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Muhammad Iqbal Alfikri
"Lembaga Penerbangan dan Antariksa Nasional (LAPAN) telah menghasilkan nilai densitas propelan komposit 1,67gr/cm3 . Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah meningkatkan nilai densitas dari volume pengepakan menggunakan model Sphere Packing Volume (SPV) dengan memvariasikan ukuran partikel dan dengan asumsi bahwa partikel penyusun berbentuk bola. Material yang digunakan adalah Amonium Perklorat (AP) berukuran 50 dan 400 mikrometer, Aluminium (Al) berukuran 10 dan 30 mikrometer, Hydroxylterminated Polybutadiene (HTPB), dan Toluene Di isocyanate (TDI). Rasio total massa campuran dalam gram AP dan Al adalah 4:1 untuk menghasilkan energi tertinggi. Rasio AP 50 dan 400 digunakan pada setiap ukuran Al untuk memperoleh nilai SPV berdasarkan Tap Density dan densitas teoritis bahan. Pembuatan propelan komposit mengacu kepada nilai SPV. Sampel dengan nilai volume pengepakan tertinggi menghasilkan nilai Impulse Specific Vacuum Level (ISP) 278,7s, nilai energi pembakaran 7,46J/gr, nilai densitas teoritis 1,75gr/cm3 , nilai densitas aktual 1,74gr/cm3, dan rasio teoritis/aktual 99,30%, nilai kekerasan 90,88 Shore A untuk permukaan atas dan 92,88 Shore A untuk permukaan bawah. Pada eksperimen ini, nilai densitas aktual mengikuti nilai densitas teoritis. Model SPV ini dapat digunakan dalam pembuatan formulasi propelan komposit dan meningkatkan metode proses propelan.

The National Institute of Aeronautics and Space (LAPAN) has produced a density value of composite propellant of 1,67gr/cm3. The purpose of this research was to increase the density value of the packing volume using the Sphere Packing Volume (SPV) model by varied the particle size and an assumption was taken that the constituent particles were spherical. The materials used were Ammonium Perchlorate (AP) 50 and 400 micrometer, Aluminum Powder (Al) 10 and 30 micrometer, Hidroxylterminated Polibutadiene (HTPB), and Toluene Di Isocyanate (TDI). The ratio of total AP and Al of 4:1 to produce the highest energy. The ratio of AP 50 and 400 was carried out for each Al size to obtain SPV value based on tap density and density theoretical of materials. The manufacture of composite propellant was based on the SPV value. The sample with the highest packing volume value produced the Impulse Specific Vacuum Level (ISP) of 278,7s, highest energy value of 7,46J/gr, theoretical density of 1,75gr/cm3, the actual density of 1,74gr/cm3, and ratio of theoretical/actual was 99,30%, and hardness of 90,88 Shore A for top surface and 92,88 Shore A for bottom surface. The actual density of this experiment agreed well with the standard value. Sphere Packing Volume model can be used in making a composite propellant formulation design and improving the propellant process method."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika Dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Gayuh Tyagita
Pasca runtuhnya Uni Soviet, Asia Tengah menjadi kawasan yang mendapat
banyak perhatian dari dunia internasional. Asia Tengah yang termasuk dalam
?near abroad? merupakan kawasan yang selalu menjadi prioritas utama kebijakan
luar negeri Rusia. Oleh karena itu, munculnya negara-negara baru di Asia Tengah
yang disertai dengan hadirnya kekuatan eksternal lain di kawasan menjadi
tantangan tersendiri bagi Rusia sebagai suksesor Uni Soviet. Hadirnya kekuatan
eksternal lain seperti Tiongkok, Amerika Serikat, dan Uni Eropa ditambah adanya
beragam reaksi dari negara-negara Asia Tengah membuat Rusia harus bersaing
agar tidak kehilangan Sphere of Influence nya di Asia Tengah

After the dissolution of the Soviet Union, Central Asia has become a region that
gets many attentions from all over the world. Central Asia that has been included
in the so-called ?near abroad?, has always become a priority region for the
Russian Federation?s Foreign Policy. Therefore, the independence of new states in
Central Asia and the active role of other external powers in the region become
challenges for Russia. The active role of China, United States, and European
Union as the external powers and various responds from the Central Asian
countries makes Russia has to compete so that Russia will not lose her Sphere of
Influence in the region"
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yusia Mega Relita
"Malaria masih menjadi masalah kesehatan masyarakat dan merupakan penyakit endemis di daerah tropis termasuk Indonesia. Semakin banyaknya strain Plasmodium yang resisten terhadap obat antimalaria membutuhkan penemuan obat baru yang lebih poten untuk mengatasi permasalahan ini. Delonix regia mengandung zat kimia alkaloid dan terpenoid yang memiliki potensi sebagai antiplasmodium. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk membuktikan bahwa ekstrak kulit buah dan daun Delonix regia mampu menurunkan densitas Plasmodium berghei. Kelompok perlakuan mendapatkan ekstrak kulit buah dan daun yang diberikan dengan tiga dosis, yaitu 2,8 mg/20g mencit, 8,4 mg/20g mencit, dan 14 mg/20g mencit selama tiga hari berturut-turut dimulai tujuh hari setelah inokulasi parasit pada Mencit Swiss-webster. Pemeriksaan parasitemia dilakukan pada hari ke-0 sebelum perlakuan dan hari ke-3 setelah perlakuan dengan cara dibuat sediaan apusan darah tipis yang diwarnai dengan Giemsa.
Hasil analisis statistik menunjukkan pada dosis ekstrak kulit buah Delonix regia dosis 2,8 mg/20g mencit dan dosis 8,4 mg/20g mencit menunjukkan perbedaan jumlah parasit yang signifikan terhadap jumlah parasit kelompok kontrol negatif, sedangkan pada ekstrak kulit buah Delonix regia dosis 14 mg/20g mencit menunjukkan bahwa tidak ada perbedaan yang signifikan terhadap kelompok kontrol negatif. Hasil analisis statistik pada ekstrak daun Delonix regia dosis 2,8 mg/20g mencit, 8,4 mg/20g mencit dan 14 mg/20g mencit menunjukkan tidak ada perbedaan yang signifikan terhadap kelompok kontrol negatif. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa pemberian ekstrak kulit buah Delonix regia dosis 2,8 mg/20g mencit paling baik dalam menurunkan densitas Plasmodium berghei.

Malaria remains a public health problem and endemic in tropical country, including Indonesia. Increasing number of strains of drug-resistant Plasmodium malaria needs to find a new, more potent drugs to overcome this problem. Delonix regia contains alkaloid and terpenoid chemicals that have potential as antiplasmodium. The purpose of this study is to prove that the rind and leaf extracts of Delonix regia can reduce the density of Plasmodium berghei in Swiss-webster mice. The treatment group get rind and leaf extracts given in three doses, ie 2,8 mg/20g mice, 8,4 mg/20g mice, and 14 mg/20g mice for three consecutive days starting seven days after inoculation of parasites. Parasitemia examination performed on H0 before and day 3 after treatment made by blood smear preparations stained with Giemsa thin.
The results of the statistical analysis showed a dose Delonix regia rind extract dose 2,8 mg/20g mice and 8,4 mg/20g mice showed a significant difference in the number of parasites on the number of parasites negative control group, while in the rind extracts Delonix regia dose 14 mg/20g mice showed no significant difference to the negative control group. The results of statistical analysis on Delonix regia leaf extracts dose 2,8 mg/20g mice, 8,4 mg/20g mice and 14 mg/20g mice no significant difference to the negative control group. Based on these results it can be concluded that administration of Delonix regia rind extract at a dose of 2,8 mg/20g mice body weight is the best dose which can reduce the density of Plasmodium.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Adelia Chindranata
"Geometri ruang bola S2 merupakan geometri Riemann dan termasuk dalam geometri non-Euclid dengan Postulat Kesejajaran Euclid tidak berlaku dan terjadi modifikasi pada postulat kedua Euclid. Pada geometri bola, untuk setiap garis l dan titik P yang tidak berada di l, tidak terdapat garis yang melewati P yang sejajar dengan l, dan setiap garis di S2 memiliki panjang yang sama. Terdapat isometri di S2, yakni pemetaan yang mengawetkan jarak, berupa pencerminan, translasi, dan rotasi. Pada skripsi ini dilakukan perbandingan antara isometri di bola S2 dengan isometri di bidang Euclid E2 untuk menunjukkan bahwa terdapat kesamaan sifat isometri di S2 dan isometri di E2 meskipun keduanya memiliki sifat geometri yang berbeda.

The sphere S^2 belongs to Riemannian Geometry which belongs to Non-Euclidean Geometry with the invalidity of Euclid's fifth postulate and modification of Euclid's second postulate. In the sphere geometry, for every line l and a point P which is not in l, there is no line passing through point P parallel to l, and every line in S^2 have the same length. There are isometries in S^2 which are the mappings that preserve distance in the form reflection, translation, and rotation. Comparation can be done between the isometries in sphere S^2 and the isometries in Euclidean plane E^2 in order to showcase the similarities which both isometries in S^2 and isometries in E^2 share despite the difference in the geometries' property."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rasydha Wahyu Budi
"Paduan aluminium seperti 2024 aluminium alloy banyak digunakan pada industri pesawat sebagai bahan penguat struktur dan lapisan sayap pesawat. Tetapi paduan aluminium tersebut rentan terhadap korosi pada aging state tertentu, sehingga aluminium perlu diplating. Nikel merupakan salah satu logam yang sering digunakan sebagai material pelapis karena memiliki sifat ketahanan korosi yang baik, kekerasan dan juga dapat meningkatkan tampilan dari logam yang dilapisi. Dalam penelitian ini, dilakukan proses pelapisan Nikel pada lempeng Aluminium melalui metode electroplating dengan variasi rapat arus sebesar 3 mA/cm2, 10 mA/cm2, dan 25 mA/cm2. Karakterisasi XRD dan SEM dilakukan untuk melihat struktur kristal dan mikrostruktur lapisan nikel. Uji kekerasan dilakukan dengan metode Vickers. Uji sifat korosi dilakukan dengan metode LSV (Linear Sweep Voltamettry). Pola difraksi sinar-X menunjukkan peningkatan intensitas bidang (111) dan bidang (002) seiring meningkatnya rapat arus, sedangkan intensitas bidang (022) mengalami penurunan. Pengolahan data LSV menunjukkan sampel dengan arus 25 mA cm-2 memiliki daya tahan korosi yang paling baik yaitu sebesar 0,157 mm/tahun, tetapi memiliki tingkat kekerasan yang paling rendah sebesar 416,6 VH. Perubahan rapat arus ditemukan dapat mempengaruhi struktur kristal, morfologi permukaan dan sifat elektrokimia lapisan nikel yang terdeposisi.

Aluminium alloys such as 2024 aluminium alloys are widely used in aircraft industry as structural sthrength and skin for wings. However, those alloys are susceptible to corrosion at certain aging state, hence plating is necessary. Nickel is one of metal that widely used as coating material due to their high corrosion resistance property, hardness and enhancing the metal’s surfaces. In the current study, Nickel was successfully deposited on the Aluminium surface by electroplating method with various current density which are 3 mA/cm2, 10 mA/cm2, and 25 mA/cm2. XRD and SEM was performed to see the crystal structure and microstructure of the plated nickel coating. Hardness test was performed using Vikers method. The corrosion property was tested by LSV (Linear Sweep Voltamettry) method. The XRD patterns show increasing intentisy of (111) and (002) plane along the increase of current density, while the (022) intensity decreasing. The LSV shows that the sample with 25 mA cm-2 current density has the highest corrosion resistance with value of 0.157 mm/year, but it has the lowest hardness value at 416.6 VH. It was found that the variation of current density can affect crystal structure, surface morphology and electrochemical property of the deposited nickel coating."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Untuk mengetahui pengaruh agen ikat silang terhadap sifat kuat tarik dan titik leleh polietilen densitas tinggi (HDPE-High Density Polyethylene) dibuat sampel XPE (Crosslinked Polyethylene) dengan variasi prosentase berat (0,50 sampai 1,50 bwt) agen ikat silang DCP (Dicumyl Peroxyde). Selanjutnya dilakukan pengukuran dan pengujian seperti fraksi rantai ikat silang.. FTIR, densitas, XRD. titik leleh, temperatur dekomposisi dan sifat kuat tarik.
Hasil pengamatan menunjukkan bahwa DCP merangsang meningkatkan terbentuknya rental ikat silang dalem HDPE, tetapi mulai 1.50% DCP cenderung menuju keadaan jenuh. XPE dengan kendungan DCP kurang dari 1,50' terbentuk fasa kristalin ( bidang kristal (010) ) namun secara bulk XPE lebih berfasa amorfphous. Hal ini ditandai dengan penurunan nilai derajat kristalinitas dan densitas. Fenomena ini menyebabkan titik leleh dan dekomposisi meningkat, modulus Young menurun, elongasi meningkat dan UPS meningkat walau relatif kecil.Sehingga XPE merupakan polietilen yang bersifat kuat tarik lebih baik dan lebih stabil pada pemakaian temperatur operasi tinggi."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 1997
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fatima Septi Sundari
Lapangan XXX merupakan lapangan minyak di cekungan Natuna Barat
dengan reservoir utama berupa reservoir batu pasir. Ketebalan reservoir pada
lapangan ini sangat bervariasi sehingga hasil inversi hanya dapat memetakan
ketebalan reservoir yang mendekati ketebalan tuning.
Berdasarkan uji sensitifitas, parameter AI di setiap sumur tidak dapat
membedakan hidrokarbon, sehingga parameter akustik saja tidak dapat diaplikasikan
dalam karakterisasi reservoir lapangan ini. Namun ketika parameter densitas terpisah
dengan parameter kecepatan P, sebaran hidrokarbon dapat dibedakan dengan baik.
Kecepatan S tidak tersedia di semua sumur padahal data ini sangat diperlukan
untuk melakukan pengolahan data dengan metode inversi simultan. Oleh karena itu
akan dilakukan beberapa estimasi untuk mendapatkan data kecepatan S antara lain
dengan metode castagna, metode gassmann, metode parsial, metode Xu-White dan
metode Lee. Data kecepatan S yang dipakai adalah kecepatan S terbaik yang
diperoleh dari metode Xu White dikarenakan hasil log poisson?s rationya paling
mendekati tren kurva saturasi air. Selain itu aspek rasio batuan yang
mempertimbangkan nilai porositas dan volume clay, serta kontrol kualitas Vp model
dari metode Xu-White memiliki rasio error minimum jika dibandingkan dengan nilai
Vp dari data log.
Metode inversi simultan dengan data pre-stack atau partial stack
memungkinkan dilakukannya prediksi parameter Impedansi P, Impedansi S, dan
densitas dari data seismik. Selain itu meode inversi simultan dapat dipergunakan
multi wavelet dalam pengolahan datanya. Hasil penampang inversi yang diperoleh
menunjukkan bahwa inverse densitas dapat menjelaskan letak sebaran batuan
reservoir dan fluida berdasarkan cut off sensitifitas yakni nilai dibawah 2,26 gr/cc.

X field is an oil field in West Natuna Basin with sandstone reservoir as
primary target. There was varying reservoir thickness, so the inversion method that
could only be applied to map reservoir thickness, which close to tuning thickness.
Based on sensitivity analysis, Acoustic Impedance parameters couldn?t
indicate hydrocarbon appearance for each well, so Acoustic Impedance cannot be
applied for reservoir characterization in this field. Density versus Acoustic
Impedance could map hydrocarbon appearance.
Shear velocity weren?t available where those data was needed for running
simultaneous inversion method. Predicting velocity shear would be carried out by
using several method such as Castagna, Gassmann, Parsial, Xu-White, and Lee. The
best estimated velocity shear would be used for inversion, The best estimated shear
velocity from Xu-White method because Xu-White?s poisson ratio log presents
similar trend with water saturation log (Sw). Moreover, Xu-White?s ratio aspect is
also considering porosity and clay volume value. Based on quality control result, Vp
model of Xu-White had minimum error ratio compared to Vp from log.
Simultaneous inversion with pre-stack and parsial stack data what can be used
for predicting P-Impedance, S-Impedance, and density from seismic data. Otherwise,
this method is also used not only for single wavelet but also multi wavelet. The
inversion result from this study can mapping out the hydrocarbon appearance for
reservoir target based on cut off value from sensitivity test of less than 2,26 gr/cc.;X field is an oil field in West Natuna Basin with sandstone reservoir as
primary target. There was varying reservoir thickness, so the inversion method that
could only be applied to map reservoir thickness, which close to tuning thickness.
Based on sensitivity analysis, Acoustic Impedance parameters couldn?t
indicate hydrocarbon appearance for each well, so Acoustic Impedance cannot be
applied for reservoir characterization in this field. Density versus Acoustic
Impedance could map hydrocarbon appearance.
Shear velocity weren?t available where those data was needed for running
simultaneous inversion method. Predicting velocity shear would be carried out by
using several method such as Castagna, Gassmann, Parsial, Xu-White, and Lee. The
best estimated velocity shear would be used for inversion, The best estimated shear
velocity from Xu-White method because Xu-White?s poisson ratio log presents
similar trend with water saturation log (Sw). Moreover, Xu-White?s ratio aspect is
also considering porosity and clay volume value. Based on quality control result, Vp
model of Xu-White had minimum error ratio compared to Vp from log.
Simultaneous inversion with pre-stack and parsial stack data what can be used
for predicting P-Impedance, S-Impedance, and density from seismic data. Otherwise,
this method is also used not only for single wavelet but also multi wavelet. The
inversion result from this study can mapping out the hydrocarbon appearance for
reservoir target based on cut off value from sensitivity test of less than 2,26 gr/cc., X field is an oil field in West Natuna Basin with sandstone reservoir as
primary target. There was varying reservoir thickness, so the inversion method that
could only be applied to map reservoir thickness, which close to tuning thickness.
Based on sensitivity analysis, Acoustic Impedance parameters couldn’t
indicate hydrocarbon appearance for each well, so Acoustic Impedance cannot be
applied for reservoir characterization in this field. Density versus Acoustic
Impedance could map hydrocarbon appearance.
Shear velocity weren’t available where those data was needed for running
simultaneous inversion method. Predicting velocity shear would be carried out by
using several method such as Castagna, Gassmann, Parsial, Xu-White, and Lee. The
best estimated velocity shear would be used for inversion, The best estimated shear
velocity from Xu-White method because Xu-White’s poisson ratio log presents
similar trend with water saturation log (Sw). Moreover, Xu-White’s ratio aspect is
also considering porosity and clay volume value. Based on quality control result, Vp
model of Xu-White had minimum error ratio compared to Vp from log.
Simultaneous inversion with pre-stack and parsial stack data what can be used
for predicting P-Impedance, S-Impedance, and density from seismic data. Otherwise,
this method is also used not only for single wavelet but also multi wavelet. The
inversion result from this study can mapping out the hydrocarbon appearance for
reservoir target based on cut off value from sensitivity test of less than 2,26 gr/cc.]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Caessar
"Studi ini menyelidiki fungsionalisasi gugus hidrofilik yang diinduksi oleh iradiasi gamma pada polietilen densitas tinggi yang didaur ulang (r-HDPE) sebagai coupling agent potensial untuk komposit polimer kayu (WPC). Dalam penelitian ini, r-HDPE diiradiasi dengan sinar gamma dari 0 hingga 200 kGy. Iradiasi gamma dilakukan dengan laju dosis 3 kGy/jam dalam lingkungan tertutup. Sampel yang diperoleh kemudian diuji menggunakan Spektroskopi Inframerah Transformasi Fourier (FTIR), Kalorimetri pemindaian diferensial (DSC), dan Uji jatuh sessile untuk memahami perubahan fungsionalisasi, perubahan reaksi samping, dan perubahan sifat permukaan masing- masing. Selanjutnya, kerja adhesi (Wa), Koefisien Penyebaran (Sc), dan Energi Bebas Permukaan (SFE) dapat diukur dan dihitung berdasarkan data uji jatuh sessile yang diperoleh. Dari sini ditemukan bahwa sampel bubuk mengalami peningkatan fungsionalisasi yang lebih dibandingkan dengan sampel pelat, terutama pada puncak FTIR keton dan ester. Selain itu, sampel bubuk mengalami lebih sedikit reaksi samping dibandingkan dengan sampel pelat berdasarkan perubahan minimum yang terjadi pada DSC. Berdasarkan uji sessile drop, baik sampel serbuk maupun pelat mengalami penurunan sudut pembasahan. Dengan demikian, menunjukkan bahwa iradiasi gamma menurunkan sudut pembasahan karena fungsionalisasi gugus hidrofilik pada sampel. Hebatnya, sampel pelat mengalami adhesi kerja, koefisien penyebaran, dan energi bebas permukaan yang lebih besar dibandingkan dengan sampel bubuk. Hal ini disebabkan adanya perbedaan kekasaran permukaan antar sampel. Sehingga menghasilkan perbedaan sudut pembasahan dan perhitungan. Terlepas dari itu, perhitungan menunjukkan bahwa pelat r-HDPE yang diiradiasi pada 50 kGy dengan SFE sebesar 50,55 mJ/m2 menunjukkan kinerja serupa dengan kayu (menggunakan 53 mJ/m2 sebagai referensi). Selain itu, pelat r-HDPE yang diiradiasi pada 150 dan 200 kGy menampilkan SFE terbaik masing-masing sebesar 68,76 dan 68,16 mJ/m2. Dengan demikian, penelitian ini membuktikan bahwa iradiasi gamma meningkatkan energi bebas permukaan dan kompatibilitas r-HDPE dengan serat kayu, terutama di atas 50 kGy.

This study investigates the functionalization of hydrophilic groups induced by gamma irradiation on recycled high-density polyethylene (r-HDPE) as a potential coupling agent for wood polymer composites (WPC). Within this study, r-HDPE is irradiated with gamma-rays from 0 to 200 kGy. The gamma irradiation is conducted with a dosage rate of 3 kGy/hour within a closed environment. The obtained sample is then tested using Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), and Sessile drop test in order to understand the changes in functionalization, changes in side-reaction, and changes in surface properties, respectively. Furthermore, work of adhesion (Wa), Spreading Coefficient (Sc), and Surface Free Energy (SFE) can be quantified and calculated based on the obtained sessile drop test data. From this, it is found that the powder sample experiences an increased functionalization compared to the plate sample, notably on ketone and ester FTIR peaks. Moreover, the powder sample experiences less side-reactions compared to the plate sample based on the minimum changes occurred in the DSC. Based on the sessile drop test, both of the powder and plate sample experiences a decrease in wetting angle. As such, showcasing that gamma irradiation decreases the wetting angle due to the functionalization of hydrophilic groups on the sample. Interestingly, the plate sample experiences more work adhesion, spreading coefficient, and surface free energy compared to the powder sample. This is due to the surface roughness difference between the sample. Thus, resulting in a difference in wetting angle and the following calculation. Regardless, the calculation showed that plate r-HDPE irradiated at 50 kGy with the SFE value of 50.55 mJ/m2 demonstrates similar performance with wood (using 53 mJ/m2 as reference). Moreover, plate r-HDPE irradiated at 150 and 200 kGy showcases the best SFE at 68.76 and 68.16 mJ/m2 respectively. With in mind, this study proofed that gamma irradiation increases the surface free energy and compatibility of r-HDPE with wood fibres, especially above 50 kGy."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Andi Syafina Fithri Fakhirah
"Latar Belakang: Berkurangnya kepadatan tulang dapat dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor seperti usia dan jenis kelamin dan memiliki pengaruh terhadap perawatan kedokteran gigi. Radiograf panoramik digital dapat menjadi salah satu cara untuk memperkirakan penurunan densitas radiografik tulang.
Tujuan: Memperoleh nilai rerata densitas radiografik tulang kortikal tepi bawah mandibula pada individu pria dan wanita yang berusia 20 – 60 tahun di RSKGM FKG UI dari radiograf panoramik digital.
Metode: Menggunakan studi potong lintang dengan 300 sampel radiograf panoramik digital yang terbagi menjadi 150 sampel wanita dan 150 sampel pria dan dikategorikan berdasarkan kelompok usia berjumlah 75 sampel untuk setiap kelompok usia. Rerata densitas radiografik diperoleh di region of interest tulang kortikal tepi bawah mandibula menggunakan software I-Dixel Morita.
Hasil: Hasil analisis statistik menunjukkan nilai rerata densitas radiografik tulang pada kelompok wanita sebesar 92,80 sedangkan pada kelompok pria sebesar 97,46. Berdasarkan kelompok usia, kelompok usia 31- 40 memiliki rerata densitas radiografik paling besar yaitu 101,99 sedangkan nilai terendah pada kelompok usia 51-60 sebesar 86,43.
Kesimpulan: Rerata densitas radiografik tulang kortikal tepi bawah mandibula pada pria lebih tinggi dibandingkan wanita serta terus mengalami peningkatan dari usia 20 tahun dan mulai mengalami penurunan di usia lebih dari 40 tahun.

Background: Reduced bone density can be influenced by several factors such as age and gender and has an influence on dental treatment. Digital panoramic radiographs can be used to estimate decreased bone density.
Objective: To obtain the radiographic mean density of cortical bone at the inferior border of the mandible in male and female aged 20-60 years at RSKGM FKG UI using digital panoramic radiographs.
Methods: A cross-sectional study with 300 digital panoramic radiograph samples divided into 150 female and 150 male samples and categorized by age group into 75 samples for each age group. The mean radiographic density was obtained in the region of interest of the cortical bone at the inferior border of the mandible using the I-Dixel Morita software.
Results: the results of statistical analysis showed that the mean radiographic bone density in the female group is 92.80 while in the male group it is 97.46. Based on the age group, the 31-40 age group had the highest mean radiographic density which is 101.99, while the lowest value was in the 51-60 age group which is 86.43.
Conclusion: The mean radiographic density of cortical bone at the inferior border of the mandible in men is higher than in women and continues to increase from the age of 20 and begins to decrease at the age of more than 40 years.
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ilham Wiryadi Muhammad
Penelitian ini membahas komunikasi yang terjadi dalam persidangan di
Mahkamah Konstitusi Republik Indonesia (MKRI) sebagai ruang publik.
Penelitian kualitatif dilakukan melalui metode studi kasus dengan desain studi
multikasus. Dari hasil observasi yang dilakukan dapat diungkapkan bahwa proses
komunikasi persidangan MKRI memenuhi kategori ruang publik. Dalam proses
persidangan memang terjadi adanya intimidasi dalam persidangan di antara para
pihak maupun perlakuan tidak setara yang dilakukan oleh Hakim Konstitusi.
Namun secara keseluruhan proses komunikasi dalam persidangan MKRI termasuk
sebagai ruang publik.

This study discusses the communication that occurs in the trial in the
Constitutional Court of the Republic of Indonesia (MKRI) as a public space.
Qualitative research conducted through the case study method to multi-case study
design. From the observations made can be disclosed that the communication
process hearing MKRI meet public space category. In the process of the trial does
take place for intimidation in the trial between the parties or unequal treatment is
carried out by the Constitutional Court. But overall communication process in the
trial MKRI including a public space, This study discusses the communication that occurs in the trial in the
Constitutional Court of the Republic of Indonesia (MKRI) as a public space.
Qualitative research conducted through the case study method to multi-case study
design. From the observations made can be disclosed that the communication
process hearing MKRI meet public space category. In the process of the trial does
take place for intimidation in the trial between the parties or unequal treatment is
carried out by the Constitutional Court. But overall communication process in the
trial MKRI including a public space]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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