"Latar belakang: COVID-19 menginfeksi semua kelompok umur, namun beban infeksi lebih tinggi dan lebih berbahaya pada kelompok usia lanjut. Pasien yang mengalami infeksi akut COVID-19 juga bisa mengalami gejala menetap yang disebut dengan Sindrom Pasca COVID-19, khususnya pada lansia. Belum ada data yang menunjukkan prevalensi Sindrom Pasca COVID-19 pada lansia di Indonesia dan juga faktor-faktor risiko yang berhubungan dengan kejadian Sindrom Pasca COVID-19 pada lansia.
Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui seberapa besar prevalensi Sindrom Pasca COVID-19 pada lansia di Indonesia serta meneliti hubungan antara faktor-faktor risiko dengan kejadian Sindrom Pasca COVID-19 dengan menggunakan definisi waktu >4 minggu, >8 minggu, dan >12 minggu.
Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kohort retrospektif yang menggunakan rekam medis dan wawancara untuk mendapatkan data terkait keberadaan faktor-faktor risiko dan gejala menetap pasca perawatan infeksi akut COVID-19.
Hasil: Penelitian ini diikuti oleh 329 pasien lansia (≥60 tahun) yang sempat dirawat akibat COVID-19 di RSCM dan RS Mitra Keluarga Kalideres pada 1 Januari-31 Desember 2021. Prevalensi Sindrom Pasca COVID-19 pada lansia adalah sebesar 31%, 18,24%, dan 10,64% dengan menggunakan definisi waktu >4 minggu, >8 minggu, dan >12 minggu, secara berurutan. Clinical Frailty Scale rawat inap (OR 2,814 [IK 95% 1,172-6,758) dan imobilitas rawat inap (OR 4,767 [IK95% 2,117-10,734]) berhubungan dengan Sindrom Pasca COVID-19 >4 minggu. Selanjutnya, jumlah gejala awal (OR 2,043 [IK95% 1,005-4,153]), konstipasi rawat inap (OR 2,832 [IK95% 1,209-6,633]), imobilitas rawat inap (OR 2,515 [IK95% 1,049-6,026]), dan instabilitas rawat inap (OR 2,291 [IK95% 1,094-4,800) berhubungan dengan Sindrom Pasca COVID-19 >8 minggu. Gangguan pendengaran dan penglihatan follow-up (OR 2,926 [IK95% 1,285-6,665]) dan imobilitas rawat inap (OR 3,684 [IK95% 1,507-9,009]) berhubungan dengan Sindrom Pasca COVID-19 >12 minggu.
Kesimpulan: Infeksi akut dengan ≥ 5 gejala, adanya frailty dan sindrom geriatri, khususnya imobilitas saat perawatan, berhubungan dengan Sindrom Pasca COVID-19 pada lansia.
Background: COVID-19 infects all age groups, but the burden of infection is higher and more dangerous in the elderly. Patients with acute COVID-19 infection can also experience persistent symptoms called Post-Covid-19 Syndrome, especially elderly. No data show the prevalence of Post-Covid-19 Syndrome in the elderly in Indonesia and the risk factors associated with the occurrence of Post-Covid-19 Syndrome in the elderlyObjective: This study aims to determine the prevalence of Post-Covid-19 Syndrome in the elderly in Indonesia and examine the relationship between risk factors and the incidence of Post-Covid-19 Syndrome by using the definition of time > 4 weeks, > 8 weeks. , and >12 weeks.Methods: This study is a retrospective cohort study that uses medical records and interviews to obtain data regarding risk factors and persistent symptoms after treatment of acute COVID-19 infection.Results: This study is followed by 329 elderly patients (≥60 years) who had been treated because of COVID-19 at Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital and Mitra Keluarga Kalideres Hospital from January 1st until December 31st, 2021. the prevalence of Post COVID-19 Syndrome in the elderly was 31%, 18.24%, and 10.64% using the time definition of >4 weeks, >8 weeks, and >12 weeks, respectively. Clinical Frailty Scale during hospitalization scores (OR 2.814 [95% CI 1.172-6.758]) and immobility during hospitalization (OR 4.767 [95% CI 2.117-10.734]) were associated with Post-Covid-19 Syndrome >4 weeks. Furthermore, number of initial symptoms (OR 2,043 [CI95% 1.005-4.153]), constipation during hospitalization (OR 2.832 [CI95% 1.209-6633]), immobility during hospitalization (OR 2,515 [95% CI 1,049-6.026]), and instability during hospitalization (OR 2,291 [CI 95% 1,094-4,800]) was associated with Post-Covid-19 Syndrome >8 weeks. In addition, impairment of visual and hearing during follow-up (OR 2,926 [95% CI 1,285-6,665]) and immobility during hospitalization (OR 3,684 [95% CI 1.507-9,009]) was associated with Post-Covid-19 Syndrome >12 weeks.Conclusions: Acute infection with ≥ 5 symptoms, frailty, and geriatric syndrome, especially immobility during hospitalization, were associated with Post-Covid-19 Syndrome in the elderly."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2023