasi korban perdagangan orang. Selain mengacu pada Undang ?
undang tersebut, konsep pemenuhan hak asasi korban perdagangan orang juga dapat
dilihat dari berbagai sumber. Undang ? undang Nomor 26 tahun 2000 tentang Hak
Asasi Manusia menyatakan bahwa korban pelanggaran hak asasi manusia mempunyai
hak untuk memperoleh kompensasi, restitusi, dan rehabilitasi. Konsep pemenuhan
hak asasi manusia inilah yang menjadi acuan penulis dalam menganalisis kasus ?
kasus perdagangan orang di Indonesia. Di dalam kasus yang terjadi baik di Medan
maupun di Kalabahi, hal yang diperhatikan adalah apakah Majelis Hakim dalam
memutuskan perkaranya sejalan dengan tujuan diberlakukannya Undang ? Undang
Nomor 21 Tahun 2007 tentang Tindak Pidana Perdagangan Orang dan terlebih
apakah dengan adanya Undang ? Undang tersebut korban perdagangan orang telah
terpenuhi hak asasi manusianya.

This thesis discusses the cases of trafficking that occurred in Indonesia , related to the
enforcement of human rights . Indonesia is said to be one of the worst countries in dealing with trafficking cases. The number of trafficking cases that occurred in Indonesia proves that the country is becoming one of the country that could not
combat human trafficking . The existence of Law Number 21 Year 2007 concerningthe Crime of Trafficking in Persons does not mean the human trafficking crime that
occurred in Indonesia has been effectively eradicated . Human trafficking crime is
categorized as one of the crime that violate human rights . Therefore , the existence of
Law Number 21 Year 2007 concerning the Crime of Trafficking in Persons should
and rightly include also on the fulfillment of human rights of victims of trafficking.
In addition to referring to the Act - the law , the concept of the fulfillment of human
rights of victims of trafficking can also be viewed from a variety of sources. Law No. 26 of 2000 concerning Human Rights states that victims of human rights violations have the right to compensation , restitution and rehabilitation . The concept of the
fulfillment of human rights is the author reference in analyzing the cases of human
trafficking in Indonesia . In the case both in Medan and in Kalabahi , things to look
for is whether the judges in deciding the case is in line with the objective of
enactment - Law Number 21 Year 2007 concerning the Crime of Trafficking in
Persons and especially whether the presence of the law of human trafficking have
fulfilled the victim?s human rights"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Human trafficking, woman and children, in Indonesia keep growing and continuously happened. The fast growing figure can be saw since many case handled by Direktorat I Unit Ill Keamanan/Trans Nasional People Smuggling and Trafficking bareskrim Mabes Polri during year 2000-2005.
Modus operandi, as a method of crime known from cases handled, always change following the situation and condition of transportation and regulation. In this thesis, writer try to explore any method or modus operandi use by the offender to committed their crime. 5 cases are take to be analyze in this thesis. All cases has similarity and same characteristic base on offender, victim and it crime profile. All leads to kind of transnational organize crime.
Research method use in this research is qualitative approach. Which conducted by doing documentation gathering, interview and observation to the research object which is Bareskrim Mabes Polri. What became the object of research is how Polri handle all case which categorize to trafficking activity.
At the conclusion, this research see that trafficking conduct with many method and modus operandi. Each case has unique and different character. That make even Police should be more careful when dealing with such case since many aspect are need to be consider in handling it. Many factors might influence the process of cases handling by the police. One of the major factor is regulation it self. Presently there still no regulation defining trafficking as a crime. Even Trafficking law it self is still under legislation process and yet to be use as a prosecution law. That is why this paper like to recommend to government and DPR to approve the trafficking law as soon as possible."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2005
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ranggi Lukfi Aprilianzah
"Skripsi ini membahas tentang program rehabilitasi sosial bagi anak korban perdagangan anak diselenggarakan oleh Rumah Faye Batam, yang pada umumnya bertujuan untuk memulihkan fungsi sosial anak korban perdagangan anak. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian evaluasi formatif dengan fokus pada pendekatan kualitatif menjelaskan proses pelaksanaan program rehabilitasi sosial yang dilakukan oleh Rumah Faye, serta mengidentifikasi dan menganalisis faktor pendukung dan penghalang, yang dapat menjadi dasar untuk mengembangkan program. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dalam program rehabilitasi sosial di Rumah Faye berbagai permasalahan muncul dari internal dan eksternal institusi, seperti absennya tenaga profesional yang dimiliki oleh Faye House, begitu pula masalahnya lainnya yang menghambat proses implementasi program. Selain itu, ada beberapa sumber daya yang dapat dikembangkan dan dimaksimalkan untuk mendukung implementasi program, seperti kolaborasi dengan lembaga lain, keterlibatan relawan, dll.

This thesis discusses the social rehabilitation program for child victims of child trafficking organized by Rumah Faye Batam, which generally aims to restore the social function of child victims of child trafficking. This research is a formative evaluation research with a focus on a qualitative approach explaining the social rehabilitation program implementation process carried out by Rumah Faye, as well as identifying and analyzing supporting and barrier factors, which can be the basis for developing the program. The results showed that in the social rehabilitation program at Rumah Faye various problems arose from internal and external institutions, such as the absence of professionals owned by Faye House, as well as other problems that hindered the program implementation process. In addition, there are several resources that can be developed and maximized to support program implementation, such as collaboration with other institutions, involvement of volunteers, etc."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Valeska Liviani Priadi
"Adanya dominasi ideologi patriarki telah melahirkan diskriminasi, eksploitasi, dan kekerasan terhadap perempuan. Salah satu bentuk kekerasan terhadap perempuan yang meluas dan tengah menjadi isu global adalah perdagangan perempuan. Perdagangan perempuan merupakan isu yang sangat kompleks, karena aspek di dalamnya mencakup ketenagakerjaan, migrasi, kemiskinan, serta kejahatan. Kawasan Asia Tenggara, yang mayoritas negaranya merupakan negara berkembang, merupakan kawasan dengan perdagangan perempuan paling marak di dunia. PBB, melalui UNODC dan UNIAP, telah melakukan upaya-upaya untuk memberantas perdagangan perempuan di kawasan Asia Tenggara. Namun, upaya pemberantasan perdagangan perempuan di kawasan Asia Tenggara tidak cukup hanya diselesaikan oleh PBB, selaku organisasi internasional global, saja. ASEAN, selaku organisasi internasional regional di kawasan Asia Tenggara, juga melakukan upaya-upaya untuk memberantas perdagangan perempuan di kawasan Asia Tenggara. Dalam mengkaji peranan ASEAN tersebut, penting untuk mengetahui ketentuan hukum internasional mengenai pelarangan perdagangan perempuan, bentuk-bentuk usaha ASEAN dalam memberantas perdagangan perempuan, serta penerapan ketentuan hukum internasional mengenai pelarangan perdagangan perempuan, yang mengacu pada Protocol to Prevent, Suppress, and Punish Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children, dalam peraturan perundang-undangan nasional masing-masing negara anggota ASEAN. Permasalahan-permasalahan tersebut akan dijawab melalui penelitian yuridisnormatif sehingga diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa ASEAN harus mendorong penerapan standar prinsip hak asasi manusia internasional di kawasan Asia Tenggara guna memberantas perdagangan perempuan.

The domination of patriarchy has resulted in discrimination, exploitation, and violence against women. One of the form of a wide-spread violence against women that has become a global issue is women trafficking. Women trafficking is a very complex issue, because its aspects involve labor, migration, poverty, and crime. Southeast Asia, which is populated by developing countries, is the region where women trafficking is most-spread. United Nations, with its UNODC and UNIAP projects, has been making efforts to suppress the women trafficking in Southeast Asia. However, the effort to suppress the women trafficking in Southeast Asia are not relayed solely upon United Nations. ASEAN, as the regional international organization, also makes efforts to suppress the women trafficking in Southeast Asia. In studying the role of ASEAN in suppressing the women trafficking in Southeast Asia, it is important to know the rule of international law regarding the suppression of women trafficking, ASEANs efforts in suppressing the women trafficking in Southeast Asia, and the application of the rule of international law regarding the suppression of women trafficking, based on Protocol to Prevent, Suppress, and Punish Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children, in each ASEAN member states legislation. These problems will be answered through a juridical-normative research, thus it can be concluded that ASEAN must support the implementation of international human rights principles in Southeast Asia that will suppress the women trafficking."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Esti Damayanti
Penelitian ini mencoba untuk menjelaskan prespektif pelaku perdagangan anak perempuan dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif melalui teknik studi kasus dan teori kriminologi feminis. Secara lebih lanjut, penelitian ini berfokus pada pelaku perdagangan anak yang memiliki tujuan khusus untuk mengeksploitasi anak perempuan sebagai korban. Temuan dalam studi ini antara lain i pelaku menganggap bahwa hubungan yang terjalin antara pelaku dan korban adalah hubungan yang saling menguntungkan, dan ii pelaku terdorong untuk terlibat dalam organized crime sebagai dampak dari pengalaman opresi yang mereka alami dalam ruang publik dan privat. Kebaruan penelitian ini adalah mekanisme untuk merumuskan rekomendasi terhadap pencegahan kejahatan sejenis.

This research aimed to explain women sex trafficker perspective with qualitative approach through case study technique and feminist criminology theory. Furthermore, this research focused on women trafficker with certain purpose which exploiting the young women as victims. This study found i the traffickers felt a mutual relation between offender and victim, and ii the traffickers motive to involved in organized crime as their coping of previous experience of oppression in private and public sphere. The novelty of this research is the mechanism that able to construct some recommendations to prevent similar cases. "
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Regita Elizabeth
"Perdagangan perempuan dan anak-anak merupakan salah satu masalah yang menjadi perhatian dunia. Juga pada masa Hindia-Belanda, ditemukan berbagai macam modus dan faktor yang melatarbelakangi perdagangan manusia. Pada tahun 1920-1939, dunia sedang gencar dalam memerangi perdagangan perempuan dan anak-anak demikian pula di Hindia-Belanda. Penelitian ini bertujuan memaparkan perdagangan perempuan dan anak-anak perempuan di Hindia Belanda khususnya di Jawa pada tahun 1920-1939. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian sejarah dengan sumber primer berupa arsip, artikel majalah dan surat kabar sezaman. Penelitian menggunakan metode sejarah dengan tahapan penentuan topik, heuristik (penelusuran dan pengumpulan data), verifikasi, interpretasi, dan historiografi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan berbagai modus dan faktor melatarbelakangi praktik perdagangan manusia di Jawa. Juga ditemukan perhatian dari dunia internasional melalui konferensi yang diadakan di Bandung. Beberapa upaya pemerintah kolonial, kepolisian, serta asosiasi swasta seperti P.P.P.P.A (Perkoempoelan Pembasmian Perdagangan Perempuan dan Anak-anak) dan Ati Soetji ikut serta memerangi perdagangan manusia tersebut.

Trafficking in women and children is one of the world’s concern. Dutch East Indies era is not an exception, there were various kinds of methods and factors underlying the human trafficking. In the 1920-1939, the world was very active in fighting the trafficking in women and children, likewise in Dutch East Indies. This study aims to describe how trafficking of women and girls in the Dutch East Indies, especially in Java in the 1920-1939. This study is a historical research with primary sources in the form of archives, magazine articles and newspapers. This tudy uses historical method with the stages of determining the topic, heuristics (data searching and collecting), verification, interpretation, and histiriography. The results showed that there were various methods and factors underlying the practice of human trafficking in Java. Also found international attention through a conference held in Bandung. Several efforts by the colonial government, police, and private associations such as P.P.P.P.A (Perkoempoelan Pembasmian Perdagangan Perempuan dan Anak-anak) and Ati Soetji participated in combating human trafficking."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dewi Sahifah Yoshida
"The research is talking about implementation of the effectiveness of Presidential Degree No. 88 Year 2002 about the action planning for erasing the women and girls trafficking in Indonesia. The point in this research are: 1) How about the effectiveness of Implementation of this policy in society, so in the reality this policy can do as the purpose, 2) How about the solution is law for the trafficker and what kind of help for all the trafficking victims and also about what the procedure and system like which government can do. So the policy in that Presidential Degree can give better solution about this matter. This research using qualitative approach with using research methods deep interview with decision maker in Depnakertrans and PJTKI illegal, she is not want to tell real identity, with informant: Primer Data from 2 informant from decision maker in Depnakertrans and 1 informant from PJTKI Regal, Secondary data getting from newspapers Kompas, Media Indonesia, Suara Pembaharuan, Sinar Harapan, Journal book, and Website. Interview had been done with Direktur Sosialisasi Penyuluhan can Pencegahan TKI Regal on Wednesday 4th Mei 2005 and on 15th June 2005, and interview with PJTKI Regal Kenanga, Mrs Roro as alone and the owners PJTKI Regal on 12th May 2005. In interview writer concerned constraint, which is: Mrs. Fifi Arianti had been meeting and bright red that interview with Mrs Widuri Andarini Kasubdit in Direktur Sosialisasi Program Pencegahan TKI Regal Average interview with Mrs Widuri impressed any closed and most not answer questions from the writer different interview with PJTKI Regal Kenanga Mrs Roro, she won?t tell real identity, but she tell all about that company.
This research using 3 basic theories for analyze data from the field. These theory are: 1) The Social Control Theory from Strain, which is focus in technical and strategy for the government to control all the action of human being and take them to the Hale in society, 2) The Sociological Jurisprudence Theory from Pound and Holmes, which said that the law determining process and makes the law's effective which suitable with the needs of society, 3) The Implementation of the Policy from Anderson, which contents is about the government policies that-implication that policies have some purposes, and have the action which oriented to the purpose and the government act based on the fasten and force regulation.
There are so many problems about the human trafficking especially for women and girls because two factors. The factors are consisting of economic factor in Family and the job opportunities are limited. So this matter makes some people in this country sold by like commodity, which can give a lot of profit for the trafficker that, had promised to them for a better job and better salary if they want to work in overseas. But in reality, they have nothing; all the illegal women employment had deport and pushed to back to Indonesian. This reality comes from 1) Weakness in the diplomatic and cooperation between Indonesian with place state women employment, 2) Weakness in control system for getting out or incoming the women employment which will send by PJTKI illegal as the trafficker, 3) Less understanding about the system and procedure for the TKW to take care ail their needs so they can work in overseas in legal way, 4) there is no strict regulation which can punish the trafficker and also the regulation to protect the trafficking victim's.
The regulation, which is not complete, can make many chance to do the criminal thing. Because of that, the government needs to: 1) strengthen the diplomatic and cooperation between 2 (two) countries, so that the right of women employment can be protected by Law and also the government, 2) strengthen the control system for the getting out and incoming all women employment by the PJTKI illegal as the trafficker, 3) makes the strict regulation to punish the trafficker and the regulation to protect the trafficking victims, 4) give the direction to all the person in change about the system and procedure to find a job in other country in legal way for all the women employment which board to work to overseas, 5) more selection and give the women employment the various skill which appropriate with their talent and interested in.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2005
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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