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Amirah Yusnidar
"Penderita penyakit neurodegeneratif masih tinggi seiring pertambahan populasi manusia, diakibatkan oleh beberapa faktor seperti faktor lingkungan, neuroinflamasi, stress metabolik, neurovascular coupling dan genetik. Propolis telah banyak digunakan sebagai obat karena berbagai manfaatnya. Pada penelitian ini diteliti pengaruh propolis lebah yang tidak bersengat (Tetragonula sapiens) dari Sulawesi Selatan terhadap neurogenesis pada kultur primer embrio korteks serebri tikus Wistar dengan usia gestasi 17-18 hari. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimental yang dibagi menjadi kelompok Kontrol, Vehicle dan kelompok yang diberikan ekstrak propolis. Penelitian ini diawali dengan pengujian MTS assay didapatkan dosis optimal, 0,5μg/mL dan 1μg/mL, lalu dilanjutkan pemeriksaan immunostaining menggunakan antibodi primer MAP (Microtubule-Associated Protein) 2 dan pemeriksaan ekspresi mRNA BDNF melalui qRT-PCR. Pada penelitian ini menunjukkan, propolis dapat meningkatkan viabilitas sel, merangsang pertumbuhan dendrit dan menghasilkan ekspresi mRNA BDNF (Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor) yang signifikan dibandingkan kontrol. Hal ini menunjukkan propolis dapat menjadi kandidat penghambat pada penyakit neurodegeneratif.

People with neurodegenerative disease is still high as the population increases, caused by several factors such as environmental factors, neuroinflammation, metabolic stress, neurovascular coupling and genetics. Propolis has been widely used as medicine due to its various benefits. This research investigated the effect of stingless bee propolis (Tetragonula sapiens) from South Sulawesi on neurogenesis in primary cultures of embryonic cerebral cortex of Wistar rats at 17-18 days of gestation. This research was an experimental study consisting of control group, vehicle group and propolis extract group. This research began with MTS assay testing to obtain the optimal dose, 0.5μg/mL and 1μg/mL, then continued with immunostaining examination using MAP (Microtubule-Associated Protein) 2 primary antibody and the examination of BDNF mRNA expression through qRT-PCR. The results showed that propolis can increase cell viability, stimulate dendrite growth and produce the expression of BDNF (Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor) mRNA significantly higher than control. It is shown that propolis can be a candidate inhibitor in neurodegenerative diseases.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Trinovita Andraini
"Certaines rgions du cerveau adulte, comme l'hippocampe, produisent des nouveaux neurones qui participent certaines capacits d'apprentissage et de m moire. Dans les maladies neurod g n ratives comme la maladie d'Alzheimer MA , ils sont alt r s. Dans des souris mod les de la MA, nous avons montr que ces nouveaux neurones souffraient de plus d'une r duction de leur contenu mitochondrial. Les mitochondries, 'centrales lectriques' des cellules, sont cruciales pour la transmission synaptique. Nous montrons que deux souris mod les diff rents, de MA et de dysfonctionnement mitochondrial, pr sentent une alt ration pr coce des performances de m moire li es ces nouveaux neurones, qui ont une capacit synaptique r duite et moins de mitochondries. De plus, la manipulation g n tique des prog niteurs hippocampiques, chez le premier, r tablit les mitochondries et les synapses. Chez le second, l rsquo;exercice physique augmente les mitochondries et restaure les capacit s mn siques perdues.

Some regions of the adult brain, such as the hippocampus, produce new neurons that participate in certain learning and memory capacities. In neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer's AD , this adult neurogenesis is altered. In a mouse model of AD, we showed that these new neurons have a reduced mitochondrial content and less synaptic capacities. Mitochondria, 'power plants' of cells, are particularly important in neurons and for synaptic transmission. We show that two different mouse models, of AD or of mitochondrial dysfunction, exhibit early impairment of memory performance related to these new neurons, which have less synaptic capacity and fewer mitochondria. In addition, we demonstrate that genetic manipulation of hippocampal progenitors in the former restores mitochondria and synapses. In the second, physical exercise increases mitochondria and restores lost memory abilities. Mitochondria are thus central in cognitive processes related to adult hippocampal neurogenesis.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Alliya Niandra Diva
Kanker serviks dan payudara adalah dua jenis kanker terjadi pada wanita dan termasuk yang paling mematikan. Menurut Kementrian Kesehatan Republik Indonesia, kanker serviks dan payudara terjadi cukup banyak di Indonesia, yaitu dengan angka 0,8 dari seluruh jenis kanker. Terapi yang menarget sel kanker secara spesifik sangat diperlukan. Penelitian ini mengeksplor efek propolis Indonesia dari lebah Tetragonula biroi terhadap sel kanker serviks HeLa dan payudara MCF-7. Ekstrak etanol propolis didapatkan dari propolis padatan dan karang. Sebanyak 250 ppm ekstrak propolis ditambahkan kepada sel kanker untuk analisis. Aktivitas anti kanker propolis diuji menggunakan metode MTT Assay, kemudian didapatkan nilai persentase inhibisi pertumbuhan sel kanker. Ekstrak propolis tersebut juga dianalisis dengan sistem LC-MS/MS untuk mengidentifikasi komponen antikanker yang ada, serta dengan Spektrofotometer UV-Vis untuk kuantifikasi flavonoid dan polifenol. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa propolis karang memiliki efek sitotoksik yang lebih tinggi dengan persentase inhibisi sebesar 92,42 untuk MCF-7 dan 86,81 untuk HeLa, sedangkan propolis padatan menginhibisi pertumbuhan MCF-7 dan HeLa sebesar 87,60 dan 77,27. Pada kedua jenis propolis dapat ditemukan senyawa antikanker dari golongan flavonoid, fenol, sesquiterpene, dan steroid. Dari penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa propolis memiliki potensial untuk terapi antikanker, namun masih harus dilaksanakan penelitian lanjutan.

Cervical and breast cancer are some of the deadliest forms of cancer that may occur in women. According to the Indonesian Ministry of Health, cervical and breast cancer makes up 0,8 of all cancer cases in Indonesia. A form of therapy that specifically targets cancer cells has been a hot topic in novel researches. This research explores the effect of propolis from Indonesian bee Tetragonula biroi on human cancer cell lines HeLa and MCF 7. Ethanolic extract of the Propolis was obtained from raw propolis. 250 ppm of the samples were added to the cell lines. Subsequently, propolis rsquo activity in inhibiting cell growth was analyzed using the MTT Assay method. The inhibition percentage was then obtained. The propolis extracts were also analyzed by LC MS MS to identify anticancer components that exist, also with Spectrophotometer UV Vis to identify the amount of flavonoids and polifenols present in the extract. The results show that rough propolis has the higher cytotoxic effect with inhibition percentages of 92.42 for MCF 7 and 86.81 for HeLa cells, while smooth propolis inhibits MCF 7 growth by 87.60 and HeLa by 77.27. Anticancer components were also found in both types of propolis in forms of phenols, flavonoids, sesquiterphenes, and steroids. It may be concluded in this study that while propolis has potential as an anticancer agent, future research is still very much needed."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bryan Natalie
"Peningkatan penggunaan Fetal Bovine Serum (FBS) dari tahun ke tahun menyebabkan permintaan melebihi supply. Hal ini menyebabkan peningkatan harga FBS. Penelitian ini dimulai dengan membuat sediaan serbuk royal jelly dan propolis menggunakan metode freeze drying. Serbuk royal jelly dan ekstrak propolis kemudian akan ditambahkan pada media kultur kemudian dihitung proliferasi dan viabilitas sel fibroblas dengan menggunakan Trypan blue assay. Penambahan variasi propolis, royal jelly, dan FBS akan dilakukan dalam 7 variasi konsentrasi. Hasil proliferasi sel fibroblas media variasi 1 pada hari ketujuh memberikan hasil terbaik dari antara media variasi lain dengan rata-rata 24.780,7±401,98 sel/cm2. Namun hasil tersebut masih belum melebihi proliferasi pada media kontrol. Hasil pengujian viabilitas media variasi 1 hingga media variasi 4 pada hari ketujuh memberikan hasil viabilitas > 95%. Berdasarkan pada hasil PDL, viabilitas, dan morfologi sel fibroblast, maka media variasi terbaik merupakan media variasi 3 dengan waktu inkubasi 3 hari yang mencapai nilai level pembelahan sebanyak 3,3 level. Untuk waktu inkubasi 7 hari, media 1 merupakan yang terbaik diantara media variasi dengan nilai level pembelahan sebanyak 3,4level.

The increasing use of Fetal Bovine Serum (FBS) over the years has led to a demand exceeding the supply. This has resulted in an increase in the price of FBS. This research begins by preparing powdered formulations of royal jelly and propolis using the freeze-drying method. The powdered royal jelly and powder propolis sulawesi extracts will then be added to the culture media, and the proliferation, viability, and population doubling level (PDL) of sel fibroblas cells will be assessed using the Trypan blue assay. Seven serum concentration variations (combination of royal jelly, propolis, and FBS) will be added on multi well culture plate 12 wells microplate sterile. The results of sel fibroblas cell proliferation in 1st media variation on the seventh day showed the best outcome among the other variations, with an average of 24,780.7±401.98 cells/cm2. The viability testing results of 1st to 4th variation media on the seventh day showed viability rates of >95%. Based on the results of PDL, viability, and fibroblast cell morphology, the best variation medium is variation medium 3 with an incubation time of 3 days, reaching a cell division level of 3.3. For an incubation time of 7 days, variation medium 1 is the best among the 1st variation with seven day incubation, at the average level of 3.38 PDs."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mahmuda Nur Komariyah
"Hipoksia merupakan kondisi inadekuat suplai oksigen menyebabkan peningkatan radikal bebas perusak organ, contohnya otak. Radikal bebas dinetralisir antioksidan endogen dan eksogen. Acalypha indica dan Centella asiatica memiliki efek antioksidan. Pewarnaan AgNOR mengukur derajat kerusakan sel. Penelitian bertujuan membuktikan efek pemberian kombinasi ekstrak etanol akar Acalypha indica dan Centella asiatica pada histopatologi neuron korteks serebrum tikus pascahipoksia pewarnaan AgNOR. Penelitian mendapat sediaan dari 26 ekor tikus Spraque-Dawley, terbagi dalam 6 kelompok: kontrol normal; kontrol negatif (hipoksia+aquades); hipoksia+kombinasi 1; hipoksia+kombinasi 2; hipoksia+tunggal 2; kontrol positif (hipoksia+vit C). Induksi hipoksia selama 7 hari dengan mengalirkan O2 10% dan N2 90% bertekanan 1 atm. Setelah 7 hari, dilakukan Analisis Gas Darah, reoksigenasi 1 jam, dilanjutkan pemberian perlakuan aquades; (AI200+CA150); (AI250+CA100); CA150 dan vitamin C selama 7 hari. Pada akhir studi dilakukan euthanasia, organ otak diambil untuk pemeriksaan histopatologi dengan pewarnaan AgNOR. Hasil: Pemberian esktrak kombinasi 2, tunggal 2, dan kombinasi 1 berbeda bermakna dibandingkan kontrol negatif (p=0,000; p=0,005; p=0,023). Kesimpulan: Kombinasi ekstrak etanol (AI250+CA100) memiliki efek terbaik untuk mengurangi kerusakan neuron korteks serebrum secara histopatologi.

Hypoxia is inadequate conditions of oxygen causes increasing free radicals destroying organs, e.g. brain. Free radicals neutralized by endogenous and exogenous antioxidants. Acalypha indica and Centella asiatica have antioxidant effects. AgNOR staining measures degree of damaged cell. The aim of this study was to prove the effect of the combination of ethanol extract on the roots of Acalypha indica and Centella asiatica on the histopathology of cortical neurons in cerebrum of rats after hypoxia in AgNOR staining. The study of 26 Spraque-Dawley rats, divided into 6 groups: normal control; negative control (hypoxia + aquades); hypoxia + combination 1; hypoxia + combination 2; hypoxia + single 2; positive control (hypoxia + vit C). Induction of hypoxia for 7 days by flowing 10% O2 and 90% N2 with 1 atm pressure. After 7 days, Blood Gas Analysis, 1 hour re-oxygenation, followed by treatments; distilled water; (AI200 + CA150); (AI250 + CA100); CA150 and vitamin C for 7 days. At the end of study, euthanasia was carried out, brain organs were taken for histopathology examination with AgNOR staining. The combination 2, single 2 and combination 1 extracts were significantly different compared to negative control (p = 0,000; p = 0.005; p = 0.023). The combination of ethanol extract (AI250 + CA100) has the best effect to reduce damage to cerebral cortical neurons histopathologically."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Diandra Imanuella Zilver S.
"Latar Belakang: Dengan meningkatnya kasus infeksi oportunistik pada pasien AIDS, insiden infeksi Cryptococcus neoformans, sebagai agen penyebab utama infeksi oportunistik jamur, meningkat secara signifikan. Cryptococcosis pada manusia saat ini diobati dengan pengobatan farmakologis antijamur yang terbatas pada amfoterisin B dan flukonazol. Namun, perawatan farmakologis ini juga memiliki kelemahan, seperti efek samping, peningkatan tingkat resistensi, dan kesulitan molekul antijamur yang saat ini tersedia untuk melintasi sawar darah-otak. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi sifat antijamur bahan alam khususnya propolis Brunei dalam menghambat pertumbuhan Cryptococcus neoformans secara in vitro. Propolis Brunei berbeda dari propolis jenis lain dalam banyak hal, termasuk kandungan lipidnya yang lebih besar, yang ditemukan 3-5 kali lipat dari propolis lebah madu Apis melifera. Metode: Sebuah studi eksperimental untuk menguji aktivitas antijamur ekstrak propolis Brunei dari tiga konsentrasi menggunakan difusi agar CLSI M44-A2 dan pengenceran microbroth dilakukan pada Cryptococcus neoformans ATCC 3487. Diameter zona hambat serta kerapatan optik diukur dengan ELISA dicatat dari kedua metode tersebut Hasil: Ada hubungan yang signifikan dan positif antara zona hambat propolis Brunei terhadap Amfoterisin B, Flukonazol, dan DMSO 10%. Brunei propolis dengan konsentrasi 70mg/mL memiliki diameter zona hambat tertinggi, dan Brunei propolis dengan konsentrasi 100mg/mL memiliki aktivitas paling optimal dalam menghambat pertumbuhan Cryptococcus neoformans berdasarkan pembacaan ELISA pada pengenceran microbroth. Kesimpulan: Brunei propolis memiliki efek penghambatan terhadap pertumbuhan Cryptococcus neoformans secara in vitro.

Introduction: As the number of opportunistic infections in AIDS patient grows, Cryptococcus neoformans infection, as the major causative agent for fungal opportunistic infection, also increase. Cryptococcosis in humans at the moment is treated by the antifungal pharmacological treatment that is limited to amphotericin B and fluconazole. However, these pharmacological treatments also have downsides, such as the adverse effects, elevated resistance rate, and the difficulty of the antifungal molecules currently available to cross the blood-brain barrier. Thus, this research is aimed to explore the antifungal properties of natural substances, specifically the Brunei propolis, on inhibiting the growth of Cryptococcus neoformans in vitro. Brunei propolis differs from other types of propolis in many ways, including its greater lipid content, which was found to be 3-5 times that of Apis melifera honeybee propolis. Methods: An experimental study to test the inhibitory activity Brunei propolis ethanol extract of three concentrations using CLSI M44-A2 agar diffusion and broth microdilution is performed on Cryptococcus neoformans ATCC 3487. The diameter of inhibition zone as well as the optical density measured by ELISA are recorded from these methods respectively. Result: There is significant and positive association between Brunei propolis inhibition zone with respect to Amphotericin B, Fluconazole, and DMSO 10%. Brunei propolis with 70mg/mL concentration possess the highest diameter of inhibition zone, and Brunei propolis with 100mg/mL concentration has the most optimal activity in inhibiting the growth of Cryptococcus neoformans based on ELISA reading on broth microdilution. Conclusion: Brunei propolis have an inhibitory effect on the growth of Cryptococcus neoformans in vitro. "
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nurul Azizah
"Propolis telah dikenal memiliki berbagai manfaat sebagai obat tradisional karena berperan dalam sistem kekebalan tubuh dan menstimulasi proliferasi limfosit sehingga disebut sebagai imunostimulan. Namun, pemanfaatan propolis sebagai zat aktif dalam berbagai sediaan masih terbatas karena keterbatasan penanganan sifat fisik yang kental, lengket, dan sulit larut dalam air. Salah satu solusi terhadap karakteristik propolis tersebut adalah dengan melakukan enkapsulasi. Enkapsulasi dapat mengatasi masalah kelarutan propolis, termasuk melindungi zat bioaktif. Beberapa penelitian telah mengkaji metode enkapsulasi propolis diantaranya menggunakan mikroenkapsulasi penyemprotan kering (spray drying) dengan berbagai penyalut termasuk maltodekstrin dan gum arab dan berhasil meningkatkan kelarutan serbuk propolis dalam air dingin dan meningkatkan fungsi propolis sebagai senyawa aktif dalam berbagai sediaan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengevaluasi aktivitas imunostimulan dari mikroenkapsulat propolis hasil spray drying yang berasal dari lebah Tetragonula sapiens terhadap sel limfosit manusia. Pada penelitian ini, sediaan mikroenkapsulat propolis serbuk dibuat dari ekstrak etanol propolis wax yang dienkapsulasi menggunakan penyalut maltodekstrin dan gum arab dengan metode penyemprotan kering (spray drying) yang divariasikan dengan 2 variasi kondisi operasi (SD). Mikroenkapsulat propolis wax kemudian telah diuji kadar total fenolik dan flavonoid, SEM dan aktivitas imunostimulannya terhadap proliferasi sel limfosit manusia yang diinduksi LPS secara invitro dengan dosis yang berbeda. Diketahui, mikroenkapsulasi dari kedua SD memiliki nilai kadar total fenolik dan flavonoid mikroenkapsulat propolis masing-masing 334,02 ± 3,08 mgGAE/g dan 21,79 ± 0,19 mgQE/g untuk SD 1, dan 158,26 ± 9,5 mgGAE/g dan 53,19 ± 1,18 mgQE/g untuk SD 2. Ukuran mikroenkapsulat propolis pada SD 1 adalah 0,7-7µm sedangkan pada SD 2 adalah 1- 4 µm. Penambahan mikroenkapsulat propolis SD 1 dengan semua dosis (3,125 - 200 µg/mL) dapat meningkatkan viabilitas sel limfosit yang telah diinduksi LPS. Sedangkan penambahan mikroenkapsulat propolis SD 2 yang meningkatkan viabilitas sel limfosit adalah dosis 12,5 - 200 µg/mL. Meskipun mikroenkapsulat SD 1 menunjukan aktivitas proliferasi sel limfosit lebih tinggi dibandingkan SD 2 karena kandungan total fenoliknya yang lebih tinggi, kedua mikroenkapsulat propolis serbuk menunjukan aktivitas imunostimulan yang baik secara invitro sehingga dapat mengatasi keterbatasan formulasi sediaan farmasi dan dapat dikembangkan sebagai obat tradisional imunostimulan.

Propolis has been known for its various benefits as traditional medicine. As an immunostimulant, it plays a role in the immune system and promotes the proliferation of lymphocyte. However, the use of propolis as an active ingredient is limited because of the restricted handling of its physical properties, which is hard, sticky, and difficult to dissolve in water. An alternative to handle propolis physical properties is encapsulation. Encapsulation can solve propolis solubility problems, including protecting bioactive substances. Several studies have suggested that propolis encapsulation methods could increase the solubility of propolis in cold water and enhance the function of propolis as an active compound with different results. The method includes spray-drying microencapsulation with various coaters, such as maltodextrin and gum arabic. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the immunostimulant activity of propolis microcapsules from spray drying derived from Tetragonula sapiens bees against human lymphocyte proliferation. In this study, the propolis microcapsules was prepared from wax propolis extract which was encapsulated using maltodextrin and gum arabic by spray drying method with 2 operating conditions (SD). The wax propolis microcapsules had been tested for total phenolic and flavonoid levels, SEM and their immunostimulant activity against LPS-induced human lymphocyte cell proliferation invitro at different doses. It was known that the propolis microcapsules of the two conditions have total phenolic and flavonoid levels of of 334.02 ± 3.08 mgGAE /g and 21.79 ± 0.19 mgQE / g for SD 1, and 158.26 ± 9.5 mgGAE / g and 53.19 ± 1.18 mgQE / g for SD 2. The size of propolis microcapsules of SD 1 is 0.7-7μm while 1-4 μm for SD 2. The addition of SD 1 proopolis microcapsules with all doses (3.125 - 200 μg/mL) could increase the viability of LPS-induced lymphocyte cells. Meanwhile, the addition of SD 2 propolis microencapsulates that increase lymphocyte cell viability was dose of 12.5 - 200 μg/mL. Although SD 1 propolis microcapsules showed higher lymphocyte proliferation activity than SD 2 due to its higher total phenolic content, both propolis microcapsules showed immunostimulant activity, hence it can overcome the limitations of pharmaceutical preparation formulations and can be developed as immunostimulant traditional medicine"
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Farid Rahimi, editor
"Amyloid-forming proteins are implicated in over 30 human diseases. The proteins involved in each disease have unrelated sequences and dissimilar native structures, but they all undergo conformational alterations to form fibrillar polymers. The fibrillar assemblies accumulate progressively into disease-specific lesions in vivo. Substantial evidence suggests these lesions are the end state of aberrant protein folding whereas the actual disease-causing culprits likely are soluble, non-fibrillar assemblies preceding the aggregates. The non-fibrillar protein assemblies range from small, low-order oligomers to spherical, annular, and protofibrillar species. Oligomeric species are believed to mediate various pathogenic mechanisms that lead to cellular dysfunction, cytotoxicity, and cell loss, eventuating in disease-specific degeneration and systemic morbidity. The particular pathologies thus are determined by the afflicted cell types, organs, systems, and the proteins involved. Evidence suggests that the oligomeric species may share structural features and possibly common mechanisms of action. In many cases, the structure–function interrelationships amongst the various protein assemblies described in vitro are still elusive. Deciphering these intricate structure–function correlations will help understanding a complex array of pathogenic mechanisms, some of which may be common across different diseases albeit affecting different cell types and systems."
Dordrecht: [, Springer], 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Wolfgang Linert, editor
"Metal ions in the brain are a necessity as well as a poison. The presence of metal ions in the active sites of biological catalysts or metalloproteins and in the biological functioning of nucleic acids is very well documented and they are required for brain activity. On the other hand, metals are very effective in generating oxidative stress. This effect does not only play a role in immunology but also is the root of practically all neurodegenerative disorders by inducing disease via the death of neurons. Managing metal ions in the brain could therefore be an important strategy in the search for therapeutic agents used in the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases. This new title gives an overview to key topics in the area of metal ions in the brain. It focuses on the role of metal ions in neurological systems by describing their advantageous functions as well as their poisonous features. It is therefore of interest for scientists in biochemistry and biophysics, physiology, toxicology as well as for physicians focused on this topic."
Wien: [, Springer], 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Safira Candra Asih
Stres oksidatif merupakan kondisi dimana terjadi ketidakseimbangan antara jumlah radikal bebas yang menyerang tubuh dengan jumlah antioksidan sebagai mekanisme pertahanan tubuh. Stres oksidatif akan menyerang molekul biologis seperti lipid, protein, dan DNA sehingga memicu penyakit neurodegeneratif dan penyakit parah lainnya. Radiasi UV dari matahari menjadi salah satu faktor penyumbang terbesar terjadinya stres oksidatif. Di sisi lain, ditemukan fakta bahwa di dalam propolis ditemukan sifat antioksidan yang merupakan mekanisme pertahanan melawan stres oksidatif. Oleh karena itu, penulis melakukan penelitian tentang efek proteksi propolis wax dari lebah jenis Tetragonula sp terhadap sel yang dipapar radiasi UV. Sel yang digunakan adalah HEK293T dan Fibroblas cell line dimana dilakukan 4 uji untuk mengklarifikasi hipotesis yang dibuat: uji proliferasi sel dengan pengukuran absorbansi warna yang dihasilkan oleh WST-8; uji viabilitas sel dengan pengamatan melalui mikroskop fluoresens pada sel yang diwarnai dengan Hoechst dan PI, uji LDH/apoptosis sel dengan pengukuran absorbansi warna yang dihasilkan oleh WST-8, dan uji jumlah radikal bebas yang diproduksi sel dengan mengukur intensitas fluoresens yang dihasilkan oleh diklorofloresen. Variabel bebas yang digunakan adalah konsentrasi propolis wax. Penulis juga menganalisis senyawa yang terkandung dalam propolis wax menggunakan metode LC-MS. Hasil yang didapat sesuai dengan hipotesis yang dibuat dimana dari keempat uji yang dilakukan didapati sifat proteksi propolis wax terhadap sel yang terpapar radiasi UV namun pada range konsentrasi propolis yang lebih besar memiliki kecenderungan memberikan efek toksik ke sel. Sedangkan pada hasil LC-MS didapat sekitar 85 senyawa dimana 35 diantaranya merupakan senyawa turunan flavonoid dan polifenol sehingga memiliki sifat antioksidan. Selain itu, juga ditemukan 5 senyawa yang dapat menyebabkan apoptosis pada sel. Kesimpulannya, propolis wax dapat digunakan sebagai alternatif pengobatan stres oksidatif dan penyakit yang terkait dengannya di masa mendatang serta perlu dilakukan penelitian lebih lanjut untuk menentukan konsentrasi optimum propolis sehingga tidak menyebabkan efek toksik ke sel.

Oxidative stress is a condition where there is imbalance condition between the number of free radicals that attack the body with the number of antioxidants as the body 39 s defensive mechanism. Oxidative stress will attack biological molecules such as lipids, proteins, and DNA that trigger neurodegenerative diseases and other severe diseases. UV radiation from the sun is one of the biggest contributing factors of oxidative stress. On the other hand, it was found antioxidant properties in propolis that can be used as a defense mechanism against oxidative stress. Therefore, the authors conducted a study on the effect of propolis wax protection from Tetragonula sp bees to cells exposed to UV radiation. Cells used were HEK293T and Fibroblast cell line where 4 tests were performed to clarify the hypothesis made cell proliferation test with color absorbance measurements produced by WST 8 the cell viability test by observation through a fluorescence microscope on cells stained with Hoechst and PI LDH apoptotic cell test with color absorbance measurements produced by WST 8, and free radicals produced on cells test by measuring the intensity of fluorescence produced by dichlorofluorescent. The independent variable used is propolis wax concentration. The author also analyzed the components contained in propolis wax using the LC MS method. The results obtained in accordance with the hypothesis that is made of the four tests conducted to find the nature of propolis wax protection against cells exposed to UV radiation but in the greater concentration range of propolis has a tendency to give toxic effects to cells. While on the results of LC MS obtained about 85 compounds in which 35 of them are compounds derived flavonoids and polyphenols that have antioxidant properties. In addition, also found 5 compounds that can cause apoptosis in cells. In conclusion, propolis wax can be used as an alternative treatment of oxidative stress and related diseases in the future and further research is needed to determine the optimum concentration of propolis to prevent from cells toxicity."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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