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Ghamal Satya Mohammad
"Mount Merapi in Central Java is one of the world’s most studied volcanoes. The frequent eruptions of this volcano and the densely populated areas on its slopes make Merapi particularly important to scholars of the natural and social sciences. Considerable attention has been devoted to contemporary aspects of this volcano, including research into forecasting and monitoring possible volcanic activity and eruptions. However, research investigating artistic representations of Merapi in a historical context, particularly local artworks referring to how people responded to a natural hazard such as a volcanic eruption, is still rare. In this paper, I explore how artists in the period 1800-1930 have portrayed the volcanic activities in their drawings and paintings. Various historical data, including newspapers, reports, and records of volcanic eruptions, will be used to help interpret the accuracy of the paintings which depict Merapi at different moments in time. I argue that artists in the period under investigation were acutely aware of Merapi’s volcanic activities and depicted these in their drawings and paintings, because of the influence of science, which invokes interest in Merapi, landscape art, and a sense of humanitarianism. Their artworks are dynamic visual historical reflections of Merapi which testify to the power and beauty of nature."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2022
909 UI-WACANA 23:1 (2022)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
"I Made Sand y (1985) mengemukakan bahwa ba q i rakyat Indonesia
ada beberapa q ej ala alam yan g mempengaruhi kehidupann
ya, geiala itu adalah iklim., gempa dan vulkanisme
Daerah Yang terpenqaruh vulkanisme C gunung api biasanya
memiliki tanah yan g subur, disamping itu bencana yang
diakibatkan ileh letusan j ucia cukup besar yaltu rnembuat tanah
Yang tadinya bisa ditanami/subur meniadi tanah yang tidak
bisa ditanami/rusak.
Sehubuncian dengan hal tersebut diatas maka masalah Yang
akan diutarakan disini adalah
1. Bag aimana perubahan tin q kat kerusakan tanah sesudah Gunung
Merapi meletus ?
2. E4aqaimana pola mata pencahariart penduduk daerah bencana
sebelum dan sesudah Sunun g Merapi meletus?
3. Di wilayah mana saja terdapat pergeseran pola mata penca
harian penduduk sesudah Gunung Merapi meletus?
Analisa yang diperoleh adalah sebagai berikut
1. Tingkat•kerusakan tanah. Hasil pembahasan yang diperoleh
terdapat 3 kelas kiasifikasi yaltu rusak berat
terda pat di desa Sudirnoro, Nglumut Kaliurang, Pucang
Anomq Nq ablak Kemiren dan desa Gulon. Rusak sédang
terdapat di desa Pandan Retno Tegal Randu, Ngarqosuko.,
Salam dan desa S.irahan sedan g rusak rinqan terdapat di
desa Gunun g Pring, Brin q in, Jeruk Aciun g . Sucen dan desa
2. Pergeseran pola mata pencaharian. Sebelum Gunung Nerapi
meletus penduduk yang tinggal didaerah bencana Gunung
Merapi umumnya hidup sebagai petani yaitu 70% untuk
tiap desa. Setelah terj adi letusan Gunung Merapi terdapat
pergeseran pola mata pencaharian Daerah yang
bergeser besarpada periode 1970-1984 terdapat di desa
Sudimoro Ng 1 umut Ka 1 iurang. Fucan q Anom Jeruk Agung
dan desa Gulon. Yan g bergeser sedan g terdapat di desa
Tectal Randu, Brin g in, Ngablak Mranggen. Folengan,
:emiren Kradenan. Srumbun g . Salam dan desa Sirahan,
sedang yang berqeser kecil terdapat di. desa Pandan
Retno, Nq argosuko. Sucen, Muntilan dan desa Gunung
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 1997
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
". Wardani S, Sugiyarto. 2009. Characterization of white grubs (Melolonthidae: Coleoptera) at salak pondoh agroecosystem in
Mount Merapi based on isozymic banding patterns. Nusantara Bioscience 1: 38-42. The aim of this research is to know the
characteristics of white grubs (Melolonthidae: Coleoptera) based on isozyme banding patterns. This research was conducted at Sleman,
Yogyakarta, and Magelang-Central Java for the morphological purposes. The sample was taken from 5 places with different height in
wich 5 samples were taken from each location. The method used in this research was polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) using
the vertical type. The enzyme system used in this research were peroxidase and esterase to detect the isozyme banding patterns. The
results showed that there was a variation in isozyme banding patterns of white grubs (Melolonthidae: Coleoptera) at salak pondoh
agroecosystem in Mount Merapi?s slope (peroxidase in station II and IV while esterase in station III and V). It?s mean that genetic variation
on white grubs population at salak pondoh agroecosystem in Mount Merapi?s slope was found. The environmental condition also
contributed to the influence of the appear of isozyme banding pattern?s variation because each location had a different condition. "
570 NBS 1:1 (2009)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lucas Sasongko Triyoga
Yogyakarta: Gadjah Mada University Press , 1991
306.6 LUC m
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dwi Rustiono Widodo
"Kawasan Rawan Bencana KRB III Gunung Merapi adalah kawasan yang letaknya dekat sumber bencana, oleh sebab itu kawasan ini harus bebas dari permukiman penduduk. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: 1 melihat kondisi yang menyebabkan masyarakat tetap tinggal di KRB III Gunung Merapi 2 melihat kondisi kesiapsiagaan masyarakat dalam menghadapi bencana letusan gunung api 3 membuat indeks kesiapsiagaan masyarakat dengan metode skoring dan pembobotan. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan pendekatan mixed method. Penentuan jumlah responden dengan rumus Slovin dengan batas toleransi 7 persen dan terpilih sebanyak 151 responden. Penentuan responden untuk kepala keluarganya dengan menggunakan sistematik random sampling. Analisis yang digunakan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang menyebabkan masyarakat tetap tinggal di daerah rawan bencana menggunakan analisis deskriptif. Sementara untuk indeks komposit kesiapsiagaan menggunakan lima parameter yaitu pengetahuan bencana, kebijakan kesiapsiagaan bencana, rencana tanggap darurat, peringatan dini bencana dan mobilisasi sumber daya. Selanjutnya, setiap pertanyaan yang sudah dikelompokan berdasarkan parameter dikalikan dengan nilai bobot.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sebesar 61,6 persen masyarakat merasa nyaman dan tenteram tetap tinggal di daerahnya meski daerahnya rawan bencana. Kenyamanan ini dikarenakan faktor lingkungan, ekonomi, dan sosial. Faktor lingkungan terutama kesuburan tanah, potensi pasir, kerikil dan batu. Sebanyak 56,9 persen penduduknya berpenghasilan lebih besar dari upah minimum regional kabupaten yang sebesar 1,4 juta rupiah per bulan. Sebanyak 92,7 persen mereka mempunyai kerabat yang masih tinggal di satu lokasi dan 95,4 persen aktif dan ikut serta dalam kegiatan kemasyarakatan seperti arisan, pengajian, dan perkumpulan lainnya. Sementara itu indeks kesiapsiagaan di daerah penelitian dalam kategori sedang atau dalam kondisi siap dengan nilai 66,83.

Disaster Prone Areas KRB III of Mount Merapi is an area that located near the source of the disaster, therefore that area must be free from residential areas. This study aims to 1 considering the conditions that cause people to stay in KRB III of Mount Merapi 2 analyze the factors of community preparedness to face of volcanic eruption disaster 3 Create a community preparedness index using the scoring and weighting method. This research is conducted by mixed method approach. Determination the number of respondents carried out by Slovin formula with a tolerance limit of 7 percent and selected 151 respondents. Determination of respondent for head family by using systematic random sampling. Determination the factors that cause people to stay in disaster prone areas using descriptive analysis. As for the composite index preparedness used five parameters namely disaster knowledge, disaster preparedness policy, emergency response plan, disaster early warning, and resource mobilization. Then each question that has been grouped by parameter multiplied by the weight value.
The results showed that 61.6 percent of people feel comfortable and peaceful stay in their area despite the disaster prone areas. This convenience is due to environmental, economic, and social factors. Environmental factors, especially soil fertility, the potential of sand, gravel, and stone. 56.9 percent of the population earns more than the district minimum wage of 1.4 million rupiahs per month. About 92.7 percent of them have relatives who still live in one location and 95.4 percent active and participate in community activities such as arisan, pengajian, and other associations. Meanwhile, the index of preparedness in the research area is in the medium category with a value of 66.83.
Depok: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Maryam Azizah Hanif
Salah satu bahaya erupsi Gunung Merapi 2010 adalah banjir lahar hujan yang memberikan pengaruh terhadap Kali Woro sebagai salah satu sungai yang bersifat ephemeral dan rawan ditutupi oleh endapan lahar hujan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meneliti morfodinamika badan Kali Woro sebelum dan sesudah erupsi Gunung Merapi 2010. Variabel bebas penelitian ini adalah kejadian banjir lahar hujan, topografi ketinggian dan kemiringan lereng , dan aktivitas tambang galian C yang diduga dapat mempengaruhi morfodinamika Kali Woro. Variabel terikat penelitian ini adalah morfodinamika Kali Woro yang terdiri atas perubahan indeks kelengkungan SRI , perubahan luas sungai dan perubahan lebar sungai. Penelitian ini menggunakan citra resolusi tinggi yang diperoleh dari aplikasi Google Earth. Hasil perhitungan morfodinamika diuji regresi untuk mengetahui pengaruh dengan kondisi topografi daerah aliran Kali Woro. Selain analisis dengan uji regresi, analisis yang digunakan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara kejadian lahar hujan dan aktivitas tambang dengan morfodinamika alur badan Kali Woro dilakukan secara deskriptif berdasarkan perbandingan antara data hasil perhitungan morfodinamika dengan fakta yang ada di lapangan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, maka diperolah kesimpulan bahwa Kali Woro mengalami peningkatan rata-rata SRI setiap tahunnya adalah 1,08; 1,15 dan 1,14. Luas Kali Woro juga semakin bertambah pasca erupsi Gunung Merapi 2010 dengan rata-rata luas setiap tahunnya adalah 34.026,58 m2, 43.001,24 m2 dan 62.696,23 m2. Berbanding lurus dengan kondisi luas sungai yang semakin meluas, Kali Woro juga mengalami pelebaran dengan nilai rata-rata lebar setiap tahunnya yaitu 42,91 m; 61,54 m dan 79,54 m. Lokasi yang mengalami perubahan bentuk adalah bagian hulu yang mencakup segmen 1 dan bagian tengah yang mencakup segmen 2 ndash; segmen 8. Berbeda dengan bagian hulu dan tengah, bagian hilir segmen 9 ndash; segmen 11 cenderung lebih tetap. Morfodinamika Kali Woro memiliki hubungan dengan seluruh variabel bebas, namun tidak semua variabel memiliki pengaruh. Luapan dan arah aliran lahar hujan juga dipengaruhi oleh kondisi topografi Kali Woro yang cenderung curam dan terjal serta rawan terhadap erosi permukaan, erosi alur dan longsor. Selain itu, peristiwa banjir lahar hujan menyebabkan potensi bahan tambang galian C di Kali Woro meningkat sehingga aktivitas tambang di bagian dasar maupun di bagian tebing Kali Woro juga bertambah.

One of the dangers of the 2010 Mount Merapi eruption is the lava flood that gives effect to the Woro River as one of the ephemeral river and is prone to be covered by rain lava sediment. This study aims to examine the morphodynamics of Woro River before and after the eruption of Mount Merapi in 2010. The independent variables of this research are the incidence of rain lava flood, topography height and slope , and mining activity suspected to affect Woro Kali morphodynamics. The dependent variable of this research is Woro River morphodynamics consisting of changes in curvature index SRI , changes in river area and changes in river width. This study uses high resolution imagery obtained from the Google Earth application. The results of morphodynamic calculations were tested by regression to determine the effect with topographic condition of Woro River area. In addition to the analysis with regression test, the analysis used to determine the relationship between the event of rain lava and mining activities with morphodynamic of Woro River is descriptively based on the comparison between the data of morphodynamic calculation with the facts in the field. Based on the results of the study, it is concluded that the Woro River has an average increase of SRI every year is 1.08 1.15 and 1.14. The area of Woro River is also increasing after the eruption of Mount Merapi 2010 with the average area of Woro River each year is 34,026,58 m2, 43,001,24 m2 and 62,696,23 m2. Directly proportional to the widespread condition of the river, Woro River also experiences widening with an average annual width of 42.91 m 61.54 m and 79.54 m. The deformed location is the upstream segment covering segments 1 and the middle segment covering the 2 segment segments 8. Unlike the upstream and middle sections, the downstream segment segment 9 segment 11 tends to be more fixed. Morphodynamics Woro times have a relationship with all independent variables, but not all variables have an influence. The outflow and direction of rain lava flow is also influenced by topographic condition of Woro River which tend to be steep and steep and prone to surface erosion, erosion of flow and landslide. In addition, the event of rain lava floods caused the potential of mining in Woro Kali increased so that mining activities at the bottom and in the cliffs Woro also increased."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yuriana Indah Pratiwi
"Sektor pertanian di Kecamatan Muntilan mengalami perubahan akibat banjir lahar dingin Gunung Merapi. Pengaruh dari banjir lahar dingin dilihat berdasarkan sebaran material piroklastik, jarak dari tanggul sungai dan jarak dari hulu sungai. Penelitian ini menggunakan pembagian segmen berdasarkan jarak dari sungai, yaitu 0-100, 100-200, dan 200-300 meter pada setiap desa terdampak banjir lahar dingin. Hasil dari penelitian menunjukan bahwa kandungan unsur hara material piroklastik yang terbawa oleh aliran Kali Pabelan menguntungkan bagi kesuburan pertumbuhan tanaman. Wilayah terdampak banjir lahar dingin ada yang mengalami kerusakan sehingga dijadikan wilayah tambang pasir, ada pula yang kembali digunakan sebagai lahan pertanian. Luas lahan pertanian yang mengalami kerusakan memiliki jarak sejauh 10-120 meter dari tanggul sungai. Wilayah yang semakin jauh dari hulu sungai memiliki produktivitas yang lebih baik karena unsur hara dan tekstur tanah lebih mendukung untuk lahan pertanian. Komoditas hortikultura dan palawija mengalami peningkatan lebih dari 50%, terutama pada tanaman cabe dan kacang panjang.
Agricultural sector in Muntilan District altered by cold lahar flood from Mount Merapi. The influence of cold lahar flood can be seen of pyroclastic material, the distance from the river enbankment and distance from upstream. This research uses segment division based on the distance from the river, that are 0-100, 100-200, and 200-300 meters in every village affected by cold lahar flood. Results from this research showed that the nutrient content of pyroclastic material that was carried away by the flow of Pabelan River gave benefits for plant growth fertility. Region affected by cold lava flood damaged used as sand mining area, some are re-used as agricultural land. Agricultural land were damaged due to cold lahar flood has a distance of 10-120 meters from the river embankment. Further regions from the river upstream has better productivity, because nutrients and soil texture better support for agricultural land. Horticulture and palawija comodity have increased more than 50%, especially chili and beans."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Andriyati Rahayu
"Tesis ini membahas tentang variasi bentuk dan pola perkembangan aksara Buda dalam empat naskah Merapi Merbabu.dan dikaitkan dengan penanggalan naskah. Penelitian ini memakai metode dinamis yang menganalisis aksara berdasarkan bentuk, ukuran, kemiringan, ketebalan, dan duktus dari aksara yang bersangkutan.
Dari hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa:
1. Aksara Merapi Merbabu mempunyai bentuk yang bervariasi
2. Semakin mutakhir usia naskah, jumlah duktusnya semakin sedikit
3. Semakin mutakhir usia naskah, jarak antar aksara semakin renggang
4. Semakin mutakhir usia naskah, penulisan aksaranya semakin tegak .
5. Semakin mutakhir usia naskah, garis pada aksara semakin tipis.

This thesis is discussing about the variation of forms and patterns of development in Buda alphabetical letters. It consists of four dated manuscripts of Merapi Merbabu collection. This research analyzed the manuscripts according to its date. This research applies dynamic method in analyzing letters based on the letter?s form, size, inclination, thickness and ductus.
The result of this research was concluded as below:
1. The letters of Merapi Merbabu have many variations in it?s form.
2. The more recent manuscript has less ductus than the older one.
3. The more recent manuscript has more spaces between letters than the older one.
4. The more recent manuscript has less inclination letters than the older one.
5. The more recent manuscript has thinner letters than the older one."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
"This paper discusses the extent of eruption of Merapi volcano in 1994. It looks at the effects associated with the volcano as it erupted. The damages were inflicted on both the abiotic and biotic environments. The eruption occurred in the southern parts of the volcano. Because of the potential problems the volcano has, this has called for government involvement as an attempt to minimise the casualties. This has been done by intergovernmental cooperation for instance through the establishment of disaster prevention projects like Sobo Technical Centre, Merapi Volcano Project and the office purposely concerned with the investigation on the activities of Merapi. These projects cooperate to establish the hazard maps."
GEOUGM 28:72 (1996)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
"This article is aimed to find out the behavioural characteristics of people residing in the dangerous zone of Merapi relating to their aspiration and perception on their settlement environment. Three sample areas are located in the volcanic slopes of Merapi being classified as the most dangerous zone whereas the other three are located along the river banks of river flowing down the mount. The result of this research shows that most of the people (65%) do not afraid of the danger, 18% feel afraid of it while the rest 17% are tremendously afraid of the danger. But 94% of the people interview said they are keen to remain living in the village and ony 6% of them are likely to move."
GEOUGM 28:72 (1996)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
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