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Aulia Hasanah
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2003
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Apsari Anindyajati
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh brand personality terhadap repurchase intention dari konsumen merek pakaian Uniqlo serta dimensi brand personality yang paling berpengaruh terhadap repurchase intention. Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan kuantitatif dengan teknik purposive sampling terhadap 100 responden yang merupakan mahasiswa program sarjana dan vokasi di Universitas Indonesia Depok. Menggunakan factor analysis dan multiple regression untuk menganalisis data, hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dua dari empat dimensi brand personality Aaker yang digunakan dalam penelitian yaitu sincerity dan excitement, mempunyai pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap repurchase intention. Sementara itu, competence dan sophistication juga mempunyai pengaruh terhadap repurchase intention, meskipun tidak signifikan.

The purpose of this research is to find out the effect of brand personality towards repurchase intention on the consumers of Uniqlo fashion brand. This research is also aimed to examine which brand personality dimension is the most significant towards repurchase intention. This research applies quantitative approach with purposive sampling technique to 100 respondents who are undergraduate and vocational students of Universitas Indonesia Depok. Using factor analysis and multiple regression to analyze the data, the research findings show that two out of four of Aaker?s brand personality dimensions used in the research, which is sincerity and excitement, have the most significant effects toward repurchase intention. While two other dimensions, competence and sophistication, also have effects toward repurchase intention, albeit not significant."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Gilang Hredaya
"[Penelitian ini merupakan replikasi model penelitian yang dilakukan oleh Boo (2009)
tentang aplikasi ekuitas merek pelanggan terhadap tenpat atau tujuan pariwisata,
dalam penelitian ini, Bali dan Lombok dijadikan tujuan pariwisata yang akan diteliti.
Penelitian ini termasuk kategori penelitian kuantitatif dengan deskriptif, cross
sectional studies. Hasil penelitian ini menemukan bahwa terdapat dua cara untuk
meningkatkan loyalitas pengunjung dalam bentuk keinginan untuk kembali
berkunjung dan mengatakan hal yang positif terhadap destinasi yang bersangkutan.
Pertama dengan meningkatkan kualitas dalam segi performa dimana itu akan
meningkatkan loyalitas pengunjung. Kedua dengan meningkatkan imej merek
pariwisata dengan memperkaya atau membuat imej yang lebih bervariasi yang
menampilkan berbagai fitur dari destinasi dengan tujuan membuat lebih banyak
pengunjung merasa ada kecocokan antara imej diri sendiri dan imej destinasi dimana
hal tersebut akan menghasilkan loyalitas dari lebih banyak pengunjung.;This research replicate the model proposed by Boo (2009) which is about applying
customer based brand equity towards a destination or places, in this research the
destination used are Bali and Lombok as destination brand. This research is
categorized as quantitative research with descriptive, cross-sectional studies. The
result of this research found that there are two ways to improve destination brand
loyalty or increasing the intention to re-visit or having a positive word of mouth. First
is by increasing the quality in terms of performance which will increase consumer?s
loyalty. Second is by improving destination brand image by enrich or creating more
image variation regarding the destination feature in order to suit more consumer?s
self-image which will results in loyalty from more consumers.;This research replicate the model proposed by Boo (2009) which is about applying
customer based brand equity towards a destination or places, in this research the
destination used are Bali and Lombok as destination brand. This research is
categorized as quantitative research with descriptive, cross-sectional studies. The
result of this research found that there are two ways to improve destination brand
loyalty or increasing the intention to re-visit or having a positive word of mouth. First
is by increasing the quality in terms of performance which will increase consumer?s
loyalty. Second is by improving destination brand image by enrich or creating more
image variation regarding the destination feature in order to suit more consumer?s
self-image which will results in loyalty from more consumers.;This research replicate the model proposed by Boo (2009) which is about applying
customer based brand equity towards a destination or places, in this research the
destination used are Bali and Lombok as destination brand. This research is
categorized as quantitative research with descriptive, cross-sectional studies. The
result of this research found that there are two ways to improve destination brand
loyalty or increasing the intention to re-visit or having a positive word of mouth. First
is by increasing the quality in terms of performance which will increase consumer?s
loyalty. Second is by improving destination brand image by enrich or creating more
image variation regarding the destination feature in order to suit more consumer?s
self-image which will results in loyalty from more consumers., This research replicate the model proposed by Boo (2009) which is about applying
customer based brand equity towards a destination or places, in this research the
destination used are Bali and Lombok as destination brand. This research is
categorized as quantitative research with descriptive, cross-sectional studies. The
result of this research found that there are two ways to improve destination brand
loyalty or increasing the intention to re-visit or having a positive word of mouth. First
is by increasing the quality in terms of performance which will increase consumer’s
loyalty. Second is by improving destination brand image by enrich or creating more
image variation regarding the destination feature in order to suit more consumer’s
self-image which will results in loyalty from more consumers.]"
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Novely Siswaningsih
"[Tujuan utama skripsi ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh interaksi pengguna media sosial, terhadap brand awareness dan purchase intention. Studi kasus dilakukan pada jenis media sosial Instagram, khusus akun NYX Cosmetics (@nyxcosmetics). Penelitian ini diolah dengan software SPSS 20 untuk pretest dan SmartPLS 2 & 3 untuk main test, menggunakan teknik Partial Least Square Path Modeling (PLS-PM). Hasil pengolahan data menunjukkan bahwa annoyance mempengaruhi brand page commitment secara positif. Lalu, brand page commitment memiliki pengaruh positif terhadap brand awareness tetapi annoyance tidak memiliki pengaruh terhadap brand awareness. Kemudian, brand page commitment dan brand awareness memiliki pengaruh positif terhadap word of mouth, sedangkan annoyance tidak memiliki pengaruh terhadap word of mouth. Brand page commitment, annoyance, brand awareness, dan word of mouth memiliki pengaruh positif terhadap purchase intention.;The objective of this case is to determine the effect of user interactions in social media on brand awareness and purchase intention. This study involves Instragram account OF NYX Cosmetics (@nyxcosmetics). This research was processed by SPSS 20 software for pretesting and Smart PLS 2 & 3 for main test using Partial Least Square Path Modeling (PLS-PM) technique. The results show annoyance has a positive effect on brand page commitment. Then, brand page commitment has a positive effect on brand awareness, but annoyance has no effect on brand awareness. Brand page commitment and brand awareness have positive effects on word of mouth, and annoyance has no effect on word of mouth. Brand page commitment, annoyance, brand awareness, and word of mouth have positive effects on purchase intention.;The objective of this case is to determine the effect of user interactions in social media on brand awareness and purchase intention. This study involves Instragram account OF NYX Cosmetics (@nyxcosmetics). This research was processed by SPSS 20 software for pretesting and Smart PLS 2 & 3 for main test using Partial Least Square Path Modeling (PLS-PM) technique. The results show annoyance has a positive effect on brand page commitment. Then, brand page commitment has a positive effect on brand awareness, but annoyance has no effect on brand awareness. Brand page commitment and brand awareness have positive effects on word of mouth, and annoyance has no effect on word of mouth. Brand page commitment, annoyance, brand awareness, and word of mouth have positive effects on purchase intention., The objective of this case is to determine the effect of user interactions in social media on brand awareness and purchase intention. This study involves Instragram account OF NYX Cosmetics (@nyxcosmetics). This research was processed by SPSS 20 software for pretesting and Smart PLS 2 & 3 for main test using Partial Least Square Path Modeling (PLS-PM) technique. The results show annoyance has a positive effect on brand page commitment. Then, brand page commitment has a positive effect on brand awareness, but annoyance has no effect on brand awareness. Brand page commitment and brand awareness have positive effects on word of mouth, and annoyance has no effect on word of mouth. Brand page commitment, annoyance, brand awareness, and word of mouth have positive effects on purchase intention.]"
Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mabrur Herzaridano
Skripsi ini membahas tentang pengaruh smartwatch product category characteristic yang berada pada SAMSUNG Galaxy Gear terhadap brand extension attitude. Di dalamnya terdapat juga variabel awareness set size, awareness set similarity, dan product category familiarity yang membangun brand extension category attitude. Lebih lanjut lagi, skripsi ini membahas pengaruh brand extension category attitude terhadap brand extension attitude. Penelitian ini menghasilkan kesimpulan bahwa brand extension category attitude, perceived fit, dan brand strength berpengaruh secara signifikan pada brand extension attitude. Pada penelitian ini juga terdapat implikasi manajerial serta saran untuk penelitian selanjutnya.

This study discusses the effect of smartwatch product category characteristic on brand extension attitude that has been applied to SAMSUNG Galaxy Gear case. This study also includes other variables, namely brand extension category characteristics; awareness set size, awareness set similarity, and product category familiarity which affecting brand extension category attitude. Moreover, this study has a result of brand extension category attitude which affecting overall brand extension attitude. This results of this research show that brand extension category attitude, perceived fit and brand strength influence significantly toward brand extension attitude. There are also managerial implications and advices for the next research. "
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Beryl Masdiary
"[Nation branding adalah konsep baru yang didefinisikan sebagai campuran elemen
multi-dimensi yang unik dan menunjukkan diferensiasi budaya dan relevansinya untuk semua
khalayak sasaran.Penerapan teknik merek ini terutama dilakukan untuk menghadapi
persaingan global yang sekarang dihadapi oleh negara terutama dalam pasar eksternal.
Kondisi ini menyadarkan negara untuk memperkuat brand mereka dengan tujuan utama
untuk menarik wisatawan, mendorong investasi masuk dan meningkatkan ekspor. Salah
satuupaya pembentukan Nation Branding dapat ditempuh melalui suatu langkah manajemen
brand yaitu corporate branding, yang memungkinkan suatu perusahaan menawarkan produk
atau jasa yang diekspor, menjadi duta Negara tersebut di pasar internasional, sebagai pemain
Penelitian kualitatif ini berupaya untuk menganalisis bagaimana peran corporate
branding dalam pembentukan Nation Branding, dengan studi kasus Service ExcellencePT
Garuda Indonesia. Penelitian ini menggunakanperspektif konsumen internasional melihat
service excellence dari layanan jasa yang diekspor sebagai upaya pembentukan nation
Dari penelitian ini terlihat bahwa penerapan corporate branding dapat membantu
suatu negara membentuk nation branding, namun masih dibutuhkan upaya jangka panjang
dan konsistensi pesan serta kualitas layanan agar dapat dipahami oleh target konsumen yang
dituju.;Nation branding is a new concept which is defined as a mixture of multi-dimensional
element that is unique and shows the cultural differentiation and relevance for all target
audiences. Application of brand management is mainly done to face the global competition
that now faced by the country, especially in the external market. This condition requires
countries to strengthen their brand with the main objective to attract tourists, encourage
inward investment and boost exports. One of the efforts to establish the Nation Branding can
be reached through corporate branding, which allows a company that offers products or
services exported, be an ambassador of the country in the international market, as a global
This qualitative study seeks to analyze how corporate branding role in the formation
of Nation Branding, with Service Excellence of PT Garuda Indonesia as the case study. This
researchfocuses on international consumer perspective of the exported service as the
formation of nation branding attempts.
Study showed that the application of corporate branding can help a country establish
nation branding, but it still takes a long-term effort and consistency of the message and the
quality of products that can be understood by the intended target consumers., Nation branding is a new concept which is defined as a mixture of multi-dimensional
element that is unique and shows the cultural differentiation and relevance for all target
audiences. Application of brand management is mainly done to face the global competition
that now faced by the country, especially in the external market. This condition requires
countries to strengthen their brand with the main objective to attract tourists, encourage
inward investment and boost exports. One of the efforts to establish the Nation Branding can
be reached through corporate branding, which allows a company that offers products or
services exported, be an ambassador of the country in the international market, as a global
This qualitative study seeks to analyze how corporate branding role in the formation
of Nation Branding, with Service Excellence of PT Garuda Indonesia as the case study. This
researchfocuses on international consumer perspective of the exported service as the
formation of nation branding attempts.
Study showed that the application of corporate branding can help a country establish
nation branding, but it still takes a long-term effort and consistency of the message and the
quality of products that can be understood by the intended target consumers.]"
Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Soraya Medina Ruza
"Branding universitas memiliki keunikan tersendiri karena merupakan organisasi yang berbasis kepada sumber daya manusia. Pendekatan dari dalam ke luar yang melibatkan seluruh karyawan akademik dan non akademik dalam proses membangun brand menjadi cara yang efektif dalam pengembangan strategi branding universitas. Internal branding merupakan salah satu cara agar karyawan dapat memahami pesan brand dan mampu bersikap seperti identitas brand. Strategi internal branding yang baik akan meningkatkan penerimaan brand identity oleh karyawan. Penelitian ini ingin mengetahui bagaimana internal branding berperan dalam membangun brand identity dan bagaimana proses interaksi antara stakeholder internal dapat membangun brand identity. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan fenomenologi dengan menggunakan in-depth interview kepada karyawan yang sering berinteraksi dengan mahasiswa melalui video conference. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Universitas Abdurrab sebagai salah satu perguruan tinggi swasta yang sedang berkembang di Indonesia dan sedang mengembangkan internal branding melalui nilai yang dituangkan ke dalam visi mereka. Berdasarkan hasil yang diperoleh, proses internal branding tidak hanya berasal dari interaksi karyawan. Manajer, founder hingga stakeholder eksternal memiliki peran penting dalam membentuk brand identity. Namun, pada Universitas Abdurrab manajemen internal branding belum berhasil membangun brand identity yang diinginkan. Proses evaluasi yang objektif mengenai penerapan brand identity perlu dilakukan untuk memastikan brand image dapat sesuai dengan brand identity.

Internal branding plays an essential role in implementing brand strategies that strengthen a university’s brand identity. Brand identity is executed and controlled by managers, who also form the foundation for a dynamic and continuous cocreation process through interactions between internal and external stakeholders. Furthermore, internal branding can help private universities with limited resources build effective branding strategies in a competitive environment. This study aims to explore the role of internal branding and the interaction process between its internal stakeholders in building brand identity at private universities. A phenomenological approach is then applied by incorporating in-depth interviews using video conferences with employees who often interact with students. This study conducted at Abdurrab University, one of the private universities in Indonesia. Based on the results obtained, managers play a crucial role in imparting this understanding to employees, hence their message is accurately conveyed to students. Also, an objective evaluation process of the brand needs is carried out to ensure the brand image accurately depicts the brand identity."
Jakarta: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Noverian Aditya Putra
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mencari tahu hubungan antara sifat-sifat psikologis konsumen seperti kesadaran terhadap nilai, kerentanan terhadap pengaruh normatif, dan kebutuhan terhadap keunikan; terhadap perilaku terhadap merek, hubungan antara perilaku terhadap merek dan keinginan membeli kembali, dan apakah pengetahuan konsumen mempengaruhi kebutuhan konsumen terhadap keunikan. Hipotesis diuji dengan metode regresi sederhana dan berganda, dengan menggunakan SPSS versi 22.
Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa ada hubungan yang signifikan antara sifat-sifat psikologis dan perilaku terhadap merek, dan perilaku terhadap merek juga mempengaruhi niat pembelian kembali. Sementara pengetahuan konsumen tidak mempengaruhi kebutuhan terhadap keunikan konsumen.

This research focuses on finding out the relationship between consumer rsquo s psychological traits such as value consciousness, susceptibility to normative influence, and need for uniqueness towards brand attitude, the relationship between brand attitude and repurchase intention, and whether consumer knowledge affects the consumer rsquo s need for uniqueness. The hypotheses are tested with the simple and multiple regression method, using the SPSS version 22.
This research found that there is a significant relationship between psychological traits and brand attitude, and brand attitude also influence the repurchase intention. While consumer knowledge does not affect the need for uniqueness for the consumer.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dewi Melani Setyaningrum
"Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis asosiasi merek dan keputusan pembelian konsumen iPhone Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah 162 mahasiswa I FISIP UI pengguna iPhone Dengan menggunakan metode non probability sampling serta teknik purposive Instrumen penelitian ini menggunakan kuesioner dan dianalisis menggunakan analisis statistik deskriptif
Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa merek iPhone dinilai memiliki asosiasi asosiasi di benak konsumennya dan dimensi dimensi asosiasi merek merupakan salah satu faktor yang melatar belakangi keputusan pembelian konsumen iPhone.

The objective of this research is to analyze the brand association and the consumer purchase decision of iPhone This research applied quantitative approach The samples of this research is 162 students of FISIP UI that were iPhone users collected using non probability sampling and purposive technique This research used questionnaire as research instrument and analyzed with descriptive statistical analysis
The results of this research indicate that the iPhone rsquo s brand associations has embedded in the minds of consumers and the dimensions of brand association is one of the background factors of consumer rsquo s purchasing decision of iPhone.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hafid Sani
"Hasil penelitian ini ditujukan untuk mengetahui pengaruh positif dan signifikan darivariabel karakteristik merek toko dan promosi merek nasional yang terdiri dari Value Consciousness; Smart Shopper Self Perception; Brand Loyalty; Store Loyalty; Impulsiveness. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain penelitianeksploratif dan deskriptif yang dilakukan satu kali dalam satu periode. Respondenpenelitian ini berjumlah 110 orang responden yang mempunyai aktivitas berbelanja di retail atau eceran kurang dari 6 bulan terakhir. Model penelitian dengan empat belashipotesis diuji menggunakan Structural Equation Modelling (SEM). Hasilpenelitian menyatakan bahwaValue Consciousness mempunyai pengaruh signifikan dan positif terhadap merek toko begitupun dengan Brand Loyalty juga mempunyai hubungan signifikan dan positif dengan merek toko dan merek nasional.Value consciousness mempunyai hubungan tidak signifikan terhadap merek nasional dan brand loyalty; begitupun smart shopper self-perception; store loyalty; impulsiveness tidak mempunyai pengaruh signifikan terhadap merek nasional dan merek toko.

The results of this study aimed to determine the positive and significant impact of the variable characteristics of the store brand and national brand promotion which consists of Value Consciousness; Smart Shopper Self Perception; Brand Loyalty; Store Loyalty; Impulsiveness. This study used exploratory and descriptive research design is done once in a period. This survey respondents totaled 110 respondents who have activities in retail or retail shop less than 6 months. Research model with four teen hypotheses were tested using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The study states that the Value Consciousness has a significant and positive influence on brand stores as well as with Brand Loyalty also has a significant and positive relationship with store brands and national brands. Value consciousness has no significant relationship to the national brand and brand loyalty; as did the smart shopper self - perception; store loyalty; impulsiveness did not have a significant influence on national brand and store brand.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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