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G. Murali
"This paper presents an experimental investigation on the Impact failure energy and strength reliability of fiber reinforced concrete (FRC) by using a simple drop weight test which was based on the testing procedure recommended by ACI committee 544. Two different steel fibers were used as the reinforcing material in various volume fractions such as 0%, 0.5%, 1.0% and 1.5% with a water cement ratio of 0.42. Furthermore, the two-parameter weibull distribution was used to analyze the experimental data in order to sort out a variation of test results. Using the weibull distribution, the impact failure strength reliability, in other words, the probability distribution according to which the concrete will fail, was obtained. The results indicated that the concrete containing a 1.5% volume fraction of fiber gave the best performance followed by 1.0% and 0.5% under impact loading. It was proven that the probabilistic distributions of the impact failure energy of seven types of samples approximately follow two-parameter Weibull distribution."
Depok: Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI-IJTECH 5:2 (2014)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Novaretsa Narpati
This paper aimed to analyse the effect of Carbon Fibre Reinforced Polymer applied on structures, especially steel structure to resist seismic action on the structure. A software modelling will be used and the result will be compared with the experimental results.Earthquake has damaged a number of civil engineering structures in the past. A number of strengthening method has also been designed to reduce the damage to the structure. For years, people tried to find new materials that can increase the strength of structures. In the last decades, the use of Fibre Reinforced Polymer FRP has increased in structural design. There are many types of FRP one of the types is CFRP or Carbon Fibre Reinforced Polymer.FRP are commonly used in other industry such as automotive, aerospace, and marine industries. As civil engineers began to use FRP in the design, more study has to be done about the application of CFRP on civil engineering structure, especially under seismic loading. This experiment will study the response of civil engineering structure reinforced with CFRP under seismic loading. There have been a number of studies of CFRP application on reinforced concrete structures. However, there are only a few studies regarding the use of CFRP on steel construction. The experiment will attempt to study the use of CFRP on steel structure. The expected outcome of the experiment is to determine the effectiveness of CFRP reinforcement on steel structures under seismic loading.This paper provides a number of researches which have been made regarding the application of carbon fibre reinforced polymer on structures. Initial literature reviews showed that the use of CFRP on a structural frame will increase the capacity of the structure. Due to time constraint, the laboratory experiment will be done next year and will be discussed in a different paper. This paper will discuss the literature reviews and the initial software modelling. This paper aimed to analyse the effect of Carbon Fibre Reinforced
Polymer applied on structures, especially steel structure to resist seismic action on the structure. A software modelling will be used and the result will be compared with the experimental results.

Makalah ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh Carbon Fibre Reinforced Polymer untuk diterapkan pada struktur, terutama struktur baja untuk menahan aksi seismik pada struktur. Model komputer akan digunakan dan hasilnya akan dibandingkan dengan hasil eksperimen. Gempa telah merusak sejumlah struktur teknik sipil di masa lalu. Sejumlah metode perkuatan juga telah dirancang untuk mengurangi kerusakan struktur. Selama bertahun-tahun, orang mencoba untuk menemukan bahan-bahan baru yang dapat meningkatkan kekuatan struktur. Dalam dekade terakhir, penggunaan Fibre Reinforced Polymer FRP telah meningkat dalam desain struktural. Ada banyak jenis FRP; salah satu jenis adalah CFRP atau Carbon Fibre Reinforced Polymer. FRP biasanya digunakan dalam industri lain seperti otomotif, aerospace, dan industri kelautan. Insinyur sipil mulai menggunakan FRP dalam desain. Studi lebih lanjut harus dilakukan tentang penerapan CFRP pada struktur teknik sipil, terutama di bawah beban gempa. Percobaan ini akan mempelajari respon struktur teknik sipil diperkuat dengan CFRP dibawah beban gempa. Ada sejumlah studi aplikasi CFRP pada struktur beton bertulang. Namun, hanya ada sedikit penelitian mengenai penggunaan CFRP pada konstruksi baja. Eksperimen akan mencoba untuk mempelajari penggunaan CFRP pada struktur baja. Hasil yang diharapkan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menentukan efektivitas penguatan CFRP pada struktur di bawah beban gempa. Makalah ini menyediakan sejumlah penelitian yang telah dilakukan mengenai penerapan perkuatan serat polimer karbon pada struktur. ulasan awal literatur menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan CFRP pada kerangka struktural akan meningkatkan kapasitas struktur. Karena kendala waktu, eksperimen laboratorium akan dilakukan tahun depan dan akan dibahas dalam makalah yang berbeda. Makalah ini akan membahas tinjauan literatur dan modeling software awal."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Arief Fadliansyah
"Capability of concrete to resist tensile stress is weaker than to resist compresive stress. Tensile stress can affect crack of concrete. Accordingly to that, addition of steel fiber in volume proportion at normal concrete is needed to increase tensile strength of normal concrete. The optimal volume proportion of steel fiber to improve flexural and splitting strength of concrete based on laboratory experimental work. Testing speciments for flexural tests performed at 14, 28 and 56 days, using cylinder speciments of 150 mm x 300 mm. And for splitting test performed at 7, 14, 28 and 56 days, using beam speciments of 150 mm x 150 mm x 600 mm. Variation of steel fiber proportions is 1 %, 1,5 %, 2 %, and 2,5 % with 60 mm length and 0,75 mm diameter. The compressive strength of normal concrete is 25 MPa.
From the result of test, it was found that ammount of steel fiber in concrete affect the increase of the flexural and splitting strength of concrete, but decrease the workability of fresh concrete. For flexural testing at 28 days, the improve of flexural strength is 140 % for 2,5 % proportions of steel fiber in volume of concrete. And for splitting testing at 28 days, the improve of splitting strength is 84 % for the same ammount of steel fiber.

Kemampuan beton untuk menahan tegangan tarik mempunyai nilai yang jauh lebih kecil dibandingkan dengan kemampuan beton untuk menahan tegangan tekan. Tegangan tarik dapat mengakibatkan terjadinya retak pada beton. Maka untuk meningkatkan kekuatan tarik pada beton ditambahkan serat berdasarkan proporsi dari volume beton normal. Untuk mengetahui proporsi yang optimal pada beton dilakukan pengujian kuat tarik belah dan kuat lentur secara eksperimental di laboratorium. Pada uji kuat tarik belah dilakukan pengujian pada hari ke-7, 14, 28, dan 56, dengan menggunakan sampel beton silinder 150 mm x 300 mm. Sedangkan pada uji kuat lentur dilakukan pengujian pada hari ke-14, 28, dan 56, dengan menggunakan sampel beton balok 150 mm x 150 mm x 600 mm. Serat yang digunakan pada penelitian adalah serat baja dengan panjang 60 mm dan diameter 0,75 mm. Proporsi serat yang dicoba adalah 1 %; 1,5 %; 2 %; dan 2,5 % yang kemudian dibandingkan dengan beton normal mutu f?c 25 MPa.
Dari hasil penelitian didapatkan bahwa makin banyak proporsi dari serat baja yang ditambahkan akan menaikkan kuat lentur maupun kuat tarik belah dari beton namun akan menurunkan workabilitas dari beton segar. Untuk kuat lentur terjadi peningkatan sebesar 140% pada pengujian hari ke-28 untuk beton dengan kadar serat 2,5%, sedangkan pada kuat tarik belah terjadi peningkatan sebesar 84% pada pengujian hari ke-28 untuk beton dengan kadar serat 2,5%."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Alfetra Henoch Tandita
"Analisis yang dilakukan terhadap fondasi di Indonesia masih berada di tahap linear elastis dan batas displacement yang disyaratkan oleh SNI 8460:2017 hanya sebesar 12 mm untuk kondisi gempa rencana dan 25 mm untuk kondisi gempa ekstrem pada kondisi free-head. Akibatnya, diperlukan jumlah dan ukuran fondasi yang besar supaya fondasi tetap berperilaku elastis dan tidak terjadi kegagalan sama sekali. Namun, kenyataannya kerusakan pada fondasi tidak dapat dihindari jika terjadi gempa ekstrem. Potensi kerusakan fondasi pada bangunan di Indonesia menjadi semakin besar akibat terjadinya peningkatan percepatan gempa pada tahun 2017 silam sehingga nantinya desain fondasi akan menjadi semakin besar untuk dapat memenuhi persyaratan deformasi izin lateral tiang. Di sisi lain, struktur atas telah menerapkan konsep performance-based design yang mengizinkan terjadinya kerusakan pada balok di area yang mudah diperbaiki. Penggunaan konsep performance-based design pada struktur bawah masih dalam tahap penelitian mengingat sulitnya proses perbaikan pada fondasi. Oleh karena itu, dilakukan uji eksperimen pada spun pile berdiameter 450 mm yang telah mengalami kerusakan akibat pembebanan siklik arah lateral kemudian diperbaiki menggunakan fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) lalu diuji kembali. Hasil eksperimen menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan Sika Carbodur 512 (FRP Plate) dan Sika Wrap 231C (FRP Wrap) mampu memulihkan kapasitas benda uji dengan perilaku struktur yang kurang lebih sama, bahkan ketika terjadi kegagalan debonding pada FRP Plate. Perilaku FRP yang sangat elastis memberikan banyak keunggulan pada drift awal hingga menuju drift akhir, khususnya pada failure mode serta degradasi kekuatan. Bahkan, kapasitas lateral fondasi yang diperbaiki menggunakan FRP mampu pulih sebesar 68-97% dari kapasitas awal sebelum perbaikan. Namun, pada drift yang sangat besar, terjadi kegagalan pada FRP plate dan pile cap sehingga terjadi penurunan kekuatan dan kekakuan yang sangat tinggi. Hal ini dapat diatasi dengan memberikan tulangan pengisi sehingga fondasi masih memiliki cadangan kekuatan dan mampu berdeformasi secara inelastis. Tulangan pengisi juga memberikan berkontribusi yang besar terhadap perilaku pinching. Namun, berdasarkan perhitungan, daktilitas dan energi disipasi benda uji yang telah diperbaiki relatif lebih kecil daripada benda uji sebelum perbaikan.

Study of spun pile and its connection has not attracted such a considerable amount of research in Indonesia since the design code is still based on the elastic concept. Lateral displacement of pile is restricted to 12 mm for the earthquake design load and 25 mm for severe earthquakes for single-pile with free-head condition, in order to maintain the elastic condition and avoid any damages in pile. In fact, many foundations were damaged after severe earthquake. This inevitable failure could be worse due to increase of seismic demand in Indonesia and thus leads to the larger size of foundation in order to meet the requirements of strength and displacement. Meanwhile, design of upper structure has overcome the problem by implementing performance-based design which allows plastic hinge in some repairable areas, such as beam-end support. The research of performancebased design in foundation is still ongoing due to the difficulty of the repair process. Therefore, an experimental study was conducted on 450 mm diameter spun pile which has been tested against lateral cyclic loading then repaired using fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) and the lateral cyclic loading was conducted again. Experimental results show that the application of Sika Carbodur 512 (FRP Plate) and Sika Wrap 231C (FRP Wrap) can restore the foundation capacity along with the better structure behavior compared with the initial condition before repair occurred. Elastic behavior of FRP provides many advantages at early drift, especially the failure mode and strength degradation. Lateral capacity of the foundation repaired using FRP is able to recover by 68-97% of the initial capacity before repair occurred. However, at the very large drift, occurrence of flexural failure of FRP plate and debonding failure of pile cap increase the stiffness and strength degradation rapidly. This problem can be overcome by providing reinforcement on concrete infill as the residual capacity so that the foundation could undergo large displacement with minimum degradation. Reinforcement of the concrete infill can also reduce the pinching behavior. However, ductility and energy dissipation of the repaired foundation is smaller than the one before repair occurred."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Rafli Khansa
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan komposit biodegradable prepreg rami fiber-PLA (komposit alami), memodelkan secara empiris, dan menghitung sifat mekanik multiaksialnya, serta menguji sifat mekanik secara eksperimental dengan beban dinamis geser. Prepreg kemudian disiapkan untuk pembuatan spesimen pengujian dengan menggunakan cetakan hot press. Benda uji kemudian dibawa ke mesin uji mekanik dinamik mencapai Hasil pengujian untuk uji geser pada beban maksimum 75% pada 9,23 MPa mencapai 2013 siklus, beban maksimum 50% pada 6,15 MPa mencapai 123.568 siklus, dan 25% beban maksimum pada 3,07 MPa mencapai 923.876 siklus dan  hasil pengujian uji tarik pada beban maksimum 75 % pada 34,4 MPa mencapai 1620 siklus. mempengaruhi kekuatan mekanik komposit. Pada akhirnya percobaan ini dimaksudkan untuk dilanjutkan untuk kemungkinan masa depan sasis kendaraan mobil listrik 2 duduk yang seluruhnya terbuat dari komposit bio-degradable. Hasil yang diharapkan juga dari penelitian ini adalah ditemukannya parameter polimerisasi curing prepreg dengan parameter yang tepat dan analisis perilaku mekanik dan proses kerusakan yang terjadi pada beban dinamis geser.

This research aims to develop  biodegradable prepreg green composites ramie fiber-PLA (natural composites), model empirically, and calculate their multiaxial mechanical properties, as well as experimentally test mechanical  properties with shear fatigue load. Prepreg is then prepared for producing specimen of the testing by using hot press mold. The test specimen is then carried out to the dynamic mechanical test machine reaching The test result for shear test at 75% maximum load at 9,23 MPa reached 2013 cycles, 50% maximum load at 6,15 MPa reached 123.568 cycles, and 25% maximum load at 3,07 MPa reached 923.876 cycles. And for  The test result for tensile test at 75 % maximum load at 34,4 MPa reached 1620 cycles.The experiment also observed how additives that is added in production of the prepregs took effect in mechanical strength of the composite. Ultimately this experiment is intended to be continued for a possible future of a 2 seated electric cars vehicle chassis that is made entirely from bio-degradable composite. The expected results  also from this study are the discovery of curing prepreg polymerization parameters with the right parameters and the analysis of mechanical behavior and damage processes occurring at shear fatigue loads."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"High Performance Fiber Reinforced Cement Composites (HPFRCC) represent a class of cement composites whose stress-strain response in tension undergoes strain hardening behaviour accompanied by multiple cracking, leading to a high strain prior to failure. The primary objective of this International Workshop was to provide a compendium of up-to-date information on the most recent developments and research advances in the field of HPFRCC. Approximately 65 contributions from leading world experts are assembled in these proceedings and provide an authoritative perspective on the subject. Special topics include fresh and hardening state properties, self-compacting mixtures, mechanical behavior under compressive, tensile, and shear loading, structural applications, impact, earthquake and fire resistance, durability issues, ultra-high performance fiber reinforced concrete, and textile reinforced concrete. "
Dordrecht, Netherlands: [Springer, ], 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
"The traditional fiber reinforced composite (FRC) contains bishpenol A glycidyl methacrylate (bis-GMA) in the resin matrix, which is thought to have some disadvantages. This research aimed at replacing bis-GMA with another monomer-urethane dimethacrylate (UED-MA), with the desired properties for dental use still retained. Four groups were prepared with light-curing (n = 30), one Control group with a bis-GMA-based resin matrix and three experimental groups with UEDMA-based matrices (Exper 1, Exper 2 and Exper 3 with a varying UEDMA weight percentage). Specimens were stored in dry conditions for 24 h or in deionized water for 1, 3, 6 or 12 months prior to the tests. Water sorption (n = 6), Vicker's hardness (n = 6) and flexural properties (n = 6) after each storage time were investigated.Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) images were taken at the fracture sites after 3-point bending. All the results were statistically analyzed (α = 0.05). The Exper 1 group exhibited the lowest weight increase after water storage among the experimental groups. As for dry conditions, 1- and 6-month storage, different resin matrix compositions made no significant difference to hardness, while for 3- and 12- month storage, "Control" possessed the highest hardness. The Control group's strength and modulus, Exper 1 and Exper 2's modulus were stable during water storage. Compared to other experimental groups, Exper 1 had the highest strength and modulus values with most of the storage times. SEM images showed relatively good adhesion between the fiber and the matrix. With all the tested properties considered, the Exper 1 group had superior performance among all the three experimental groups."
ODO 102:2 (2014)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Daniell
"Komposit CFRP semakin banyak digunakan dalam industri teknik. Cabang-cabang teknik terus melakukan penelitian tentang keterbatasan komposit, menguji respon tumbukan komposit dengan berbagai skenario penabrak. Dengan diperkenalkannya perangkat lunak pemodelan elemen hingga, ABAQUS, eksperimen dapat dilakukan tanpa memerlukan sumber daya yang besar. Model dapat dibuat untuk membaca hasil respon tumbukan secara tepat dengan input yang terperinci pada perangkat lunak. Input penting untuk memodelkan eksperimen secara realistis meliputi sifat-sifat teknis dari penabrak dan CFRP, pembebanan, dan interaksi. Makalah ini menampilkan kemampuan untuk mereplikasi model dari makalah referensi dalam ABAQUS.

CFRP composites are gaining more usage in the engineering industries. Branches of engineering are continuously reseaching on the limitations of the composite, testing the impact response of the composite with various impactor scenario. With the introduction of finite element modelling software, ABAQUS, the experiments may be done without the need for materialistic resources. The models can be created to precisely read the results of impact responses with detailed inputs on the software. Crucial inputs to realistically model the experiment includes the mechnical properties of both impactor and CFRP, loading, and interaction. This paper showcases the ability to replicate a reference paper’s model in ABAQUS."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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