"Klinik gigi DN merupakan salah satu klinik gigi yang saat ini masih menggunakan sistem
pengoperasian secara offline, banyak penggunaan kertas dalam pencatatan, appointment
dilakukan secara manual, dan data yang tidak terintegrasi. Hal ini dapat menyebabkan
terhambatnya pelayanan pasien sehingga timbulnya persepsi buruk dari pasien akan
pelayanan yang dilakukan klinik gigi DN. Berdasarkan masalah tersebut, tim
pengembang mengembangkan sebuah sistem informasi yang dapat menjadi solusi dari
permasalahan tersebut. Pada pengembangan, dikembangkan dua sistem terpisah (internal
web apps dan aplikasi PWA [Progressive Web Apps]) yang saling terintegrasi satu sama
lain. Internal web apps akan digunakan oleh pihak internal klinik gigi DN dalam
menjalankan proses bisnisnya, sementara aplikasi PWA (Progressive Web Apps)
digunakan oleh pasien klinik gigi DN. Sistem ini dikembangkan menggunakan salah satu
metode pengembangan perangkat lunak agile, yaitu Scrum. Kerangka kerja Scrum yang
digunakan terdiri dari tiga fase, yaitu pre-game, game (development), dan post-game.
Pada fase pre-game, dilakukan requirement gathering, perencanaan, dan
architecture/high level design. Pada fase game, dijalankannya sprint untuk pengerjaan
proyek. Pada fase post-game dilakukannya testing terhadap sistem yang telah
dikembangkan. Pada pengembangan sistem di klinik gigi DN ini, dihasilkan dua sistem
(Internal web apps untuk internal klinik dan aplikasi PWA [Progressive Web Apps] bagi
pengguna eksternal klinik) yang dibangun dengan framework Spring Boot dan React JS.
Dengan dikembangkan sistem informasi dan aplikasi tersebut, diharapkan pihak klinik
gigi DN dapat lebih efektif dan efisien dalam melayani pasien.
DN dental clinic that currently uses an offline operating procedure, uses a lot of paper inrecording, appointments are done manually, and the data is not integrated. This can causedelays in serving patients so that there is a bad perception from patients about the servicesprovided by the DN dental clinic. Based on these problems, the development teamdeveloped an information system that could be a solution to these problems. During thedevelopment, two separate system (internal web apps and PWA [Progressive Web Apps]application) were developed which were integrated with each other. The internal webapps will be used by DN dental clinic internal parties in carrying out their businessprocesses, while the PWA (Progressive Web Apps) application is used by DN dentalclinic patients. The system is developed using one of the agile software developmentmethods, namely Scrum. The Scrum framework used consists of three phases, namely,pre-game, game (development), and post-game. In the pre-game phase, requirementsgathering, planning, and architecture/high level design are carried out. In the game phase,sprints are executed. In the post-game phase, testing of the system that has been developedis carried out. In the development of the DN dental clinic information system, two system(internal web apps for internal clinic and PWA [Progressive Web Apps] applicationdeliver to patient) were produced which were built with Spring Boot and React JSframeworks. By developing the system information and applications, it is oped that theDN dental clinic can be more effective and efficient in serving patients."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Indonesia, 2022